I am Iron Man

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I am Iron Man Page 51

by Colin Cook

  "Welcome to my crew."

  Out in the darkness one last light flashed within the dark windows. There it ended. There the ship's engines softly hum once more. Pulling away from the other ship, and

  firing upon it like a small scab removed when it had no longer any use. Destroying it as the ship slowly moved away from this wreckage. The name of this ship upon her

  bow she glares with the flames of the destroyed vessel. The S.S. Hunley slowly moved to her next location within her grounds of drift.

  The Engineering room was humming with the power of the engines. A hum that was soothing to someone in particular. Tali had rested incredibly well last night. Pretty

  much considering a lot of weight was off her back. Least, in theory. Yet after the day began she darted her mind to other things. To the fact she in some way still, deeply

  felt for him. It made her concentrate on her work more to diffuse these thoughts. The act of just saying enough is enough wasn't enough. She still felt the same way. Tali

  still wanted Shepard. She just was convinced this is the best option. The only real option she can stand. Right now, there was a lot of commotion for Shepard. Tali knew

  Miranda had her interests and Jack, just about the same though she was more dismissive of these things. Tali would have pinned after him more but there's been no

  modest attempts by the commander. Everything was 'Tali, you're doing well.' and 'Tali, you got a minute?' which even after all of that the Commander often seemed to

  dismiss her desires. It was impossible to make any headway.

  Even so he was a good person. The Commander was her commander. Shepard still was the valiant commander that sent her into chills. Tali can't deny it. If he were here

  right now she'd be all the more inclined to try and perhaps swoon for him. Though deep down she didn't want to do this again. She just wanted to try and get some work

  done, see what Garrus was up to after the mission and she even debated seeing a vid with Legion. Legion, that was another thing. Garrus and Legion were her two only

  real friends here. Legion being the odd choice since he was in most ways her utmost enemy. He was Geth. Legion was the Geth, the entire Geth were him. That made her

  ponder how she can so easily become friends with Legion? That was because Legion was not just the Geth, he was also Legion. Legion himself…. Or, itself had provided

  her a lot of supportive backing. He helped her open for some small problems. She also confided in him when she felt lowest. That probably was the solidifying factor.


  That made her then think about Joker. Why didn't she go to him? She knew Joker but she didn't feel comfortable talking to him. In truth, she realized it's because of EDI.

  EDI provided a number of essential measures yet there is something else? Trying to talk to Joker with EDI always there seemed impossible. The two bicker and then

  apologize, congratulate and sometimes it sounded like flirting with one another. That made her giggle a tiny bit. To think, Joker and EDI. The easily broken human who

  loves his ship more than the people on her, and the AI that pilots the ship for the weak boned human that she protected. This made her smile in her helmet. The very idea

  of a synthetic and an organic together was laughable. Never, could such a thing ever work for a Quarian. Least, not knowing how every Quarian there is hated synthetics,

  especially the Geth. The only one not acting on those born-in ideals had to be her with Legion. Yet Tali found him as her friend, and that's all he needed to be as he helped


  Tali would gladly help him if he ever needed it.

  Somehow he must have felt this. Shepard came into Engineering smiling at the group here. Tali, Kenneth and Gabby. When he spoke up, "Kenny? Gabby? Might you two

  leave for a moment?"

  Tali looked back wide-eyed. It was weird. He just came down here? Tali turned around, asking, "Do you need me for something Commander?"

  Shepard gave a nod as the two other engineering members left. Crossing his arms, he leaned on the railing and asked, "I wanted to talk to you, see how you're doing?

  Last night I got the feeling there was something else you wanted to tell me. Yet you didn't feel comfortable talking?"

  Tali shook her head. A slight flush in her cheeks she felt somewhat warmer than usual. Might be a overheating coil or… something. "Well, I was thinking about one thing.

  Yet I decided maybe now wasn't a good time?" She shrugged, "Why are you asking Commander?"

