I am Iron Man

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I am Iron Man Page 40

by Colin Cook

  crest on the wall and…"

  "I know." A frown, Mordin looked up. "Grunt assumed you were trying to show dominance. His clanging. Bashing. Smashing of crest, echoed out. Made loud noise. Calls

  females for show of interest. Most likely practicing, wishing to leave to see Tuchanka. I believe, Shepard would be of use."

  "He is on a mission… or, uncharted world." She sighed. "Whichever that is."

  "I see." This, made Mordin think. "Well, if we discuss this to him. We may not need to challenge his rites of combat with another suitor. That, would make thi-." He saw

  how she rubbed her hands. Mordin frowned again. "This has occurred?"

  "I believe…"

  "I see, Tali. In detail. Explicate all information."

  That said she explained everything. The audio, her feelings… for Shepard. The fact it fueled her aggression. The slight mishap with the Krogan. Then the fact he wanted a

  combat session with her other suitor, she being the 'best mate' or whatever.

  To that, Mordin held his chin nodding. "I see. Makes sense. Tali, here is what has happened." He walked to the end of his table, and motioned to a board, it he pulled out.

  "Krogan has believed you answered mating call. In truth, just dislike Krogan noise. Most common. Can not blame you." He marked on the board, adding, "Krogan,

  believes Tali'Zorah is of great importance. High in rank. Best suited female for breeding, makes sense. Normandy crew mostly human do not suggest mating with them.

  Would harm them. Can harm Quarian, but better luck." He shook his head. "For Grunt, not Tali." To this Tali shuffled her feet. She REALLY knew that already. "Krogan seeks

  means to be recognized. Wishes to have you, but must fight. Natural for Krogan. Grunt, lives off tube information. This mean we need combatant that can match Krogan.

  Defeat him in combat, he will loose right to Tali. Will find another female." Turning, he smiled. "This, easy to accomplish. Battle is bare handed. I can assume, Turian or Drell


  Tali was once more given a new shine of light. Proudly, she stood. "Thank you so much Mordin! I can ask them. They can easily take down Grunt, with some mindful leg

  moves or…"

  "However, just recalled." Mordin, scratched his head where his broken horn was. "Garrus and Thane on mission with Commander Shepard. No idea, when returning." He

  coughed, then added. "Also, Jacob skilled but not that well. Would not suggest requesting…"

  "Oh…" Tali lowered her head, he… was right. You can't even think that he'd get involved. No one else was a really viable option. "I'm pretty much out of options, huh?"

  "My records do not find any other choices." Mordin frowned. She was down. Tali hung her arms and head. Soon, it was easily a fact no matter how hard they may think.

  Fighting the Krogan would be insane. It would take some one without fear, concern of the well being of themselves and a damn nervous system to chance this.

  "Science-Officer Mordin Solus." Suddenly, the two look to the newcomer. The one that entered was not like them. He was not a biological life form. In fact he was

  synthetic. The figure stood tall as any member of the ship, erect more than any member having no sense of slouch or otherworld demeanor. A being that had wires,

  plates of metal and numerous other oddities across his form. A similar design like Tali'zorah this machine has but three fingers, and a hunched lower thigh. The head

  however was but a single motion sensory camera, with a number of metal sheets that move and bend trying to somehow copy and dictate reactions. Yet all this aside he

  had one more quality. He was a Geth. A mechanical sentient 'life form' which at this moment, was making him the most sought person in the room. However, he did not

  know this. He only had a requesition pad and began to ask. "This platform has been requested by Medical-Chief Chakwas to acquire samples of human plasm from

  personnel Biotic Jack, Subject-Zero. Assassin Kasumi Goto and…"

  At this point, Tali, without even thinking of her actions was running to the Geth, Mordin barely able to say how he now had a solution. Obviously Tali too had such a

  revelation. Her response though was to jump the Geth and grappling firmly across his arms. The Geth Legion turned down on her arms bound slightly. His eye guards all

  spread outward as he screams with a red glow in his eye, "Proximity Alert! Proximity Alert!" He struggled, the Quarian released him almost immediately. "Creator Tali'zora

  vas Normandy! Your actions are not recognized as common. What began your consensus to such action?"

