Victory at Yorktown
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alliance with U.S.
alliance with U.S.: problems in
entering war on side of America
financial support for America
foreign policy
sea power
treaty of amity and commerce with U.S.
Franklin, Benjamin
Franks, David
Fraunces’ Tavern
Frederick the Great
French and Indian War
French and Indian wars
French army
on Americans
arrival of
and British surrender at Yorktown
coordinating with Americans
heading south
and Indians
interest in America
leaving Yorktown
losses at Yorktown
march to the South
in Newport
ocean journeys
and operation against New York
in Philadelphia
and planned attack on New York
in siege of Yorktown
and surrender at Yorktown
Washington and
winter quarters
in Yorktown
French fleet/navy
American army and
arrival of
in Battle of the Capes
near Chesapeake
in Chesapeake Bay
in control of Chesapeake
need for
news of
prisoners of war
sailed from Brest
sailing for Chesapeake
“second division”
skirmish with British
size of
soldiers reaching
superiority of
warning about
in West Indies
see also de Grasse fleet
French Grand Battery
French officers
on American soldiers
dealings with Americans
and English officers
at Mount Vernon
in Newport
in Philadelphia
Washington and
in York
Fusiliers’ Redoubt
Gage, Thomas
Gates, Horatio
loss at Camden
Gâtinais regiment
George III, King
blame for loss of war
expeditionary force in America
micromanaging war
and news of surrender at Yorktown
proclamation saying hostilities ceased
British attack on
danger of losing
Georgia militia
germ warfare
Germain, Lord George
Clinton’s and Cornwallis’s letters to
and news of surrender at Yorktown
German mercenaries
surrender at Yorktown
see also Hessians
Gilbert Town
Giles, Edward
Gist, Mordecai
British prisoners at
British retreat by way of
fighting in
French at
Glover, General
Goodrich brothers
Gordon, Lord Adam
government, central
Graham, Samuel
de Grasse, François Joseph Paul, Comte de
and articles of capitulation
Barras joined
in Battle of the Capes
letter to Lee
meeting with Washington and Rochambeau
naval engagement with Graves
raising money for army
taken prisoner
de Grasse fleet
arrival of
in Chesapeake
in Chesapeake Bay
disappearance of
plan to put to sea
sailed for West Indies
sailing for Chesapeake
in siege of Yorktown
in York river
see also French fleet/navy
Graves, Thomas
Clinton’s corespondence with
naval engagement with de Grasse
and siege of Yorktown
warning to Clinton
Grayson, William
Great Run
Greene, Catherine Littlefield (Kitty)
Greene, Christopher
Greene, Nathanael
and Arnold’s treason
battle at Eutaw Springs
battle plan
carrying war back to South Carolina
and Cornwallis’s plan
in desperate straits
quartermaster general
in South Carolina
southern command
and victory at Yorktown
Washington praised
Grey, Charles (“No-Flint”)
guerrilla combat
Guichen, Comte de
Guilford Courthouse
battle of
Gulf of St. Lawrence
Hale, Nathan
Hamilton, Alexander
siege of Yorktown
and siege rules
Hampton Roads
Hancock, John
Hand, Edward
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, Robert
Hart, John
Hartford, Connecticut
Head of Elk
Heath, William
Hell Gate
Henry, Patrick
with Arnold
at Yorktown
Highland Scots
British declared war on
entered war against Great Britain
loan from
treaty with
honors of war
Hood, Sir Samuel
Horn Work
Hortalez et Cie
Houdon, Jean-Antoine
Howard, John Eager
Howe, Richard
Howe, Robert
Howe, Sir William
Hudson Highlands
Hudson River
defensive positions
safeguarding ports on
Washington marching to
Washington’s army on
Hudson Valley
Huger, Isaac
Humphreys, David
Huntington, Ebenezer
hurricane season
France recognizing
unwillingness to fight for
war for
Indian Ocean
French army and
Jackson, Andrew
James Island
James River
French fleet in
James River valley
Jameson, John
Jamestown Island
Jay, John
Jefferson, Thomas
Jersey militia
Jervis, John
Jones’s Run
Kalb, Johann
Kennedy, Archibald
Kentish Guards
King, Joshua
King’s Bridge
King’s Ferry
Kings Mountain
Knowlton’s Rangers
Knox, Henry
in charge of American wing at Yorktown
in meeting with de Grasse
at officers’ meeting
petition to Congress for soldiers’ back pay
in siege of Yorktown
and Washington’s farewellr />
Knyphansen, Wilhelm von
Kosciuszko, Thaddeus
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de
command in Virginia
and Cornwallis
dealings with Americans
division commander at Yorktown
move against Portsmouth
need for men
positioning force
relationship with Washington
taking letters to de Grasse
at Versailles
Washington’s correspondence with
at Williamsburg
on York
Lake Champlain-Hudson River waterway
La Loge, Chevalier de
La Luzerne, Chevalier de
Lamb, John
Lamb, Roger
Laurens, Henry
Laurens, John
Lauzun, Duc de
in siege of Yorktown
Lawson, Robert
Lawton, Polly
Lee, Arthur
Lee, Charles
Lee, Governor
Lee, Henry (“Light-Horse Harry”)
on Jefferson
Light-Horse Corps
and plan to kidnap Arnold
Lee, Richard Henry
Lee, William
Leeward Islands
Leslie, Alexander
ordered to Chesapeake
light infantry
Lincoln, Benjamin
defeat at Charleston
in siege of Yorktown
and surrender at Yorktown
Livingston, William
Long Island
Louis XIV, King
Louis XV, King
Louis XVI, King
collection of paintings
financial support for America
and news of victory at Yorktown
secret service
Lovett, Captain
armies’ skirmishes with
with Arnold
Cornwallis and
DeLancey’s corps
fighting with Greene’s men
at King’s Bridge
New York City
Lynnhaven Bay
McArthur, Major
McCall, James
McDonald, Allan
McDonald, Donald
McDonald, Flora
McDougall, Alexander
and Washington’s farewell
McDowell, Charles
McHenry, James
Machiavelli, Niccolò
McKean, Thomas
Mackenzie, Roderick
McLane, Allen
Madison, James
possible attack on
see also New York City
Mann, Sir Horace
Marie Antoinette
Marion, Francis
Martin, Joseph Plumb
Maryland assembly
Maryland Continentals
Maryland militia
Mason, George
Mason, George, Jr.
