The Telepathic Clans Omnibus

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The Telepathic Clans Omnibus Page 36

by B R Kingsolver

  “Brenna, there’s a triple mirror in the closet.”

  “There is?” She went to the closet and looked around confused. Alice came in behind her and pulled out a folding panel, revealing three floor length mirrors.

  “Gertrude and I were friends,” Alice said. Gertrude was Brenna’s grandmother, Seamus’ wife, and Brenna had inherited her bedroom.

  When Brenna got to the boxes with the foundation garments, she found that many of the boxes held sets with bra, panty and garter belt, and some also included matching hose. Then she opened a box and just stared. “What is this?”

  Alice smiled, “That’s for your solstice dress, that’s what goes underneath.”

  “But, what is it?”

  Alice burst out laughing. “It’s a corset, haven’t you ever worn, or at least seen one?”

  “Maybe in Playboy.”

  Alice had her strip and put it on. Sapphire blue with lace over satin, it was rather stiff and she had a bit of a problem cinching it around her waist. It provided stiff shelves for her breasts to rest on, but didn’t cover the nipples. It flared over her hips and had garter straps hanging from the bottom. There were matching lace-topped hose but no panties. “Alice, there aren’t any panties here.”

  “And what would you need panties for on The Longest Night? You’d just lose them. Here, put on the hose and let’s see how that dress fits. I only have tomorrow if it needs any adjustments.”

  “The corset is kind of tight.”

  “Yes, dear, I know. I told the girls that you’d be able to fit into a twenty-two inch waist, and I was right.”

  Brenna rolled her eyes, then rolled the hose up her legs and hooked them to the garter straps. “These are the softest stockings I’ve ever felt.”

  “Silk is so much nicer than nylon, don’t you think?”

  She put on the dress, a sapphire colored chiffon and lace one-shoulder evening gown. The sparkling bodice of beaded lace had a diamond shaped keyhole cutout and the center pleated A-line skirt was slit on the side to mid-thigh. Alice zipped her up, then handed her a pair of matching four-inch spikes. Looking at herself in the mirror, she was stunned. Alice walked around her, pulling at the fabric here and there. “Yes, I think it will do. Does it feel all right?”

  Just then, she received a spear from Rebecca, Is Alice with you?

  Yes, Brenna answered, we’re in my room.

  Good, Irina and I will be right up, Rebecca sent.

  Shortly there was a knock on her door and Rebecca entered with Irina wearing a bathrobe. “My God, Brenna, that is stunning!”

  “Alice, I think this is a little tight.” Irina pulled the robe apart, revealing an emerald green corset similar to Brenna’s. Her waist appeared incredibly tiny.

  “Oh, no, I don’t think so. It’s only twenty inches. One of my girls wanted to try for Scarlett O’Hara’s sixteen, but I decided that might be a little too much.”

  “I can’t breathe. I know I won’t be able to eat anything,” Irina protested.

  “Dear, you’ll be so nervous that you won’t be able to eat anyway. You can live on the fruits of love for one night.”

  The three young women stared wide-eyed at her.

  “What about the panties?” Rebecca asked. “This outfit and another one are missing the panties.”

  Brenna chuckled. “I was told that panties are superfluous, and I’d probably lose them anyway.”

  Irina’s eyes almost popped out of her head.

  Rebecca eyed Alice critically. “And what are you wearing tomorrow night?”

  Alice smiled, “Something my girls designed for me, but I assure you, the outfit doesn’t have any panties either.”


  Siobhan called a meeting of all the succubi in Cindy’s room right after breakfast and had invited Rebecca and Jill as well. When they all gathered, she produced three bottles of red wine, a basketful of glasses and two huge boxes of chocolates. “Breakfast of champions,” she proclaimed.

  “Ladies, this is an historic occasion. Never has the O’Donnell Solstice Ball hosted five succubi -- I checked. In 1928, there were four, but one of them was over a hundred fifty. I thought we should get together and decide what kind of show we’re going to put on.”

  Rebecca spoke up, “Some wag has already dubbed it ‘The Dance of the Succubi’ and it’s spread. There are pools going all over the place and some of the betting is outrageous.”