  "Uh, what?" Her eyes roll, "Oh, I get it. Well… true, I'd never normally hug a Geth. Even if you're a… commrade." The way it's spoken, the unease was clear. Quarians and

  Geth were not close. In truth, much of their suffering came from the synthetics. "It's just that I was in a very bad place Legion. Now, I might have a chance."

  The Geth turned to her, then to Mordin. His flaps slowly turning from that of the stretched out alarm, to a slightly curved upward brow frown, of confusion. Consensus

  was being made. Yet there was not enough data to assert her actions. Luckily, Mordin began to inform him… and swiftly.

  "Indeed. Tali'zorah has found a slight problem. Constant, otherwise loud. Krogan Grunt seeks to make her his mate partner."

  "Highly un-recommended." The Geth spoke. Legion turned down to Tali whose arms are crossed, ill of hearing this. "Krogan physiology and Quarian physiology can be

  very incompatible. There are a number of physical and biological concerns."

  "Nooo…." Tali slapped her helmet in mock, but worse was Legion looking at her hand. Then to his own. The mimicry of her action followed with the light whirring of his

  flaps. Trying to establish some idea of-. "Legion. I have NO interest in the Krogan." She made him look at her. "I need someone to fight him, least… sort of. I think if I can

  just get them to keep him busy until Shepard gets back. I can handle this problem appropriately. For now you're my only option."

  "Indeed." Mordin, interjects with a rise of his finger. "However, Krogan battle choice is bare handed. No weapons. Most everyone on ship is not capable. Jacob, use biotics

  but still very limited. Geth, can use superior strength and other abilities naturally within your body. Perhaps, argue use of combat drone is extension like tongue? That

  might be stretching. Can offer idea that it is similar to removal of toe nail. Used as projectile. Most plausible. Might be, troubled."

  Legion seemed to understand. A very, very obvious reasoning. Looking down he began a small consensus on this. Tali, said, "I'd deeply appre-."

  "Where will said conflict be?" Legion's voice echoed as it does. A monotonous mechanized voice. Tali was pleased some to hear him ask. Yet, she knew he needed data.

  To better come to a consensus. She had to worry, would it be unwilling?

  "We arranged that to be up to who ever chooses to fight him. He chose the way of combat, the other may choose where."

  Legion's flaps began to shift once more. Then, it spoke almost as fast as prior. "We require that this battle be performed in the Cargo hold. There, all materials will be

  removed or temporarily displaced for a short period of time to refrain from damages or other possible outcomes." Mordin, agreed with a nod and mention he'd have

  some of the crew move it. Mostly they were either working on small tasks, or waiting for something to do. "Additional. We require Tali'zorah Vas Normandy perform

  additional data update after the conflict, so we may properly update Geth on this matter."

  Tali was surprised. Then again, that made more sense. "You want to make sure they understand what happened and why, what to tell them. To update."


  "Agreed." She offered a hand. Legion looked down, and to Tali. It took a moment, it recalled the gesture from Shepard. With a grasp of her arm, it shook. "You
still having

  that much trouble with shaking hands?"

  "Geth do not offer such actions between trusted platform units. Serves not the full Geth."

  She had to laugh. To this, Legion's flaps shifted strangely flat. Like this was a calming sound. She was not really aware. Yet her appreciation was high. She thanked Legion,

  and went to inform the Krogan. Mordin watched as she left. A moment, he looked to Legion. "Legion, I have a question."

  "Yes Science-Offi-"

  "Mordin, please. Never one for long titles. Short lived, Salarians."

  "Understood." Legion gave a nod of his long neck. "Your inquiry?"

  "Why, help Tali'zorah? Most unexpected."

  "Geth wish to live in peace with Creators."

  "Yes, but you are not Geth in all. You are Legion, in one. If Legion is damaged you may not continue our mission. If that were so, then what are you wishing to comply?

