My bathroom was adorned with candles which I lit as I removed my clothes, the bath gradually filling up with warm water and bubbles that added to the lavender smell that was beginning to relax me. I reached over to the CD player that adorned the wall and gentle music begun to play in the background. I gently stepped into the deep tub and began to relax, thoughts gradually began to enter my head; of my meeting with Daniel, the thoughts of having him started to make me excited. My nipples starting to get erect and my pussy starting to twinge and tingle. A single glass dildo sat on the side of the bath, I took it from the side and pulled it under the water.
I teased my pussy lips with it, it’s bulging head parting them, threatening to push inside me. I wanted Daniel so badly, I wanted to feel his hard cock teasing my pussy, me begging him to fuck harder. I could not take it any longer and plunged the glass dildo deep in my pussy,in an out getting faster, it pushing against the walls make me pant with more shallow breaths, my pulse quicken, the blood rushing to my nipples making them harder.
The bubbling sensation of an impending orgasm threatened to overwhelm me, I pushed harder and harder and could feel my body shake, the water splashing over the side of the tub, I could feel myself coming, I knew I was going to squirt, and I did, the intense pleasure...I didn't want to give up and began to gasp for breath, ‘Oh fuck...fuck....’ this was going to be hard...I came with a loud moan, half the bath water now residing on the base. I replaced the glass dildo back on the side of the bathtub, the effects of my orgasm still running through my body. It should of been Daniel that had made me cum, I wanted to experience every bit of him. I heard movement down the hall and footsteps head towards to the lavatory. It was Lisha, hoping I didn't wake her up, the music should of covered up my pleasurable moans.
I now sat in my bedroom with a dressing gown, brushing my hair through, thoughts of today kept going through my head. I knew it would keep me up all night. I pulled back the silk sheets of my bed and took my dressing gown off and placed them on the chair. I lay in bed and switched off the lights. When I finally fell asleep my dreams were full of buildings and Daniel, something I couldn’t remember, being chased...I awoke with a scream, I don’t know what the dream was about.
The clock blinked at me.. ‘ 6:00 am’ its green eerie glow illuminating my face.’Fuck...this was early. I wanted to go back to sleep , but I had to get up. I could hear the dogs downstairs playing, I stood up and felt dizzy, the lack of sleep taking its toll. I dragged myself over to my wardrobe and pulled out my red sweat suit, brushed my hair back and ventured into the hallway that passed my room. I could hear Lisha lightly snoring from behind her door, it was cute.
The dogs were excited and running around like the hall like lunatics, they needed to go out. I grabbed their leashes and took them out into the fields that surrounded my house, their enthusiasm showing in their faces when I let them off. They bounded up the hills and chased each other across the grass until they became exhausted. I called to them and waited,
“Come on.. Oscar, Phoebe, Mitzee, Maizie”, I could see them run towards me, their tongues lashing to the sides of their mouths. I opened the door to the house and let the dogs run ahead of me, Lisha was still asleep. I pushed the door to her room and let the dogs jump all over her bed.
“Alright , I’m getting up, give us a break”, Lisha pulled the covers off her and stood up.
“Please tell me I didn’t drink as much as I think I drank”
“Not that many...” hoping she wouldn't detect the little white lie I had just told her.
“Alice has cooked us breakfast if you go for it, and I have a surprise for you”, we both entered the kitchen and ate the bacon and eggs. When we had both finished, I stood up.
“Come along, follow me, it’s time for your surprise” I opened the front door and stood in the yard.
“Maddie, I’m not even dressed”,
“Well we're not going out, but thought you could catch some fresh air first”
I could hear Lisha moan as she followed me into the yard to ‘grab some fresh air’.
Three days earlier I had travelled to San Fernando to see my baby brother Billy who had a successful Chrysler dealership and I knew he wouldn’t fuck me over.
Driving in mid morning traffic pissed me off, all I could hear was cars and their drivers venting anger at the person in front of them.
