The Five of Hearts
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Books and magazine articles in the notes below are cited by the author’s last name only (except when more information is needed to avoid confusion). Complete citations appear: in the bibliography, which begins on Backmatter.
The following abbreviations are used in the Notes:
Prologue: Farewells
flash of red. New York Tribune and Washington Post, March 5, 1881.
“out of a scrape.” Seale, I, 511.
red leather armchairs. Samuels, Henry Adams, II, 145.
“that we did.” LMHA, 273.
“calm and grand.” CK to JH, Aug. 12, 1988.
“tom-cataract.” LMHA, 277.
“more than he bites off.” LMHA, 306.
hazel-eyed, CK to George F. Becker, January 1894.
Kashmir and Kurdistan. Samuels, op. cit., 143-47.
“the golden age.” LHA, II, 349.
to the world. LHA, II, 326.
“a bore.” LMHA, 284.
1 A Family Fugitive
“never be missed.” EHA, 70.
“pole-star of humanity, $!” Thayer, I, 54-57.
assistant secretary in the White House. Ibid., 87.
no sign of force. EHA, 107.
“victim’s sympathies.” Ibid., 147.
of Charles Darwin. Ibid., 127.
self-serving decisions. Samuels, Henry Adams, I, 137-38.
“collisions.” EHA, 124.
“they needed a listener.” EHA, 138.
put down his pen. Samuels, op. cit., 97-120.
“a long time.” LHA, I, 269.
“a humbug.” Ibid., 282.
“very—very bald.” Samuels, op. cit., 183.
“not be tutors.” EHA, 211.
“useful to the country.” CFA to HA, Oct. 22, 1868.
“silly young women.” CFA to HA, Feb. 3, 1869.
a bold chief executive. HA, “The Session, 1869-70,” in Hochfield, 193-224. (Originally appeared in North American Review, July 1870.)
“on public opinion.” LHA, II, 31.
“my highest ambition.” Ibid., 95.
“in Christian lands.” Ibid., 5.
“the country began.’” EHA, 252-53.
“in archaic time.” Ibid., 237.
three best dancers. LHA, II, 29.
“heads of most people.” CFA to HA, Nov. 25, 1868.
“remove this obstacle.” CFA to HA, May 5, 1869.
“dirty whirl-pool.” LHA, II, 68.
“will lead me.” Ibid., 72.
“influence in America.” CFA to HA, July 11, 1870.
“on the subject.” LHA, II, 81.
for recitation. Friedrich, 183-84.
“Look it up.” Laughlin, 579.
“deuce with me.” LHA, II, 112.
“as much as they do.” Ibid., 99.
four hundred at best. Samuels, op. cit., 218.
mean bankruptcy. EHA, 308.
“in Siberia.” LHA, II, 112.
on horseback. Ibid., 115.
a single shot. CKM, 345.
“in the sage-brush.” EHA, 312.
“to practice them.” CKM, 340-43.
“growth or doubt.” EHA, 311.
“chooses to be loved.” LHA, II, 132.
2 A Charming Blue
“the commonplace.” LHA, II, 141.
Morris wallpaper. MHA to Eleanor Shattuck, March 5, 1871.
“went off charmingly.” MHA to RWH, June 28, 1872.
“quiet weddings.” LHA, II, 146.
“just like her aunt. “Friedrich, 138.
“not her style.” LHA, II, 132.
“read the above.” Ibid., 133-34.
“utterly unconnected.” Ibid., 137.
“intellectual grace.” HJL, I, 208.
“termites.” Clarke, 5, 48-49, 83, 91, 116-17, 145.
“misery can create.” Howe, 11, 134-37.
psychic phenomena. Kaledin, 138.
Professor Agassiz himself. Friedrich, 42-54.
“I love Henry Adams very much.” MHA to Eleanor Shattuck, March 8, 1872.
“as long as it shines thro’.” Kaledin, 105-06.
“charming blue,” LHA, II, 133.
“brutalities of marriage.” Ibid., 130.
“quiet institution.” Ibid., 145.
“as happy as I can.” Ibid., 141.
“on my side.” LMHA, 45-46.
“disgusted.” LMHA, 28-30.
“anything new about them.” Ibid., 61-62.
sailed, rowed, poled, or towed. Edwards, 11-12.
“worthy of Paris.” LMHA, 62.
“proportionately delighted.” Morris, 66.
failed to turn up. LMHA, 60.
“we cannot spell.” Allen, 661.
“appeals to them.” LMHA, 75.
“and dumb too.” Ibid., 64-66.
