Never Say Never

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Never Say Never Page 16

by Myburgh, Sonja

  “What the hell…?” Lucas frowned and followed her to the living area.

  Hayley was grabbing her handbag and rushing towards Owain.

  “Hayley, what is going on?” Lucas asked.

  “Come on, baby. We’re leaving.” Hayley ignored Lucas’ question and picked Owain up from the floor.

  “Mom, I’m not done yet…” Owain whined, but she shook her head at him.

  “Owain, just listen to me, please.” Hayley sighed.

  “Hayley!” Lucas exclaimed and she looked at him. “What the hell is going on?”

  “That’s how he found me” She walked up to him and narrowed her eyes. “I can’t believe it. It was you all this time.”

  “What are you talking about?” Lucas frowned.

  “That’s your brother, right?” Hayley frowned.

  “Yes.” Lucas nodded.

  “Oh my god! You knew all this time.” Hayley exclaimed and wipe a tear off her cheek. “I was so stupid to think…”

  “You’re not making any sense right now.” Lucas took a step towards her, but she shook her head.

  “Please don’t.” She turned to Owain, took his hand and rushed out the front door.

  “Where are we going?” Owain asked.

  “We’re going home, baby, where it’s safe.” Hayley said as she opened the door of the car for him and he climbed inside. She walked over to the other side of the car and climbed in.

  “Hayley!” Lucas came out the house and ran to the car.

  “You said that we were safe here.” Owain frowned. “Luke will protect us, Mom.”

  “I thought he would.” Hayley nodded as she started the car and reversed out the driveway. “I was wrong.” Hayley grabbed her phone and dialed a number.


  “Hey, I need your help. I’m coming to pick you up.” Hayley frowned. “Two minutes, the way I am driving. Yes, he’s with me. He’s fine. Okay, I will. Thank you. See you soon.” She closed her phone and drove away, without looking back.

  Chapter 9 – Past Lies

  Lucas growled to himself as he walked back into the house. He didn’t understand what had just happened, and why exactly Hayley was in such a spin. His phone suddenly started ringing and he reached for it. “Hello?”

  “Why the long face, Lukie?”

  Lucas felt his blood instantly start to boil in his veins as he heard Jack’s voice over the phone. “You have a lot of nerve calling me right now, Jack.”

  “After all this time, you speak to me like that?” Jack asked.

  “I have nothing to say to you.” Lucas snapped.

  “Oh really?” Jack laughed. “How is Hayley doing?”

  “This is not a good time...” Lucas said, his voice slightly softer. Lucas heard him laugh wickedly and frowned to himself. “Wait, how do you know about Hayley?”

  “We go way back, Hayley and I.” Jack said. “Didn’t she tell you?”

  “Don’t play games with me, Jack!” Lucas growled. “I’m annoyed as it is already.”

  “Oh no. What happened?” Jack asked sarcastically.

  “I don’t have time for this.” Lucas muttered and wiped his face with his free hand.

  “We’ll see about that. I’m sending you something. Check your phone.” Jack said.

  Lucas looked at the screen of his phone and a picture came through almost immediately. Lucas felt his heart fall down into his shoes and clenched his jaw.

  “Don’t they make a good couple, Luke?” Jack smirked.

  Lucas felt tears of frustration fill his eyes and he took a deep breath.

  “From your lack of response, I take it that you didn’t know.” Jack said calmly.

  “No.” He answered simply.

  “She lied to you, Luke.” Jack said. “Big time.”

  “No, I don’t believe that…” Lucas shook his head. “She wouldn’t…”

  “Of course she would. You don’t know her like we did.” Jack said. “Are you sure you want to date someone that keeps secrets from you?”

  “There must be a good reason…” Lucas frowned and a tear ran down his cheek.

  “Photos never lie, Luke.” Jack smirked and the line went dead.

  Lucas threw his phone down on the counter and growled angrily. He wiped his face with both his hands and stared at the empty living room.

  “I lied to you, Grace.” Hayley looked at Grace and took a deep breath.

  Grace shifted in her seat and looked at her friend. “About what?”

  “About Owain’s dad.” Hayley said. “About everything.”

