Owned by the Sheikh: An Erotic Romance Collection

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Owned by the Sheikh: An Erotic Romance Collection Page 26

by Opal Carew

  “Is this what you wanted?” he murmured between nipples.

  All she could do in response was nod, her head lolling freely back and forth.

  He stroked from her shoulder, over her breasts, down to her slick folds, and slipped a finger inside.

  “You certainly feel ready.” His gaze locked with hers. “Is this really what you want, Shena?”

  She nodded.

  “You don’t have to do this. I’ll take you back to Tarun if you want. Still a virgin.”

  She shook her head. “I want you to make love to me.”

  He slid the tip of his penis into her slick opening.

  She resisted the urge to tense up. She stared into his eyes, knowing she loved him, knowing he wouldn’t hurt her.

  “You’re sure? You’re not afraid?”

  “Not of you.”

  He captured her lips in a passionate kiss. His tongue slipped into her mouth at the same time as he eased the head of his cock inside her in a slow, even motion. Her muscles contracted around him. The feel of his hardness nudging into her felt deliriously pleasurable.

  He stopped. “Are you doing alright?”

  She nodded, keeping her breathing as steady as she could. He leaned down and captured her lips, then surged forward. She jerked and cried out, the sound muffled by his mouth. He gently stroked the inside of her lips as he continued to push forward, slowly, until she held his complete length inside her. He kept his body perfectly still, kissing her tenderly, allowing her body to get used to his rock-hard cock buried deep inside her. Her eyes drifted closed. She relaxed and shifted a little. The feel of his rigid length stretching her inner flesh swept away thoughts of pain and made her insides melt.

  He deepened the kiss. A sweet, tender, passionate kiss that took her breath away.

  She felt him pull back, and her eyelids sprang open. Was he stopping?

  He smiled at her astonished expression and pushed deep within her again. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I don’t intend to stop now.”

  He pushed in again, a little faster this time. Then again.

  “All right, Shena?”


  He thrust forward again.

  “Oh, God, yes.”

  She arched to meet him. He thrust again and again, driving into her at a steadily increasing pace until all she could feel was the rhythm of their bodies joining, the pulsing beat of their hearts, the impact of their bodies as he led her to the edge of the precipice and threw them both off. Her world spun out of control, and her mind exploded in a starburst of ecstasy.

  She clung to him in quiet desperation as she spiraled back to reality, realizing she hadn’t allowed a safety net. She had allowed herself no protection for her heart.

  Shena awoke cradled in Keern’s arms, her head pressed against his broad chest, his slow and steady heartbeat sounding in her ear.

  He nuzzled her temple, his breath sending tremors along her neck.

  “You’re awake,” he murmured.

  Sunlight streamed in the window, shimmering across the white sheets. Night was over. Fear quaked through her. Now that morning had arrived, what would Keern decide to do with her? He had said he’d take her back to Tarun if she wanted, but would he stay, too?

  Did he still hate her?

  “Keern, I didn’t tell my father you stole my virginity.”

  He stroked her back. “Yes, I figured that out.”

  She turned to face him. “How?”

  “One clue was your absolute terror of losing your virginity. You made me believe it was an act the first time, but last time I knew you weren’t acting. Another was when you told me your father whipped you. The third was that you said your father would punish you if you lost your virginity. There is no way I would believe you would tell your father anything to give him reason to punish you.”

  He smiled at her.

  “You really do believe me?”

  He kissed her lightly. “Yes, I really do believe you.”

  Breathing came more easily, but tears pushed at her eyes. He pulled her into a warm embrace, holding her close against his chest. He kissed the top of her head.

  “Keern, I’m so sorry about your brother.”

  “Thank you.” He eased back and stroked her hair from her face. “I realize now you had nothing to do with Will’s death. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same thing. Shena, I killed your father.”

  He stared at her, his tarnished-bronze eyes dark with regret.

  She nodded. “I know.”

  She knew any other daughter would have been grief-stricken when she’d found out about her father’s death, but all Shena had felt inside was a cold emptiness.

  “You had to avenge your brother and protect your family.”

  “Do you forgive me?”

  She stroked his cheek. “Yes, of course.”

  He tugged her close again, melting the coldness inside her.

  “You deserved better than him, Shena. You deserved love and tenderness. You deserved to be cherished.” He kissed her on the lips, tenderly. “If you will allow me, I’d like to make up for what you didn’t have as a child. I would like to spend the rest of my life showing you how wonderful you are. I’d like to spend day and night loving you.”

  She stroked his cheek as tears spilled from her eyes. “Oh, Keern.”

  He kissed her neck, then tantalized with a trail of kisses sweeping down her chest. “I’ll start right now.”

  He captured her nipple in his mouth, laving it with his tongue, loving it with tenderness. It jutted forward. He licked the hard tip, then sucked deeply. She cried out at the intense feeling.

  “Do you want me to make love to you, Shena?”


  She arched to him, showing how much she wanted him. Her hand slid down his chest, then curled around his cock. Her fingers stroked the tip, and he twitched in her hand.