The Californian heat was intolerable which didn’t help with the situation of travelling three hours across the great state in a glorified tin can.
Arriving outside Arms Chrysler Dealership, I spotted Billy making a deal with a customer with him driving off the forecourt with a brand new car.
“Billy..”, shouting out of my open window,
“Maddie”, Billy waving at me.
I parked and got out and gave him a hug, which made him hug me twice as hard.
“So what brings you all the way over here then big sis”, he asked as we walked into his office with his plush looking sofa and office chair.
“Well Billy I want to surprise Lisha with a car to say thank you for everything that she’s done”,
“We can sort out a deal on a crossfire, any particular color you wanted for her”
“Gray or black and plenty of chrome”, Billy looked at me and showed me a catalogue with different extras.
“Any extras?”,
“Decent sound system...sat nav maybe?”,
“Coolio sis, follow me and I’ll show you the perfect car for Lisha”.
Moving into the palatial showroom Billy pointed to a Crossfire, with it's soft top and chrome everywhere.
“Fancy a test drive in it sis?”,
“Are you kidding...oh go on then you twisted my arm”, knowing how I drive Billy was trusting me to be gentle with it.
“Sam, would you get the keys for the '12' Crossfire”,
“Sure boss”, a Hispanic man came over with the keys to the car and tossed them to Billy.
“Shall we?”, Billy handed me the keys and I powered up the engine, pulling out onto the street with ease.
With the top down and the music blaring from the stereo I gunned the crossfire across town and onto the freeway with not a care in the world.
“Take it easy Maddie, don't want to end up on the six o'clock news”,
“Chill out Billy, Lisha will love this car!”, knowing her excitement would be uncontrollable.
Chapter Six
An hour later we pulled back into the car lot and turning the engine off and looking at Billy,
“I'll take it Billy, deliver it in three days time, and don't forget the ribbon on the hood”,
“Sure Maddie, anything else?”,
“Yeah a tank of gas would be good and you can knock $50 for being my brother”,
“Yeah really!”
“Sure sis, will do”.
Three days later Billy had delivered the Crossfire with the ribbon on the hood. Hoping Lisha would love it and knowing she would.
There in the middle of the courtyard stood a Chrysler Crossfire, in gunmetal gray with a green ribbon tied to the hood of the car.
“That’s not for is me is it”, Lisha’s mouth dropped as she walked towards the vehicle.
“Congratulations for passing your test”, I threw the keys towards Lisha and she caught them with her left hand.
“You can’t be serious?” I could see the glee in her face as she opened the door and sat in the driver's seat. She turned her face to me and smiled.
“Really, I can’t take this, it’s too much” she squeaked.
“Please take it Lisha, you're like family to me and at least you’ll be safe”
“Oh, thank you...thank you Maddie, this means the world to me” she got out of the car and gave me the biggest hug I could take.
“Come on, get dressed so you can take it for a spin, plus I want you take us to work”. We both walked back into the house, as Lisha headed for her room to change into something less bed like. I headed to
wards the bathroom, undressed , switched the shower on and stood under the pulsating jets of hot water as they cascaded along the curves of my body. I felt invigorated, and dried myself off with one of the towels that hung along the radiator, I changed into another sweat suit and strolled into the dining room where I saw Sophie running around in circles, barking at nothing particular. ‘That dog is so cute.. And probably a little nuts’. She came over to me and I knew that she wanted feeding.
Alice came into the dining room, “Good Morning Miss Maddie, how are you this fine day”
“I’m good Alice” telling her while I fed Sophie her food. The Cavalier didn’t give her food the chance to hit her bowl as she demolished it.
“Alice, would you kindly look after the dogs, Maizie is doing well with her pups and just make sure they’re ok later on in the day”, Alice responded with a nod and went about her duties around the kitchen.
As I sat in the front room waiting for Lisha I could hear Alice vacuuming the bedrooms, I suddenly was startled by a car horn sounding from within the courtyard. I got up and headed out, picking up my bag that hung on the wall.
