Never Say Never

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Never Say Never Page 4

by Myburgh, Sonja

  "I want to ask you something, Owain." Hayley said as she opened the back door and unbuckled Owain's seatbelt.

  "I don't feel like talking." Owain said simply as he climbed out of the car.

  "And why is that?" Hayley frowned.

  "Because I don't want to!" Owain exclaimed and walked passed her and onto the steps of the house.

  "Owain..." Hayley closed the door and walked to him. "You can talk to me about anything."

  "I know, but I don't feel like talking now." He answered.

  Hayley ran her fingers through his dark hair and nodded. "Okay. Whenever you're ready." She unlocked the front door and he walked inside.

  Hayley heard the phone ring and walked into the house. She grabbed the receiver and held it against her ear. “Pearce residence.”

  “You know I hate it when you answer the phone like that. It makes me think I have the wrong number.” Her father, Steve, said over the phone.

  “Hey Dad.” Hayley laughed and put her bag and keys down on the kitchen counter.

  “How are my favorite two people in the world?” Steve asked.

  “Joan wouldn’t be too happy if she heard that.” Hayley laughed.

  “Oh, she’ll get over it.” Steve laughed.

  “We’re good. Well, I’m good. Owain is being a real guy today.” Hayley said and sat down on the kitchen stool.

  “He’ll be okay, he is your child after all.” Steve said. “Listen, Joan and I will be coming down for Owain’s birthday and I want to know what I can bring along? Is there anything he needs?”

  “He’s in a kind of a Spiderman phase, so anything in that line.” Hayley sighed.

  “You sound tired.” Steve said. “And upset.”

  “Not really, Owain is just a bit upset, that’s all.” Hayley said. “But he’s fine and I’m fine.”

  “What is he upset about?” Steve asked.

  “He’s been asking me about his dad. I don’t really know what to say to him.” Hayley sighed, and she subconsciously ran her finger across a feint silver scar running from the bottom of her jawline up to her ear that made her shiver. She realized suddenly what she was doing and abruptly dropped her hand onto the counter. “I can’t tell him the truth.”

  “You’re right, it’s a very difficult and delicate situation.” Steve said. “Just be patient, he’s too young to understand.”

  “Easy for you to say, Dad. You’re not the one that has to change the subject the whole time.” Hayley said. “I just don’t know…”

  “He’s going to be okay.” Steve said. “And you’re going to be okay.”

  “I know, Daddy. I’m just so scared. He’s my son, and he deserves to know the truth, but I don’t want him to know about that.” Hayley frowned and rubbed her temple with her free hand.

  “Whatever you decide to do, you know I fully support you, my baby.” Steve said.

  “I know. You always have.” She nodded.

  Hayley’s smiled faded slightly as she recalled her father’s support through the years, even when she made the wrong choices.

  She walked up the steps of her father’s house and stared down at her six months pregnant belly. She wrapped her arms around herself and a tear ran down her cheek. Her heart was broken into a million little pieces and she had no words to describe how she was feeling. She looked down at her empty ring finger and let out a soft cry. She walked up to the front door and went into the house.

  Her father turned to her and stood up slowly. He could see the hurt on her face and walked over to her.

  “What happened?” He asked.

  “I decided to keep him and Danny wasn’t too happy about it.” She whispered. “He asked me how I could even consider keeping it, and told me that I had changed. That I wasn’t the girl he fell in love with three years ago.”

  “Oh, baby…” He frowned.

  “He asked me to leave and I did.” She sniffed.

  “Are you sure that this is what you want, Lee?” He asked.

  “Daddy, please. I have made up my mind, and nothing you, or anyone else says, is going to change my mind.” She crossed her arms.

  “You’re an adult, Lee. I respect your choices.” He pulled her close and held her as she cried. “I never wanted this for you, I am sorry that I couldn’t protect you.”

  “Everything happens for a reason, right?” She frowned and looked at him.

  “So they say.” He nodded, tears in his eyes.

  “Lee? Are you there?” He asked.

  “Yes, I was just dormant for a second.” She shrugged.