“on my hands.” LHA, II, 156.
no dismay. LMHA, 67.
returned to Boston. Ibid., 8087.
“desolate exile.” HJL, I, 396.
“ancient brilliancy.” Dusinberre, 55-56.
“the ‘affections.’” HJL, I, 368.
“white marble.” LMHA, 95.
follow them home. LHA, II, 179.
“an infernal bore.” Nagel, 266.
3 The King of Diamonds
majesty of Nature. Wilkins, 17-20.
because of “illness.” Ibid., 28.
“aided me.” CK to JTG, Jan. 4, 1860.
not “Clarence.” Ibid.
“mighty inflaming.” Ibid.
his adoration. CK to JTG, Oct. 2, 1859.
“blood of slaves.” CK to JH, March 1888.
“no mental power.” CK to JTG, March 18, 1862.
key to El Dorado. EHA, 309.
immediately accepted. Bartlett, 130-34; Wilkins, 46-56.
“vastness of prospect.” CK, Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada, 249.
“joyous, grateful!” Ibid., 255-56.
“humble admiration.” LJH, personal notebook. Hague Papers, nothing of Yosemite. Ibid.
“streaming light.” CK to James T. Fields, March 9 [1871].
eleven dependents. CK to HA, Sept. 25, 1889.
gold-bearing deposits. Crosby, 95-96.
first ascents. Ibid., 2.
statehouse at Sacramento. Wilkins, 94-96.
“want your place.” CKM, 385.
ménage. Wilkins, 96-97.
to Miss Dean. Wilkins, 112-15.
“same blessing.” CK to William H. Brewer, Sept. 15, 1868.
Florence Howland disapproved. Wilkins, 131; Crosby, 146.
“every good thing.” CK to Mr. Davis, April 9, 1880.
prove him right. Wilkins, 117.
added pictures to the record. Ibid., 161.
persuasively made. CKM, 337-39.
playing cards. CK, Mountaineering, 310-11.
purse strings of the survey. HA, North American Review, 114, April 1872, 445-48.
window. Crosby, 16.
scorpion that died. CK to George F. Becker, April 4, 1882.
attack. Crosby, 14.
35 northwestern Colorado. “Notes Dictated by James T. Gardiner to His Daughter, Mrs. C. S. Fayerweather.” Quoted in Crosby, 1922. Rendered years after the fact, Gardiner’s account is less detailed than one written at the time by Samuel Franklin Emmons, a Fortieth Parallel survey member who was also instrumental in exposing the hoax. See National Archives, R.G. 57, Emmons’s Field Notes, “The Diamond Discovery of 1872,” and Bartlett, 187-205.
“fossils.” Bartlett, 194.
castanets. Ibid., 195.
short the stock. Ibid., 198-99.
beyond question. CK to A. A. Humphreys, Nov. 27, 1872.
train for Oakland. Allen D. Wilson, “The Great California Diamond Mines,” Overland Monthly, April 1904, 296.
“impossible occurrence in nature.” Report of Clarence King to the Board of Directors of the San Francisco and New York Commercial Mining Company, Nov. 11, 1872.
on the innoc
ent. Wilkins, 168.
an hour for prospecting. Report of Clarence King …
yield of the diamond mine. Henry Janin, A Brief Statement of My Part in the Unfortunate Diamond Affair, Huntington Library.
from Amsterdam. Crosby, 28.
indictments. Wilkins, 168-70.
superiors … annoyed. CK to A. A. Humphreys, op. cit. King claimed he could not telegraph the news to Humphreys because “the operators all along the line are on the qui vive and no dispatch is safe in their hands.”
“cost of the survey.” “The Diamond Bubble and Its Bursting,” Nation, 15, Dec. 12, 1872, 380.
4 Death of a Hero
“will be large.” JH to Charles Hay, Dec. 11, 1872; Wilkins, 171.
Illinois bar. Thayer, I, 83.
Abraham Lincoln’s secretary. Dennett, 35.
“Iowa?” LJH, I, 27-28.
“an absurdity.” Ibid., 31.
“the fun.” Ibid., 190-91.
-40 new administration. Thayer, I, 218-19.
stopped breathing. Ibid., 219-20.
arrondissements. JH to his brother, Aug. 4, 1865.
“threadbare uniform.” JH to Helen Leonard Hay, Jan. 16, 1866.
“plundering foreigners.” JH, letterbook, Aug. 14, 1866.
“his high office.” JH to Charles Hay, Sept. 24, 1866.