  Puzzled, Brenna asked, “Betting on what?”

  “Damn near everything, who will go up the stairs the most times, who will be the first one up the stairs, whether Cindy will take anyone at all, whether Brenna will participate, you name it, someone is betting on it.”

  Siobhan chuckled, “How are the odds running for most times upstairs?”

  “You’re the leader at one-to-one odds. I tried to bet on Rosie Thompson, but they wouldn’t take my bet. I think Collin tried to bet on her, too.” She blushed, “They also refused the bets of the seven Protectors who tried to bet on me. Succubi only.”

  Looking thoughtful, Cindy asked, “What are the odds I won’t take someone?”

  Rebecca smiled, “Need someone to place a bet for you?”

  With a sly smile, Cindy nodded.

  “No problem, I’ll have Rosie place it. No one would suspect her. I think I’ll take a little of that action myself,” Rebecca laughed.

  “Who is Rosie Thompson?” Siobhan asked.

  “The most notorious woman in the valley,” Rebecca answered, looking straight at Cindy, “a succubus-gene carrier. She’s a little older than Collin and Jared and they’re all old friends. She’s a legend among the locals. A really nice lady, really sweet, I like her a lot.”

  “Okay, back to business. If this is going to be the succubi show, we should give them a show, don’t you think?”

  “Why did you invite me to this meeting?” Jill asked. “I’m not a succubus.”

  “Because you’re a genius organizer,” Siobhan answered with a smile, “with a wicked and naughty mind. We aren’t prejudiced, just predatory. Besides, I know you like wine and chocolate.”

  Siobhan popped a truffle and washed it down with a sip of wine. “Now, for those of you who haven’t attended before, there are some basic rules, which will be explained to all new guests at dinner this evening. This is the most civilized and discreet orgy you’ll ever attend. No sexual activity in the main ballroom, not even necking. All activity takes place upstairs, or if you’re really hot to trot, I suppose you could use one of the closets on the main floor.

  “Men do not ask, period. Any man seen or reported to be propositioning women will be escorted out by the Protectors. Brenna’s grandmother’s rules, I understand, and they’ve held up for a hundred years. Women approach the men and ask, ‘Sir, would you do me the honor of conducting me to a more comfortable place?’”

  “You’re kidding,” Irina said, laughing, “a formulaic proposition?”

  “Yep, and if they accept they will offer you their arm. If they decline they will make some kind of lame excuse, but that doesn’t happen too often and is definitely frowned upon. On the other hand, it is considered bad taste to go too far outside your age range. Collin might have a couple of old ladies ask him, but it’s not likely. It would also be considered poor form for Antonia or me to prey on an eighteen year old. We’re supposed to leave them for you girls. The men may ask you to dance, indeed are expected to, but you can ask the men as well.”

  “Any questions?”

  “Uh, yeah,” Brenna looked uncertain, “How many men am I supposed to ask? I mean, do I have a quota or something? I heard Jill say she took five men upstairs last year.”

  Jill laughed, “I’ve slowed down as I’ve gotten older, but it really depends on you, one or a dozen. How many last year, Siobhan?”

  “Twelve, but I have a date this year so who knows, I might go slow.”

  “Jesus, twelve men in one night? When do you breathe?” Irina asked in awe.

  “You sort of get i
n a rhythm, you know? I mean, you’re not going upstairs to spend hours gazing into each other’s eyes. That’s why you leave the one you really want until last. But who knows how it will go this year. It’s always been bang and drain, but with Saint Brenna’s gift, I think things will be a bit different.”

  “Saint Brenna?” Jill looked around. “What gift? What am I missing here?”

  Cindy smiled at her. “Your father and I made love this morning. Didn’t you notice my Glow at breakfast?”

  “Well, yeah, but …” she trailed off, the implications of Cindy’s statement starting to sink in. She turned wide-eyed to Brenna, “What did you do?”

  Irina giggled, “She found the answer to the most important question in the world.”