  Shepard shrugged, and tried to say, "I couldn't stop thinking about it last night. We're on route to that ship. Yet I don't feel comfortable now. I feel a little nervous or

  maybe even distracted?" She seemed stunned. Why? Shepard was never… what happened? "Your talking to me like you did. It was really a nice gesture. So far every

  other woman on my crew has been trying to seduce me."

  To that she was stunned, more. "Shepard?" Tali walked over, asking, "Do you mean you KNOW how they feel?"

  Shepard smiled a bit. A nod, he said, "Of course Tali. Yet I choose not to egg them on." She closed her eyes, turning from him. The bosh'tet… he knew about her too

  didn't he? Was he here to mock her now? Try an tell her he just wanted to be friends, and waited for her to reciprocate? "I don't want to give them the wrong idea. I'm

  not interested. In fact, I can't see myself having another relationship. Not after what happened to Ashley." Turning around she saw him, sad and alone. A part of him he

  seldom showed. It was a rare gift in some ways. She seemed worried and upset for him. Then he said, "It's not my desire to upset them though. Or to try and make

  them fight. I just don't want to have to do that again."

  Tali looked at him confused. It made so little of a click, so far. "Do what again, commander?"

  He looked at her. Then, Tali realized. Shepard's smile was so distant. Yet he tried to make it look real. "I don't want to have to be put in that position again Tali. Where I

  have to sacrifice someone I care about for another mission." This, made her stomach turn. The Commander… Keelah, it really made her nauseous. Yet a smile of warmth

  came back. He leaned up saying, "Having you close to me though. Without having to fear it will be something else? It helps. I feel that…. I can finally just be friends with

  someone." Looking down, he shrugged. "That is until last night when you said it. Now? I can't stop thinking about-."

  The noise of the ship's AI came, EDI spoke up. "Commander, I have received a message for you."

  Shepard looked up. Tali, holding her hands. She watched him looking to her and then the ship. A smile on his face he lit up this otherwise brutal talk. "I'll take it in my

  private quarters."

  However, another voice chimed in, playful and a little teasing. That would be the helmsman Joker. "Yeah, you might but thing is commander? I don't think we can fit the

  Briefing Room in your quarters. EDI pulls off some pretty amazing tricks but that's a new one."

  Shepard raised a brow. It made him curious. Why did he have to go to the Briefing Room? Though it did click. He asked, grudgingly, "Is it from Cerberus?"

  Joker's mock played well as he warned, "Now don't go all postal. We knew the boss-man would be looking for you sooner or later. Sort of still on the Cerberus Credit

  Union, right Commander?"

  Shepard sighed at the very idea. Motioning to Tali he said, "I think I'll have to talk to you later Tali."

  Tali nods. The Commander left in a slight storming fashion. This, caused Tali to turn to her console and slowly tap her fingers. It was worse than before. Tali closed her

  eyes clenching her fists a little. At least the last time she broke it with him. Now? He broke it with her, twice. She opened her eyes leaning on the console. Thinking what he

  said. What he didn't say. He was thinking about something. It made him continue thinking. Now,
she closed her eyes tightly as she sighed out a hard breath. Gabby and

  Kenny return, she not even looking to them. Instead Tali rubbed her brow from her helmet. How could he do that? Make her want to try and go back? This was incredibly


  Tali shook her head of these thoughts. No, she made her decision. Trying to wait for Shepard was over. Trying to make it work was over. Wanting him and desiring his

  touch, to know his kiss and feel his breath? To sense his eyes over her? Those days were over. Tali knew that. She HAD to be strong for this to work.

  Tali slowly worked on the engines. Then she groaned leaning on her toes. Crossing her arms she shook her head. Knowing damn well being strong was the last thing she

  wanted. She wanted Shepard now. All the worse than before.

  A dark chamber. Lit only by the exploding star behind him. This place was a symbol of the irregularity of the man sitting in the center of this room. Slowly puffing at what

  may be the seventieth cigarette of his day… maybe less or more, hard to track. The refreshing intoxication flowing in his lungs while he pulled back the tobacco and

  exhaled with the glowing strobe of a sillhouette. A very ominous, estranged voiced called to the newcomer, "Commander Shepard. Pleasure you could join me." He, with

  eyes a strange design. Swiftly glowing out in the light. Shift up and down the man he saw. The commander of the Normandy. His ship but not his man, team or crew.

