Watch Out for the Big Girls

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Watch Out for the Big Girls Page 2

by J. M. Benjamin

  The dancers loved working there because no bills under tens were tossed into the air like confetti and if you did see dollar bills, countless bands were being popped in succession. Being that tens were the new ones, to make a statement most ballers tossed around twenties and fifties just to warm up. Needless to say, they got their money’s worth. Even topnotch pimps paid to play, as they kicked back in VIP popping bottles while sending their flock of female solicitors in the crowd to work and recruit. Every dancer stepped her game up because it actually felt like a business, as opposed to a cheap thrill for loose change. Everybody claimed to be getting money, and to last a night in such a high-class environment, you paid to show it.

  Most of the people who were still standing in line outside, anxious to get inside the club, complaining about the long line, began to quiet down as they heard a loud roar of thunder coming from far down the street. Many of them knew exactly what and who it was. Others just watched, waiting to see, while those who were illegally double-parked hurried to clear out of the four-lane street.

  Out of nowhere, two matching chromed-out Yamaha R6 1100s came whizzing down the strip at top speed, with front wheels in the air. Each bike possessed passengers on the back, gripping the drivers for dear life, with protruding bottoms that required WIDE LOAD signs.

  Seconds later, another four expensive-looking bikes came zooming down the strip directly behind the first two. They performed a series of stunts as the crowd they passed cheered them on. The men were extra hyped because the girls who were on the back had long hair flying from under their helmets, and fat asses revealing their thongs and ass cracks due to the low-rider jeans and booty shorts they wore.

  All six of the machines met up down the street and made a 180-degree turn down by the entrance of the parking lot. They slowly rode their way back up in perfect formation. They were lined up side by side, blocking off the entire middle of the street, facing the way they had just come down. They paused in the middle of the street between Treasures and their destination, and waited. They fed their engines power blasts of gas each time they yanked on the throttle while the bikes were in neutral. The thunderous roar from the beginning had never ceased, or let up. It only grew louder. Everybody’s attention was drawn to the booming bass that vibrated the concrete that came from the same direction the bikes had appeared.

  All eyes focused on the two huge stretch Escalade XLs with limousine tints and monstrous chrome rims that came cruising down in slow motion, trailing each other back to back. They were accompanied by twenty more motorcycles of all sizes and models. The trucks stopped directly in the middle of the street, headlights to headlights with the first six bikes. Both sides of the trucks’ back doors opened up simultaneously. The sound of Nicki Minaj’s voice illuminated and blared out of the side doors’ speakers of one of the SUVs, while Lil’ Kim’s voice illuminated from the other as two pair of beautiful, full-sized women stepped out of each Escalade and into the middle of the street. All eyes had definitely zoomed in on them.

  The passengers on the backs of the first six bikes climbed off and removed their helmets, revealing their own beauty. The drivers of each R6 did the same. Some were surprised to see that who they believed to be muscular and husky men controlling the bikes were actually beautiful, full-figured females. Most weren’t surprised. The Double G logo on the back of the half-cut leather jackets said it all.

  The lines for both clubs were almost the full length of the block along the sidewalk. Across the street from Treasures was Club Panties. It was by far the largest upscale lesbian-only club ever known to exist. It filled the same capacity as any with just women. Most people from both clubs mixed and mingled on the sidewalk and in the streets. Club Panties was known for having a tougher crowd. The police frequented and had more incidents occur at the all-female establishment than Treasures ever since it had opened five years ago. On occasion, you could catch two bloody, wild-haired females with breasts dangling from torn blouses being escorted out of the club in handcuffs. With all that had transpired throughout the years, including a few altercations ending with someone losing their life, many could not believe the club still managed to remain open.