  By lunch they had a plan, simple but flashy, with the aim of assuring the ball would achieve the proper atmosphere from the beginning. Something that wasn’t in their plan was Seamus pulling Brenna into his study and informing her that he wished her to perform the benediction at the beginning of the ball. He gave her a phrase to memorize and told her to announce it to the gathering upon his entrance.


  Chapter 2-8

  The major effect of the succubus' presence is a lowering of inhibitions with regard to sex and lust. Slowly, the populace begins to shrug off its ingrained social mores. Males and females begin to desire her. The decreasing of inhibitions extends to all people; people feel less and less social pressure to restrict themselves in their romantic pursuits. The people become less and less concerned with others, and more and more intent on fulfilling their own desires. - Bishop Jerome du Bois, 1544

  In addition to the main dining room, there were two smaller dining rooms in the main house and two in each of the guest wings. A light dinner was served in all locations at six o’clock, giving everyone a chance to eat and then take care of any last minute preparations before the ball began at eight. Officially, it ended with sunrise, but few people were ever still awake by then. Brenna had plans to greet the sunrise with Collin in their room, but to start the evening they made love before they showered and dressed. Other than escorting her into the ball, he would be on his own for the evening.

  Brenna wore her mother’s sapphire necklace set, her hair brushed all to one side. Seen in profile from her left, it appeared she had short hair, or it was all up. From the other side it looked as if a black waterfall was cascading from her head down over her shoulder and arm. The final touch was her makeup, sapphire-blue eye shadow with matching blue lipstick and fingernail polish.

  Jill’s room was next to hers, across from Cindy’s. Brenna stopped in to see if Cindy needed any help and came out into the hall just as Jill emerged. They walked down to dinner together. Jill wore a tight yellow sheath in a Chinese style, hugging her minimal curves but making her look taller. “I may have to slip into the kitchen and borrow a knife,” she confided, “I think this thing is too tight to dance in. I should have had them make the slit higher.”

  “I just hope I don’t make a complete fool of myself. I only learned ballroom dancing this fall,” Brenna replied. “Collin’s been teaching me, but if the guy doesn’t know what he’s doing it will be a disaster. If you need any comic relief, just find me on the dance floor.”

  A twenty-four piece orchestra would play from eight until one with a break at ten, and since the sixties, a rock-and-roll band would take over and play from two until four. Most of the older people would be ready to retire by then and the younger people would take over the dance floor.

  Collin escorted her into the ballroom at eight just as the orchestra started playing. It was already crowded, a swirling maelstrom of color from the women’s gowns mixed with the black of the men’s suits.

  By tradition, everyone waited for Seamus before the festivities started. He was supposed to take the dance floor first and for the past twelve years had escorted Cindy onto the dance floor to begin the festivities. The other four succubi stood together near the entrance with their escorts while they waited. It seemed as though everyone was watching them, but Brenna hoped they were just watching the entrance for Seamus.

  She eyed the broad, curving, open staircase that swept up one side of the room leading to the second floor bedrooms, wondering if it was there just for the purpose it served at this ball. The people who normally occupied those rooms had cleared out for the night, making arrangements to stay elsewhere. Irina’s room was one of them. Irina, where are you sleeping tonight?

  Jared has graciously offered me a place . It’s rough being a homeless refugee.

  Seamus wheeled Cindy into the room, setting her chair at the edge of the area around the dance floor. He bent down to speak with her then straightened.

  The other succubi stepped forward onto the floor, three of them circling until they each reached a cardinal point, Cindy holding the south. Brenna glided to the center of the floor. The orchestra faltered, then quieted. Siobhan, at the north point turned and sent a spear thought to the conductor. After a moment, they started a new piece of music, the traditional waltz to kick off the evening.

  Boosting her Glam to the maximum, the Goddess-like projection that succubi serving as Her priestesses traditionally used, Brenna raised her arms in the air, and threw her head back.

  “On this, the Longest Night, we call on our Mother to bless us, to embody the women of the Clan with Her will and Her desire, that they may take into their bodies our offering to Her and pray She shall let the sun rise on the morrow.”

  She released a burst of pheromones into the air, knowing the other succubi, Cindy included, had done the same. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cindy standing with her arms raised in front of her chair, Seamus steadying her with one hand on her shoulder.