  He rolled her onto her back and licked one nipple, then the other, then dragged his tongue down her belly to her clitoris, which he dabbed at mercilessly.

  She pumped his cock.

  He smiled. “Do you want me inside you?”

  “Yes. Definitely, yes.”

  He slid his cock to her opening and eased forward in one long, smooth stroke. Her muscles clenched, holding him in a tight, welcoming embrace.

  He stayed like that, buried deep inside, staring into her eyes. He brushed her mouth gently with his own, then nudged her lips open to slide his tongue inside. The effect of his rigid cock filling her, his gentle tongue caressing the walls of her mouth, and his hard male body pressed the length of her gave her a feeling of deep serenity. He owned her, he had complete control of her, but he would never abuse her or his power over her.

  “Keern, there’s something you should know.”

  His face tensed. “What is it?” he asked softly.

  “I love you.”

  The tight line of his mouth broadened into a totally devastating smile. He pulled back and thrust into her, making her gasp.

  “Do you?”

  She nodded. “I have since that first day, when you protected me from the soldiers at the pool. You were so strong and powerful, yet so loving. I had never known that any man could have such capacity for love.”

  He drew out, then slowly spiraled forward, making her dizzy with swirling pleasure.

  “The way you looked at me then, Shena ... I had hoped it was love.”

  He pulled back and spiraled forward again. She clung to his shoulders, loving how he loved her body.

  “I have a confession, too,” he said. “In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I love you, too.”

  He drove into her, straight and hard. She felt the waves of pleasure starting.

  He pressed his lips to her ear and blew lightly, whispered, “I love you, Shena,” and drove in again.

  “Oh, Keern.” Waves washed over her, flooding her body with pleasure.

  “Shena, will you marry me?”

  He thrust forward

>   “Yes.”

  Then again.


  Harder. Faster.

  “Yes, oh, God, yes!”

  She splintered into a million different pieces scattered on the wind as Keern tensed and released his seed inside her. She fell back on the bed and held him tight, loving the feel of him still buried inside her.

  A warm fuzziness had spread throughout her entire body, and a broad smile spread across her lips. She whispered into his ear. “In case you didn’t get that, I said yes.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “Yes, I think I did hear that.”

  He nibbled her earlobe, then captured her lips in a passionate, tender kiss.

  “I love you, my darling Shena, and I will never let anyone hurt you again.”

  “Oh, Keern, I love you so much.”

  Their lips met in a blaze of happiness and passion.

  A knock sounded at the door.

  They ignored it.

  The knocking became louder.

  “Keern, it’s Jakmerah.”

  Keern released her lips and smiled. “I’d better let him in, or we’ll never get any peace.”

  A feeling of emptiness nudged through her as his penis slipped out when he pulled away. She wanted to push him down on the bed and capture him again, keep him prisoner in her warm, feminine depths forever.

  But she did have forever. He had asked her to marry him!

  The knocking continued.

  Keern kissed her lightly, then pulled the covers over their bodies. “Jak, stop that infernal knocking and come in,” Keern called.

  The door opened and Jakmerah stepped inside.

  His gaze swept over the two of them. “I take it you two worked things out.”

  “Definitely.” Keern linked his hand with Shena’s. “She’s decided to let me keep her.”

  “Really?” Jakmerah raised his eyebrows.

  “We’re going to be married,” Keern continued.

  Jakmerah leaned against the doorjamb and smiled. “I knew you’d finally figure it out, my friend.”


  As Keern rode toward the gates of his home, with Shena by his side, he heard the horn sound and whoops from the guards. His name sounded on their lips, along with shouts and hurrahs.

  It was good to be home.

  As the gates opened and he rode through, people greeted him.

  “Keern, you’ve finally arrived.”


  As wonderful as it was to see his cousin again, sadness filled him at the memory of his last homecoming and being met by Will.

  He dismounted his horse and helped Shena dismount hers, handing the reins to eager hands. He strode toward Jacob and dragged him into a bear hug, pounding his back for good measure.

  “Jordan is here. He wanted to meet this new wife you wrote us about.”

  Jacob glanced at Shena and smiled. Keern took her hand and led her toward the house, smiling inside at his cousin’s obvious interest in the newest member of their family. Keern hadn’t missed the fact that Jacob’s gaze had briefly settled on Shena’s rounded belly.

  “Brother, here you are.” At Jordan’s voice, Keern spun around.

  Jordan threw his arms around Keern. “So, my big brother returns, and with a wife in tow.” He smiled at Shena. “And a little one on the way, I see.”

  Keern patted Shena affectionately on the belly. “Yes. I had a long journey to find this woman. Ironic, given she was our closest neighbor.”

  Shena clung to Keern’s hand, uncertain how his family would accept her.

  “Neighbor?” Jacob stared at her, his brow furrowed.

  “Hello.” Shena spoke for the first time. “My name is Shena.”

  “Shena? As in Shena Wakefield?”

  Keern slid his arm around her shoulder, tucking her against his side. “But now Shena Herrington,” he responded.

  “Keern,” Jordan said, “her father killed Will. How can you --?”