  “I figured as much.” He said.

  “What did you say, Daddy?” She asked.

  “So he’s into Spiderman now? What happened to the little blue men?” Steve asked and she chuckled. “What are they called?”

  “The Smurfs.” She laughed.

  “Yes, those peculiar things.” Steve also laughed.

  “Well, apparently, according to Owain, they are for babies and he is not a baby anymore.” She said. “He’s growing up faster than I hoped he would.”

  “Now you know how I felt.” Steve laughed.

  “Daddy?” Hayley asked.

  “Yes, Baby girl?” Steve answered.

  “I love you.” She frowned and felt tears in her eyes. “I hope you know that.”

  “I do know that, baby. I love you too.” Steve said, his voice a little hoarse. He cleared his throat and Hayley knew he was wiping his tears. She cocked her head and smiled slightly.

  “I’ll let you get back to Owain. Have a good day.” Steve said.

  “Thanks Dad, you too. Say hi to Joan from us.” Hayley said.

  “Will do. Bye baby.” Steve answered.

  “Bye.” Hayley frowned as she put the phone on the counter and sighed.

  “Mom?” Owain said at the end of the passage and Hayley looked over at him. “I’m ready to talk now.”

  The bald guy was on the phone again and looked over at Hayley’s house.

  “She changed her last name to her mother’s maiden name, but it’s her alright.” He said. “I checked the social security number from her file, so I am sure.”

  “Where are they now?” The voice asked.

  “She left about an hour ago, Al and Smitty are tailing her.” He answered.

  “Where is the kid?” The voice asked.

  “The kid is still in the house, with the babysitter.” The bald one said. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Nothing yet. We wait for Barry.” The voice said.

  “Okay.” The bald one said.

  The call disconnected and the bald guy walked over to the house. Through the window he could see the little dark-haired boy sitting on the carpet in front of the television, watching Spiderman.

  “I don’t know if this was such a good idea, Grace.” Hayley looked at herself in the mirror and sighed.

  She was standing in Grace’s house, two streets away from her house and frowning at herself in the mirror. She was dressed up in a pair of light blue denims, black ankle boots and a strapless plum cultured top, and her blonde hair curled in waves.

  “You look hot, okay.” Grace was standing in front of the mirror, fixing her fringe. “Not many moms can pull off that top, honey. You’re lucky you kept your figure after having a baby.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Hayley turned around and frowned. “The last time I went out…” Her voice trailed and a shiver ran up her spine. She shrugged it off, rubbing her arm and looked at Grace.

  Grace had a strapless black top on, with a pair of white capris and black heels.

  “You’re not bailing on me!” Grace pointed at her.

  “But Owain…” Hayley frowned.

  “Owain is at your house, with Melody, and he’s going to be fine!” Grace whirled around and put her hands on her hips. “You need this.”

  “I’m not twenty anymore, Grace.” Hayley frowned.

  “God, you’re not dead either!” Grace rolled her eyes. “Are you ready?”

/>   “Yeah, I guess so.” Hayley nodded and followed Grace into the kitchen.

  Grace held up her car key in one hand and Hayley’s car keys in the other. “Yours or mine?”

  “Mine, definitely!” Hayley grabbed her keys and Grace laughed. “I just need to stop for gas.”

  “Okay.” Grace and Hayley left the house and got into her Cadillac.

  “This is going to be fun.” Grace smiled at Hayley.

  “I have not been out in ages.” Hayley admitted as she started the car and drove off to the nearest gas station.

  “I know, that’s why I am glad you decided to come.” Grace said.

  “I was kind of forced into it, so I didn’t actually decide anything.” Hayley tilted her head at Grace.

  “Whatever. You were totally overdue for a girls’ night, I just made it happen sooner.” Grace grinned as Hayley pulled into the gas station.

  “I’ll be back.” Grace climbed out the car before Hayley could say anything.

  “This is going to be a long night.” She sighed and climbed out.

  After she filled up the tank and paid at the cashier’s window, Grace came running back to the car, tightly clutching a bottle of tequila.