  Shall you try and improve relations thanks to Tali'zorah?" The Geth looked to be coming to another consensus. These were always most fascinating. Much like himself, it

  was a deliberation. Yet Mordin did this with himself, to himself. In a way similar to Legion. Yet his was a bit quieter. "Would Geth feel this is a right step in improving Creator

  and Geth relations? Or was this only to help a friend in need? That was all I wished to ask."

  Legion was silent. For a good time. Then he turned up. "No data is available."

  "I see." He smiled, softly patting the Geth. "Then, we will come to consensus when more data is available?"


  "Please, do let me know what you learn." Mordin left to begin talking to the teams. "I am most intrigued. Sure it is just attempt to sustain relations with Creators,

  Quatrians. Yet will like to know more."

  "Affirmative." Legion lowered his head. "So shall we."

  The later part of this matter ends with the cargo hold being emptied. It was simple really, Mordin made a request all supplies be moved to his office. It was not easy to do.

  Questions were made, but when Mordin made such requests, it wasn't the interest of others to go asking. Especially as he made it clear to the teams working this was a

  private matter, not for the team itself. In truth, he wanted as few people involved as possible. This meant while he was on stand by watching the matter from the safety

  of the windows above the cargo. Legion and Tali were in the said hold. Jack, was not worried. She had no interest. Kenny and Gabby were also, not involved. Ironic in

  some ways, most of this was Kenneth. Legion stood waiting for this matter to begin. Tali, was worriedly wrenching her hands. Soon enough, Grunt entered. A grin on his

  face. He gave a light chuckle.

  "The Geth. I was almost worried you were just picking on my senses. Still, best challenger. I like it. Might actually get a few scuffles on my crest. That would be fun."

  Crunching his jaw a little. The Krogan cracked his neck. "So, Legion? Do you plan to be her mate after this?"

  It was meant as a joke. Tali scolded towards the Krogan. Legion, furled his flaps. "We do not see the relevance of this matter. We were only required to aid Creatore

  Tali'zorah on behalf of her request to face against Krogan Battle-master Grunt."

  Grunt seemed to frown. Looking down, he gave a nod. "I see, so she did not choose you for mating. Only as proof of my worth? Very good. Makes sense. She found the

  strongest person to prove myself worthy. Obviously, I was correct. She is the most capable mating partner on this ship… hmm, I might have to take this more seriously

  than I originally planned."

  "Inquiry." Legion, turned to Tali. She was already looking at the Krogan. Her hands on her hips, she was debating if it was too late to just take a shotgun and blast his

  kneecaps herself? Especially since he kept talking about her, as if she weren't freaking right there. Yet she realized after the Geth made numeric clicking sounds, he was

  talking. Looking at him he continued. "If we defeat Krogan Battle-master Grunt. Will that make Creator Tali'zorah and us mated partners?"

  "…." Tali looked disbelieving of the question. Easily, it did not make sense. He just asked… "No!"

  "Affirmative." Legion turned back to Grunt. "Krogan Battle-master Grunt seems to believe that this matter will come to pass. If we resist and defeat him."

  "That's usually what's at stake." Spoke Grunt. Confused, he scratched his crest cover. "I suppose… it is a Quarian ritual we are performing, or maybe a twist of the dual

  following? I have no idea what Quarians deem useable."

  "I'm just trying to get this done with." Tali, shook her head shouting. "Just fight and then be done with it!"


  "Heh, I've been waiting all day for this." Grunt got onto a knee. Preparing a charge.

  Legion turned to Tali. "This platform advises Creator Tali'zorah prepares herself by turning on all gravity couplings she may have. It would be well advised."

  Tali looked at him curiously. Yet upped her Omni-tool soon tapping at it. Legion's legs stiffen and a thunk sound was lightly heard. With a few moments later. The battle

  'began' and Grunt ran toward Legion. He stood unmoving. Until Grunt was moderately close. Then suddenly he made the strange clicking noises he did, and the cargo

  doors opened. Grunt was caught loosing oxygen, and being pulled toward the doors. Sadly, he felt a hand grasped by Legion. In the midst of his lunge Legion hacked the

  doors of the Cargo, and now held Grunt while then swinging a balled metal fist soon punching his captive ally in mid stasis. The strikes were formidably aimed and worked

  on the eyes, throat and nose. With seconds to spare, the doors close and Legion released him. Grunt flew back a few foot as the doors clamp shut and air restored back

  into the cargo hold. With this, Grunt began panting and wheezing. Having never saw this coming.