  “Hayley, you don’t have to…” Grace frowned.

  Hayley shook her head and looked at Grace. “I want you to know.”

  “Okay.” Grace nodded.

  Hayley took another deep breath and wiped a tear from her cheek. “I want you to know everything.”

  Grace listened in disbelief as Hayley poured her heart out, tell her the whole story in fine detail about the kidnapping, the assaulting, about Daniel, Owain’s birth and how she had to change her name and moved to Dunedin with Owain. Grace wiped the tears off her cheeks and looked at Hayley. Hayley’s breathing was shallow and Grace reached over and took her hands.

  “You are one of the bravest people I know, Hayley.” Grace said.

  “I don’t feel very brave right now. I am scared shitless.” Hayley frowned.

  “Did you talk to your dad?” Grace asked.

  “Yeah, he’s expecting us in the next twenty four hours.” Hayley nodded.

  “Oh, Hayley.” Grace pulled her close and hugged her. “I am so sorry I kept pressing about Owain’s dad. I didn’t know.”

  “It’s okay, Grace.” Hayley nodded at her friend. “And I am sorry for not telling you the truth.”

  “You were just protecting your child, Hales.” Grace smiled and took her hand. “I can still call you that, can’t I?”

  “Of course you can.” Hayley sniffed. “That’s who I am now.”

  “Yes, you’re Hayley Pearce. Teacher, bad-ass mom and the best friend I have ever known.”

  “Thanks Grace.” Hayley whispered.

  The two girls smiled at each other when they heard Lucas’ Subaru pull up the drive-way.

  “Lucas is here.” Grace smiled.

  “Don’t let him in.” Hayley growled and Grace looked at Hayley with a frown. “He knows Owain’s dad.”

  “What? How?” Grace frowned.

  “There is a picture of them in his house…” Hayley crossed her arms.

  Grace jumped when Lucas banged on the front door. “Hayley, open the door!”

  Grace looked at Hayley and tilted her head. “Maybe it’s a misunderstanding…”

  “It’s not. I asked him. It’s his brother.” Hayley shook her head.

  “Wait. Lucas is Owain’s uncle?” Grace frowned.

  “I guess so.” Hayley nodded.

  “That’s so weird.” Grace grimaced.

  Suddenly the door burst open and the two girls looked at Lucas standing in the doorway, their eyes wide.

  “Can I talk to Hayley? Alone?” He clenched his jaw and walked into the house.

  “Sure, I’ll get out of your way.” Grace nodded and walked towards Owain’s bedroom. “I’ll be with Owain. Keep him away from the yelling.”

  Hayley nodded and watched as Grace disappeared down the hallway and into Owain’s room.

  “When were you going to tell me?” He turned to her and narrowed his eyes.

  “What are you talking about?” Hayley frowned. “You were the one that lied to me!”

  “I’m not talking about me, Hayley, I’m talking about you!” Lucas said flatly, showing no emotion. “Where you ever going to tell me? About my brother, about Jack?”

  “Who the hell is Jack?” Hayley frowned.

  “He said he saw you in the store the other night.” Lucas growled.

  “But that was Barry…” Hayley frowned and suddenly her eyes widened. “Jack Barrett.”

  “Yes, Jack
Barrett.” Lucas nodded.

  “Oh my god…” Hayley breathed.

  “Yeah, tell me about it.” Lucas said, his face was blank. “Apparently you also knew my brother better than you let on.”

  “No…” Hayley shook her head.

  "No? Then explain this!" He handed his phone to her and she reluctantly took it from him.

  Hayley looked at the phone and her heart started pounding uncontrollably. She remembered it as if it was yesterday, and could still see it clearly in her mind.

  The two girls walked towards Lee's car, which was parked on the other side of the grassy knoll, over-looking the back of the cinema. It was their usual parking spot, and would always walk through the knoll. Lee shivered again and crossed her arms, looking around her.

  "What?" Jessica asked as they made their way through the knoll.

  "Something's not right." Lee frowned.

  "You're so paranoid." Jessica rolled her eyes.

  "I'm not paranoid, Jess. I just keep getting this creepy feeling." Lee shrugged and looked at Jessica. "Like when that..."

