Never Say Never

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Never Say Never Page 12

by Myburgh, Sonja

  “You have been spotted!” Owain exclaimed.

  “Colonel Pearce!” Lucas pulled his face at Owain.

  “I see you, Lieutenant!” Owain laughed and jumped onto Lucas.

  “I surrender! I surrender!” Lucas exclaimed as Owain pinned him down on the grass.

  Hayley watched with a heavy heart as Lucas and Owain laughed on the grass and she sighed. It was good to see him laughing with someone other than her, because that meant that he trusted Lucas. She felt happy, and sad at the same time. It had been the two of them for almost six years now and it felt strange to have Lucas there. She had not dated anyone since Owain’s birth, and the guys that she did go on dates with headed for the hills as soon as they met Owain. Owain is very protective over her, and would constantly ask them all kinds of strange questions, which sent them out the door pretty quickly. Lucas, on the other hand, did the opposite. Even after Owain’s ridiculous checklist and his tactless way of trying to get Lucas to impregnate her, Lucas was still there, and to Hayley it didn’t seem like he was going anywhere. Not that she wanted to. He was kind and funny and he made her feel safe. Owain couldn’t get enough of him, and neither could she. She looked at the two of them, still on the grass and smiled to herself. Lucas whispered something in Owain’s ear and Owain nodded.

  “Mom!” Owain called out to her and waved her over.

  She stood up and walked over to them. “Yes baby?”

  “Luke said his mom is baking cookies tonight. Can I help her?” Owain asked.

  Hayley knelt next to the two of them and ran her fingers through his damp hair. “Of course, but you need to take a bath first. You’re filthy.”

  Owain rolled his eyes and looked at Lucas. “Luke is also filthy.”

  “Yes he is.” Hayley nodded. “He also needs to go take a bath.”

  Lucas chuckled, but when Owain looked at Lucas, he cleared his throat to hide his suggestive smile.

  “I have an idea.” Owain smiled.

  “So do I.” Lucas mumbled and winked at Hayley.

  Hayley playfully smacked Lucas’ arm and shook her head. “What is your idea, baby?”

  “First I want to know, how big is the tub?” Owain asked.

  “Why do you ask, buddy?” Lucas smiled and raised his eyebrows at Hayley.

  “Will more than one person fit into the tub?” Owain asked.

  Hayley knew where this was going, but as she opened her mouth to say something, Lucas beat her to it.

  “Of course it’s big enough for more than one person.” Lucas smiled.

  “Cool!” Owain exclaimed and looked at Hayley. “Can Luke and I go bath together, Mom?”

  “Wait, what?” Lucas’ smile disappeared and Hayley suppressed a laugh.

  “Of course you can, baby.” Hayley winked at Owain and he jumped up from the grass. He grabbed hold of Lucas’ hand and pulled on it.

  “Come on, Luke!” Owain looked at him.

  “I’ll get you for that.” Lucas leaned over and whispered to Hayley.

  “I won’t hold my breath.” Hayley whispered back to him and he narrowed his eyes at her.

  “We’ll see.” Lucas nodded and stood up.

  “Come on, Luke!” Owain whined.

  “Okay buddy.” Lucas chuckled at the impatient boy and walked towards the house.

  Hayley burst out laughing and shook her head. “You’ve been outsmarted by a five year old, Lucas Donovan.”

  Lucas looked over at Owain, covered in bubbles and chuckled. The two of them were in the bath, and there were bubbles everywhere. Owain was trying to make himself a beard, but was not succeeding.

  “Luke?” Owain asked suddenly and looked at him.

  “Yes buddy?” Lucas answered.

  “You like my mom, right?” Owain asked.

  “I like your mom.” Lucas nodded.

  “A lot?” Owain asked, narrowing his eyes slightly.

  “Yes, I do.” Lucas chuckled.

  “I’m serious, Luke.” Owain scowled.