  Brenna dropped her arms and waited while Collin walked out to her, took her in his arms and swept her into the waltz. The other succubi’s dates would be doing the same thing. Seamus held Cindy, swaying to the music at the edge of the floor. Randolph led Callie onto the floor and then other couples began to filter out. As they whirled around the room, Brenna and the other succubi continued to saturate the air with their pheromones.

  When the dance was over, she moderated her Glam back to medium. Collin bowed deeply to her, kissed her hand, and said with a smile, “Most beautiful lady, I hope you enjoy yourself. I shall see you in our room, and believe me, I’m looking forward to it.” He led her toward the front of the room near the bar and the orchestra and took his leave.

  She snagged a glass of champagne off the tray of a circulating Protector and he winked at her. She winked back. Men asked her to dance and she managed not to disgrace herself. It was the most magical night of her life, something out of the movies.

  Then Noel Campbell, head of their San Francisco office, stepped in front of her and asked in his Scottish accent for a dance. She had noticed Noel when he first arrived at the estate but hadn’t had a chance to talk with him. Tall and dark haired, incredibly handsome, Noel looked as though he had just stepped from the pages of a men’s fashion magazine. He was a wonderful dancer and she almost felt graceful as he twirled her around the floor in his arms. When the dance ended, she looked up at him and repeated the ritual formula. He looked startled, then pleased and offered her his arm.

  When they took the first step onto the staircase, a gasp went up from the throng and then applause as they climbed.

  “I had hoped to spend a little more time at the party this evening but it would be rather stupid of me to refuse the most beautiful woman in the room, wouldn’t it?” Noel smiled at her.

  She gave him a coy, sideways look and smiled. “I have a special surprise for you. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  “Oh, no doubt I will.”

  They went to Irina’s room, passing several others. Brenna felt a bit more comfortable using it than a stranger’s. Entering the room, she filled it with her pheromones and kicked her Glam to high. Taking her in his arms, he kissed her deeply. She fumbled with his pants, managing to unfasten them and
take his erection in her hand. He pushed her back against the wall, raising her skirt, and plunged his hand between her legs.

  He took her standing with her back against the wall, his hands gripping her hips and she opened her mind to him. They shared their pleasure gazing into each other’s eyes as he drove her to her crest again and again. She met him thrust for thrust, desperate and greedy. Then she felt him reach his climax, his energy spilling into her along with his seed. She flipped the switch and saw his eyes widen. Using his energy and his pleasure to enhance her orgasm, she fed the pleasure he was giving her back into him.

  When they came back to themselves, he stared down at her. “How?”

  She smiled, “We discovered an ancient trick. Do you like it?”

  He pulled her to him and kissed her deeply.

  “Come visit me in San Francisco. I’d love to show you the city,” he told her as he escorted her back to the ballroom.

  “I was kind of hoping I might get a chance to spend some time with you again before you leave,” she answered. “I’d like to get to know you better.”

  “I thought, I mean, aren’t you …”

  “With Collin? Yes, but he won’t mind us spending an afternoon together.”

  When they appeared at the top of the stairs, Brenna sending a burst of pheromones into the room as a signal she’d returned, a murmur started below. As they descended, everything came to a halt. She was obviously Glowing, and he even had a bit of a Glow, but he was upright, awake and smiling. No one knew what to make of it.

  Siobhan met her at the bottom on the arm of a man with a startled look on his face. “I was waiting until you came down. I wanted to see the expressions on people’s faces. It was priceless, they’re all wondering if you’re some kind of succubus prude or virgin or something.”

  “I guarantee not a virgin,” Noel answered.

  Siobhan laughed and continued up the stairs on the arm of a very confused gentleman.

  With the first succubus’ journey up the stairs, the dam was breached and a steady stream of people was soon traveling the staircase in both directions. The dancing became more energetic, the laughter a little louder, the smiles larger. She received a spear from Cindy and turned to Noel as she took her leave from him. “Noel, I realize this is a small breach of protocol, but the circumstances are special. When you’ve recovered a bit, Cindy would like you to drop by and say hello.” The look on her face told him all he needed to know.


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