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Gluttony (Seven Deadlies MC Book 3)

Page 5

by Kaitlyn Ewald

  “Honest answer? She made me come by myself because she knew that if I let it fester, I’d avoid coming here altogether and hold a grudge against my mother until the day I died.”

  Ox leaned against the bar as he sipped on a beer.

  “Your friend really cares about you,” He said.

  Scarlett smiled.

  “She’s all I got, honestly. Mom and Carter were always too busy. Emily and I have been inseparable since pre-school,” Scarlett admitted.

  Ox watched her for a moment before he asked, “This Carter a good guy?”

  Scarlett shrugged.

  “Cold and unaffectionate, but he always took good care of me. I can’t complain about much, honestly.”

  Ox nodded, but Scarlett reached out to place one of her hands over his.

  “My mom may not be here right now, but I am. I hope that counts for something.”

  Ox didn't even hesitate to respond, “It counts for more than you think.”

  “Sooo, are we going to have Emily come out and join us? I do believe you owe Green a little favor,” Esme said with a wink.

  Scarlett’s head fell back as she laughed.


  She only had to press a few buttons to get Emily to agree, so she tucked her phone into her pocket and looked around the room.

  A pool table, pictures, a few small tables and chairs…

  “So, what time do your guys get off work?”

  Rayna snorted.

  “Whenever they want. I’m sure you’ll know, you'll be able to hear them from outside the doors,” She said with a wry grin.

  Ox’s phone started to ring and he held up a finger as he answered it and moved out of the room.

  Scarlett, Rayna, and Esme all leaned towards one another at the same moment.

  “Oh my God!”

  “What the fuck are we gonna do?”

  “Have you even seen Limit yet?”

  They all spoke at the same time and then started to laugh.

  “This is so crazy! I had no idea he was a part of Ox’s club,” Scarlett groaned.

  “That man hasn't been able to stop thinking about you, darlin’. He’s made us go back to the same bar four times in the last few weeks, and every time he's spent the entire night looking around as if he were waitin’ for your fine ass to pop up out of nowhere,” Rayna said.

  Scarlett hung her head.

  “He doesn't know it, but I was a virgin that night! I didn't expect to ever see him again,” Scarlett whispered.

  It was a secret she wasn’t so sure she should share, but she wanted both women to understand why she was so anxious to see the grumpy giant again.

  Now that her secret was out, she felt juvenile to say the least.

  Esme’s eyes widened as she looked to Rayna.

  “You’re kidding!”

  “No, and I’m so embarrassed I’m ready to sink my head into the sand! This is all very overwhelming,” Scarlett said.

  “Yeah, well, you better get used to it. Limit’s a cold-blooded killer, baby. If you didn't know that when you let him slip inside of ya, it’s best you know now.”

  Rayna’s harsh words made Scarlett drop her glass right out of her tight grip, her hazel eyes clashing with Rayna and Esme’s blue ones.

  “I hope you’re joking.”

  Esme smacked Rayna’s arm.

  “Look! Now you’ve done it! She’s new to this life, Rayna. Couldn’t you have eased into that one?”


  Limit is the club enforcer.

  Obviously, Scarlett didn't think that involved shaking hands and kissing babies, but she didn't actually expect that it involved murder!

  Wasn’t that the very thing I was afraid of that night?

  “Please don’t run away!,” Rayna said.

  Run away?

  Scarlett had a feeling running wouldn’t get her very far, not with Ox as her father, but her head was spinning to say the least.

  Scarlett slid from her seat in a rush, just needing a minute to process everything.

  “I’m just gonna take a minute, okay? Just- I’ll be right back.”

  Rayna reached for her, but Scarlett evaded her touch as she yanked the clubhouse doors open and blinked against the blinding sunlight.

  Her heels made heavy clopping sounds against the cement, her hair falling into her eyes as she sought a secluded area to clear her head.

  Just a second.

  I just need a fucking second to let this all sink in.

