by Sharon Webb
Kurt looked through crossing eyes at Chao, who gave him back a sheepish look and shrugged. Without a word, they fell into a ragged line behind their guide and meekly followed.
She led them down a hallway and onto a mover that whisked them away with a speed that deranged Kurt's vision and balance, a speed that seemed to him to be close to that of light. The proof of it was that his head felt large enough to fill the universe. Beside him, Chao clung to the handrail. From the expression on his face, death would be welcome.
After what seemed to be an eternity, they came to a large hall. Over wide double doors leading off to the left hung a sign: INFIRMARY.
He considered the sign. Infirmary… For the infirm. He seemed to qualify.
Kurt, Chao, and half a dozen others followed the guide into a large room. One by one, she deposited them in cubicles.
He sat where he was told. Waiting, he passed the time listening to his head throb. Presently, a motorized cart appeared and spoke to him in a monotone: "Place your hand in the tube." The cart extended a vid-eye, beamed in on his pale face, and extruded a tube in his direction.
He poked his hand inside. Immediately, he felt it clasped and drawn, along with most of his arm, inside as the cart moved closer, pinning him against the chair. Sundry pricking sensations assailed his captured limb. Before he could open his mouth to protest, the vid-eye stared into his. "Breathe," commanded the cart. Simultaneously, a mask emerged from the body of the machine and pressed itself over his mouth and nose.
Clamped as he was in the cart's embrace, he had no choice but to breathe the cold, sharp gas that filled the mask.
After half a minute, the cart removed its breathing apparatus and replaced it with a tube that snaked toward his mouth. "Drink."
Fearful of what it might do to him if he refused, he began to swallow. To his relief, the drink seemed to be a sugary mixture of fruit juices.
At last, the cart released his arm and pulled away. As it trundled toward the next cubicle, he realized that his headache was subsiding and his vision was slowly returning to normal. A few minutes later, he was ravenously hungry.
The guide collected them with a cheery, "Better now?" and steered them out through a hallway toward the mover. On the way, they passed a series of rooms marked COUNSELOR. Through a partly open door, he heard a girl's voice cry, "I can't. I can't do this. I want to go home." A moment later she began to sob. He caught a quick glimpse of her. She held her face in slim fingers, white against the strands of auburn hair that trailed over them.
He paused and stared through the door. A moment later, the guide caught his arm. "This will be explained to you later. Now, you must eat or you will feel much worse."
* * *
The rest of 12-Co had left the dining hall by the time they arrived. By now, Kurt's head was clear as ice and he trembled with a hunger that approached nausea. The others seemed to be in similar shape.
They sat in two groups of four, Chao and he with two young women he vaguely remembered from the night before. They gobbled their hi-pro breakfast in unsociable silence. Only when their unnatural appetite was abated did they attempt conversation.
"Could it be," asked Chao, "that the treatment is perhaps worse than the malady?"
"Poisoned. Poisoned with punch and then tortured," said a girl with ash blonde hair and pale skin. "It's a Coalition of Borgias we've got into."
Kurt stared at her in surprise; she had spoken in English. He lapsed into it too as he introduced himself.
"My name is Foster," she said. "Pamela Foster. From Chelsea."
The other girl frowned at them, looked across at Chao, and said pointedly in one-tongue, "I was taught that it is rude to use foreign languages in the presence of non-speakers. Weren't you taught that?"
Chao remained politely silent.
"Sorry," Pamela said in one-tongue. "Deplorable lapse of manners. Did you see the girl in the Counselor's office?" They nodded.
"I talked with her last night. She despises the idea of the Ministry and all that. I think they're going to send her off."
"Home?" asked the other girl. "Do we have a choice?"
"I think so. It wouldn't make sense to keep someone on in a program they hated, would it now?"
"It's happening too quickly," said the other girl. "They haven't given us time to know what our training will really be-what any of the future will be, for that matter." She turned to Kurt, "If we do have a choice, which way will you go?"
He stared at his plate. Her question had started an avalanche of thoughts-thoughts of what his life had become since Mouat and Gari had changed the world.
What would he choose? He scarcely knew what the choices were. He thought of Polvay-that little man in the last stages of his life-reaching out for some sort of immortality. He felt the bitter core of disillusion emerge once again. What choice had the mortals given the children they killed? What choice had they offered Jorge? He thought of Sean lying in MacDill Hospital-Sean who had never harmed anyone.
