12 Days of Christmas: A Christmas Collection

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12 Days of Christmas: A Christmas Collection Page 16

by Laura Greenwood

  “But I still don’t understand why she cursed all the clans.”

  “Because she wasn’t able to exact revenge the way she wished,” Nostra explains


  “No. The wives all had babies of their own. Little girls, no more than a few moon cycles old. Adrielle had allowed them to live because her own child was growing in her belly. That changed when they murdered her unborn child, a daughter no less. In return, she wished those baby girls dead, and when she wasn’t able to locate them she killed the wives and their husbands, and then she cursed us all.

  “What happened to the baby girls?”

  “The wives hid them in a place Adrielle could not enter.”


  “Yes, and now it is time they return home.”


  “Because of the prophecy,” Rhain says.

  “What prophecy?”

  “Watch,” Nostra says waving his hand in the air as a multitude of colour swirls in a vortex above our head. A moment later those colours form into words that sparkle in the firelight.

  Five sisters born beneath the stars

  Neither bound by blood nor kin

  Must unify the warring clans

  And rid the land of sin

  Their lives they are beholden

  A curse atop their heads

  Broken only by a love divided

  Betwixt three allied men

  There will be opposition

  To peace and harmony

  A plan to cause division

  Must never come to be

  Great danger they will find themselves

  Amongst divided lands

  Their fate held in the balance

  Of their lover’s hands

  A gold band, it will signify

  The unity of the clan

  And once each ring is worn in place

  Five sisters will take command


  “So, let me get this straight. You want me to sneak that potion,” I say pointing to the bottle on the table, “into Queen Adrielle’s draught, so that she is weakened? The portal will then open allowing Rhain, Ezra, and Devin to pass through. All to find the missing daughter of our clan.”

  “That’s about the sum of it, yes,” Rhain says.

  “Aren’t you forgetting something, actually a few things here?” I say pointing towards the prophecy.

  “What are you referring to, Lissa?” Nostra asks.

  “Firstly, even if you do manage to find the lost daughter, what makes you think she will fall in love with you three? I am assuming you believe you are the three allied men the prophecy is referring to?”

  Devin laughs. “We can be very persuasive. You’ve heard the rumours have you not?” he says winking at me. I scoff at his arrogance.

  “It says the curse will be ‘broken by a love divided betwixt three allied men.’ What makes you so certain that the curse will be broken by her love for you three and not the other way around? I am assuming that is your plan? That you would find her, charm her and she would fall desperately in love with you, return to Ever Vale and overthrow the Queen releasing us all from the curse?” I look at them all with eyebrows raised. Not one of them speaks. Nostra coughs nervously into his hands. “Assuming you manage that, given one-third of you doesn’t believe in love,” I say looking directly at Ezra who has suddenly become very interested in an invisible piece of fluff on his overcoat, “you are forgetting one major factor. It is not one sister who must unify the clans. The prophecy refers to five sisters. The daughter of Clan Lux is only one piece to this puzzle. How do you intend on fulfilling the rest of it?” I find myself feeling faintly amused, and increasingly angry at their arrogance. If this prophecy were true, then this had to be done right or not at all.

  “Believe it or not we did notice that,” Rhain says sarcastically. “Once we have found the missing daughter of Clan Lux we will return to Ever Vale and we will persuade the other clans to pass through the portal.”

  “And how do you intend on doing that? We have been at war with two of the clans for nearly five hundred years. Clan Terra has been lost to the dark forest almost since the curse was cast. Not even Queen Adrielle is brave enough to step into it despite the powerful properties of the plants that are rumoured to grow there. Clan Aequalis is so diminished by in-fighting that we don’t even know if there are any clan members left. I do not believe you have thought this through.”

  Ezra stands abruptly. “Your opinion is of no consequence. You just need to do your part so we can do ours.”

  “No consequence?” I shout. “Well, if that is the case then I do not wish to be a part of your attempts. Find yourself another imbecile to do your bidding because I am not willing to risk my life on a fool’s errand.” I storm out of the house and reach the edge of the forest before I feel a hand on my shoulder.