  Now, Scarlett knew exactly why her mother had kept this a secret her entire life. Why would she tell her that her father ran a gang full of thugs and murderers? Why would she have stayed? Maddie wasn’t a perfect woman by any means, but Scarlett understood her just a little bit better now. If Limit had taken lives, that meant that Ox had more than likely done worse, or he wouldn’t be the president, would he?

  As she stepped around a deserted corner of the clubhouse, she felt someone’s hand land on her shoulder.

  She squealed, turning around to face someone she hadn't met yet. His kind eyes told her he knew exactly who she was.

  And, exactly why she was freaking out.

  “Hi, Scarlett. I’m Rider. Nice to meet you,” He said as he held out his hand.

  Taking a deep breath, she shook his hand.

  “Nice to meet you, too.”

  She hated how shaky her voice sounded.

  He didn't say a word beyond that, he just held out a hand with a cigarette resting in the palm.

  Scarlett hadn't smoked for a long time, at least not since she’d shared Limit’s cigarette with him, but she accepted the cancer stick with a vigor that surprised even herself. Perhaps it was the obvious onset of hysteria or the panic attack she was eagerly combatting.

  “Thank you,” She said.

  Rider nodded as he leaned closer to light it for her.

  “I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that this is your first time around an outlaw MC.”


  “You guys kill people.”

  The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could catch them, but she didn't take them back.

  Rider smiled at her like she was a naive child, and she supposed in that instance she was pretty damn close.

  “We’ve never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it. I know this is probably a very different life than the one you lead, but if you stick around long enough, you’ll see we aren’t so bad.”

  Scarlett sighed and inhaled deeply, grateful she had the cigarette to help calm her raging nerves.

  “Am I that transparent?”

  Rider laughed, but it wasn't mocking.

  “You pulled up in a custom Mustang, you’re wearing expensive ass boots, those diamonds in your ears are real, and I’d bet that top you're wearing is honest to God silk,” He said.

  Scarlett felt her eyebrows rise as she appraised him.

  “I’m surprised you paid that much attention, most men wouldn't know the difference.”

  Rider slanted a glance her way before he shrugged.

  “Ox pays us to be observant. He’s a good man, Scarlett. I know you two just met, and you don't owe him a fuckin’ thing, but don't let your fear of the unknown ruin your chance at having something great here,” He implored.

  Scarlett smiled at him before she huffed out a breath.

  “I already made a deal with him to judge the people here based on who they are and not what they've done. I was just surprised to hear the truth. Honestly, if I’d have heard it a few months ago, I would have left here screaming and shouting.”

  She knew that’s exactly what she should be doing, but her feet wouldn’t cooperate.

  “So why aren't you now?”

  Scarlett held her hands up as she shook her head.

  “I have absolutely no idea. Maybe curiosity has the better of me.”

  Rider glanced at the clubhouse before he held a hand out to her.

  “This family believes in loyalty. You’re basically biker r
oyalty since you're the president’s daughter, which means any of the men on this lot would automatically lay down their lives for you. The women here are just as loyal, if not more so. I bet if you give us a real chance, you’ll find that you’ll like it here more than you ever imagined you would,” Rider said.

  Scarlett considered what he was saying before she sighed and took his hand admitting, “You could be right.”

  Chapter 7

  Limit was in the process of changing a tire when his least favorite dynamic duo (apart from Rayna and Green because they as a team were literally a nightmare) approached him.

  “Hey, killer!,” Slayer sang.

  Limit grunted, but he didn't respond.

  Green soon joined them, his smirk all but irritating enough to make Limit want to swallow the barrel of his gun right that second.

  “Go away,” He said.

  “Buttt, we have a surprise for you!,” Green said.

  Limit rolled his eyes.

  Green’s last surprise had ended with Limit stitching himself up in the garage while Laura fixed Green’s broken nose.

  “I promise it doesn't involve an alligator this time,” Green said dejectedly.

  Limit watched him cross his arms over his chest as he frowned.