  The drivers of the first six bikes pulled over and parked in front of Club Panties, while the two Escalades and the other twenty motorcycles created their own parking spaces in the vicinity as well. The back doors of one of the SUVs flew open and out stepped Starr, Diamond, Felicia, and Bubbles. The four sexy, voluptuous but deadly female passengers who climbed out of the truck led the way as they strutted toward Club Panties. Necks nearly snapped as awaiting partygoers watched the four Amazon goddesses, accompanied by a slew of others like them, roll up stone-faced in their bike club’s colors. They ignored the long line as everyone eyed them as they walked straight to the entrance.

  The huge security guard acknowledged them and unhooked the velvet rope from the brass rail, while stepping to the side. Another guard in a full three-piece suit appeared from inside and escorted them through the dimly lit lobby. The four women strutted right around the walk-through metal detector. The next six strolled through the high-tech security machine stone-faced as the sensors beamed to maximum red, triggering the metal detector until the last girl cleared it. They were used to bypassing pat searches and entering the club with their weapons on them. Their leader made sure that was never a problem. After all, it was their organization that owned the club.

  The only male security guard allowed on the premises, who worked the door, shook his head in disgust as he watched the logos on the back of the jackets disappear into the club. “Damn Gs,” he uttered under his breath.

  Most of the women who stood in line watched with admiration and envy while other onlookers stared with hatred and jealousy in their eyes as the head of the Double Gs led them and made their way inside the club. One woman in particular, Monica, who stood in line closest to the entrance, studied the crew as they received the royal treatment. She smiled to herself and chuckled under her breath lightly at the scenery. She shook her head while one of the female security guards checked her ID and shined the flashlight into her clutch.

  “Care to share?” the female security guard asked.

  Monica noticed the seductive look the female security guard had plastered across her face. She realized the female security guard had mistaken her own smile for a flirtatious one. She had almost forgotten that she stood in line of a gay club; and she was not gay. Let her tell it, she was bicurious. But she was not interested in the female security guard. She flashed another smile to match hers. Before she could conjure up something to say to let the female security guard down easy, a familiar voice came to her rescue.

  “Nah, she straight. She with us,” Felicia, one of the Double G members, announced. Out of her peripheral vision, Felicia had noticed the girl she had presented to Starr for consideration. She stopped in her tracks and backpedaled.

  “Wassup?” Felicia nodded.

  “Hey.” Monica flashed the best smile she could conjure up. She sounded both surprised and glad to see her. The only thing that now stood between the two of them was the velvet rope.

  “I got you,” she told Monica then drew her attention to the female security guard. “I’m trying to figure out what you’re waitin’ for.” Felicia looked from the female security guard down to the velvet rope then back at her.

  The female security guard rolled her eyes and removed the velvet rope. She was moving a little bit too slow for Felicia’s taste. She also noticed the partial rock stare she shot her way. She excused her tardiness, but her look did not go unnoticed. “Bitch, you better get yo’ life.” Felicia’s body language spoke volumes.

  Without meaning to, the female security guard rolled her eyes, which was followed by the sucking of her teeth. She knew exactly who Felicia was and knew she had made a mistake as soon as she reacted the way she had. Before she could clear the air, Bubbles was already by Felicia’s side.

  “Er’thing good, sis?” Bubbles looked from Felicia to M
onica, then over at the female security guard and back to Felicia. Her hands rested on her massive hips. “And who is this?” She nodded her head in Monica’s direction.

  “That’s what the fuck I’m trying to find out,” Felicia chimed, never taking her eyes off of the female security guard. “And this is one of the newbies I been scoutin’,” Felicia added, referring to Monica as one of their new, upcoming potential Double Gs.

  Bubbles gave Monica a once-over. Monica just stood there stone-faced. Her eyes did a quick glance over by the entrance. The other Double Gs were making their way inside the club. Felicia’s back was now to her and Bubbles. Just as she finished her survey of her surroundings, her and Bubbles’s eyes met.

  Bubbles flashed a half smile and broke the stare. She turned in Felicia’s direction. Felicia’s eyes were fixated on the female security. “Fee?” Bubbles called out. “What’s up with this shit?” she wanted to know. She was ready to go inside and get her drink and party on with the rest of the crew, but had no intention of doing either until she was sure Felicia was good.

