Owned by the Sheikh: An Erotic Romance Collection

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Owned by the Sheikh: An Erotic Romance Collection Page 4

by Opal Carew

  She’d been lying terrified in the night while all he’d been concerned with was own sexual frustration. Fuck, what kind of man was he?

  “Lily, I am truly sorry you are in this position. I would never have wished this on you.”

  “Even though you hated me for breaking up with you?”

  “I didn’t hate you.”

  She pushed herself up on her elbow and gazed at him.

  “Yasin, I am sorry that I hurt you. I wish that hadn’t happened. And I especially wish that...” She frowned and rested her hand on his shoulder. “It hadn’t been your birthday. If I had known, then—”

  He rolled away, anger flashing through him.

  “You would have what? Waited another day to tear out my heart?”

  He sat up.

  “That night I had planned a special date for us,” he said. “One designed to enchant you. I had hoped to invite you into my bed. I was sure you were as ready as I was. I had seen it in your eyes.” He glared at her. “So would you have slept with me, then broken my heart the next day? Or would you have still walked away, despite knowing it was my birthday?”

  Her eyes gleamed and he clenched his jaw at the thought she might shed tears.

  She didn’t deserve his compassion. She was the one who had wounded him.

  “I remember you said you’d be taking me somewhere nice, so I should get dressed up,” she whispered. “I didn’t realize until much later that it was to celebrate your birthday.”

  “I did not plan to seduce you as a birthday present to myself. That evening was all about you. About convincing you how much I—”

  Fuck! He would not admit that he’d loved her.

  “How much you what, Yasin?”

  He simply scowled and jolted to his feet, then headed to the shower.

  “Here, put these on.”

  Lily stared at the skimpy green satin bra and panties with black sequins that Yasin dropped on the bed beside her. She sat up and lifted the items. There wasn’t much to them, but they were better than wearing nothing.

  “Then come join me for breakfast.”

  She’d heard the knock on the door a few minutes ago. Yasin must have asked the servant to bring this... clothing... for her with the food. He could have just left her with nothing but this coverlet to wear.

  He looked exceptionally handsome this morning in his blue silk robe, the tie at his waist accentuating his broad chest. He turned and strode to the door. As soon as he left the room, she pushed herself to her feet and hurried into the bathroom. Ten minutes later, she finished towel-drying her hair, then pulled the items on. She stared at herself in the mirror and was taken aback at how sexy she looked. The bra pushed her breasts up high and proud, the flesh swelling from the tops of the cups. And the panties barely covered the important bits. In fact, when she turned around to glance at her back in the mirror she was uncomfortable at how much of her ass was showing.

  She grabbed the coverlet and pulled it around her shoulders, then sucked in a deep breath and headed for the living area of Yasin’s quarters. As soon as she walked into the room, Yasin glanced up from his coffee at the table and his eyes grew stern.

  “No. You will not wear that. I have arranged for you to have something to wear. Do not insult me by continuing to hide behind that covering.”

  His reaction startled her and she dropped the coverlet.

  Immediately, his eyes darkened to a deep coffee-bean brown, steaming almost as much as the liquid in his cup. His gaze dropped to the swell of her breasts, then continued down her stomach to her hips, resting on the small patch of fabric, practically burning a hole through it.

  Her breath caught at the sizzling heat between them. At the intense awareness of her own body. Of her nipples swelling against the fabric.

  A melting heat pooled between her legs.

  Oh, God, right at this moment, she wished he would stride to her and sweep her off her feet, then carry her to his room and...

  She sucked in a breath, her eyes wide.

  “Sit,” he said sharply. “The food is getting cold.”

  She sank into the chair across from him.

  Oh, God, what was wrong with her? She knew this man was dangerous. His brother might be more so, but ever since she’d learned about his family... when her sister, and about a dozen other people, had made her aware—

  “I said eat,” he said impatiently. “My brother is waiting for us to join him on the terrace with the others.”

  Her eyes widened. “Like this?” She shook her head. “I can’t go out in public in this skimpy—”

  “Silence! You will do as you’re told.”

  With a shaky hand, she picked up her fork and began eating the food.

  She had never seen Yasin like this. The thought that he might be as dangerous as his brothers and cousins had troubled her for a long time, but it had been distant. Something she’d known she’d had to act on by breaking up with him.

  Now, having been kidnapped, bound, then forced into naked humiliation in front of his family, she’d experienced firsthand his family’s ruthlessness. But she’d never quite believed Yasin was like them. Not deep in her heart.

  But seeing his cold eyes now... and feeling the anger emanating from him... disturbed her to her very core.

  As soon as she finished, he stood up.

  “It’s time to go,” he said, waiting expectantly.

  She stood and followed him out the door, surprised he hadn’t chosen to change out of his robe first. Maybe he wore a bathing suit underneath.

  He led her through the house, decorated with lush plants, colorful paintings and elegant furnishings. The whole feel was airy and in fitting with the tropical locale.

  When he reached the doors leading to the terrace, he stopped.

  “This will be different than anything you’ve been used to before, and I know it might be difficult for you, but hold your silence and do as I tell you. My brother only respects a man who has total control of his women and if I am to protect you, it is essential that we put on a good show.”