  "Don't even mention that!" Jessica exclaimed.

  "Why not? It was true!" Lee gasped in mock horror.

  "It was not!" Jessica shook her head.

  "Oh come on! You were there! There was no way that I could have known that, except..." Lee frowned.

  "If you had supernatural powers that baffles the human mind." Jessica rolled her eyes. "I know, we've had this debate before."

  "More like a monologue..." Lee shook her head in disapproval.

  "Lee, I'm your friend, so I am fully entitled to say this." Jessica said and looked at her. "You're not psychic or whatever, so just stop..."

  Lee suddenly stopped abruptly in the middle of the road and Jessica huffed.

  "I didn’t mean literally..." Jessica muttered.

  "Jess..." Lee whispered. "Look."

  Jessica looked up and saw the guy that was outside the cinema that wanted a picture with them, standing close to Lee's car. “Look who is back for more.”

  “How did he know that’s my car?” Lee frowned and looked at Jessica.

  “Maybe he followed us.” Jessica smacked her lips nonchalantly.

  “Are you listening to yourself right now?” Lee scowled.

  “I was joking.” Jessica rolled her eyes, but stopped abruptly, her eyes wide. “Wait, do you think he really followed us?”

  Lee slowly looked over her shoulder in the opposite direction and saw the other two guys walking over to them. A few yards from them, their van was parked and Lee let out a terrified gasp. "Definitely, and he brought company.”

  Jessica looked behind her and went pale in an instant. She grabbed hold of Lee’s hand and Lee could feel her friend was shaking from fear. "Lee, what do we do?"

  "I don’t know." Lee whispered and felt her heart pounding in her chest.

  The two girls watched in terror as the three men closed in, circling them, like sharks. Their expressions were malevolent and dark, and it made the situation all the more terrifying.

  "Jess..." Lee whispered, trying not to move her lips too much. "When I say run, we run."

  Jessica nodded nervously and she let go of Lee's hand. Lee looked around her slowly, trying to look for any possible way out. "Run, now."

  The two girls suddenly jolted in the same direction and ran as fast as they could.

  "Get them!" The guys yelled and they scrambled off after the girls.

  As Lee and Jessica reached the grass, Lee felt her chest burning, but she kept on running. She could see in the corner of her eye that Jessica was outrunning her. Jessica had always been the faster runner, despite Lee's never-failing attempts to improve her speed. Jessica was going to leave her behind, and Lee panicked. She felt her foot get caught on something and she plummeted to the ground, letting out a terrified cry.

  "Lee!" Jessica looked over her shoulder and slowed down.

  "Keep running, Jess!" Lee turned onto her back and scrambled to her feet. "I’m right behind you."

  "Okay." Jessica speeded up again.

  Feeling a sharp pain in her ankle, Lee winced and turned to run again, but it was too late. The two guys reached her in no time and one of them grabbed her from behind, pulling her up from the ground.

  "Jess, run!" Lee screamed right before the guy covered her mouth with his hand.

  "Go get the other one." The one said.

  Lee heard him running in the opposite direction and tried to pull free, but his grip was too powerful to break.

  She was taken back to their van and the guy pushed her inside. As one of them held her in place, the one that chased after her, tightly tied her wrist together. She was shaking from fear, but the second he looked at her, she didn’t feel that afraid anymore. She was not sure why, whether it was the way he looked at her, or if it was the gentle way he tied her wrists together, or maybe it was the way he hushed her, his top lip curling slightly, his voice soft and smooth. He hushed her one last time and pressed a damp cloth against her mouth. She choked on the pungent smell and tried to break free, but it was no use. As the world around her became hazy and distorted, she hoped that Jess was safe, because she knew exactly what was going to happen to her.

  "Where did you get this?" Hayley frowned, her heart pounding in her chest. “Did Barry send this to you?”

  "That's not important.” Lucas snapped.

  “Of course it’s important! He’s trying to make me look like the bad guy here!” Hayley shook her head.

  “You lied to me." Lucas exclaimed. “You told me…I don’t even remember what you told me!”