  “So am I, buddy. I like your mom a lot.” Lucas nodded.

  “Does she know?” He looked at Lucas.

  “That I like her?” Lucas asked.

  “Yes.” Owain rolled his eyes.

  “I think so.” Lucas nodded.

  “Have you told her?” Owain asked.

  “No, but…” Lucas stuttered.

  “If you haven’t told her, how will she know?” Owain asked. When Lucas opened his mouth to retort, Owain frowned. “Mom tells me that she loves me all the time. She says it so that I don’t forget.”

  “You think I should tell her?” Lucas asked, wiping a cloud of bubbles onto Owain’s head.

  “Mom also says that actions speak louder than words.” Owain pointed out and looked at Lucas with a slight frown. “You should show her that you like her.”

  “I’ll do that, buddy.” Lucas nodded.

  “Can I tell you something?” Owain asked and looked at Lucas.

  “Sure.” Lucas nodded.

  “But you can’t tell my mom.” Owain whispered.

  “I promise.” Lucas whispered and leaned forward.

  “I wish you were my dad.” Owain whispered.

  Lucas looked at the little boy in the bath tub with him and smiled slightly, feeling a warm feeling in his chest. This little boy had managed to climb under his skin and into his heart in such a short period of time.

  “Can I tell you something, little buddy?” Lucas whispered.

  “Sure.” Owain nodded and leaned forward.

  “You’re such a great kid, I wish I was your dad.” Lucas grinned at him.

  “Mom says that if you wish hard enough, it will come true.” Owain smiled at him. “Just wish hard, Luke.”

  Hayley walked into the kitchen and saw Owain and Heather sifting flour into a big blue mixing bowl.

  “Hey baby. Having fun?” Hayley smiled at him.

  “Yes, Mom.” Owain nodded. “We’re making chocolate chip cookies.”

  “Wow, impressive.” Hayley looked at him and ran her fingers through his hair. “Do you need some help?”

  “No, its okay.” Owain shook his head. “Between Granny Heather and me, I think we’ve got it covered.

  Heather chuckled and shook her head. “Granny Heather.”

  “Okay. Are you sure?” Hayley asked, slightly disappointed.

  “Yes, I don’t need you, Mom. You and Luke can go play.” Owain frowned and turned towards Heather. Heather suppressed a laugh and winked at Hayley.

  “Don’t worry about him, dear.” Heather smiled at her. “You go play.”

  Hayley felt her cheeks flush slightly and she nodded. As she walked up the staircase, she felt her shoulders slump slightly at the thought that Owain doesn’t need her anymore. She was not used to hearing those words come from his mouth. He always needed her, for everything. Even though he was a very independent child, he always came to her for everything. She dragged her feet as she walked into the guest bedroom and plopped down onto the bed. For the first time in a very long time, she felt alone.

  The sweet smell of cookies baking in the oven filled the house as Lucas walked into the kitchen and he inhaled through his nose.

  “What is that smell?” He frowned.

  “It’s the cookies!” Owain exclaimed and ran to Lucas.

  “It smells terrific!” Lucas scooped Owain up in his arms and looked at him.

  “Thanks Luke!” Owain nodded and hugged him. “Granny Heather helped too.”

  “Granny Heather, hey?” Lucas chuckled and looked at his mother.

  Heather smiled as she mixed some more cookie dough and winked at Lucas. Lucas looked at Owain and frowned. “Where’s your mom?”

  “She went upstairs.” Owain frowned.

  Lucas frowned and looked at his mom. “Mom?”

  “I think you should go check on her.” Heather smiled at him.

  “I will.” Lucas nodded and put Owain down. “Have fun, buddy.”

  “Thanks Luke. I’ll bri
ng you a cookie when we’re done.” Owain smiled.

  “Looking forward to it.” Lucas winked at him and made his way over to the staircase.

