Runaway Ride: Alpha Bad Boy Biker and MC Romance Box Set

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Runaway Ride: Alpha Bad Boy Biker and MC Romance Box Set Page 30

by A. L. Summers

  She stood behind him, her hands were warm and soft on his body as she ordered him to close his eyes so she could wash his face, then tilted his head back to rinse it. She ran soapy fingers behind his ears and down over his neck, massaging him with mild pressure. He shivered when he felt her warm hands against the skin of his shoulder blade and her thumbs running down the length of his spine. She massaged and washed all the way down to his feet and reaching around him washed the front of his legs, her head resting against his buttocks.

  She knelt down behind him and lavished kisses his beautifully muscled cheeks. One hand washed his hips and the other snaked up between his legs soaping his balls before sliding up his quickly hardening shaft. Her other hand came to join the first and he groaned as she massaged his sac while manipulating him into full hardness.

  She stopped just then and stood, moving around to the front to face him. She looked up into his eyes, reflecting the heat that burned in his own and began washing his chest. Joanna swiped her thumbs across his nipples a few times to gauge his reaction. When he sucked in his breath at each swipe, she smiled and rinsed his chest before clamping her warm lips on his nipple. No one had ever thought to touch his nipples before and he was surprised at the visceral reaction it caused. She moved her lips to the other side and he sucked a breath in again. It was different, pleasant, and was sending little shock waves directly south with each flick of her tongue.

  He almost missed it when she stopped, but quickly recovered when she kissed her way slowly down over his abs. Her lips and tongue explored every ripple of his six pack before tracing a path over the muscled ‘V’ that pointed the way to the prize she sought. She teased him by kissing and licking everywhere but the one place he really wanted her lips. He thought he would lose it when she kissed the inside of his thighs.

  Just when he thought he could take no more, she took his cock in a loose fist and slid her hand over the head and slowly down the entire shaft. He watched as her tongue flicked out and laved the bulbous tip. Then, looking directly into his eyes, she slid him into her mouth and he felt, rather than heard, her “MMMMM” as she did. He put his good arm on the shower rod to steady himself as she took more and more of him into her mouth, stopping only when he bumped against the back of her throat. She grasped an asscheek in each hand and shoved him down her throat.

  “Jo!” he whispered, “Fuck! It’s so good!”

  She “MMMMM’d” again and the vibration ricocheted through him like lightning. Pulling him out of her mouth Joanna moved his cock out of the way and licked and sucked on his balls while slowly stroking him. He pulled harder on the shower rod and when she heard it rattle, she stopped abruptly and reached around him to turn the water off.

  “What! Wait! Why did you stop?” The disappointment in his voice almost made her feel bad.

  “Get out. We’re moving to the bedroom.”

  They stepped out onto the bathmat and Joanna pulled a clean towel from a shelf beside the tub. “Bend your head down a little.”

  He did as he was told and she towel-dried his hair like a child. She then dried the rest of him, leaving no place un-dried, before wrapping the towel around his waist and drying herself. She looked down at the tent he made of the towel and giggled. “Looks like I still have work to do.”

  She lead him to the bedroom and shook her head when he tried to grab her. “No,” she said, “you’re the patient and I’m the nurse. You’ll lay there and take your medicine.”

  She made him slide over to the middle of the bed as she climbing on beside him. She kissed him softly on the mouth before turning and straddling his head and lowering herself onto his waiting tongue. She leaned down over his body and took him into her mouth again. He had lost none of his erection and she slid him as far back into her throat as she could before sliding him back out again.

  As she lavished her attention on him, he did the same for her. His tongue was furiously sliding in and out of her as she rubbed her clit against his chin. It was not long before she was moaning, “Oh, make me come!” He redoubled his efforts and sucked her clit hard into his mouth and she couldn’t hold back any longer. “Yes!” she cried out as she came, her juices rolling over his tongue.

  Joanna pulled off of James and moved down to straddle his waist. She leaned down and kissed him, tasting herself on his lips and tongue. She pulled up and held herself over his beautifully erect cock positioning him at her entrance. She then slowly, oh so slowly, lowered herself down on him until she had welcomed all of him into her soft, moist heat. She stayed there a moment, enjoying the feel of him filling her again. She clasped her pussy muscles around him, squeezing and releasing until neither could take any more.

  James pulled her down to kiss her and thrust his cock deep inside her at the same time. She braced her hands on either side of his head and met him, thrust for thrust. The heat between them was scorching and she knew there was only one way to extinguish the flames. Every nerve ending was aflame with pleasure and passion as she ground herself on him with a fervor that melded their two bodies into one. Both ceased knowing where one ended and the other began.

  A wave of rapture built up in rapidly approaching swells and they moved together toward its crescendo. And when it finally broke, an ocean of ecstasy crashed down drowning them in each other.

  “I love you Joanna.” He said softly, kissing her. “Don’t ever leave me again.”

  Touched by his vulnerability she answered, “Never.”

  They lay like that, in silence and in their own thoughts for a long while before sleep took them both.