And what choice would his own father have given him? He could see those lips moving once again-moving, compressing:… I wanted very much to kill you…
He looked evenly at the girl across the table. "We don't have a choice." They were the oldest-the ones who had to go first, the ones who had to lead the way. He thought of the younger ones then-the children. They would look to the oldest the way a child looks to its parents. "We don't have a choice," he repeated. "We've got to change things."
Chapter 5
The door sighed open, and Kurt and Hallie stepped outside into a blazing afternoon. The pavement steamed from the remains of a shower too brief to clear the muggy air that hung over Tampa.
Shouldering their packs, they walked together in silence. Finally, Hallie said, "I don't know why, but it seems as if we've been away for a lot longer than two days."
He had noticed it too; he nodded.
"It's because we crammed so much in, I guess." She paused at the turnoff to her dorm. "This time next week then… Join the Coalition and see the world."
More than the world. In one week, he would be leaving for L-5 with 12 Coalition. Hallie was joining 10-Co then-bound for the South Pacific. "Send me a coconut."
"Sure." With a grin, she took his hand. "You'll get it as soon as you send me a package of space dust."
They stood staring at each other as if their eyes were bonded together. Then with quick parting waves, they turned and walked in opposite directions.
Without stopping first at his dorm, Kurt headed for MacDill hospital.
* * *
The woman at the desk consulted her console, then looked up uncertainly. "He can have limited visitors, but I'm not sure about you. Family members only-" She stared over his shoulder. "Wait. There's Dr. Olivo now. I'll ask."
Kurt followed her gaze to the tall yo�
�ung woman in a lab coat who emerged from the chart room. "Never mind," he said, "I'll ask her myself."
Turning, he fell in step with Dr. Olivo as she walked briskly down the hall. "Yes?" she asked pleasantly.
"I'm here to see Sean McNabb. What can you tell me about him?"
She stopped and turned toward him. "You must be Kurt."
He nodded. "How is he?"
"Better. Much better, physically. But otherwise he's not doing as well as I'd hoped. Maybe you can help."
He turned puzzled eyes toward her. "How? What is it?"
Lines creased her brow, then smoothed away, "He knows about Jorge… but he's not consciously accepting it. He won't talk to me or the nurses about what happened. Maybe he’ll talk to you." She smiled. "He's asked about you at least a dozen times."
"Then he'll be all right?"
"Oh, yes. Physically. But he has to deal with this emotionally too. Come on. I'll take you to him."
They turned, and he followed her down the hall to a door. She tapped once and opened it. "Sean. Someone's here to see you."
The boy turned startled blue-green eyes toward her. When Kurt stepped through the door, Sean's eyes widened even more.
"I'll talk with you later." She stepped back into the hall and shut the door quietly behind her.
Kurt crossed the room in two steps. "How are you doing?" He ruffled the boy's coppery hair with a broad hand. "Need anything? Something more to eat, maybe? You look as if you could use a few candy bars."
Sean shook his head. "I'm not hungry."
Kurt searched the boy's face for a second, then he drew a chair up to the bed and sat down. "They told you I was out of town, didn't they? I came the first night, but they wouldn't let me in."
"Yeah, they told me." He looked down at his hands and pulled on a finger until the knuckle popped.
Sean looked pale to Kurt-too pale. His freckles seemed to stand out in three-dimensional relief against the white skin. "You, uh, feeling all right now?"
"Yea, fine."
He wasn't fine; he wasn't fine at all. "What happened, Sean? Who did this to you?"
The boy caught his lower lip between his teeth. He blinked and shook his head.
Kurt leaned forward, "Who was it? One of the maintenance men? A workman?" Then with sudden suspicion, "A teacher? Was it a teacher?"
Sean shook his head again and looked away toward the window.
Kurt caught his arm. "Who, then? Look at me, Sean. Who was it?"
The boy looked at Kurt for a moment and then stared down at his hands. Tugging at his fingers again, he popped one knuckle after the other. Finally, he said in a low voice, "It was one of the Kindy kids."
"What?" Kurt took the boy's hand in his.
"One of the Kindy kids."
"Which kid? Which one?"
He shook his head. "I don't know. I don't know his name. He had a red birthmark right here." Sean touched an index finger to the angle of his jaw. "Right below his ear."
"You're sure?" He couldn't believe it. He had been so certain it had been one of the adults, one of the mortals.
Sean nodded. "He locked me in."
"I don't know."
"What about Jorge? Are you saying this kid locked both of you in that room?"
Sean looked blank for a moment. Then he said, "Jorge got away. He got away, but I was locked in."
Kurt stared at him for a few seconds, then he said quietly, "What happened to Jorge?"
