In this gripping third book in the Mercy Harbor Thriller series, a troubled young woman seeks refuge within an isolated Florida commune. After two of her friends go missing, she suspects the peaceful community hides a deadly secret, and soon realizes that she has become the target of a heartless killer.
Retired detective Pete Barker vows to find his runaway daughter and bring her home. When his search leads him to Florida’s swampy backwoods, he uncovers an unsettling connection between a secretive commune and a series of grisly murders.
Desperate to save his daughter, and determined to catch the twisted killer, Barker turns to his ex-partner, Detective Nessa Ainsley, and enlists the help of Eden Winthrop, a woman dedicated to saving Willow Bay’s most vulnerable citizens.
But as the killer’s shocking motive is unveiled, and the body of yet another innocent victim is discovered, Barker’s last chance to save his daughter brings him face-to-face with pure evil.
Read Catch the Girl Now
MY MOTHER RAISED ME IN A HOUSE FULL OF BOOKS and instilled a love of reading and storytelling in all her daughters. Upon her death I turned to books for solace and found comfort in the magic of a good story. I am so grateful to have had a mother who believed that one day I would be a writer. As always, she was right.
I wake up each morning and give thanks for the unconditional love and support of my wonderful husband and my five beautiful, brilliant children. I would never have finished this book without their constant love and encouragement.
Writing a book is often a solitary process that can be somewhat isolating. Luckily, I am blessed with two fabulous sisters, who are always close by when I need them, and the enthusiastic support of my amazing in-laws.
And finally, I have to acknowledge and thank all the writers that have offered up their hearts, souls and stories in the books they have written, and which have inspired, entertained and delighted me throughout a lifetime of reading.
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About the author
Melinda Woodhall is the author of the page-turning Mercy Harbor Thriller series. After leaving a career in corporate software sales to focus on writing, Melinda now spends her time writing romantic thrillers and police procedurals. She also writes women’s contemporary fiction as M.M. Arvin.
When she’s not writing, Melinda can be found reading, gardening, chauffeuring her children around town and updating her vegetarian lifestyle website. Melinda is a native Floridian, and the proud mother of five children. She lives with her family in Orlando.
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Other Books by Melinda Woodhall
The River Girls
Catch the Girl
Girls Who Lie
Girl Eight: A Mercy Harbor Thriller Page 30