Guardian Stone 2: Stone and the T-Raptors

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Guardian Stone 2: Stone and the T-Raptors Page 16

by Don Koch

  By morning, all persons on the base had the devices removed. Unfortunately one more person had been terminated and 10 more devices were indicated as activated.

  At mid morning, Commandant Pell Cassarn made a station wide announcement. He described the actions he had taken on discovering that the High Command was about to deploy a Starkiller device at Petra because that system would not bow to dictates from High Command. He also described how High Command controlled its officers and senior enlisted by installing termination devices in their heads that when triggered would cause a massive embolism or stroke that was fatal. He also noted that High Command had triggered the devices on 12 occasions the previous night at Lema Base. He noted that they were able to block the signals from reaching all but 2 of the devices on Lema and as a result, two senior officers had died. High Command had triggered all of the devices on Orbital Station Acar that totaled another 2,047 devices most of which were senior officers and senior enlisted. Fortunately all of the devices had been removed from persons on station so there were no resulting fatalities there. He noted that all of the dependents held hostage in the Yannarian enclaves had been rescued and were on the station. He described the non-violent arrest of all polits on station and his initial intent to send them all to the penal colony at Felix. He went on to say, "Fellow citizens, these actions by High Command leave me with little choice but to declare this station to be an independent and free state. This is still a military base but you will be establishing a democratic civil government for civilian pursuits in the next few weeks after we have managed to assure our ability to maintain our safety. A large contingent of the Antoran fleet is in system and is helping. Additional units will be arriving this evening. More on that later. We have disabled the power station providing power to the High Command's communications to other systems and have removed the power transmission lines. Partly this is to deny High Command's ability to terminate any more of the military personnel throughout the Hegemony. The High Command's willingness to commit genocide and arbitrary and fatal termination of its people is unacceptable and we intend to stop it here and now."

  "You now have a choice. You can stay with us in our new state or you can leave. We will willingly deliver those of you who wish to leave to any destination within our power to reach. Some quickly and others not so quickly depending on our available resources. This station has about 40% of the military vessels in the Hegemony so we have a significant power base. With this station's capability and newly discovered mobility, we no longer need to fear our ability to survive. If you wish to leave, we will respond to that request as soon as we can as long as we can assure the safety of the rest of us. Communicate your to desire to leave as soon as possible. This will not be held against you. We will be trying to assure the people of Yannar have the same opportunity. Thank you."

  Initial reaction by the people on the station was disbelief followed by rejoicing. Only 32 persons indicated that they wished to leave and none of those were seeking return to Yannar. Most were selecting systems at the extreme edge of the Hegemony's reach. Four even wanted to go to Petra.

  Randa Prin was incensed. She ordered her marines to arrest all polits on board and when that was done, made a general announcement to the remaining population describing what was going on. She then called Pell and asked if Acar would still like to have about another 100,000 residents. Pell indicated that he would be delighted. She indicated that she would call back in about an hour with more information and disconnected.

  She then made a general announcement and replayed Pell's broadcast to his station announcing their independence. Her announcement was to the effect that SS Acar was willing to accept anyone that wished to join with them. Only 12 persons were not interested in leaving because they wished to go elsewhere. The polit population on station was about 2,000 of whom about 400 wanted to realign with the station. Acarma examined the personnel files and psyche records and determined they could accept 380 of the polits and most would be provisional. Acar had room for all of the war-craft except one dreadnaught. It was decided that this vessel would leave the system and head for Petra to warn them about what was going on.

  Randa then called Pell to relay the decisions made by the population and made an interesting suggestion. She pointed out that there was a large portion of the base that could be isolated from the operational offensive and defensive functions of the base. They could remove all communications capability from the base and disable the offensive and defensive functions of the base. They would also remove any vacuum suits that might be used to transfer to other operational areas. Essentially anyone remaining would have safe living quarters with plenty of supplies but that was all. They would not be able to restore the other operational functions of the base. No weapons would remain. She suggested that this would be a good place to warehouse the polits. Pell agreed that this was an excellent suggestion and ordered it done. They also transferred all of the detained polits on station to the base. The polits would be safe until the entire exercise was complete and a decision could be made about what to do with them. In addition all remaining termination devices were removed from the polits. The additional population enhanced the capabilities of the station, as did the additional Lema Base warships.

  With this consolidation of forces within the Yannar system, Pell was now ready to take action with the High Command.

  Chapter 25: A Visit with the High Councilor

  On SS Acar in Lema Orbit –

  November 21 – C Day 448

  Acarma sent a message to Barana to update the approaching Antoran Fleet concerning the developments of the last few days. Barana had provided some upgrade information to enhance Acar's shields that were installed before leaving Lema orbit for Yannar. She was also able to provide the changes needed to enhance the FTL capability to 600,000 xSL. This would allow Acarma to reach any system in the Hegemony in hours. A similar trip in a conventional Yannarian warship would take more than 100 times as long. The remainder of the Antoran fleet was due to arrive late that evening.