  Legion's legs release and he walked slowly toward Grunt. Grunt glared at him with some blood shot in his eyes, a lot of air lost. Yet he smiled a bit. Standing, he held his

  chest. "Used… our scenery. To make it easier. To beat me." He groaned holding his sides a little tighter. "Damn, I feel a fool right now."

  "Was not your fault." Mordin entered as Grunt glared to him. "Indeed, was formidable thought process. Knew bringing you here was best resolve. Tricked you into false

  security. Seeing Tali meant lack of thought to danger, forgot engineer can have anti-gravity installed in boot. Also, pressurization in cargo hold in constant knew would

  pressurize after doors open and close, keep everyone safe. Great gambit. Work extremely well."

  Legion turned from Mordin to Grunt. Grunt seemed pleased. "I got a fight…. More onesided than I wished." He turned to Tali, she narrowed her eyes at the Krogan. He

  however bowed his head, and hit his chest. "I will not continue our mating request. Perhaps, if you are wise. You will find another more suited for you." Leaving now, he

  slapped the Geth's shoulders. Legion stumbled forward by the force with a loud chirping noise. "Congratulations! I now see Geth as a strong enemy… that may not have

  been too wise?"

  Even if it was not? Legion watched the Krogan leave. Mordin, following to ensure he was safely attuned to the air pressure, and more. This left Tali who was sighing off to

  the side. Leaning on a wall she wiped her head across the rim of her visor. Everything had gone terribly wrong. She only wanted to be alone, not upset. No longer hurt

  because…. Because….

  "Creator Tali'zorah vas Normandy?" Tali turned to Legion. He stood there, straight and unmoving. His head pitched to her a little. "We have come to consensus. Upon the

  data to be received from your exchange with Krogan Battle Master Grunt. We find a suitable place for such exchange would be in the AI Core, or perhaps Creator Tali'zo-."

  "Legion." Tali finally raised her hand. "P
lease, just call me Tali. I really don't feel like hearing my 'creator' status let along my whole name every five seconds after." Stepping

  off the wall, she did nod. "Yes, you are correct. I did make a promise. I owe you that data. Especially considering all that has been happening lately. A little time just talking

  might help with that."

  "Alleviation of stress levels?"

  "Yes… something like that."

  "Stress levels are undoubtedly caused by Krogan Battle-Master…. Tali'zo… Tali." Legion's responses were getting more appropriate. A smirk under her helmet, she had to

  admit it's amusing to see a Geth change his processes so fast. "Shall we be in need of referring all members as singularity titles? Much as we are Legion?"

  "Yes, that would be best." She had a chuckle.

  "Was what we said inappropriate?"

  "No, it was very appropriate. Just how you said it was so, mechanical."

  "We are machine. We are Geth."

  "I know." Tali shrugged, "Right, when should we exchange data? Now a good time?"

  Legion's flaps slowly shift. He turned up his neck. Looking at something. "Negative. Shepard-Commander has returned. Will most likely request debriefing. We will request

  data transfer at a later interval."

  Tali was excited. It was in how her hands clasp a little. Her legs, shift uneasily. Shepard has returned! Keelah se'lai her heart was racing ever so much. The sense of seeing

  him again even if it was nothing but his return? The fact everything has been so hectic, only for Shepard to finally…

  "Tali?" She was awoken to the Geth, Legion. "Your heart rate has begun to rise drastically. Perhaps stress levels are exceeding physical norms?"

  "What? Oh, no. No it's just, something else. Maybe a small fever?"

  "This does not seem logical. Your core temperature is at normal readings. While only a slight flush of internal plasma and other number of hormones have begun to

  circulate. We are compiling consensus."

  Tali shook her head. "Legion, you don't have to do that."

  "Consensus achieved. You are attracted to Shepard-Commander." Her eyes grew wide, again. This was how it happened. Another person has come to realize the one


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