  "Lucas…." Hayley sighed and a tear ran down her cheek. “I didn’t know Chad was your brother…”

  “So it’s true then?” Lucas asked angrily. “My brother is Owain’s dad.”

  “Lucas…” Hayley took a step towards him.

  “I can’t believe you never told me.” Lucas exclaimed. “Did you seriously think you could hide this from me?”

  "Firstly, you do not yell at me in my own goddamn house! Secondly, I never denied it, not for a second!" Hayley felt another tear run down her cheek and crossed her arms.

  “Well, according to Jack, you slept with him and accidentally got pregnant.” Lucas frowned. “How convenient.”

  “It wasn’t like that, Lucas!” Hayley shook her head.

  “Then what was it like, Hayley?” Lucas yelled.

  “Lucas, it was your brother and Barry that kidnapped me.” Hayley said and looked at Lucas. “Your brother was the one that…”

  Lucas let out a bitter laugh and shook his head. “You’re lying. My brother would never do something like that.”

  “Why would I lie to you?” Hayley asked in disbelief.

  “To cover up the fact that you are a manipulative slut!” Lucas exclaimed.

  Hayley felt as if she was punched in the chest and took a step back. “Let me show you something before you call me a slut.”

  She stormed passed him into the study and walked straight to the desk. She yanked open the bottom drawer and grabbed a large brown file. After slamming the drawer shut, she marched back to Lucas, still standing in the lounge and threw the file on the table.

  “What is this?” He glared angrily at her and she crossed her arms.

  “That file contains everything that I just told you, my so-called lies. I have never lied to you and I never planned on either.” She snapped at him. “All the things you told me about your brother, were lies.”

  Lucas frowned at her and hesitantly opened the file. There were dozens of newspaper articles about Hayley and the attack, as well as a picture of Barry and Chad.

  "What the…" He frowned and froze when he saw a picture of Hayley six years ago, a month after the attack. As Lucas saw the date of the attack, he felt his blood run cold in his veins and shook his head in disbelief.

  "No...” Lucas looked up at Hayley and took a deep breath.

  "That kind-hearted brother that you described to me was a kidnapper,
a rapist and a murderer.” Hayley frowned.

  “I can’t believe this…” Lucas looked at the articles again and frowned. He came across the article announcing Ric’s death and he looked at Hayley.

  “I told you about the attack, even though I was not supposed to.” Hayley crossed her arms. “You know why I did? Because you made me feel safe, because I trusted you.”

  "I’m...I don’t know what to say." Lucas took a step to her, but she shook her head.

  "You don’t have to say anything, you can just go." She whispered and a tear ran down her cheek.

  “Hayley, let me just…” Lucas frowned and Hayley pointed to the door.

  “Just leave, Lucas.” She crossed her arms and looked at him.

  “Please, I’m sorry…” Lucas whispered.

  “It’s too late for sorry. I’m just glad that I have finally realized exactly what you think of me. A lying, manipulative slut.” Hayley looked at him coldly and turned away.

  “Hayley, please, I didn’t mean…” Lucas frowned.

  “Get out of my house, Lucas.” Hayley shook her head and walked towards her bedroom. “Or I’ll call the police to remove you from my property.”

  Lucas stood frozen on the spot for a few seconds, then followed her down the hallway and walked into her bedroom. There was a suitcase on the bed and Hayley was stuffing clothes into it.

  Hayley looked up at him and frowned. “I thought I told you to leave.”

  “Where are you running this time?” Lucas frowned and walked towards her.

  “I am doing this for Owain, okay. I want my son to be safe.” She frowned.

  “No, that’s not the only reason why you are doing this.” Lucas exclaimed. “You’re scared of getting close to someone…”

  “Then what the fuck am I supposed to do?” She screamed. “Am I supposed to stay here because my heart tells me to? Meanwhile my son has to live in fear!”

  “Hayley?” A voice said suddenly and Hayley and Lucas jumped.

  They whirled around and saw Nick standing in the doorway. “Is everything okay?”

  Hayley let out a tired sigh and crossed her arms. “Yes, everything is fine.”

  “Hayley, Owain can’t find his…” Grace came around the corner and stopped abruptly, looking at Nick with a small tight smile. “Oh hey, Officer Nick.”


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