by Andrew Rose
I am grateful to the following, who have either granted permission to quote or facilitated access to their collections: The National Archives; the British Library; the British Library, India Office Library for a letter written by Marquess Curzon; British Library Newspaper Archive; Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge for extracts from the papers of Lord Esher, Sir Alan Lascelles and Alan Leeper; the National Army Museum for letters written by the Prince to Captain Cecil Boyd-Rochfort; Trustees of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King’s College, London, for extracts from the diary of Jean, Lady Hamilton; the Bodleian Library, Oxford for access to uncatalogued papers in the Inverchapel Bequest and for a letter written by Arthur Wiggin; Balliol College Archives and Juliet Nicolson for extracts from the diary of Harold Nicolson; Princeton University for an extract from the diary of Sir John Maxwell, held in the Sir John Maxwell Papers, Manuscript Division, Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts; the Metropolitan Police Service Archives for biographical detail of Special Branch Officers;the Syndics of Cambridge University for extracts from the Crewe Papers held at the University Library, Cambridge.
Mark Le Fanu; Mona El-Mamoun; James Todd; Martin Davis; Niall Taylor of the H V Morton Society; Molly Woods; David Barrie; Marek Kohn; the Earl of Dudley; Lord Burton; Lord Parmoor; Alistair Massie, the National Army Museum; Paul Dew, the Met Collection, Metropolitan Police Service Archives; Maria Barrett of Quickfingers Secretarial Services, Twickenham; David K Frasier, the Lilly Library, Indiana University; Lois White, Getty Research Institute, California; Lianne Smith, Archives Manager, King’s College, London Archives Library Services; my agent, Jonathan Pegg, and my editor at Hodder, Mark Booth, for their patience, forbearance and helpful advice; Fiona Rose and Charlotte Hardman of Hodder for their hard work on the various versions of my manuscript and on the choice and preparation of illustrations.
Stinie: Murder on the Common
Scandal at the Savoy
Lethal Witness: Sir Bernard Spilsbury, Honorary Pathologist
THE WOMAN BEFORE WALLIS. Copyright © 2013 by Andrew Rose.
All rights reserved. For information, address Picador, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010. •
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ISBN 978-1-250-04069-5 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-250-04133-3 (e-book)
Originally published in Great Britain by Coronet, an imprint of Hodder & Stoughton, a division of Hachette UK, under the title The Prince, the Princess and the Perfect Murder
First U.S. Edition: May 2013
eISBN 9781250041333
First eBook edition: March 2013