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Breeders Page 2

by Alyna Lachlan

  "You should have asked. I'm sure there would have been many women willing to come here. I am not one of them.” Shayna backed up one step for every one of theirs as they slowly stalked her. Leaving the corner, she slid along the wall toward the door, swearing she would find a way to escape even if she had to crawl.

  Suddenly from behind, strong arms knocked the knife out of her hand. The steel clanged on the floor, then those muscles wrapped around her chest, pinning her arms at her sides. She screamed in frustration but didn't have the strength to fight. She'd forgotten to look for mister cover model with her desperate need to escape. The hunter had caught his prey.

  "Uh-uh-uh. What is this?” That deep mesmerizing voice that would melt ice, whispered against her ear. “Be careful lovely one that you do not end up in a glass box used as their next experiment, or worse, bait for the dragons."

  "Dragons? You jest.” Did he really think she would believe that? But seeing the female tech nod in agreement brought a chill and a quiver to run the length of her body. Her brow wrinkled with confusion.

  "Yes. All too true on Eliscean Prime. Would it not be better to learn about us and the planet so you can find that way to escape?"

  "You mock me!"

  "No. Only giving warning. Unwanted breeders are used as fodder for the beasts. Have no doubt."

  Images of the nightmare she had on the eve of her kidnapping rose to haunt her again and an involuntary shudder of unease passed through her body.

  Tyron pulled her up close. She could feel the strength of his chest pressed along her back. “I would keep you safe."

  She wanted to lay her head against his shoulder and feel his arms move below her breasts. She stiffened; shocked at this need for someone she had only just met, the very man who had bought her like a pair of shoes.

  Her full strength had yet to return but her spirit still wished to fight the injustice of her situation. When had Tyron gotten behind her? There existed something different about him the minute she'd met those glowing blue eyes. She felt an unwanted connection as if she had known him in another life or seen him in a dream.

  "I feel it too,” he whispered into the hair above her ear.

  She turned to face him. “Get out of my head. My thoughts are my own, and I'll be no one's breeder. If you think to pass me from man to man I will do them harm."

  An audible gasp came from the woman assistant.

  The short man growled. “She is unworthy, High Regent. She is too headstrong and combative. Let me take her off your hands and give her to the dragons."

  "I have chosen!” Tyron's voice held an edge. “She is mine to discipline and train. Now, see to your job. All breeders will disembark in one hour. You have three more to attend to in this unit, then move to the next.” He nodded to the sleeping chambers. “See that they are readied and quarters given to each."

  Latching onto Shayna's arm, Tyron turned, stalking out the doorway and into a long corridor.

  "Wait, where are you taking me?” Shayna pulled on the arm he held.

  He gave her a quick glance before turning to face down the corridor. His brow was pinched as if he were angry. She was on shaky ground here. She needed to be careful if she wanted to live out the rest of her life. What did she really know about this dangerous man or the planet she was trapped on? Handsome he may be, but she didn't know his heart. He wielded power with confidence as if he were born to it. A quiet menace lurked in every stride of his long legs. And the bad-boy black leather duster he wore didn't quit that image.

  Shayna stumbled and felt his grip tighten about her waist before he bent, picking her up. His chest was solid and warm against her side as he carried her. With strength used up, she laid her head on his shoulder.

  "Are you angry with me?” She asked, hating the unknown

  "No. I'm fighting my own nature at this moment."

  Shayna had no idea what that meant and wasn't going to go there. “Where are you taking me?"

  She put her arm around his neck to hold on and found the softness of his hair. It was warm from lying along his strong neck.

  "For the moment, to my quarters.” His mesmerizing gaze ran the length of her. “That hyper-chamber robe has its appeal, but I'm sure clothes will be more to your liking. Although ... I have heard of those earthlings who wear nothing at all. They call themselves nudists, I think."