Lisha was already in the car, looking ecstatic, she beeped the horn again and discovered I was standing by the car.
“Shall we?” I could see Lisha was raring to go.
“Drop me off at work would you, and please make sure you don’t stick the gas pedal to the floor, I would like to keep my breakfast inside me instead of all over the dashboard”.
Lisha laughed, “I will try...”
What must of been fifteen minutes later I was walking towards the clinic and found Jenna was pulling up the shutters.
“Hey Miss White, How’s it going?” I could see that she had dyed her hair again, a different shade of pink, it seemed that every time I saw her she had gone a more bizarre hair color.
“I’m good Jenna, how was your night off?” I asked as we both walked into the reception area. Jenna moved across to turn the lights on and start to do her daily checks.
“My night was pretty cool, Miss White, Davy came over.. We had drinks...well you know the rest”, I knew what she meant, she got lucky with some guy called Davy, I could of sworn it was Pete or Marv last week or was it Cole.
“If you need me I’m just checking my messages”I headed into my office that smelt of pine air freshener, before I had a chance to sit down the intercom buzzed.
“Yeah Jenna”,
“Sorry to disturb you but someone has brought in a Pitbull who is bleeding all over the place” she sounded a little stressed.
“Would you get her into a more comfortable position and I’ll be right out”, I moved towards the glass door and entered the reception where I saw a young man looking upset.
“ Hey lady, this dog was out on El Camino Reel, playing chicken with traffic, some asshole in a GMC decided to hit him straight on”
“It will be ok sir, and it’s Doctor White, we’ll treat the dog the best we can, we just need you to fill in a few forms” Jenna handed the man a green clipboard with several pages of paper and a pen attached to the top of it.
“Sure lady, but I ain’t paying a dime, it ain’t my dog, I just found it lying on the side of the road” his reply was to the point even if it was a little blunt.
“We’ll contact the ASPCA after we’ve completed surgery, hopefully the dog will make it”. Jenna brought me a microchip scanner and I scanned the pit bull, luckily I discovered the microchip and telephoned the owners.
“Hello?” I started twirling the cord on the handset
“Yes, this is Joe Crabb, what can I do for you?” I could hear a woman in the background asking who was calling.
“Mr Crabb, I’m Doctor White, I believe you own a pit bull” the tone in my voice changing.
“Yeah we own a pit bull, our little Max, what seems to be the problem” he sounded like he was getting worried.
“Could you come down to the East Hill Veterinarian Centre, I need to discuss what has happened to him”. The phone went dead, which meant Mr and Mrs Crabb were rushing across town to get here.
We placed Max on a stretcher and took him into the emergency theatre. Jenna placed him carefully on the table as I had a quick glance at his injuries.
“Jenna, we need to stop the bleeding and get an x-ray” I moved across to grab a trolley that had surgical equipment in sterilized trays.
I heard the exterior door buzz and knew it was Mr and Mrs Crabb,
“Jenna, I need those x-rays done, let me know the instant they are, I have to talk to Max’s owners” I left the theatre and entered the reception room where Mr and Mrs Crabb stood. They were an elderly couple dressed in rain coats.
“Mr Crabb, I need to know how Max ended up on the El Camino Reel”
“He has a habit of getting out of the back yard and disappearing all day...he usually comes back around dinner time” his voice began trembling.
“Well it’s irresponsible, Max has suffered several broken ribs and a ruptured spleen. If it wasn't for that man over there stopping to pick him up he would of ended up dead”, I could feel myself getting angry over the situation.
They looked at me and didn’t know what to say.
“It’s best for you both to wait at home, as we will attempt to treat his injuries” I now felt pity for them.
“Please do what you need to do Doctor White, money is no object” Mr Crabb guided his wife out onto the parking lot, I could see she began to cry and that the dog called Max was their world.
The man who had saved Max stood up and walked towards me.