  The T-Raptor teams from the 4th and 20th Divisions were having way too much fun. The more they used the T-Rex imagery, the more adept they became in its use. Staff movement about the High Command offices was at a minimum and fear was rampant. The teams were able to systematically remove all data from the databanks they visited. The location of the Starkiller was still unknown and that was a serious concern for Acarma and the Acar rebels. The High Command was so focused on the mythological creature that they were not yet aware of the invasion of their data banks. The all too convincing evidence that the creature was real could not be ignored. The hope for identifying the location of the Starkiller weapon was a great disappointment. They could not know if the weapon had been deployed or whether its development was complete. The existence of the weapon was a danger to a great number of people and the clock was running. Acarma explained this to Kanchana and Barana. Barana suggested that one of their strongest T-Raptor teams might be able to help even though they were still some distance away. She noted that their strongest team was led by their Commander and they were well within his range. Barana explained what they could do and Acarma felt her excitement rise. She said that this could be the answer. She found it difficult to countenance such a capability but being aware of the havoc wrought by the teams from Divisions 4 and 20, readily agreed that it was time to do what they could. Barana then suggested a link with the team, the teams operating at High Command along with Acarma and Pell.

  Shortly the link was established, introductions were made and Acarma and Pell explained what was needed to Barana and the team. Pell took an instant liking to Hank and vice versa. Barana indicated that she could provide a visual and audio link to the team in action through a mental link with Acarma. After the details were settled, Hank said, the experience, I know I would be. Give me about five minutes to brief my team and we will do this thing.>

  Hank then briefed his team that included Trilx and Gara since Dranz and Meri could not make the trip. They were almost as strong as Dranz and Meri so the ability of the team would not suffer. Hank said, "we are going to go over this place with a fine-tooth comb. The teams from Divisions 4 and 20 are very good so wherever the information is hidden it will be a trick to find. We need to locate that weapon. Too many lives are at stake. Poke into every nook and cranny. Our folks are already using the T-Rex image to spook them and that has been working. If you want to try something else creative, go for it. Haunt these suckers like you have never done before. Lets go have some fun but find that weapon. OK team, lets do this." and they entered rapport. Acarma directed them to the High Councilor's chambers where the fun began. She also sent two teams using the T-Rex image with them. Hank walked in with two T-Rex images on leash. He dropped the leashes and said, "guard them but don't eat anybody, yet." In unison and in a very low rumbling voice, the T-Rex images said "Yes, Boss." One went on to say, "But they look so tasty," and drooled licking his chops. Several of the guards turned a few shades paler. The rest were all visible and saying nothing they started searching for anything that might help. The High Councilor looked as if he was having an attack of apoplexy. He ordered his guards to shoot the intruders but projectile weapons merely dropped debris at the foot of anyone they attempted to shoot. Energy weapons did no better. One of the T-Rex images caught a bullet fired at it and spat the bullet back at the guard who fainted. At one point, Hank hurled the High Councilor into his chair and told him to stay there or suffer the consequences. The High Councilor elected to rise form the chair so Hank suspended him in mid air about ten feet above his desk and muffled him so it sounded as though he was whispering. This all had a demoralizing impact on the guards who one by one were pinned against the wall. Hank made sure that the events in that room were seen by those outside the room through the surveillance equipment in the room.

  Additional guards tried to enter the room but were unable. Hank told them that the room was too crowded already. Hank went to the High Councilor's computer and started searching that. He also created a link to Acarma that allowed her to download everything. Hank then found the signal generator for the termination devices and said to the High Councilor, "You will not be needing this anymore, no more killing by remote control" and fried the circuits in that machine. The other teams were wreaking havoc throughout the High Command compound. Weapons were converted to molten heaps. Computer databases were wiped after the data was transferred. No one was hurt but all who made contact with members of any of the teams had some serious damage done to their pride. The teams started asking questions and when they did not receive appropriate responses, they did as Hank had done and suspended the questioned individual in mid air, lightly spinning head over foot. This generally provided more meaningful responses in short order.

  Hank went over to the High Councilor and said, "OK, Mr. High Councilor, where are you hiding the Starkiller weapon." The High Councilor refused to respond. The High Councilor's office was on the 50th floor of the Headquarters building. When Hank saw that the High Councilor was not going to answer, he floated him out a door to a balcony and suspended him over open space and repeated the question. With that Hank let him to fall to within ten feet of the ground and them brought him back up. The High Councilor had fainted and soiled himself. When he came to, Hank said, "you don't smell so good," and then repeated the question. Again the response was the same so once more Hank dropped him, this time to within two feet from the ground. This time he did not faint but the terror in his face was clear to see. Hank made sure that all the guards could see what was happening as he brought him back up.