  As he walked up the staircase and down the hall, he could hear Owain singing along with his mother as she sang an old Sesame Street song and he found himself humming along. He chuckled to himself and shook his head as he pushed open the door of the guest bedroom where Hayley was sleeping. She was on the bed, staring at the ceiling, holding one of Owain’s stuffed bears. He walked into her room, closed the door behind him and walked to the bed. “Hales, are you okay?”

  Hayley sat up slowly and looked over at him. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “You know you don’t have to pretend with me.” He sat down opposite her and smiled slightly. She looked sad and vulnerable, something he has never seen in her before. Usually she was strong and unweathering, but now she looked weak, almost childlike.

  “I know.” She frowned. “It just feels so strange not being the only one that he needs.”

  Lucas took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles. “It has always been just the two of us. I was the only one he ran to, the only one that he would reach out to.” Hayley looked at him.

  “He’ll always need you. You’re his mother.” Lucas said.

  “I know.” She nodded. “Your parents are so good with him. You’re so good with him.”

  “He’s a great kid. You did good.” Lucas said and she looked at him with a sigh.

  “Can I tell you a secret?” She asked.

  “You can tell me anything.” He nodded.

  “Sometimes I’m afraid of him.” She admitted.

  Lucas frowned and looked at her. “How do you mean?”

  “When he’s agitated, he looks at me in a certain way that reminds me...” Hayley said. “He looks just like his father.”

  “Like in the car?” He asked.

  “Yes.” Hayley nodded. “I’ve been trying to convince myself that I was imagining it, but I’m not. He looks just like him.”

  “You said it yourself, he is nothing like his dad. He’s a good kid, Hayley. He’s smart and has a good heart, just like his mom.” Lucas squeezed her hand. “Your eyes crinkle up the same way when you laugh as well.”

  “So I’ve been told.” Hayley smiled slightly. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” He frowned.

  “For everything actually. For bringing us here, for being there for Owain, for me.” Hayley smiled at him.

  “I’m really glad you drove into my car when you did.” Lucas gave her a crooked smile and his eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “You’re welcome.” She chuckled and leaned forward slightly.

  She took hold of the front of his shirt and pulled him closer, kissing him lightly on the lips. His fingers raked through her hair and cradled her face. His lips touched hers and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She lifted her face and looked into his bright hazel eyes. “You know your parents, and my kid are downstairs…”

  Before she could finish her sentence, he placed his finger gently over her mouth and grinned. “Then we’ll just have to be quiet.”

  “That sounds like a plan.” She laughed softly.

  His hands travelled down her sides and he kissed her again. She wrapped her arms around his waist and felt his hands pulling at her dress. She pulled away and looked at him, breathing loudly. She smiled slightly and looked down at his waist. She slid her hands under his shirt and felt the smoothness of his skin under hers. She grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head. She took a second to study his muscular body and looked at him.

  “Your turn.” He breathed and slid his hands down her thighs.

  He moved the soft material up her body and slipped her dress over her head. He dropped her dress onto the floor and looked at her. He ran his fingers down her body and gave her a slow, sexy smile.

  “You’re beautiful, Hayley Pearce.”

  Hayley looked over at Lucas, on his back with his eyes closed and smiled slightly.

  “Staring is rude.” Lucas whispered and she giggled softly.

  “I was not staring.” She smiled at him. “I’m just watching you.”

  He opened his eyes and rolled onto his side. “It’s creepy.”

  “No, it’s not.” She frowned. “It’s creepy that we just did this in your parents’ house.”

  “This is definitely a first.” He admitted.

  “You’ve never had sex in your parents’ house?” She asked.

  “Never.” He grinned.

  “I don’t believe that.” She giggled.

  “You’re the first.” He said and ran his fingers up her arm, along her shoulder and stopped on the side of her neck. He noticed a pale scar running from below her jaw to just below her ear. She broke their gaze and gently pushed his hand away.

  “What happened there?” He frowned.

  “Nothing.” She whispered.