  She wanted to tell him he’d already made this perfectly clear, but she didn’t want to say anything that would seem as if she were arguing with him.

  She nodded. “Whatever you say, I will do.”

  “And you will call me Master.”

  Her eyes widened. “But—”

  When she saw his nostrils flare and his dark glower, she bowed her head. “Of course. I will call you Master.”

  At that, he pushed open the French doors and led her into the heat of the afternoon. He guided her past a large patio area, then around to a pool.

  Several men lay on lounge chairs and their heads turned as Yasin and she approached.

  Shock jolted through her as she realized they were all totally naked. She dropped her gaze to the ground, thankful that looking subservient would also allow her to escape the view of them.

  Yasin led her to a chair near his brother Omar, then dropped his robe to the ground.

  Chapter 7

  Lily’s breath caught at the sight of Yasin’s naked body. It was exquisite. All contoured, sculpted muscles. Well proportioned and heart-stoppingly sexy.

  And his cock. Oh, God, it was bigger than she’d ever imagined.

  “Sit,” he said to her, indicating a cushion on the floor beside his feet.

  She sank down, aware of the others watching her.

  “Why do you have her clothed, brother?” Omar asked. “I was looking forward to seeing her pretty tits and cunt again.”

  She cringed at his crude words.

  “She is my gift. I prefer to keep her partially wrapped.”

  Omar laughed, and the other men followed suit. “Yes, well, as long as you tire of it soon. I do want to enjoy her before the week is out.”

  The others uttered agreement.

  Then Omar clapped his hands and soon there were several woman hovering about. At least twice as many as the men.

  And they were all naked.

  One of the men pulled a woman onto his lap and started to caress her breasts. Another of the women poured wine into glasses from a pitcher. One man cupped her ass as she passed by, then the next nearly made her spill the wine as he squeezed her nipple. Then he took the jug from her and pulled her toward him. His mouth wrapped around her breast and he suckled as he squeezed her ass.

  Another woman picked up the jug and continued serving. When she filled a glass for Yasin, he thanked her, then took a deep sip.

  “Bring a glass for my slave,” he said.

  The woman complied and handed Lily a full glass. Lily took the glass and sipped.

  “Finish it,” he instructed.

  Obeying, she tipped back the glass and downed it. When the woman filled it again, Lily glanced at Yasin. He nodded, so she sipped deeply. He then took the glass and set it on the table beside him, and continued drinking from his own glass, gazing around as if he’d lost interest in her.

  As they sat in the warm sunshine, Lily kept her gaze downcast, ignoring the other people around her. Mostly, the men lounged on the chairs while the women hovered about with food and drink. She tried to keep her mind off the fact they were all naked, and was mostly successful.

  Except for Yasin. She was intensely aware of his splendid body stretched out beside her. She wasn’t looking, but she couldn’t help but notice in her peripheral vision the taut, sculpted muscles of his torso. His bulging biceps. And his long, thick cock.

  After a while, some of the men took a dip in the pool. They dove and swam in the glittering clear water.

  One of Yasin’s cousins pulled a woman in with him. He fondled her for a while, then pushed her under the water. She stayed under for several minutes before she came up for air. Once she caught her breath, he pushed her under again.

  Lily couldn’t see from this angle, but she was pretty sure the woman was giving him head underwater. That became a certainty when he groaned out loud, his face contorted. A moment later, another man sat on the side of the pool and pulled her to him.

  Lily watched as the woman grasped the man’s penis and brought it to her lips. She opened and took it into her mouth. A couple of the other men grabbed some women and pulled them into the pool, too. Lily dragged her gaze away from the sight of some of the men gliding their hands and mouths over the women’s bodies, while others pressed their cocks into female mouths. But she could not shut out the sounds. The moaning and grunting.

  This whole scene was so far outside her comfort zone, she could barely stop from trembling.

  Yasin stood up. “Omar, I am going back to my quarters.”

  Omar’s eyes narrowed. “So soon? If you want to fuck your little slave, you can do it right here.”

  A shiver raced down Lily’s back.

  “It’s not that,” Yasin said. “Her skin is too fair to stay in this hot sun for long. We will join you again at dinnertime.”

  Yasin turned to her. “Come, slave.”

  Lily stood up. He picked up his robe and started walking. She followed, extremely conscious of his tight, hard butt as he walked in front of her.

  Once they were back in his quarters, and he closed the door behind them, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  Then she turned to thank Yasin for taking her away from there.

  And stopped cold.

  He stood there, his cock fully erect, the height of it astonishing. His eyes were dark with desire as his gaze took in her nearly naked body.

  She took a step back, worried he’d pull her into his arms and take her on the spot. At the same time, heat simmered through her at the prospect.

  He stepped toward her and her breath caught. Then suddenly she was in his arms, his mouth claiming hers. She felt herself backed against the door and his naked body pressed tight against her. His thick cock was hard against her belly and the feel of it made her long for it to slide inside her. She felt the dampness pooling between her legs, making her wet and ready for him.