  “What the hell is that for?” Hayley frowned.

  “Refreshments.” Grace said and looked at Hayley’s stunned expression. “Come on, I know you want to.”

  “Just one.” Hayley looked around her and nodded.

  “Make it a big one.” Grace unscrewed the cap and handed the bottle to Hayley.

  Hayley took a deep breath and took the bottle from her.

  “It’s tequila, Hayley, not a pregnancy test.” Grace laughed.

  “Of course.” Hayley shook her head and took a large gulp, while Grace softly cheered.

  “Well done.” Grace took the bottle and also took a gulp. “Right, now we’re ready to party.”

  “Right. Where to?” Hayley switched on the car.

  “Flanagan’s is right around the corner.” Grace said and Hayley nodded.

  “Okay then. “Hayley nodded and started reversing the car.

  Suddenly there was a loud crash and Hayley let out a shriek. She looked in her mirror and saw that she had backed straight into another car.

  "Shit." She muttered to herself and looked over at Grace, looking at her with wide eyes.

  "I think you hit something." Grace whispered.

  "Yes, thanks for pointing that out." Hayley rolled her eyes and switched off the car again. Hayley and Grace looked at each other and Hayley sighed. "Are you okay?"

  "Yes, Mom." Grace rolled her eyes and undid her seatbelt.

  "Oh shut up." She said and opened her door.

  Grace let out a giggle and Hayley frowned at her. “It’s not funny.”

  “Now I know why you never want to come out with me.” Grace laughed as they got out of the car.

  “I had one sip!” Hayley shook her head as they walked around the car. “Oh my god! I am so sorry…” She started to apologize as the driver got out of the car and she stopped dead in her tracks.

  “Hey, it’s the blonde…” Nick grinned.

  “Hayley?” Lucas smiled at her.

  “Oh my god! It’s you.” Hayley sighed and ran her hands through her hair.

  “You know this guy?” Grace crossed her arms.

  “I’m Lucas.” He held out his hand towards Grace. “And this is my friend, Nick.”

  Grace looked over at his friend, standing at the side of the car. Grace raised an eyebrow in approval and flicked her hair over her shoulder.

  “Grace, nice to meet you.” Grace shook his hand and looked over at Hayley, raising her eyebrows.

  "Are you okay?" Lucas looked over at Hayley.

  “I’m fine, but your car isn’t. I am so sorry." Hayley frowned and walked over to him.

  "Don’t worry about it, are you sure you’re okay?" He asked again.

  "Yes, I'm fine." She nodded.

  "And you Grace?" He asked.

  "Yeah, I’m good." Grace nodded.

  "I can't believe this." Hayley muttered as she looked at the damage to the back of his Subaru.

  "Actually it's my fault, I wasn't supposed to park here." Lucas said.

  "No, it is my fault, I should have watched where I was going...” Hayley exclaimed.

  "Don't worry about it." Lucas grinned.

  "My insurance should cover the damages..." Hayley said.

  "That's not necessary." Lucas said.

  "Of course it is! I drove into your car!" Hayley frowned.

  "It's not like it was on purpose, Hayley." Grace said next to her.

  “Yeah, you wouldn’t drive into my car on purpose, right?” Lucas grinned at her and she narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Of course not. I didn’t even know this was your car.” Hayley crossed her arms. “And even if I did know, I still wouldn’t drive into it on purpose.”

  “The lady protests too much.” Nick laughed and Grace laughed in agreement. “She would fail a lie detector test even if she’s innocent.”

  “Is she always like this?” Lucas asked Grace.

  “Oh yeah, all the time…” Grace nodded. “You should see her when…”

  "Uhm, excuse me!" Hayley cleared her throat and Nick, Lucas and Grace looked at her. “I’m standing right here.”

  Grace grinned and winked at Nick. Lucas walked over to her and dug his hands in the front pockets of his pants. He looked her square in the eyes and she frowned.

  “What?” She asked, slightly breathless by his closeness.

  “Come have a drink with us.” Lucas smiled slightly.