  “That doesn’t look like nothing.” Lucas frowned again and moved closer to her.

  Out of habit, she moved away from him and pulled the blanket up to her chin. Lucas sat up and looked at her, with a concerned look on his face.

  “Hey.” He reached for her hand and she let him take it.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just that….” Hayley stuttered.

  “It’s okay.” Lucas shook his head. “I was a jerk, I shouldn’t have pressed.”

  Hayley nodded slightly and pursed her lips together.

  “Come here.” He looked at her.

  She nodded again and moved closer to him. She laid down next to him and he put his arms around her. There were a few moments of silence until she turned her head to look at him.

  “I was shot.” She whispered.

  “What?” Lucas looked at her with a stunned expression.

  “That’s how I got the scar.” She traced the line with her finger. “I was shot.”

  “Oh my god! Are you serious?” He asked and she nodded. “What happened?”

  “It was about eight years ago. My best friend and I were out one night and we got attacked by two guys.” She frowned at him. “She got away.”

  “Oh my god.” He breathed. “What do you mean she got away? Did they…?”

  “They were trying to pull us into their van, but she managed to break free and run.” She broke their gaze and studied his hand. The veins on the top of his hand were prominent and she lightly traced them with her fingertips.

  There was another few moments of silence and she looked at him.

  “I wasn’t that lucky. The pulled me into their van and held me captive for about ten days.” She said softly and he looked at her with a remorseful look on his face.

  “Oh my god, Hayley…” Lucas brushed a lock of hair off her face and touched her cheek.

  “They tied me up, beat me, and when they were done having their fun, one of them shot me and left me by the side of the road to die.” She frowned and felt her eyes well up with tears, pausing for a few seconds. “My dad and Daniel found me, on the outskirts of Atlanta, half dead.”

  “Daniel?” Lucas looked at her, searching her face, but she simply frowned at him.

  “I was engaged to him. We were supposed to get married a few months later, but he said that I changed.” She frowned. “That I wasn’t the person that he fell in love with anymore.”

  “He was stupid for expecting you to not change after something like that.” Lucas said. “You are an amazing woman, Hayley.”

  “That’s exactly what my dad said.” She smiled slightly.

  “Well, he’s a smart guy.” Lucas smiled at her. “Was that when you moved down to Dunedin?”

  “Yes, only a few months after. I had to get better, and go through all the procedures, like psychological evaluations et cetera, but as soon as I passed all the criteria, I left.” She nodded. “My dad was sad to see me go, but he understood. Atlanta wasn’t the place for me anymore. There were too many things that reminded me of that time. I was a paranoid wreck. I couldn’
t sleep or relax, and I didn’t want to live my life like that.”

  Lucas frowned slightly and looked at her. “I know exactly how that feels.”

  “Your brother?” She rested her head on her arm.

  “Yes.” He said simply.

  “How did he die?” She asked.

  “He was shot by a cop.” Lucas looked at her.

  “That’s horrible.” She frowned and reached for his hand.

  “He and his best friend came back from a trip to New York and they went into a gas station that was being robbed at the time. Ric got caught in the crossfire and died in hospital a few hours later.” He said, and Hayley noticed a slight hint of anger and resentment in his voice.

  She took his hand in her and slid her fingers between his. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. We all have our sad stories. It’s part of life. It makes us who we are.” He looked at her.

  “Exactly.” She smiled at him and leaned in for a soft kiss. “Tell me more about him.” She whispered, tracing her fingers along the outline of Lucas’ hand.

  “Okay. He was five years older than me, but we were best friends. We did everything together. He always stood up for me, and knew right from wrong, you know. He had morals, like you wouldn’t believe. He was funny and strong and was always there when I needed him.” Lucas smiled slightly.

  “He sounded nice.” She whispered.

  “He would have liked you.” Lucas grinned. “Not the way I like you, but he would have liked you. You are honest, and to the point.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled at him. “Did you have a lot in common?”


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