  “Fuck, what is it?,” Limit growled as he rolled out from underneath the car he was working on.

  Limit’s eyes landed on an unfamiliar blue Mustang across the lot, and his curiosity was instantly piqued.

  “You should come with us,” Slayer said as he grinned.

  Limit shook his head.

  He really wasn't in the right state of mind to meet Ox’s daughter, and he was almost positive that was who they were talking about. He did find it humorous that she obviously liked Mustangs, same as her father.

  Too flashy for me.

  “Leave me alone,” He said.

  “Nooo, Ox’s daughter is inside and she’s hot! You gotta come check her out,” Green said.

  Limit wanted to tell Green that the only woman he wanted to see had hazel eyes and legs up to her ears, but he didn't say that.

  Instead, he only grunted again.

  “I’m tellin’ you, Limit, you need to see her.”

  Limit’s grey eyes landed on Green before he sighed.


  Green clapped his hands as he followed Limit out of the garage. Limit didn't know what to expect half of the time when Green was involved but this time Green seemed too happy. Giddy almost, and that didn't sit well with Limit one bit.

  Slayer was obviously on the same page as Green, and if those two bozos were running on the same wavelength, then Limit was definitely the odd man out.

  "You two playin' me? I'll fuck you up right now if you are."

  Green gasped before he laid a hand across his chest.

  "Now, Limit that offends me. I would never do anything to hurt you."

  Limit reached for the handle on the front door of the clubhouse before he simultaneously punched Green right between his legs.

  Slayer hissed and shoved a fist against his mouth as he grimaced in Green's direction.

  Green grunted as he glared up at Limit, his face a mottled red.

  "What the hell was that for?!"

  "Whatever's inside waiting to piss me off," Limit said.

  He didn't wait any longer to open the doors, and at first, he didn't see anything out of place. The clubhouse looked clean and he didn't see any fucking alligators- he was still a little miffed about that one- so he had no idea what the bastard could have done to prank him this time. He heard laughter and soft music playing, and his eyes found Rayna and Fury sitting with Prettyboy and Esme. The table they were wrapped around was crowded and topped with food and beers, but still, Limit couldn't figure out why Green would be giddy.

  Green and Slayer stepped around limit, their gazes scanning the room for what Limit was apparently missing. Rider and Ox came sauntering into the room, both of them smiling.

  “Hey, boss.”

  Ox glanced up at him and nodded, his dark hair shrouding his face.

  “Hey, brother. Grab yourself a drink, sit back! Tonight, is a night to celebrate,” Ox said.

  “Oh yeah?,” Limit asked.

  “My daughter is here and she's staying the night. I’ve got Torch and Loretta cookin’ up some food in the kitchen,” Ox said.

  Limit grinned, looking around to see if he could catch a glimpse of Ox’s daughter, but he still didn't see any unfamiliar faces.

  “Where is she?”

  “Oh, she’s on the phone with her friend. She’ll be out in a second.”

  Ox looked happier than Limit had seen him in a while, so he imagined the first meeting between Ox and his daughter had gone well enough.

  As soon as he neared Rayna’s table, she grinned up at him.

  “Hey there, killer! How’s your day been?”

  Limit’s eyes narrowed immediately.

  The feisty blonde had the decency to look up at him innocently as she blinked.

  “Fine…why is everyone acting so weird?”

  Green choked out a laugh that had Esme’s eyes widening as she shot him a suspicious glare.

  Limit narrowed his eyes as he looked between Fury, Rayna, and even Prettyboy who seemed all too eager to avoid his question. Just as he opened his mouth to ask them what the hell was going on, a tinkling voice that he recognized instantly met his ears.

  “Sorry about that! I had to make sure Emily knew where to…turn,” She squeaked as soon as her hazel eyes met his.

  Limit blinked once, twice- after the third time, he knew she was real.

  Scarlett, Ox’s Scarlett, was the woman he hadn't been able to stop thinking about.