  “We can’t…” Hayley shook her head.

  “We were headed over to Flanagan’s if you wanted to join us.” Grace said behind her.

  “Grace…” Hayley whispered to her, but she didn’t seem to hear.

  “It’s the least you could do. After all, you did drive into the back of his car, which looks really expensive, by the way.” Grace smiled.

  “Grace, you’re totally not helping.” Hayley muttered and Grace laughed.

  “One drink.” Lucas smiled at her. “It’ll take the edge off.”

  Hayley studied his playful expression and felt her resistance slipping. “Fine. One drink.” Hayley said to Lucas.

  Grace walked up to Hayley and put her arm over her shoulders. “Actually, we can do more than one drink. The babysitter’s only due home at one.”

  Before Hayley could protest, Grace grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the car.

  “Okay, drive safe.” Lucas grinned playfully and Hayley had to bite her lip to prevent responding. Hayley looked over her shoulder at Lucas and he winked at her, then turning to walk back to his car.

  “Stop staring at his ass, Hayley.” Grace whispered with a grin and Hayley looked at her in disbelief. “Which looks good by the way.”

  “Grace…” Hayley shook her head and ran her hands through her hair.

  “You know I’m right.” Grace raised an eyebrow and smiled.

  Hayley frowned slightly at her friend and shook her head.

  Of course Grace was right, he did have a very nice ass, but she shook off the thought and dropped her gaze. When they were inside the car, she turned to Grace with a look of disapproval. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “Did what?” Grace looked at Hayley.

  “The babysitter is only due home at one!” Hayley shrieked. “You didn’t need to disclose that information to them! They could be madmen, or psychotic serial killers.”

  “Jeez, Hales, calm down. It’s just a drink.” Grace said calmly, as if nothing happened.

  "I’ve heard that one before…” Hayley glared at her friend, but Grace was not fazed by her anger at all.

  “Hayley, no offence, but you need to lighten up a little.” Grace said to her, with raised eyebrows.

  “You sound like Jess…” She muttered and Grace looked at her. “…and trust me that is not a good thing.”

just shut up and drive, please.” Grace narrowed her eyes at Hayley.

  Hayley looked at her for a second, started the car and looked out onto the road.

  “How do you know Lucas?” Grace asked after a brief silence.

  “I don’t. Well, not really, I only met him once before. Owain was talking to him at the convenience store last night.” Hayley sighed.

  “What?” Grace frowned.

  “I took Owain to the convenience store for sprinkles.” Hayley nodded.

  “Sprinkles.” Grace repeated.

  “Yes, for his cupcakes.” Hayley looked at Grace. “Thursdays we…”

  “Yes, I remember.” Grace nodded. “How does he fit into the story?”

  “I’m getting to that. I went to get sprinkles and he went to the toys. I momentarily lost him, but found him by the pet food, talking to this guy.” Hayley said.

  “Lucas.” Grace tilted her head with a smile.

  “Yes.” Hayley nodded and looked at Grace.

  Grace had that look on her face and Hayley shook her head.

  “I know what you’re thinking, so just stop.” Hayley said.

  “Come on, Hayley. He’s really, really hot.” Grace said. “Don’t deny it.”

  “I’m not denying anything.” Hayley parked the car in front of Flanagan’s and looked at Grace.

  “So you think he’s hot.” Grace narrowed her eyes.

  Hayley glared at Grace for a second and grabbed the bottle of tequila from her. She took a sip and gave it back to Grace. “Let’s do this then.”

  “Al right!” Grace cheered and they got out of the car.

  Hayley locked her car and put her keys in her handbag. She turned around and looked at Lucas and Nick approaching.

  Lucas had thick dark spiky hair, a strong jawline and hazel green eyes that sparkled in the moonlight. He had a pair of dark jeans on with a dark grey shirt on. Hayley dropped her gaze and pulled herself together. She looked at Grace, who saw right through her and shook her head slightly.

  “Come on.” Grace walked over to the door and looked over at Nick. “Let’s show these old people how to party.”


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