“Everything cool now Doc?” as he adjusted his jacket.
“Yeah Were doing our best to treat him, thanks for help, it’s in the hands of the gods” I glanced at the door to the theatre.
“No worries, I’m gonna make a move, I’m already late for a thing” with his final words he strode across the floor and headed out.
Chapter Seven
My phone vibrated in my pocket, I pulled it out and peered at the screen.
“White” I spoke trying not to sound excited
“Miss White, it’s Daniel Ace...” his dulcet tones pulsating against my ear making me quiver.
“How are you then? ...I’ve got your plans and calculations ready” his question and remark came across sternly like he was trying to take control of the conversation.
“I’m good, just a busy day at the office like everyone else, when would you want me to come and see you”, the hairs on the back of arm started to prickle at the thought of seeing him again.
“Tomorrow would be good for me, any good for you Miss White?” I could hear the trepidation in his voice, other voices in the background.
“Well tomorrow should be ok, Let’s say 10 o’clock as diary is empty until 1” I switched the phone to my other ear as he continued talking.
“Fantastic, I’ll see you at 10 Miss White” I could hear him write something down the pen scratching against paper.
The shrill of my office phone began to ring, I had to end the conversation it Daniel.
“Mr Ace, I have to go, my other phone is ringing and it could be important”,
“Ok Miss White I’ll see you tomorrow” With that he promptly hung up the phone.
I made my way to my office and picked up the continually ringing phone which reminded me of those old fashioned alarm clocks that my mother had in her bedroom that always kept going off.
“Hello..” I heard the breath of the other person on the other end of the phone, it was Jenna.
“Maddie, I’ve got that x-ray you wanted. We're looking at more than five cracked ribs and a ruptured spleen” her voice sounding impatient.
I joined Jenna in an ante-room of the theatre where Max was heavily sedated. She handed me my iPad and I went through the x-rays. It had appeared Max’s ribs were broken not cracked and he had a small perforation on his spleen due to one of the ribs. Jenna had managed to stop the bleeding but he needed surgery to repair it.
“Jenna could yo
u get the Crabbs on the phone please, I’ll take it in my office”, Jenna left me and Max, he was breathing steadily, a wheezing sound coming from his mouth. I gave him a gentle stroke and went back into my office.
As I sat there waiting for the call from the Crabbs I thought about meeting Daniel Ace once again, and thought about what would I wear, how I would react to him, ‘I hope I don't do anything to make him uncomfortable...although making him squirm by wearing something revealing would be fun...’, my thoughts were interrupted the phone going off again.
“I have the Crabbs on the phone for you...line two”, I heard a click as Jenna transferred the call.
“Mr Crabb, Could you come in as soon as possible, I need to discuss on how we are going to progress with Max”, I looked again at the x-ray as I spoke to him.
“There's more than a few broken ribs and a ruptured spleen” I said hearing his breath get a little faster.
“Sure thing, I’ll be there in fifteen minutes, is there anything I need to take with me” he seemed agitated, I hung up the phone .
I got up and walked out of my office into the reception area, where Mr and Mrs Crabb were waiting for me.
“Would you like to come with me”, they both followed me into my office where I showed them the x-ray that depicted the extent of their dog's injuries.
“We can operate and repair the perforation to his spleen and strap up his cracked ribs, but it’s a fifty percent chance if he makes it through the operation”, I could see the desperation in their eyes as I recounted the news.
“Just do what you need to do Doctor White, we’ll be ok, Max will pull through. He’s made of sterner stuff” his answer was curt and to the point.
I could understand that his wife was understandably upset, and I put my hand on her shoulder.
“I’ll leave you to discuss it between yourselves, when you need me just let the young lady on reception know” with that I walked calmly back to my office, where I let out a sigh and picked up my phone and dialled Lisha. After several rings she picked up.
Complicated Ties (The Ties Trilogy (A Contemporary Erotic Romance Novel)) Page 4