  The woman he’d been searching for like a fucking schoolboy for weeks, was standing right in front of him looking good enough to eat.

  Good enough to choke on too, because now she was officially off limits. There was no way Ox would let him screw around with his daughter…right?

  “See? She’s hot, isn’t she?,” Green whispered.

  Limit didn't respond; he couldn’t.

  He’d been half-hoping the fact that Ox’s daughter’s name was also Scarlett would end up being a coincidence. Some strange twist of fate signaling to him that he should seek out the hazel-eyed-mystery stalking his every waking thought.

  He couldn’t even logically explain why he was thinking about her constantly. He wasn’t in the right frame of mind to seek out an old lady of his own, no matter what his crew thought.

  The other half of him had hoped that the very woman eyeing him like she was starving would be the one to show up to their clubhouse.

  But, this?

  This was a cruel twist of fate to say the least, and for Limit, it was like a blow straight to his gut. He’d rather wrestle with a damn alligator again then accept the fact that Scarlett Hunter was Ox’s daughter.

  “Who’s hot?,” Ox asked.

  Slayer chuckled before he motioned towards Limit and grinned.

  “Limit’s girl.”

  My girl.

  Yeah, it burns like salt on an open wound…

  The words had Limit blanching as he hurried to appease his president, who was watching him suspiciously.

  “What the fuck is he talkin’ about?,” Ox demanded.

  Scarlett swallowed audibly before she covered her face with her hands, her cheeks flaming. Limit almost found it cute, at least he would have if Fury hadn’t opened his mouth.

  “I think Limit and Scarlett know one another,” He supplied cheerfully.

  Ox looked between Scarlett and Limit.

  “Do you?”

  Scarlett slowly nodded.

  “Yeah, we’ve met.”

  Ox planted his hands on his hips.

  He eyed her closely.

  “Your roommate isn't interested in him, is she? It was you?”

  The question had everyone in the room eyeing her as if she were ready to give an open presentation on the matter.

/>   Her roommate is interested in me?

  Scarlett delicately cleared her throat before she said the words that officially put the nails in Limit’s coffin.

  “I wouldn't say I’m interested in him, really…we uh, slept together.”

  Chapter 8

  Dead silence rocked the entire clubhouse as Limit scrambled for the first time ever to defend his actions to Ox.

  “Prez, I didn’t- she never said she was your kid!,” he said.

  He didn't miss the way Scarlett’s shoulders tensed as she frowned at him from across the room.

  “I didn't know I was his kid!”

  Limit scoffed.

  “Well, that doesn't change the situation, does it?! You didn't even give me your full name!,” He argued.

  She slammed her hands onto her hips at the exact same time Ox did, and the similarities between the two of them didn't fly over his head, either.

  “Oh, excuse me! I didn't realize I needed to leave my credentials with a one night stand!,” She screeched.

  Fury and Rayna both began to cough, failing miserably to cover their laughter.

  Limit wasn't worried about them, though- he was worried about the scariest fucker he knew staring him down with the power to end him.

  At least, he was only worried about Ox until Scarlett made a strangled sound in the back of her throat.

  Her hazel eyes, the same pair he’d had wet dreams about for the last few weeks, looked like they could shoot flames at any second.

  Limit was so fucked in the head, the idea almost excited him.

  “Credentials, honey? No. But, a last fuckin’ name would have been real nice!”

  Scarlett rolled her eyes, something that had his dick jumping and his anger flaring simultaneously.

  “You smug bastard! Maybe I didn't want to leave my last name because you weren’t that good of a lay!,” She yelled.

  Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were glassy, and Limit knew he’d never seen anything more beautiful.

  Except for the fact that the venom dripping from her every word stung like hell.

  Limit’s entire body went rigid as his anger threatened to make him see red- he hadn't had a woman talk to him that way in forever- and the fact that it was Ox’s daughter speaking to him that way only made it worse.

  Not to mention the entire fucking clubhouse was now laughing at him, including Ox.


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