  James woke to sunlight shining through the bedroom window, his heart plummeting when he found the bed empty. He pulled some sweats on and walked out into the living room half afraid of what he would find. He spotted the note on the coffee table and stood there for a moment staring at it. Finally, he picked it up and read it.

  I went home to shower and get ready to meet the Chief. I’ll pick you up at 8:00.



  He hadn’t realized he was holding his breath until it came out in a sigh of relief.

  He took a quick shower and was dressed and waiting in the front of the building when Joanna pulled into the parking lot. He was dressed in a dark grey suit accented with an electric blue tie and she past him by a few feet before recognition dawned on her. She slammed on the brakes and backed up so he was even with the car door. Realizing her mouth was open she snapped it shut as he angled himself into the passenger seat.

  Looking her up and down, James was sure he’d never seen a hotter cop in his life. The uniform was not supposed to be sexy, but the vision beside him was making the blood in his brain rapidly migrate southward. Maybe it was the gun. No, it was the handcuffs; definitely the handcuffs. He was wondering if he could convince her to use them on him later when he realized she was talking.

  “Hello! You’re looking at me like I’m lunch.” And watching him lick his lips was making her wish they could just go inside and eat already. Oh boy, she better get a grip before she cuffed him to the headrest and had her way with him.

  “Sorry, you just look so…” He couldn’t finish the thought, he was already treading dangerous waters. “God, just drive, ok?”

  “Yep. Good idea.” She put the car into gear and giving him a sideways glance said, “But you look amazing in that suit. I really like the tie. You should tie me up with that tie.” With that she pulled out of the lot leaving James to realized he was now the one with his mouth hanging open.

  As they walked into the station together, James drew an appreciative smile from Officer Dailey. Joanna knocked on the chief’s open door and he waved her in saying to James, “I need a moment with my officer Agent.”

  Closing the door behind her, Joanna sat in a chair in front of the Chief’s desk, nervously gripping the armrests. The next 45 minutes were one of the worst of her life. She had never been in trouble before. Never. Not once. She had a spotless record and was upset with herself for spoiling it.<
br />
  In the end, when Chief Erickson had yelled himself hoarse, he told her to decide whether or not she really wanted to be a cop in this town. Because, in this town, cops went by the book and didn’t go off half-cocked with some rogue DEA agent. She said, “Yes sir.” and meekly left his office.

  James stood when Joanna came out of the office and she briefly touched his hand and said, “I’ll be out in the car when you’re done.” She had no desire to witness his humiliation while still feeling the sting of her own.

  Less than an hour later James was slipping into the passenger seat of her car. “Well, that was the most thorough reaming I’ve ever had. I was double-timed by your chief and my captain.” He gave her a small smile, “I’m not sure if either cared that we had broken a major drug ring.”

  “What’s the bottom line? Do you still have a job?”

  “Yes, but I’m suspended for two weeks without pay.” He continued, “I heard what the chief said to you. He doesn’t care much about sound-proofing does he?” James considered her for a moment before asking, “So, what now?”

  “I’ve been sitting here thinking about it,” Joanna began, “I have vacation time coming to me. I think I’ll use it to decide if I want to be a cop in this town.”

  He smiled and kissed her, “So what do you say? You, me and my bike on the open road for a couple of weeks?”

  Joanna smiled as she envisioned them riding off in to the sunset on back of his Harley and nodded once before putting the car into gear and heading home.

  Below are some of Ellen Graves' other works to enjoy! Tap the covers for a sample

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  City Limits

  Miriam Becker

  Sasha Green was tired of living for Friday; tired of wishing her life away. Every Monday began her work week. She was up at 6:00 am and at her desk by 8:00. She’d spend the next 4 hours crunching numbers and dealing with annoying customers and co-workers. At noon, she would eat a bland, boring lunch at her desk before returning to the mind-numbing monotony of her mediocre job with its mediocre pay.

  Sasha was also a good girl. She went where she was directed and did what she was told. She paid her bills on time, her taxes were filed without errors, and she made sure to have her physical and dental check up every year. She did everything she was supposed to and while she was doing it, the days, weeks, and years slipped by her. Afraid to step out of her comfort zone, she instead watched her life flow by her like a river rushing toward the sea.

  In less than an hour she’d be 30 years old, and what did she have to show for it—some really healthy houseplants and a 401k? She’d had dreams once and now, sitting at her desk in her boring office at her boring job, she wondered what ever happened to them.

  She was brought out of these musings by the dawning awareness of her officemate Kendra Abbott standing beside her desk desperately trying to get her attention. “Hey! Earth to Sasha!” She asked loudly as she waved her hand in front of Sasha’s face.

  “What?” Sasha blinked and looked up at her co-worker. “Sorry. Uh, just spaced out there.” She cleared her throat and asked again, “What?”

  “C’mon. It’s five o’clock and I’m taking you out for a birthday drink.” Kendra was holding Sasha’s jacket with a determined look on her pretty face. “No way you’re going home tonight to sit alone in your apartment and wonder where the years went.” She had heard the sob story of Sasha’s do-nothing life more than once.

