Gluttony (Seven Deadlies MC Book 3)

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Gluttony (Seven Deadlies MC Book 3) Page 15

by Kaitlyn Ewald

  The land for the strip club was clean and open, a nice plot of land to build on. They were just finishing the outline of the perimeter when they’d shown up to see it. Ox looked over in his direction and nodded.

  He could see the tension lining Ox’s face whenever he looked at him.

  He knew that ending things with Scarlett would have that effect, but he hadn’t realized it would make him feel so damn empty.

  Limit was used to being able to turn things off whenever he wanted, and this?

  This was haunting him.

  The way she tasted, the way she came apart in his arms?

  That was purely magic, wasn’t it?

  And yet, he had led her on.

  That’s what he’d call it by any other name, and that’s what anyone else would call it, too.

  “Hey, what do you think, Limit? You like the blue prints and mock ups?,” Axel asked.

  Limit nodded as he pushed a cigarette between his lips.

  “Yeah, I think it’ll make us a lot of money.”

  Axel grinned.

  “Me too. How are things on your end? Heard you took care of some family business the other night,” Axel said.

  Limit grimaced when he thought about what Scott had looked like by the time he’d finished with him. His body had been burned and his car upended over the side of their mountain, so all of the Worthington loose ends had been tied up, but Limit had been actively trying not to think about it.

  It always brought his mind back around to Scarlett.

  “I did,” He finally replied.

  Ox’s eyes flashed for a second and Limit was sure he’d snap at him, but he didn’t.

  He kept his cool.

  Axel nodded his dark head as he shoved some of his own long hair behind his ears.

  “Good for you. I know if someone fucked with Ashley, I’d make sure they agonized for days.”

  That made Limit feel a little bit better about the fact that he hadn’t held back- not in the least bit.

  “We take care of our own,” Ox mumbled.

  Green looked uncomfortable as he checked his phone.

  “We havin’ a party tonight? Emily wants to know,” Green said.

  Ox nodded.

  “Yeah. And Scarlett will be stayin’ at the clubhouse for the week, too. Invite anyone you want, I want her to have a good time tonight.”

  Green smiled at him.

  “Will do, boss.”

  As Green dialed a few numbers on his own phone, Limit finished his cigarette in silence, wondering if the tension would ever dissipate between him and his president.

  He hated that it was there, but Ox had warned him against hurting Scarlett and he’d done it anyways.

  Now she was going to be staying with them and he had no right to be anything other than happy for Ox and for Scarlett.

  Happy that amongst all the shit happening in her life right now, including the steaming pile he’d thrown her way, she and Ox were finding a relationship together that obviously made them both happy.

  He couldn’t begrudge her that.

  Hell, Limit didn’t begrudge her that.

  It made him miss his own ma from time to time, actually.

  He called her every Tuesday evening to check in and he visited every three months so that she knew he still cared about her, and since his father had passed on years before, he knew that his mother appreciated his calls and visits.

  Sometimes he wished he could visit her more, but he knew it was best for the both of them if she knew as little as possible about his new life.

  She wouldn’t understand.

  Most of the time she still called him Colton even though he never took off his cut that named him Limit.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  Green asked this question, and for a second, Limit thought about lying.

  “Not this time, brother.”

  Green cleared his throat and glanced at Ox over his shoulder, who was facing away from the both of them as him and Axel spoke with the construction crew.

  “Look, I know shit between you and Scarlett is rough right now. Emily is pissed as fuck at you, and I don’t blame her. You really hurt Scar, but I know why. You may think I don’t pay a lot of attention, and most of the time you’d be right, but Limit- you gotta see somebody about your problems, man.”

  Green’s words not only surprised him, they felt like a kick in the back of his head.

  “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”

  Green’s eyes sparked for a second before he leaned in closer.

  “Ox didn’t patch me in because I’m stupid. I’ve done some shit in my lifetime, Limit. I know the look you get in your eyes sometimes. You’re not always here with us. It’s okay to admit that you need help, but don’t fuck up what could possibly be the best thing to ever happen to you just because you’re scared,” Green argued.

  Limit balked at his words.

  “I’m not scared!”

  “Bullshit. Bull-fuckin’-shit! Tell me something: when you saw Scar layin’ there in a pool of her own blood, did you get that pit in your stomach that told you losin’ her would end it all for ya?”

  Limit looked away as he swallowed the yes bubbling at the back of his throat.

  “Of course you did. I could see it in your handsome fuckin’ face, brother. There ain’t no shame in lovin’ a woman who loves ya back.”

  “She doesn’t love me,” He argued.

  Green’s eyebrows hit his hairline.

  “She doesn’t? Emily told me she practically begged you to give her a chance and you shot her to hell.”

  Limit was really beginning to wonder about Emily.

  “I can’t love her,” He said stiffly.

  Green shook his head, disappointment clear in his eyes.

  “There ain’t no shame in lovin’ a woman who loves ya back, but there is shame in bein’ a damn coward and denyin’ ya both.”

  “I know that. I’m not a coward.”