  “This bitch gonna make me come out of character,” Felicia looked over her shoulder and uttered to Bubbles.

  Monica heard it also. Apparently, so did the female security. “Fee.”

  “Bitch, you know me?” Felicia cut her words short. She also caught the attention a few other Double Gs, who had now stopped in their tracks just shy of the club’s entrance.

  The female security guard’s heart rate started to increase. A nervous feeling crept into her body. As tough as she believed herself to be, she knew she was outnumbered.

  Monica watched the scenery as it unfolded. On the outside she may have appeared stoic but, on the inside, her nerves were all over the place and her mind was racing one hundred miles a minute. She wasn’t sure if she had the stomach for it, knowing this was light compared to the stories she had been told about the Double Gs. Although men were their suggested targets, from what she knew of them, they didn’t allow anyone to disrespect, cross, or refuse anything to them, just as she knew one word from Felicia and the female security guard’s family could be pulling out the favorite black outfits for her funeral.

  She wasn’t sure if she could actually carry out what she had signed up for. There was no doubt in her mind she was nothing like the women in the organization she was trying to join. But it was bigger than her, she told herself for the umpteenth time. Monica grimaced as she continued to watch the altercation with Felicia and the female security guard. She felt for the woman. To her, it wasn’t that serious. But if you were a Double G, like Felicia and Bubbles, it was very serious. She was well aware of the fact the Double Gs moved as one and would remove anything that got in their way. One wrong move from the female security guard and not only would Felicia be all over her like salt on fries, but so would Bubbles and the rest of the Double Gs looking on as well.

  Although she held her composure, Monica wanted to cringe at the thought. She was all too familiar with how they got down. It was part of the reason why she was at the club tonight. She needed to know more than what she had read about or been told. All of that was circumstantial. She needed facts. And that’s exactly what she intended to get.

  People in line had already begun backing up out of the potential harm’s way they were in, being too close to the arising altercation. Many of them also knew who Felicia was and knew she didn’t play. None of the Double Gs did, but Felicia was mostly known for her violent demeanor. All onlookers’ eyes shifted around from Monica, the female security guard, Bubbles, and Felicia, wondering and anticipating what would happen next.

  Felicia let out a gust of hot air and shook her head. She was not in the mood tonight to be beating down or pistol whipping somebody like she normally would have for less. But there were too many people watching for her to let it go. She wouldn’t be her if she did. “Is there a problem?” Felicia snapped.

  Her sexy arched eyebrows formed as one due to the scowl that was now plastered across her face. She was already anticipating her next move based on the female security guard’s response. All it took was one wrong word for Felicia to wipe the tough look off of her face. There was no doubt in her mind that she could beat the female security guard’s ass. She had sized her up and concluded that, at five foot eight and 165 pounds, give or take, her body was no match for her solid, curvaceous one at six foot one and 220 pounds. She folded her arms.

  In a matter of seconds, the female security guard’s facial expression went from an ice grill to a submissive one. She saw a way out and she took it.

  “No, Fee. I mean, no, not at all.” The female security guard caught herself, remembering how Felicia reacted the last time she had said her name. She lowered her gaze. To say she was scared would be an understatement. Despite the cool summer breeze that filled the air, her black security tee began to soil with perspiration around the collar and up under her armpits. Beads of sweat began to appear on her forehead as if she was coming down with a fever of some sort.

  “Oh okay, just making sure,” Felicia stated sternly. She could see the fear written all over the woman’s face. She was a firm believer in not forcing somebody into battle if they really didn’t want a war. Had Starr been present, even if she had wanted to she couldn’t have shown the female security guard any mercy. No matter coward or tough guy, if you violated or disrespected a Double G Starr demanded you be dealt with in the most degrading and sometimes unthinkable way. But Starr wasn’t present and it was evident the female security guard didn’t want any beef, so Felicia drew up.