  Sighing, the birthday girl shut down her computer, gathered her belongings and followed Kendra out to the parking lot. As Sasha turned toward her car, Kendra grabbed her arm and said, “I’ll drive. It’s not far and I can drop you at your car afterwards.”

  “Do me a favor,” Kendra said abruptly as she drove the short distance to the bar. “When we get there, don’t judge. I met a pretty nice guy here a couple of weeks ago.” She smiled. “He’s the one who suggested we come out tonight.”

  “Yeah. Okay.” Sasha knew how the younger girl liked to conduct her love affairs. They burned hot and were usually very short-lived, so this “pretty nice guy” must be something special if she was seeing him again. But then, Kendra had a wild side and their definition of “nice guy” might be somewhat different.

  When they pulled into the lot and Sasha saw the row of motorcycles lined up neatly outside the entrance, she had a mild panic attack. What was Kendra getting her into?

  “A biker bar? You can’t be serious.” Concern was evident on Sasha’s face. “I don’t think I can go in there.”

  “You said you wouldn’t judge!” She accused as she pulled her phone out of her purse and sent a quick text. “Besides, it’s a private club, really. Eddie, the guy I told you about, is getting us in tonight.”

  Sasha still hesitated. This was out of her comfort zone and she most emphatically did not like to be out of her comfort zone!

  “Ugh!” Kendra made a noise of disgust, then said, “Just get out of the car!”

  This is what she had been daydreaming about, wasn’t it—about doing something different, maybe even exciting. “Okay! Okay!” She finally agreed, “I’m getting out of the car. My birthday is in your hands!”

  Kendra’s smile was huge. “You won’t regret it!”

  The door opened as if on cue when they reached it and a dark-haired man, at least a foot taller than Sasha’s 5’3”, stood back to let them file past him. “Thank you,” she said out of polite habit.

  “Any time, Princess.”

  His voice was deep and sensual and she turned to look back at him quickly, taking in his roguish good looks and a startling pair of silver eyes. He was long and lean with well-muscled arms that were evident even under the open flannel shirt he wore. The tight, black t-shirt layered under it only accentuated his athletic build.

  He moved closer to her and she caught the alluring scent of leather and something earthier. Sasha found herself wondering what it would be like to bury her nose in the warmth of his neck and inhale his masculine scent. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips.

  He stared at her lips for a moment, then cleared his throat and said, “Why don’t I buy you a beer.” He propelled her gently toward a table where Kendra sat staring in confused wonder.

  “Uh, yes. Please.” She met Kendra’s eyes, shrugging helplessly.

  “What is wrong with you?” Kendra asked, trying not to laugh. “You look like a deer caught in headlights!”

  “I have no idea. I just...I don’t know.” Sasha struggled for a second to find the right words. Finding none, she changed the subject. “Which one is Eddie?”

  “He’s at the bar with Kieran.” Kendra inclined her head in their direction.

  Sasha looked over to see a blond man with an open, jovial face laughing as he clapped a hand on Kieran’s shoulder. “Kieran.” She whispered to herself, enjoying the way his name rolled off her tongue. She could imagine saying his name a thousand different ways for a thousand different reasons and sat up a little straighter when he and Eddie joined them at the table. His earthy scent wafted her way once again, making her feel a little dizzy.

  Kieran leaned by casually in his chair and looked at her; really looked at her. His intensity was a little unsettling and heat flashed through her as she watched his eyes slide over her body, making her feel almost naked under his gaze.

  “So,” he began, “What do you do, um…” He paused with raised eyebrows, waiting for her to fill the silence with her name.

  “Oh! Sasha,” She finally provided, glancing at Kendra to find her grinning at her discomfort.

  “Sasha.” He repeated slowly. The sound of his deep voice caressing her name sent a delicious shiver up her spine. “What do you do, Sasha?”

  “Oh, it’s boring,” she replied, finding her voice a little easier this time. “I’m an accountant.”

  “Why do you do it, if it’s boring?”

  “Well, there’s always a need for accountants, and the pay is good.” She sounde
d defensive and she didn’t like it. Why should she justify herself to this guy. Who was he to her?

  “Calm down, Princess. I was just asking.” He turned to Eddie and stage-whispered, “Look at that Eddie, girl’s got a spine!”

  Kendra jumped in to defend her friend. “Don’t give her a hard time, it’s her birthday.” She looked down at her watch and continued, “In—whoa, 5 minutes!”

  Eddie stood up and held a hand out to Kendra, “Let’s go get shots!”

  Sasha watched them go, looking mildly panicked, “Uh, I don’t really do shots.” Her eyes lifted to meet Kieran’s, only to find them filled with laughter.

  “You have to learn to live Princess.” He leaned close to her once again, filling her personal space with the sheer size of him. His scent wrapped itself around her and she felt something she had never felt before in the presence of a man, not even the one past lover she could claim. Electricity surged through her body at the closeness and she had a wild urge to lift her lips as an invitation. To what, she didn’t know—a kiss? More? He sent her senses reeling just by pushing into her personal space and she was finding it difficult to think straight.


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