  Green’s expression softened as he took another step closer.

  “That’s not what I meant, and you know it. We’re all here for ya, whenever you need us. There’s not a fuckin’ thing you can say to any of us that will surprise us. We’ve all been through the ringer. Just remember that, okay?”

  With that Green left Limit standing there all by his lonesome as he strutted towards his bike.

  For a second Limit thought about yelling after him, but thought better of it.

  What Green said to him, was true.

  Scarlett had tried her best to be open and understanding, even when he didn’t deserve it.

  Even when he’d let her down.

  “Fuck!,” He said softly as he headed for his bike.

  He’d let her go and now he was going to have to watch her live her life without him all week.

  Chapter 22

  Scarlett and Emily sat with Esme enjoying the sunshine.

  “So, you’re carrying Rayna and Fury’s baby for them because she can’t carry one herself?,” Scarlett asked dreamily.

  Esme nodded.

  She was busy eyeing Prettyboy from across the lot, her pretty blue gaze trained on him.

  “That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard,” Scarlett said as she patted Esme’s hand.

  Esme grinned up at her.

  “Thank you.”

  Scarlett nodded and Emily laid her now blonde head out across Scarlett’s lap.

  “Green texted me, he said they’re havin’ a party tonight. You ready for that? You ain’t got a man to claim you anymore, Scar.”

  She knew Emily was only trying to point out that she should be careful, but her words hurt worse than the healing wound in her side.

  “I know, Em.”

  Emily swore and ran her fingers through Scarlett’s hair.

  “I wasn’t tryin’ to hurt you.”

  Her soft voice went even softer when she said that.

  Esme tsked and waved a hand in the air.

  “Limit’s stupid
, honey. Don’t let that man break you.”

  It was easier said than done, she supposed.

  She felt broken.

  “I’m leaving at the end of the week anyways, Esme. It won’t matter soon.”

  Her eyes widened as she frowned.

  “You’re gonna leave us?”

  Scarlett rushed to assure her that that was not the case.

  “Of course not! My mother isn’t doing so well, and I’m going home to spend time with her. I would leave sooner, but my step-father assured me that she would be busy with doctor appointments all week, so there’s no reason to rush.”

  Esme sighed and squeezed Scarlett’s hand.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope you get to spend as much time with her as you need.”

  Scarlett hoped the very same thing.

  “So, you were saying something about a love triangle with Axel?,” Scarlett asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

  Esme laughed, tipping her head back.

  Her long ebony hair grazed the very edge of the picnic table they were resting on.

  “Yeah, that was weird. I told you my first husband was a traitor and Axel was our president?”

  Scarlett and Emily both nodded.

  “Well, when Prettyboy and I became…serious, Axel expressed that he had feelings for me, but he just wanted me to be happy. So, he let me go.”

  Emily and Scarlett both fanned themselves as they sighed in unison.

  “Also, one of the sweetest things I’ve ever heard.”

  “He’s one sexy piece of man-meat,” Emily commented.

  Scarlett slapped her thigh playfully.

  “Excuse me, what about your Irishman?”

  “He’s not mine, we’re just having fun,” Emily said.

  Esme rolled her eyes.

  “Green literally entertains no women, and he has good reason for it.”

  Emily’s eyes widened as she leaned closer to Esme, hoping to get some intel on her favorite Deadly.

  Esme narrowed her eyes at her.

  “You didn’t hear this from me, got it?”

  Scarlett and Emily both nodded at the same time.

  “Prettyboy told me that before Green went to jail he was with a woman. I never got her name, but him and her were together for years. Green didn’t become good with numbers out of the blue, Emily. His family is filled with criminals of all kinds, but his folks had him stealing by the age of eight.”

  Esme paused so she could make sure they were still out of earshot.

  “Anyways, they were kids when they first met. They were basically expected to get married, until one of their jobs went sideways. She let him take the fall, and he went to jail and she ran.”

  Scarlett thought that sounded awful.

  Green had been nothing but kind to her, and he especially cared for Rayna.

  They were the lot’s ‘dynamic duo,’ always getting into trouble.

  “That’s so sad.”

  “Yeah, she left him to rot.”

  “What did he get arrested for?,” Emily asked.

  “His family specializes in robbing banks, darlin’. That’s why he’s the club accountant,” Esme said.

  Emily swore and checked her phone, which indicated she had a message from the man himself.

  “I won’t tell anyone you told me that, Esme. Thank you.”

  Emily rose to stand, but Esme caught her hand.

  “Green isn’t that forthcoming about his feelings, but he’s a diehard romantic. He’ll never intentionally break your heart. Try not to lead him on, okay?”

  Emily didn’t look offended, but Scarlett could tell that her feelings were hurt by Esme’s words.

  “I hadn’t planned on it.”

  Emily walked away from them both, then.

  Esme ran a hand over her belly as she swore.

  “I hurt her.”

  Scarlett shook her head.

  “Green has a past, but so does she. She was in a very abusive relationship for a long time, Esme. She hasn’t quite come back from that, yet. She may seem standoffish or callous, but she’s not. She’s really very sweet.”