  His mischievous smile curled one side of his lips, showing a dimple. Shayna felt its affect all the way to her curled toes. She caught herself wanting to return the smile, but remembered where and why she was there, so squashed the notion.

  "If you are not true to yourself and your emotions, Shayna, you will lose yourself and become false. That would make me ... angry."

  Was he reading her thoughts again? This was going to be annoying. His hold tightened for a moment then relaxed. She knew he was warning her to behave.

  The long hallway reminded her of the terminals at the airport, a passageway from building to plane. Only the walls weren't made of anything she could name. They were dark gray and smooth like metal. Large Computer monitors lined the inner walls. It looked like one monitor for each doorway.

  Sliding panels along the walls opened and closed into other's homes. People came and went, each one giving Tyron a salute as they bowed, their hand flat over their hearts. He didn't acknowledge anyone by word or action, only continued at a swift pace.

  Tyron turned left and they got onto an elevator. When the doors slid shut, Tyron spoke. “High Regent Tyron. My quarters.” He set Shayna down on her feet and leaned back against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest, his gaze probing. They slid over her slowly as if seeing everything that lay underneath the too thin robe. Shayna caught herself placing a hand flat over her breasts. Glancing back at him, she knew he had noticed that telling action by his lopsided smile and fire dancing in the depths of his gaze.

  There was a slight build up of speed as the elevator changed directions, causing her to take a step to the left. He grabbed for her again and pulled her up against his side. “Perhaps I should just hold on to you so you won't fall."

  She found she didn't mind that. The last thing she wanted was to find herself setting at his feet. Being this close to him, she couldn't help the sensory overload. He smelled good, like honey butter over warm toast, better than sunshine on the beach with a cold, sweet iced-tea.

  The elevator came to a slow stop and a woman's voice sounded over a monitor. “At this level you must have a clearance code."


  "Welcome, sir."

  The panel slid open into a large chamber.

  Tyron stepped out with Shayna under his arm, then waved his arm indicating the room. “Make yourself welcome here. This is to be our home, for the time being."

  Her gaze clung to his. “I will not be owned, Tyron."

  "To be owned by me is not a bad thing.” He smiled, causing wings to flutter in her belly and a tingling sensation all over. She wondered about his sexual prowess, and if he owned other women. She would never stand for being one in a crowd of women to service him. There was no way she would tolerate a harem.

  The room had floor to ceiling windows on the opposite wall, showing how high they were. The ceiling rose twenty-five feet or more with round pillars supporting sculptured, arched, beams that reached to the ceiling like large hands. But what drew her forward were the orange twin suns sitting low in the sky just above a rugged mesa of barren rock. She moved on wooden legs toward the windows of this large open room. When she was close enough to touch the glass surface, two panels slid open, giving way to a long outdoor balcony. The air was salty with a hint of earthy clay. She stepped out and over to the stone banister.

  She was overwhelmed at her first glance of Eliscean Prime. Jagged stone forms reached into the sky everywhere she looked, a rustic, barbarian landscape that called to something primitive within her. Though stark and uncompromising with hidden crevices and jutting, unforgiving cliffs, it exuded a haunting majesty and awesome fo
rce that was as breathtaking as it was treacherous.

  The setting suns cast their golden light over stark barren mountains of clay and rock. They were housed some two hundred stories high in the cliffs. There was little vegetation that she could see, but far below a wide river of crystal blue ran through the canyon. The sun's last rays sparkled on its surface. As she took in the view, a sense of finality cloaked her disbelief.

  Her nails scraped across the stone as she formed fists. She closed her eyes and tried to get air into her knotted chest. She'd been taken away from all she knew. There would be no escape. “Oh, God,” she prayed as fear rose its ugly head. Her chest felt tight with growing panic. She knew nothing of this world, nothing of its people. She was alone.

  Then she felt his presence behind her. His hands settled on her shoulders then ran down her arms. She needed to turn into his embrace but didn't move.