  “She is not her father. She is not responsible for the sins of her father.”

  “Of course, but --”

  “No buts. She is my wife and a member of this family now.”

  Tears welled in Shena’s eyes. Keern’s heart constricted at the sight.

  “Keern, I’m sorry. I don’t want to cause strife between you and your family.” Shena’s quiet words set his protective urges on high.

  He drew her closer. “You’re my wife and I love you. You will always come first.”

  “What’s going on here?”

  Jenna, Will’s widow, stood staring at the men. Jordan’s wife, Kristinna, and Jacob’s wife, Helena, stood beside her.

  Keern gave each of the women a hug.

  “I introduced my new wife, Shena, to Jacob and Jordan.”

  “And why have they decided to upset such a lovely young woman?” Jenna asked. Her gaze crossed each man in turn.

  “She is a Wakefield.” Jacob pointed out.

  All gazes locked on Jenna.

  “No, she is a Herrington.” Jenna opened her arms to Shena. Hesitantly, Shena stepped forward, and Jenna enveloped her in a warm embrace. “Welcome to the family, Shena.”

  Jordan hesitated, then stiffly stepped toward her and offered his hand. Shena glanced at Keern. He knew she had never had a loving family and this whole situation unnerved her. At his reassuring nod, she shook Jordan’s hand. Jenna jabbed Jordan in the ribs, and he cracked a smile, then grabbed Shena and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a sturdy bear hug -- gentler than the one he’d given Keern, but solid. Once he released her, Jacob hugged her in kind. A shy smile spread across her face, and Keern’s heart swelled at the sight.

  The other two women welcomed her with gentle hugs.

  That evening, the women arranged a wonderful feast to welcome Keern and Shena. They spent the evening in the glow of warm family conversation. Shena had never experienced the warmth of family, and her heart swelled with the shared love all around her.

  “I never thought a Wakefield would be sitting at our table. And such a lovely one at that,” Jacob mused. “Now, our lands will be joined.”

  “And in love, not war,” Jenna added.

  Keern smiled and kissed Shena tenderly.

  “But more importantly,” Jordan mused, smiling warmly at Shena, “I never thought I’d ever see my brother so happy. You must be a very special woman, Shena.”

  “Believe me, she is,” Keern responded, hugging her close to his side.

  Shena had never felt so much love. She patted her stomach, joy swelling through her at the thought that her child would know the joy of belonging to such a warm, loving family, just as she now did.

  If you enjoyed Slaves of Love, Opal recommends her Abducted series of futuristic erotic romance novellas, which can be read in any order:

  Forbidden Mate

  Unwilling Mate

  Rebel Mate

  Illicit Mate

  Captive Mate


  I hope you enjoyed Owned by the Sheikh.

  If you did, please post a review at your favorite online store because that’s the best way to help me write more stories like this.

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  Here are some recommendations related to each of the stories in this collection.

  Mastered by the Sheikh is one story in the Mastered By series, which begins with a story about Jacqueline, who crashes a billionaire's exclusive poker game in order to seduce him into a favor to save her sister, but instead finds herself Played by the Master.

  After Debt of Honor, you might enjoy the Office Slave series, which begins with The Office Slave, about Sylvia, who lives out her ultimate sexual fantasy of submitting to the sexual whims of four incredibly hot business partners.

  If you like futuristic erotic romance, then after Slaves of Lo
ve check out the Abducted series, a quintet of stories, which follows each of five woman abducted by the aliens who are destined to be their mates, and answers the question why these women haven’t yet found their true love.

  Here are excerpts for each of the above, plus a special bonus, Dirty Talk…

  Dirty Talk

  Opal Carew

  If you enjoyed Owned by the Sheikh, check out Opal Carew’s Dirty Talk series, a poignant erotic romance about a woman struggling with her sexuality because of a devastating trauma from her past, and the strong, sensitive man who helps her find her way. If you love bad-assed alpha heroes with a strong, protective streak then you’ll love Dirty Talk!

  Sonny has a debilitating fear of men. Tal is a scary looking tattooed bad-ass. Can Tal get Sonny past her fear and help her become whole?

  Sonny longs to feel the intimate touch of a man. But she is haunted by a past trauma that leaves her terrified of being with a man. Even when she dreams of being in a man’s arms, the steamy sexual situation turns into a nightmare.

  Sonny has found one way to cope. A stranger’s voice has been her salvation.

  Tal wants a woman to love him. To have a real, long-lasting relationship. But most women are intimidated by his bad-ass appearance, with his tattoos, piercings, and broad, muscular frame.

  Tal looks the way he does because of a past fraught with pain. The tattoos aren’t going anywhere, so he needs to find a woman who will accept him for who he is… and was.

  When Tal sees Sonny, he senses in her a kindred spirit. The haunting pain in her eyes draws him, but he flinches every time fear flickers across her face when she sees him.

  Can Tal find a way to break through Sonny’s barriers and start something that might heal them both?


  Sonny sighed, enjoying the heat of the sunshine on her back. Warm and relaxing. Soothing her tension.


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