  "Might we want to talk about something? Or do you still feel Cerebrus and the Normandy are on separate paths?"

  Shepard stood as a holographic projection. Yet with a blaze in his eyes even from all across the universe, he demanded things. Demanded to be recognized. To be

  honored in some way by this man. Shepard spoke back with a serious assertion, "I'm not interested in anything Cerebrus or you have to say. Yet when I got the message

  you wanted to talk? I came to give you the benefit of the doubt. What's your problem and make it fast we're busy."

  "Going after a Quarian as I hear." Shepard's eyes narrow on this. A slight smile, the man in the chair shrugged a slight. "Come now Commander. You and I both know I

  have many connections."

  Shepard gave that a give in. "I know, I know you have connections. Yet what does this have to do with Cerebrus?"

  The Illusive Man simply smiled back, took a puff of his next breath of diluted air and began to speak as the embers flicker near his lips, "Ahh… that's hard to define. You see

  Shepard. Recently I sent a Cerebrus team to contact a certain ship. Coincidentally you're on course to that same ship." Shepard glared at him, and the Illusive Man told

  him, "I didn't intend you any ill will. Neither was I listening in. I had information about that ship a week ago. Sad thing is, they were supposed to report back with their

  findings. What they came back with is nothing. I haven't heard anything. I'm now getting frustrated and a little worried. Innocent men may be in danger, Commander."

  Shepard knew that. It was the key to always working him. This bastard knew that. A nod, Shepard shifted his hips, asking, "What do you know Illusive Man?"

  "That sadly is not as much as I would like." The Illusive Man admits a little sourly. "The truth of the matters is I had a small dealing with the Quarian, Jacohbe." Shepard

  seemed to show his distaste, the Illusive Man raised a hand, lit cigarette still smoking. Then he explained, "The truth of the matter was it was entirely beneficial. I gained

  prothean technology that was in working condition, he requested a base of operations on a small planet. Easy enough for him and me. However, we lost contact a week

  ago. I then overheardthis mess." Leaning on his chair he said, "I felt this was also a good way to improve Quarian/Cerberus relations yet now I'm not entirely certain.

  Seems we have come to a slight impass of ideals this Jacohbe and myself."

  "You got what you paid for, in my opinion."

  The Illusive man sighed scratching his brow. "I'd imagine you of all people would enjoy the idea Shepard after all you seem to have a rather soft spot for Quarians, if I'm

  not mistaken?"

  Shepard glared back, demanding, "What the hell does that mean?"

  "On the Citadel you got involved with a private matter between a Quarian girl and C-sec, the report tells you even defended her when the officer in charge seemed to be

  harassing her. Better still, on Omega you paid for a Quarian to leave the station and go back on his pilgrimage… Veetor and Kal'Reeger? That Quarian from the Hades

  system?" To this, he narrowed his eyes, asking, "The Slave Quarian you helped into safer indentured service with…. Damn it Shepard you sound like the Quarian Saint


  Shepard never thought about it though. Even now hearing how much he helped the Quarians. It made him stand back a slight. A first, Shepard actually being taken back.

  This made the Illusive man twitch with his cigarette. Maybe he smelled blood? Or maybe he was curious. Wrapping a glass of some kind of alcoholic brew, he asked,

  slowly, "Shepard… you, have a Quarian working with you. The first Quarian you met, helped and hell joined your team to stop Saren. I recall first real mission working for

  me she was there and you seemed to shift a lot of your attentions after that. In fact, you just about changed everything after that meeting. Mind me asking, how she's


  "Tali?" Shepard looked back. Then, he grew stern and tall. "She had nothing to do with this. With Jacohbe or you!"