  "Shayna, I'll let nothing happen to you."

  She turned to face him, stepping away so he would drop his hands. “Talk to me. Tell me everything about Eliscean Prime."

  "Where should I start?"

  "Why kidnap women for breeders? Don't you have your own?"

  He gave a deep sigh. “Come inside. Your body has not adjusted fully to our atmosphere or the twin suns. I will tell you all there is to know."

  She moved back into the room and he directed her over to a large stack of pillows, sitting around a low square table.

  "Sit here and I will explain."

  Shayna sat down among the soft cushions and felt like she was perched on a bed of clouds, until he sat close beside her, then it became heaven. His slightest touch made her heartbeat erratic. Her thoughts had a mind of their own. She wanted to run her hands over that large chest and bulging biceps. The thick muscles of his thigh brushed along hers as he sat with his thighs spread and his knees bent. One arm lay across a raised knee, his hand dangling relaxed. Never had she reacted this way before. Shayna inhaled, forcing her sexual surges under tight control, wanting to run away and hide until this very real nightmare ended.

  He spoke, and she felt heat pooling where her legs joined and her nipples harden, scrapping against the smock. This would never do.

  "As to your question, yes, we have females but most are infertile. It didn't used to be that way, but over this last century, most males and females are born sterile. At first, we had labs with the best minds working, and hoping to come up with something to counteract what was happening. They grew children in tubes. We cloned male and female reproductive organs for transplants. We had deposit centers where those with organs that worked could be harvested. Other labs were used to see why more and more of us were born sterile. Thirty years ago, testing every element known, they found it was what we were ingesting from the planets surface, but the damage was done and all avenues of reproduction have failed. Our world was dying. That's when we looked elsewhere for compatible races. We visit nine planets. Earth is but one."

  "Thirty years ago would be all the sightings of UFOs in the seventies.” She reached up pushing her hair behind her ear.

  Tyron shrugged, watching her every move. He ran the pad of one finger along the shell of her ear. “At first we were clumsy at keeping our ships hidden, but now we can go and return with no one being the wiser."

  "You have ripped families apart."

  "No!” He met her gaze steadily. “We are very careful whom we take. The person must be alone without family or spouse. It is the others who are without morals."


  "Yes. The universe is without end. Do you think you are the only species living within it?"

  She shook her head. It would be unrealistic to believe so, yet hearing it spoken so plainly was disconcerting. “So what is my role here exactly?"

  His eyes grew dark and a sensuous smile touched his lips.

  "You are my Kara which means lover. You wear the title of Breeder so your status is known to all."

  "And how many Breeders is one person allowed to have?"

  Anger caused her voice to sound harsh. Her emotions were running ramped again. She knew she wasn't going to like his answer.

  "As many as one healthy male or female can afford. I think High Regent Camar has thirty-six at the last count."

  "Thirty-six! And what number am I?"

  "You are my first.” A wicked lift of one brow caused funny things to happen in her belly.

  "Oh, goodie.” Shayna wanted to stomp her foot. But all thought fled when he leaned closer. Her lips parted and her nipples grew uncomfortably hard under the clinic's smock.

  "Do you not see the honor in being number one?"

  His gaze ran down her throat and across her breasts, no doubt noticing her response. She was about to let slip an un-lady-like word when she heard a suppressed rumbling in his chest and saw that he was suddenly laughing.

  "You're lying!"

  "No, Shayna, but I enjoy seeing your fire. That was why you were the one I wanted. Breeders have never interested me until you. We have a connection of minds as well. I have never shared that with anyone ‘til now. Do you not feel it?"

  Yes, she felt it, all the way to her toes. She felt this overwhelming disorientation, fear and yes, desire for the man sitting so very close to her. Maybe her emotions were just hormones or a chemical imbalance that happened after they altered a person to live here. But with everything that had happened, she needed him to make her feel grounded, secure.