Mason, Thomson
Mason, William
Massachusetts militia
Mathews, John
Meige, Return Jonathan
middle states
military conspiracy
military dictatorship, risk of
at Cowpens
French opinion of
Greene’s appeal for
numbers fall short
ordered home
in siege of Savannah
in siege of Yorktown
in victory at Yorktown
in Virginia
lack of
seeking from France
Moore’s Creek
Morgan, Daniel
at Cowpens
heading north
leave of absence
Morris, Anthony
Morris, Gouverneur
Morris, Lewis
Morris, Robert
Morristown, New Jersey
army in
Moses Hazen’s regiment
Mount Independence
Mount Pleasant
Mount Vernon
Washington’s visit to
Moylan, Stephan
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Muhlenberg, General
Murray, James
naval power, shift in
navy, lack of
as soldiers
see also slaves
Nelson, Thomas
at Yorktown
New England
appeals to governors of, for troop levies
New England troops
New Englanders
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Grants
New Haven, Connecticut
New Jersey
retreat across
Washington’s army in
New York (state)
New York Bay
New York campaign
New York City
British command in
British evacuated
British troops in
Clinton’s defense of
expected attack on
fiction of attack on
loss of
planned attack on
recapturing from British
New York harbor
New York militia
New York Provincial Congress
Newburgh, New York
military conspiracy at
“Newburgh Addresses”
fleet sailing from
French departure from
French officers in
French troops in
harbor at
news of Cornwallis’s surrender
proposed attack on
Quakers in
Rochambeau in
Tories in
Nixon, John
Noailles, Comte de
Norfolk, burning of
North, Lord
North America, European possessions in
North Carolina
civil war
invasion of
over-mountain men in
North Carolina militia
North Carolinians
North Castle
North Equatorial current
ocean currents
Ogden, Aaron
Ogden, Matthias
O’Hara, Charles
Old Point Comfort
Olney, Jeremiah
over-mountain men
Pamunkey River
parallel trenches
Paterson, James
Paulus Hook
peace negotiations
Peale, Charles Willson
Pennsylvania line
mutiny in
Pennsylvania militia
at Yorktown
Penny’s Hill/Pigeon Quarter
Arnold in
British capture of
City Guard
Congress in
fell to Howe
French in
news of Cornwallis’s surrender
possible attack on
Philadelphia College and Academy
Philipse, Susanna
Phillips, William
Pickens, Andrew
Pickering, Timothy
sp; Pine’s Bridge
Pitt, William, statue
Pompadour, Madame de
Poor, Enoch
Popp, Stephen
Porto Rico
Portsmouth, Virginia
Arnold sent to
Prevost, Augustin
battle of
victory at
prisoners of war
Providence, Rhode Island
Putnam, Israel
attack on
expedition against
Queen Charlotte
Queen’s Rangers
Ramsour’s Mills
Rawdon, Lord
British attitude toward
discovery of Arnold-André plot
fighting Ferguson
fighting with the French
Red Bank
redoubts (Yorktown)
Number 9
Number 10
Reed, Joseph
transition of power to citizens in
Rhode Island
French in
hurricane in
slaves as soldiers in
Rhode Island regiment
British approaching
destroyed by Arnold
Riedesel, Friedrich
Robertson, James
Robespierre, Maximilien de
Robinson, Beverley
Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de
army 26
and arrival of French fleet
and articles of capitulation
commander of French wing at Yorktown
heading south
journey to Boston
journey to Yorktown
leaving Newport
loaned money to Cornwallis
loaned money to Washington
meeting with de Grasse
money requested by
at Mount Vernon
at Newport
paintings of Yorktown
and planned attack on New York
receiving Indians
in siege of Yorktown
and surrender at Yorktown
and Washington
after Yorktown
Rochambeau, Donatien-Marie-Joseph de Vimeur, Vicomte de
Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, second marquis of
Rodney, Sir George
Battle of the Capes
command of British fleet
Ross, Alexander
Rossini, Gioacchino
Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Royal Navy
in West Indies
see also British fleet/navy
Royal Welsh Fusiliers
Rush, Benjamin
Rutledge, John
St. Augustine
St. Clair, Arthur
St. Eustatius (Statia)
St. Exupéry (lieutenant)
Saint-Simon, Marquis de
at Yorktown
Salisbury, North Carolina
salt provisions
Sandwich, Earl of
Sandy Hook
Santo Domingo
Savage, Captain
Arnold at
Arnold wounded at
battles of
Burgoyne surrender at
fortifications at
victory at
joint effort to take
Scammell, Alexander
death of
Schuyler, Elizabeth
Schuyler, Philip
Sears, Isaac
Ségur, Philippe-Henri, Marquis de