  “Just unhook this shit,” Felicia commanded in an authoritative tone.

  The female security guard did as she was told. This time she moved more like the hare rather than the tortoise.

  Felicia winked at Monica as the female security guard unhooked the velvet rope. She then turned to Bubbles. “I’ll catch you inside.”

  Bubbles nodded. She was convinced there was no imminent danger or real major problem. She spun around and made her way into the establishment.

  “Anyway, why you didn’t hit me?” Felicia asked as Monica put her ID back into her clutch.

  She shrugged.

  “You ain’t gotta stand in line with them broke bum bitches. You fuck with us, and this our shit,” she announced.

  Monica smiled, but not at what Felicia had said. Her smile was credited to being one step closer to becoming a Double G, and one step closer to justice and revenge. She put on her game face as the two of them sashayed their way inside Club Panties.

  Chapter Two

  The Next Day

  Aside from the soft moonlight that slipped through the black lace balcony curtains, the luxurious penthouse’s master bedroom was fairly dark. The mood was perfect. India Arie’s Pandora station had nearly repeated the songs in its rotation twice, but to Starr it felt as if it was still on the first song. She had lost all track of time. The state of ecstasy she was in had her in another realm and she had no intention of returning anytime soon.

  For the past hour or so, her body felt as if it was being put through an intense workout that would never end. Her thick, shapely legs and inner thighs were well aware of the immense amount of time that was passing from the extreme pleasure. As her massive thighs cramped up on her continuously, she realized she couldn’t hold them spread far apart and high into the air any longer. Slowly she lowered the heels of her feet onto the shoulders of the woman whose head was buried between her legs. She clenched the satin bed sheets, bit down on her bottom lip, and closed her eyes as her love partner’s lips smothered her clit and delivered flurries to it with her tongue. Starr tried to control her breathing. She exhaled lightly then inhaled deeply, but it was no use. Her heart raced faster and uncontrollably each time her partner’s tongue made contact with her G-spot.

  Diamond had a five-inch tongue that felt like pure silk, not to mention the fact that she was proficiently skillful. She paid perfect attention to Starr’s rhythmic breathing patterns and involuntary body reactions. S
he adjusted her body weight and positioned herself between Starr’s legs to support them over her shoulders. Diamond peered up at Starr and smiled at the passionate expression she bore on her face. She stiffened her tongue and slid it inside of Starr’s wetness as she used her long middle and pointer fingers to part her outer walls. Hearing Starr moan turned Diamond on. She slipped her tongue out of Starr’s love box and swirled it in a circular motion around her clit. Her face was close enough for Starr to feel her breath between her inner thighs. Diamond watched as Starr’s sex grew wetter by the second as she blew warmth between her slit. She could feel Starr squirming underneath her as she took the underside of her soft tongue and rested it directly on the center of Starr’s wetness. She applied firm pressure before she gently sucked on it. She kept her warm, moist mouth open just slightly enough for the open air to slip through the corners of her luscious lips and heighten the sensation.

  Starr’s body trembled. She gripped two handfuls of Diamond’s long, curly jet-black hair like horse reins and held on for dear life. She could feel that she was drenched in her own love juices. She rotated her hips and thighs into Diamond’s face. She rode Diamond’s tongue as if it were a saddle. Starr quivered from yet another explosive orgasm as Diamond gripped her by the waist. She started shaking and going through convulsions, feeling like she was slipping into a soft coma. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. It was as if she was destined for such a forbidden and condemned lifestyle. She savored the moment, but was abruptly interrupted by the sound of her cell phone ringing. Starr pulled the lower half of her body away from Diamond’s face, and reached for the phone. The number came up as Blocked on the caller ID. She hated that but still accepted the call, aggravated by the disturbance and disruption.

  “Whoever this is, call me back from an unblocked number,” she said with attitude. She was just about to hang up, but the unidentified caller’s words stopped her in her tracks.


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