“lucrative hoe.” JH to Leonard Hay, May 24, 1866.
turpentine business. William Alsop to JH, Aug. 29, 1866.
more than $4,000. JH to “Dear Sir,” Sept. 26, 1866.
willingness to try. JH to Milton Hay, Sept. 30, 1866.
“stupidish fellow.” JH to Helen Hay, Sept. 4, 1867.
“very bad present.” JH to John R. Young, Aug. 24, 1867.
“moral principle.” JH to Jessie Louise Bross Lloyd, Dec. 24, 1869.
“chronic priapism.” JH to John Bigelow, July 21, 1870.
“nonentities.” JH to Mrs. John Bigelow, April 4, 1870.
“hate your home.” JH to Mrs. John Bigelow, Feb. 27, 1868.
“do a little writing.” JH to his parents, March 27, 1870.
“virtuous and refined.” Stoddard, 61.
“for his paper.” Ibid., 93.
“your true field.” Whitelaw Reid to JH, Dec. 23, 1870.
were restored. Thayer, I, 337-39.
“kicked over.” New York Tribune, Oct. 17, 1871, 1.
“man that died for men.” JH, Complete Poetical Works, 3-5.
“the matter of me.” Ibid., 6-9.
“Bret Harte ever wrote.” Jannette Ralston Chase to JH [1871?].
as her brother. Henry King to JH, September 1871.
“disgraced by it.” LJH, II, 5.
“anything of the sort.” Ibid., 7.
“no more songs.” Ibid.
“any yet known.” Whitman, 937-40, 961.
drop the subject. Josephson, 100, 141, 172.
away from the polls. Dennett, 121.
5 A Daughter of the Middle West
“must be mad.” Whitelaw Reid to JH, Nov. 21, 1872.
the tender “Little Breeches.” Buffalo Enquirer, March 6, 1897.
“I worship you. “JH to CSH [n. d. ].
“Christian character.” JH to CSH, May 4 [1873].
“for eternity.” JH to CSH, May 8, 1873.
“her fellow beings.” Clara Stone’s school compositions are part of the John Hay Papers, Library of Congress.
Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. JH to CSH, May 9, 1872.
“large, handsome and good.” LJH, II, 14.
“this proposition?” JH to CSH [n.d.].
“living with me.” JH to CSH, Sept. 12, 1873.
restaurant menus. Cleveland Plain Dealer, Feb. 6, 1874; Cleveland Daily Herald, Feb. 5, 1874.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams of Boston. William Blodgett to JH, Feb. 13, 1874.
anywhere but at home. JH to Flora Stone, Feb. 11, 1874.
unable to sleep. Flora Stone to JH, Feb. 13, 1874.
“her happy life.” Flora Stone to JH, Feb. 24, 1874.
railroad bonds. AS to JH, April 7, 1874.
“carriage and movement.” Twain, Autobiography, 232-33.
(“strict about Sunday.”) Ibid., 233-34.
“immediate wealth.” JH to A. A. Adee, Nov. 28, 1874.
“good things.’” JH to A. A. Adee, Dec. 14, 1875.
even to Clara. JH to JGN, Nov. 6, 1876.
“away from her.” LJH, II, 23-24.
damages of $600,000. Dow, 6281; CFA, Jr., Notes on Railroad Accidents, 100-11.
the pocketbook. WDH, Harper’s, May 1877, 919.
“high character” of its officials. WDH, Harper’s, July 1877, 304.
“every word you write.” JH to WDH, Aug. 27, 1877.
west of the Alleghenies. Brooks, Howells, 22.
a short poem. John Hay Papers. “write some myself.” JH to WDH, Oct. 23, 1877.
fifty thousand words. LJH, II, 40.
consult S. Weir Mitchell. S. Weir Mitchell to JH, May 2, 1878.
“indifferent success.” LJH, II, 38-39.
not bow out entirely. AS to JH, March 27, 1878.
“lack of self-knowledge.” JH to WDH, Nov. 5, 1879.
6 Infinite Mirth
impeccable service. Barton, 120; Washington Star, Dec. 27, 1936.
“high-toned Southern Congressmen.” A. A. Adee to JH, Nov. 18, 1879.
,000. New York Times, Sept. 10, 1880, 2. The official total was 177,638, of whom 118,236 were white.
asphalt. Schlesinger, 88-89.
“till wanted again.” Moore, 47.
Madison. Warnecke. On file at Columbia Historical Society. but survived. Goode, 24-25. Antarctica. Warnecke.
“and go home.” JH to Amasa Stone, Dec. 8, 1879.
“gentle and ladylike and poor.” JH to CSH, Nov. 22, 1879.
“when evening comes.” JH to CSH, March 2, 1880.
