JFK: CIA, Vietnam & The Plot to Assassinate JFK
Page 54
Zapruder, Abraham, and assassination film
Zaragoza, Spain
Zinn, Howard
Zuchert, Eugene
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
INTRODUCTION - The Secret History of the United States (1943—1990)
ONE - The Role of the Intelligence Services in the Cold War: 1945—65, The Vietnam Era
TWO - The CIA in the World of the H-Bomb
THREE - The Invisible Third World War
FOUR - Vietnam: The Opening Wedge
FIVE - The CIA’s Saigon Military Mission
SIX - Genocide by Transfer—in South Vietnam
SEVEN - Why Vietnam? The Selection and Preparation of the Battlefield
EIGHT - The Battlefield and the Tactics Courtesy CIA
NINE - The CIA in the Days of Camelot
TEN - JFK and the Thousand Days to Dallas
ELEVEN - The Battle for Power: Kennedy Versus the CIA
TWELVE - Building to the Final Confrontation
THIRTEEN - The Magic Box, Trigger of the Expanded War in Vietnam
FOURTEEN - JFK Makes His Move to Control the CIA
FIFTEEN - The Erosion of National Sovereignty
SIXTEEN - Government by Coup d’État
SEVENTEEN - JFK’s Plan to End the Vietnam Warfare
EIGHTEEN - Setting the Stage for the Death of JFK,
NINETEEN - Visions of a Kennedy Dynasty
TWENTY - LBJ Takes the Helm as the Course Is Reversed
TWENTY-ONE - Game Plan of the High Cabal
AFTERWORD - Stone’s JFK and the Conspiracy