  His tongue drove into her mouth, plundering. She opened, letting him in. Inviting him to do more.

  God, she wanted him to take her. Here. Now. Hammering her against the solid wood door.

  But as quickly as he had started the kiss, he ended it.

  He pulled away, looking almost dazed. Then he scowled and strode into the bedroom. She followed, but by the time she caught up, the bedroom was empty and the door to the en suite bathroom was closed.

  She sat on the bed and waited, wishing he would come back. Her insides quivering with need. The kiss had shaken loose the last of her barriers. She’d always been attracted to him—had wanted to be with him when they were in college, before she’d received a caution she couldn’t ignore—but now she was so filled with need she was trembling.

  When he finally returned, his hair was damp and his cock was deflated. She didn’t know if he’d taken a cold shower or pumped himself to release, but either way, he clearly didn’t intend to continue what they’d started.

  “Yasin, we should talk about—”

  “I have no time for a discussion.” He grabbed his swim trunks and pulled them on. “My brother texted to tell me he has made plans for the men. I will be gone for the afternoon.”

  He marched to the entrance then disappeared out the door.

  About an hour later, there was a knock on the door and Lily’s gaze darted to it, worried it was Yasin’s brother. Or maybe one of the other men. She ignored it, hoping whoever it was would go away.

  Then she heard a key in the lock and froze, her eyes wide, as the door opened.

  A woman walked inside with a tray. When she saw Lily, she smiled.

  “Hello. I am Hafsa. I was told to bring you lunch.”

  She set the tray she was carrying on the table.

  “Thank you,” Lily said.

  The woman walked to the door, but then turned.

  “I know you are uncomfortable here. That it is frightening for you. But you are with a good man. He is not like the others. He is patient and gentle. He will not hurt you.” She smiled. “I know you have already experienced his tender touch, but he has a kind heart, too.”

  “You’ve been with Yasin?”

  “Oh, no. I offered, of course. It was expected of me. But I would have been happy had he accepted.”

  Jealousy washed through Lily, even though she knew it was crazy.

  Hafsa frowned. “I’m sorry. I did not mean to make you uncomfortable. And if it helps, it appears he has eyes only for you.”

  She turned to the door again.

  “Hafsa, where are the men now?”

  “They are having a picnic lunch on the beach and enjoying something called jet skis. They will be back for dinner at sunset. You will eat here, then he will take you to the terrace for the evening’s entertainment. I will bring you something pretty to wear.”

  Lily nodded her thanks and the woman exited. Then Lily’s stomach tightened as she wondered if she would be an audience to the entertainment… or part of it.

  A few hours later, Lily heard the door open. This time it was Yasin.

  “I see Hafsa brought you lunch,” he said at the sight of the neatly stacked dishes on the tray. “Did she bring you something to wear this evening?” he asked as he continued walking.

  “She said she would bring it with dinner.”

  She stood up and followed him into the bedroom.

  “Yasin, I want to thank you for this morning. For keeping my time with your family short.”

  He pulled a shirt and pair of pants from the closet and hung them on a hook on the en suite door.

  “You may not feel so thankful this evening. There is no way I can shorten our time in their presence, and the festivities will be even more uninhibited than this morning.”

  His words send dread through her.

  “Thank you for the warning. I know you’re doing everything you can to protect me and I appreciate that.”

  He turned toward her. His dark, enigmatic gaze caused her stomach to flutter.

“Just how appreciative will you be, I wonder,” he said.

  Chapter 8

  A shocking blaze of heat burned through Lily as Yasin’s dark eyes simmered with desire, his gaze wandering over her body.

  Suddenly, she realized he’d been drinking.

  He took a step toward her and she forced herself not to back away. He grasped her upper arms, his gaze resting on her breasts. Drinking in the sight of them in her skimpy, sequined bra.

  “You don’t know how much I longed for you in college.” His voice was tight with emotion. “How hard it was to hold back my urges. Because I wanted to give you time.”

  His dark, bitter gaze moved to her face. “Then you turned your back on me and walked away, as if I were nothing.”

  She didn’t answer, knowing she couldn’t reason with him in this state. And she couldn’t tell him about the video her sister had shown her. And how much it had frightened her.

  His hands tightened around her arms like a vice.

  “Is that it? Did I mean nothing to you?” he demanded, his eyes pools of dark pain.

  “Oh, Yasin. That’s not it.”

  He shook her. “Then what was it? Why did you leave?”

  “Please, Yasin. You’re hurting me.”

  He froze, his grip on her arms loosening a fraction. Then in a sudden jerk, he pulled her close, holding her tight to his solid chest, storming her mouth with his own, his tongue driving inside her. She could taste the alcohol.

  She could also feel the tension coiled in his body. Sense the emotion blazing inside him.

  She’d been afraid of him, because of what she’d seen on that video. Because of what she’d believed him to be. But since she’d been with him here on this island, he’d proven he was nothing like his family.

  Everything he’d done here had shown him to be honorable and protective of her. Casting doubt on all her fears about him.

  She could almost believe that he was in love with her.

  As his lips moved on hers, she felt herself responding to him. Melting into the kiss.

  Accepting him.


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