“the Immortal Bilk.” Smith and Gibson, I, 326.
neuralgia. Bret Harte to JH, Feb. 11, 1880.
“would suit him.” JH to CSH, April 11, 1880.
“it modifies it.” Smith and Gibson, I, 277.
“any office in the world.” JH to CSH, Dec. 7, 1879.
“will not get it.” JH to CSH, Dec. 18, 1879.
gentlemen’s club. Holt, 135.
as a candidate. Crosby, 251-57.
“a cold potato.” JH to WDH, May 10, 1880.
Western secession. Emmons, 228.
Oriental art. JH to CSH, April 10, 1880.
the 1880 census. Wilkins, 245.
“salvation.” New York Tribune, June 27, 1877, 3.
“the 19th century.” CK to JH, Aug. 12, 1888.
debauches … diplomatic corps. New York Times, Feb. 14, 1881, 1.
notice of his hostess. JH to CSH, Dec. 18, 1879.
“Reap the whirlwind!” CKM, 402.
if she wished. Crosby, 124.
afraid of him. JH to CSH, Jan. 18 and April 28, 1880.
“spasmodically forward.” JH to CSH, Dec. 6, 1879.
her family’s house. JH to CSH, Jan. 31, 1880.
“solid old pile.” LMHA, 227-29.
“powerful large.” Ibid., 230.
Boojum and Pollywog. Samuels, Henry Adams, II, 143-47.
“life offers variety.” LHA, II, 326.
museums of art did not exist. Frothingham, 841, 845-46.
“our own generation.” LHA, I, 315.
on horseback. LHA, II, 349.
trails cut by the Union army, LMHA, 301.
“‘inside track.’” Ibid., 197.
“as if we were millionaires.” LHA, II, 309.
“chats for two.” MHA to RWH, March 3, 1878.
“their social superiors.” CK to James D. Hague [1887?].
outlive this prejudice. Levenson, 224-26.
any other voters. Bryce, 342-43.
“vulgarity and shrewdness.” CFA, Jr., to HA, June 4, 1880.
“more amusing than my crowd.” LHA, II, 477.
; hosted a reception. LMHA, 254, 256, 263.
wrong side out. Ibid., 183.
robbed the grave. Friedrich, 242.
“why the D. didn’t he?” JH to HA, Oct. 12, 1884.
“this practical age.” MHA to RWH, March 30, 1884.
“wanted to be.” EHA, 313.
“than I can boast.” LJH, II, 56.
“can ask of me.” Ibid., 50.
“of his interest.” EHA, 311.
“tips of her fingers.” Henry Adams, Democracy, 11.
“might lead her.” Ibid., 13-14.
“aggravate failure.” Ibid., 47.
“things that crawl.” Ibid., 102.
“the mass pure.” Ibid.
“repeat the past.” Ibid., 49-50.
“the polar star!” Ibid., 205.
“were annihilated.” Ibid., 188.
“the best society of the Capital.” Samuels, op. cit., 86-87.
“to get in.” LMHA, 286.
“relief dragons?” CK to JH, Dec. 17 [1881?].
“community of thought.” EHA, 312.
“taste and dexterity.” HA to CFA, Jr., n.d.
7 Arrivals and Departures
and nursed. LHA, II, 437.
reopen the mine. Wilkins, 264-82.
“life and strength.” LMHA, 248.
“to the mines.” CKM, 123-24.
“in the same way.” LHA, II, 429.
“a week afterward.” CK to HA, Sept. 22, 1881.
“months to gnaw.” LMHA, 279.
“of a book.” Ibid., 288.
Ned’s five daughters. “Mrs. Ward Thoron’s ‘Chronology of HA’ and her evaluation of him.” HooperAdams Papers.
“from his work.” LMHA, 272.
news of births. Ibid., 447.
“All women want children!” Friedrich, 214.
“or more encouraging.” LHA, II, 246.
“never think about the subject.” Ibid., 316.
“very much together.” Ibid., 326-27.
a specific problem. The gynecological treatise was Clinical Notes on Uterine Surgery—with special reference to the management of sterile conditions by J. Marion Sims, M.D. (1873). The book is cited in Ernest Samuels’s biography of Henry Adams but is no longer listed among the holdings of the Henry Adams library at the Massachusetts Historical Society. their presence. LHA, II, 433.
“serious work.” Whitelaw Reid to JH, March 18, 1881.
“chances of life.” LHA, II, 431.
“should Prest. Garfield die.” AS to JH, July 6, 1881.
closed early. New York Tribune, Sept. 21, 1884, 7.