  "Or, she can have everything to do with this." The Illusive Man smiled a little. Not his place. He gave a nod, "Shepard, you've been willing to help every heart with a sleeve

  in the galaxy. I've heard stories all over. I've heard MANY stories, Shepard. Yet the Quarians owe you a lot. Every other person and race right now hates them. Needless to

  say the Geth incident never helped. Jacohbe obviously also isn't out there to help them forging these Geth attacks and blaming it on more Quarians. So here, simply put.

  I'm looking to help you. Which since you're such a bleeding heart?" Shepard glared back with some spite. "I am going to send you as much information I can to your

  console, and better still send you the cooridnates of the planet in question. It should help you out a bit in your search. Just remember this the next time, Cerberus asks

  you for a favor."

  "I'm done with favors for you." He said, looking up. "Joker, end this connection."

  "Shepard…" Sadly, the connection went dead. The Illusive Man closed his eyes sighing deeply. Leaning back, he rocked slowly. "He's still just as much an ass as before.

  Damn it…" However he smiled leaning back and puffing once more his lungs full of smoke, "Least I found something interesting. This time."

  Shepard walked out of the Briefing room in slight huff. Gathering himself he made his march past Mordin's office. However, Mordin caught him. "Commander Shepard!"

  Shepard stopped and turned. "Have a moment?"

  "Sure." Shepard came back. Standing with his arms crossed, he looked on curious. "What is it Mordin?"

  Mordin, smiled before turning off the device he was working with. "I was in the midst of a small test. Trying to define level of severity illness Thane caries. Might be curable

  yet not at this stage." That wasn't the concern though was it? He had a feeling. Mordin began again. "I have been thinking. Processing. Temporarily debating the

  possibilities of things to come. Analysis of the data from Omega. Have had no breakthrough as of yet, wanted to know if you may shed light on this?"

  Shepard turned up to a screen Mordin motioned to. As he took note it showed the red glowing Quarian Jacohbe. "You must be trying to figure out that strange biotic

  power of his?"

  "Yes, no… maybe, not sure? More Jacohbe as well." To this, Mordin motioned him closer. He had no choice so he came sitting down. "What I have d
iscovered is this 'Biotic'

  power." He motioned his fingers to the word 'Biotic'. "It has numerous functions. Some not like regular biotic. For example, can somehow alter and change mechanical

  objects. Was not common. Seems to work but not when synthetic like Legion learn his secrets, must have been why he rushed the Colossus knew continued attempts

  would be failed. Was not prepared for Legion." Taking a moment the doctor looked back, holding his chin. Looking and studying the image. "Does not seem natural. Is not

  natural. If not natural, does not have any other conclusion. Is…" He had a deep intake. Shepard knew that means something bad. That Mordin was about to proclaim

  something he, himself was against. "Unnatural."

  "Wh-ha-hat?" Shepard didn't realized he'd laugh. It was hard not to.

  Mordin, turned down glaring. "Is no other conclusion. Have studied all possible measures." Motioning, his hand jumped as he exclaimed, "Does not act in natural pattern.

  Does not control in natural pattern. Does not project in natural pattern. IS not NATURAL! Therefore, is unnatural!"

  Shepard looked at the image a while. A smirk and he crossed his arms leaning back on his chair. "Okay, so let's say it is something unnatural which I do agree. Are you

  sure it's not just some tech-thing? He is a Quarian. What about if he made a synthetic biotic shield, or generator? To make himself stronger and better?"

  "Yes. Did assume." Shepard watched as Mordin motioned to his table. Then Mordin started tapping and moving diagrams. "Tried to define where such device could be

  concealed yet do not find room in suit. Attempted to construct possible diagram for such device yet could not constitute energy source needed for such device. Was also

  unable to explain other factors such as unusual height, body mass and regeneration of Quarian physiology. All this implied once more not natural, must be other. Should be

  supernatural caused by mutation or perhaps some form of mind meld with Asari? Debated the possibility of Ardakt-Yakshi melding with Quarian male, perhaps backfired?

  Turned Quarian into stronger more powerful, or minds were switched and is in fact Ardakt-Yakshi? I have not enough data to make this assumption."


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