  "Tyron, the very ground beneath my feet has been ripped away.” Confused, tears clouded her vision. “I've fallen off a cliff and there is nothing to hold on to."

  He reached around her, pulling her into the shelter of his arms. She exhaled and laid her cheek against the base of his throat, glorying in the warmth of his hold. How long had it been since anyone had held her ... four ... five years? Tyron's touch gave her some control and she searched for a way to cope. With him as a tour guide, couldn't she just think of this as an adventure or vacation? Otherwise, she didn't think she could manage adjusting.

  His fingers pushed the hair off her cheek, then ran down the back of her neck, and a spasm of heat bloomed in her loins. Her hand spread across his chest and the steady beat of his heart radiated out to her fingers.

  "Give it time, Kara. I will not be a bad lover."

  "You're not arrogant either.” A smile touched her lips.

  With one finger under her chin, he tipped her head back so he could meet her gaze. Lowering his head, he brought his lips to slide across hers. A sampling before he covered her mouth completely in a kiss filled with repressed need. The taste of him carried all other thoughts from her, save the want for more. He was forceful and demanding, yet careful not to harm. Her hand fanned into the hair behind his ear. The sense of danger beat at her thoughts until she pushed back to meet his glowing hot blue eyes.

  The chime on the elevator door rang loudly giving her a start before the intercom came on.

  "Sir, your brother, Taylee, is on his way up."

  Tyron sighed, looking down into her eyes, then helped her to stand just as the doors slid open.


  "Tyron, are you out of your mind? I was told you bought a breeder, for Dauring Sake! They are beneath us, out-worldly trash to fill the beds of the working class."

  "You will hold your tongue!” Tyron turned to face his brother, a younger version of himself in height and dark coloring, being careful to shield Shayna from his view. Anger ran like blades along his arms and up his neck.

  "Turn off your translator or speak no more, Taylee. This house no longer belongs to a single occupant, so you may not enter here without request. You will show respect or find yourself barred from our home. Am I understood?"

  Taylee turned off the speaker on a gold pendant that hung around his neck. “You are of the house of Kaytessh. The queen will not allow this mating. There is none higher to the queen than us and all look to our house for guidance. Did you not understand what you do to this breeder in claiming her? Her life is forfeit."r />
  "No one will take Shayna from me. The Calling is upon me, and she is the answer. To take her from me at this point would see the beast unleashed to devour my soul and I would become another winged serpent. Do you see the danger in interfering?"

  He watched Taylee's eyes widen with understanding. “A Calling has never been done with a human or any other species. It could kill them. What if she fights you and refuses the bonding while the fever of the beast is upon you?"

  "She will not. Shayna is my Calling mate."

  "Our women are brought up with the knowledge of the Calling. They are trained on how to cool the fever, burning in our gut. This human hasn't a clue. Yet, she is attractive enough to bring on a response. I think it is your male rod that speaks and not a true Calling."

  Taylee had brought up a concern that Tyron had worried about. “Do you think I don't know the difference?"

  "You have been long without a female joining.” Taylee shrugged.

  Shayna stepped out from behind Tyron, tired of waiting for him to remember and introduce her to the visitor. The anger in their voices told her things might be getting out of hand and she needed to cut in.

  She put out her hand to shake Taylee's. “I'm Shayna."

  Suddenly, she was knocked out of the way to land hard on the pillowed floor. Growling came from the two men clutched in a battle of strength. They were yelling words she couldn't understand, but she knew she had done something very wrong.

  Tyron gabbed Taylee's arms as he moved to strike Shayna. His brother's face had gone red and pinched with anger. His jaw tightened and his lips rolled back, showing snarling teeth. He jerked and pushed on Tyron's chest, trying to free himself from Tyron's strong hold.

  "She insulted me with her touch. I demand retribution."

  "Shayna has no knowledge of our ways. She had no way of knowing it is forbidden to touch a male of station."

  "Swift punishment will teach that lesson."


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