His lips began to quiver and he pressed them together.
"What happened to Jorge, Sean?"
"He got away." He thrust his chin out, and then his lips began to quiver more. "He got away… but I couldn't. And it was hot and my hands hurt. They hurt so bad. And smoke was all over. I got sick and then-" Tears brimmed from his eyes and he covered them with his hands. He sobbed, shaking the bed with the force of his anguish. "The guinea pig died, Kurt… The guinea pig died…"
* * *
"A child? A five-year-old?" Lauren raised unbelieving eyebrows.
"That's what Sean said… and I believe him." Kurt dropped into the chair by Lauren's desk.
"But, surely they could overpower a five-year-old."
"Not if he slipped out ahead of them. It must have happened fast."
A thoughtful look came over her face, then she frowned. "If he did that-if he locked them in-then it was deliberate. I can't believe a little kid could plan something like that."
"Believe it or not," he said with a trace of annoyance. "The door was locked from outside."
She touched his shoulder. "But Kurt, you said yourself that Sean thought Jorge got away. Maybe he's confused about the whole thing."
"That's what I'm going to find out." He had set the wheels in motion already. He had marched back to MacOps and demanded priority computer time in the name of the MacDill Youth Government Association. "Something ought to turn up by morning when the teachers get notice. How many children could have a birthmark like that?"
"I.can't believe it, Kurt." Lauren shook her head. "I just don't believe that a five-year-old could do anything like that.” She tugged at his hand. "Let's go to dinner. And on the way, you can tell me about your trip." She tipped her head. "What was the big mystery about?"
As they walked together, he told her bits and pieces about 12-Co, but when he looked into her familiar face, he couldn't find the right way to tell her that he would be leaving in a week. The words seemed to be dammed up inside him.
"This training period," she persisted. "How long does it last?"
How could he tell her? How could he tell her that he wouldn't be seeing her for the next thirty years?
As if sensing something, Lauren looked at him gravely. "I, uh, hope that this 12-Co thing won't come between us, Kurt."
He tried to mask the sudden empty feeling with a quick smile. "How could it?" But, everything had happened so quickly. And at least part of his decision had been based on Sean… He had been so sure-so positive-that mortals were responsible for the fire.
A hundred thoughts jostled in his brain at once until none of them seemed to make sense any more. When Lauren spoke again, she had to repeat herself twice before she had his attention.
* * *
Margaret stared at the flexi-sheet. That business about the birthmark… They had to mean Silvio Tarantino. But why? She looked up from her desk in the portable shelter that served as a kindergarten classroom until the main building could be repaired. Silvio was painting industriously with bright tempera colors. He seemed completely absorbed in what he was doing.
She rose and walked over to the boy as he worked the broad brush over the paper in meticulous orange strokes. "That's very nice, Silvio."
As he looked up at her, a smile stole over his face. He turned back to the paper and added another streak of orange that trailed upward toward the top of the sheet. "And what's this?" Margaret pointed to a small dark object near the bottom.
A thumb crept to his mouth. "Pepper."
/> "Oh." The guinea pig. With a start, she realized what the orange streaks of paint represented. Awful how even the very young ones were affected. They should never have taken them to the chapel. "Everything's going to be all right, Silvio. We'll get a new guinea pig very soon." As she stood staring through the open window at the blackened wall of the main building, she squeezed his shoulder absently and wondered why in the world MacDill Youth Government would be interested in Silvio.
* * *
Instead of the committee she had expected, only one young man met Margaret as she walked into the chapel with her hand tight around Silvio's.
A nice-looking young man, she thought, but there was something in his eyes she didn't like, something that came into his eyes when he looked at Silvio. She slid her hands protectively over the boy's shoulders, squeezing gently. "You say you're on the discipline committee? I don't understand." This was nonsense. The discipline committee was concerned with troublemakers. Troublemakers-not little boys like Silvio. He had never given her a moment's grief-which was more than she could say about so many of them.
"I'd like you two to come with me." Kurt picked up a small recorder and led them to the ramp that connected the chapel and the hospital.
Baffled and a little defensive, Margaret recaptured Silvio's hand and followed Kurt down the hall. They stopped outside a door tagged with the name Sean McNabb. She stared at it. Wasn't that the boy in the fire? Yes. She was sure of it. She thrust her chin toward Kurt. "Maybe you'd better explain why you're so interested in this child."
"I'd be happy to. Later. But right now, I'd like to ask him a few questions." He started to open the door, then stopped. "Please let him answer for himself."