  Hank said, "Lets see that time I stopped you about ten feet from the ground so I think this time we will go for one foot." The High Councilor was shaking his head no, no, no, not ten feet. Hank said, "So the question remains, where is the Starkiller?"

  This time the High Councilor, shouted, "I'll talk, I'll talk. Don't drop me again, I'll talk."

  Hank moved him so he was above the balcony and said, "I'm listening but this had better be the truth and I will know if it is not."

  The High Councilor said, "The facility is located at the Feron system that has a dead star and a few satellites. The first weapon was launched two hours ago toward Petra and will deploy in ten days. The second will be ready in six days and will launch two days later for the Saba system. The third will be ready in ten days and will launch three days later for the Morn system"

  Hank said, "Give me the coordinates of the launch site and the codes to cancel the weapons, now."

  The High Councilor gave Hank the coordinates for the launch site and cancellation codes, but Hank moved him out over the edge and said to him, "you are lying about the cancellation codes and it is a long way down. Care to try again?"

  This time the High Councilor gave him the correct codes. And Hank said, "What about the authentication codes?" and the High Councilor blanched and gave Hank the codes. Hank said, "we are going to go stop those weapons and then we will be back. You have left us quite a mess to clean up here. Even more than Artus Brondin. You are confined to this building until we return. All of your exits have been sealed."

  The High Councilor's eyes widened and he said, "I am Darus Brondin, you know my brother?"

  Hank said, "So you are related to that piece of work. Mass murder must run in the family. We are not going to leave you with any frills. Your databases will all be erased shortly and the equipment fried. None of your weapons will be functional. I suggest that when SS Acar shortly asks for your unconditional surrender, you provide that with alacrity. If that is too big a word for you, it means promptly. I would also suggest that you go get cleaned up, you really stink. OK teams lets make another pass through to be sure we have not missed anything. Then destroy all the databases here once we know they have been duplicated upstairs. We have had a pretty decent days work, but we have more to do." When they were done clearing the databases, they broke rapport.

  Pell and his staff were stunned by what they had just witnessed. They had never in their wildest dreams imagined that so much havoc could be applied from such a distance. Even Acarma was truly impressed and during the debriefing said,

  Hank thought, and then verbally, "Meanwhile we still have a problem to contend with. I was surprised to learn that there are three weapons and one is already on its way. We need to transmit those cancellation codes and authentication codes. We then need to totally destroy those weapons and the facilities for building them. This means we have to sequester the builders and make sure all the records on how to build these things are destroyed. The trouble is that once one has been built, Pandora's box has been opened. It may be impossible to close but we are going to make the effort."

  "Pell, you should rock the High Councilor's boat promptly and ask the High Councilor for his immediate unconditional surrender. Once you have that, you need to get the rest of the Yannarian fleet in line. I would suggest you get your Marines down there right away. We can also lend you as many of ours as you want from the ships in system. Do not give High Command time to think. We will dispatch stations to capture and destroy those weapons. The five ships in Division 18 will proceed to Yannar to provide whatever additional help you need there. We are also sending a station to the Feron system and I think you should have representation with us, in fact, I would recommend that SS Acar accompany us. Station 4 and Division 20 will remain here to support your troops with High Command and to arrest or vet any arriving ships. You probably want to recall the dreadnaught you sent to Petra, their shields would not be sufficient if the Petra sun were to go nova and they cannot get there in time to do anything about it. Once those weapons are secure, we can dea
l with the remaining systems and let them know what is going on. From there we need to discuss rebuilding your Hegemony with individual system autonomy. Acarma, my congratulations on an exercise well thought out and executed. You are responsible for having given back freedom to your people. There is much to do but you have won."

  Pell responded, "I guess that I am surprised that the main part of this is well in hand so quickly. There are some remaining issues to resolve. Offhand these issues are:

  We need to identify those ships in the fleet that will stand down and not oppose our initiative. Probably the quickest way to do this is to have one of your stations ask for the surrender of each ship it meets after immobilizing their polits and explaining the situation to their captains.

  We will be creating a very large power vacuum. The result of that could mean that a lot of people will die needlessly. We will need to assure that we do not replace the High Command with another of the same ilk. I am hoping that Randa Prin, former Commandant of the moon base, will take over temporary control of the government on Yannar. At least until the people learn how to govern themselves and free elections can be provided. Since all political expression on Yannar has been eliminated for so long, it will take a while for the people to take charge of their future. Randa is a principled person with compassion and the intelligence to accomplish some good.

  We have the same power vacuum at the Hegemony level and that one is potentially the most dangerous. My thought here is to advise each system that they will hereafter be autonomous. I am hoping the Antorans will extend their structure to the Hegemony and utilize people from our worlds to perform the role they do for their own. These crews will need to incorporate citizens of the systems participating. We really want to encourage intersystem trade as the device to foster peace and prosperity. This is going to mean that we will have to go out there and advise them how to do this. In this case the problem will be in the details.


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