  Esme frowned.

  “I didn’t know that,” Esme whispered.

  Scarlett shrugged.

  “Not many people do. She doesn’t let very many people in.”

  A symphony of rumbles came around the corner and Scarlett tensed at the sound.

  “Relax. He can’t hurt you anymore than he already has.”

  Scarlett knew that she was right, too.

  What more could he do to her?

  As she stood to head inside, his bike caught her attention and she tried like hell to not look at him.

  If she didn’t look at him, she couldn’t be reminded of the way she’d thrown herself at him and the way he’d cruelly rejected her.

  By the time she made it to the clubhouse entrance, Green breezed past her and smiled at her.

  “Lookin’ good, legs. Where’s my little lady?”

  It was the first time Green had ever called Emily ‘his’ or anything of the sort, and she thought it was so romantic.

  “She’s in your room, I think.”

  He dipped his head in her direction before he turned to head in the direction of his room.

  Near the hallway he turned back for a second.

  “It may not seem like it now, princess, but he knows he fucked up.”

  His words sparked something in her that she hadn’t realized was still there.


  “Doesn’t really matter, does it?”

  The unspoken truth practically floated between them; she was going to leave.

  And then Green was gone and she was heading towards the bar, reaching for the drink Torch already held out for her.

  “I was wondering when I’d see you,” He said softly.

  She frowned.

  “You don’t even like me,” She commented as she sipped on her whiskey.

  “Yeah, well, let’s just say I know what you’re goin’ through.”

  Her eyes widened.

  Torch wasn’t unattractive at all.

  He was handsome, just like the rest of them.

  Jet black hair and chocolate colored eyes accompanied a crooked nose and a square jawline.

  Torch was cute…in a rugged, mountain man sort of way.

  “I’m really sorry to hear that. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, not even you.”

  He quirked his first smile in her direction.

  “I know you wouldn’t.”

  She didn’t ask how he knew that, she figured he watched her the same way he watched everyone else.

  “You want some advice from me, sweetheart?”

  She wasn’t so sure she liked the pet name as it left his mouth, but she nodded.

  He crossed his arms and leaned against the bar top as he glanced over his shoulder.

  “I’d tell ya to walk away, but you’re the prez’s daughter. That ain’t in the cards for you. So that leaves you with option number two: make him jealous.”

  She blinked.



  Sure, she’d seen it at the wedding.

  She’d seen it at the bar the first night they met.

  “He told me he doesn’t love me.”

  Torch laughed then, his white teeth making their first appearance.

  “Did he say that he doesn’t love you?”

  Scarlett dipped her head as she stared at her drink.

  “He said he can’t love me, which to a woman pretty much means the same thing.”

  His expression melted into something tender for less than a second before he shook his head.

  “Believe me when I tell you that he does.”

  Scarlett wanted to believe that more than anything, but she also hated that everyone but Limit was telling her how he felt about her.

  He’d flat out said he didn’t love her.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  Torch nodded as he wiped a gla
ss clean.


  “How come you don’t like any of us women?”

  Torch seemed to ponder his answer before he said, “I don’t dislike any of you. I like something different about each one of you, actually.”

  Scarlett slid her glass towards him for a refill.

  “Do tell.”

  “I like how forward Rayna is. She just says what she’s feeling, no matter the situation and she’s always ready to stick up for someone if she thinks they need it.”

  Scarlett liked that about her, too.

  “And Esme?”

  He chuckled.

  “Esme’s bubbly and thoughtful. If she thinks you need a compliment or a gift or even just a hug, she’ll give it to you no questions asked. She’s loyal as hell, too. We need that around here,” Torch explained.

  Scarlett nodded as she sipped on more whiskey, wondering what he liked about her.

  Torch smiled at her as he set the now clean glass he was holding down and leaned against the bar again.

  “You wanna know what I like about you?”

  She slowly nodded.

  “You’re smart. Too smart, honestly. You’re sweet like sugar. You came here knowing you’d be the odd man out, but you did it because you were thinkin’ about Ox. Even now, I can tell you’re dyin’ to put those designer heels to good use and book it on back to your apartment where you’ll be away from the source of your pain, but here you are. Stickin’ it out. Like I said, we need loyalty around here.”

  For some reason that made her eyes well with tears.

  Torch had always been so unapproachable and yet he’d given her the kindest compliment she’d received recently.

  She squeezed his hand gently as she whispered, “Thank you.”

  He looked surprised before he pulled his hand away and smirked in her direction.

  “Don’t let it go to your head, princess.”

  She giggled and bit her bottom lip.

  “Don’t be doin’ that in my direction, neither. Limit’s been watching us for the last ten minutes and I have no doubt he’d cut my head off for makin’ you bite that sexy bottom lip of yours.”

  She almost choked on her drink but Torch stopped her when she tried to turn in her chair.

  “I may not be good at relationships, but don’t give in. Let him come to you. That’s the only way you’ll ever know if he really wants you.”

  Well, shit.


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