  “Lissa, please, Ezra is wrong, and you are right,” Nostra says. “Of course, your opinion counts. I think he was stung by what you said. He is a complicated man, made more complicated because, contrary to what he wishes you to believe, he did believe in love.”

  “Ha,” I say. “Just because he loved before it doesn’t give him the right to be a pompous arse.”

  “No, it doesn’t, but it does explain why he refuses to believe in love now and why he is the way he is. Before the curse, he had a wife and child. When Adrielle cast her spell both his daughter and wife were caught out in the sun. They died a slow and painful death. Ever since he has never been quite the same man. He has reason to hate Adrielle more than most.”

  I feel the air leave my chest in a rush. “I didn’t know.”

  Nostra turns me to face him. I find myself looking into his lilac eyes once more. He swipes a finger across my forehead, moving away a strand of hair that has fallen into my eyes. I try not to feel anything by his touch, it’s as though I am betraying Sebastian by doing so. “Adrielle has hurt many people, Lissa. We have a chance to stop her. Will you help us?”

  I think about Sebastian lying in her arms, I think about my parents and the agony of their deaths, I think about the people who have been cursed and the common-folk who suffer every day under her rule. I take a deep breath and nod my head. “Yes, of course, I will help you,” I say.

  Nostra takes my face in his hands and leans close. “Thank you, Lissa,” he says, before planting a gentle kiss on my lips. I feel myself leaning into him as a strange sensation close to bliss pools in my stomach. He pulls away, and something I don’t understand flashes in his eyes.

  “Take this,” he says pressing a crystal into my palm, wrapping his hands over mine. “If you are ever in danger, place this crystal in direct sunlight and I will come. I will not risk your life, not now that I have found you.”

  “Nostra...” I begin, not understanding the strange connection that is beginning to form between us.

  He steps away from me, changing the subject. “Together we will persuade the other clans to join us. I have already seen the fae, though I still do not know if they are willing to help.”

  “You’ve been to the Forbidden Forest?”

  “Yes, some years ago. I gave them the means to find their missing daughter, but I was not received well. I hope, that once other clans assist, they will change their mind. But first Rhain, Ezra, and Devin must locate the missing daughter of Clan Lux and bring her home to Ever Vale. Once we have proof that the prophecy is not make-believe, we hope the other clans will follow suit. It is all we have.”

  “And you believe this will work, that once the prophecy has been fulfilled the curse will be lifted?”

  “I believe that this may be our only chance to overthrow Queen Adrielle. I believe we may never get another opportunity.”

  “But the daughters were taken through the portal one thousand years ago. Do you mean to tell me they are still alive, is the daughter of Clan Lux like us?” I hope for her sake she is not, but how else had she survived that long?

  “We assume she will be. Howev
er, we know nothing of Earth. We do not even know whether time runs the same there. For all we know she is long since passed, or she could be a child still, although the prophecy seems to imply otherwise.”

  “OK, assuming she is alive, how will they find her?”

  Nostra shakes his head. “You really aren’t like anyone I’ve met,” he says, looking at me intently with his strange eyes.

  I ignore the heat that pools within my chest. “Then I guess you don’t get out much. We females of Clan Lux are not all subservient wallflowers with no opinion of their own. We do have brains you know,” I say haughtily. “You asked me for help remember,” I add.

  “Indeed,” Nostra responds laughter lines creasing the skin about his eyes. “Each child left this realm wearing a ring with magical properties, a ring that grows as the daughter grows. The ring is hidden from plain sight. Even the daughters would be unaware of its existence. That ring is like a beacon of sorts. It gives off a signal to those who know how to locate it. I have given Rhain, Ezra, and Devin the means to do just that. I will do the same for the other clan members when the time comes.”

  I chew on my lip. “How did you know about these rings?”

  Nostra smiles. “Well that’s simple, I made them.”


  I return to the castle stronger than I have been in weeks. I don’t need to look in a mirror to know Nostra’s blood has had a significant impact on me. The skin of my arms is no longer grey but has a beautiful tan as though I have spent years in the sun. I can feel the smooth tresses of my hair as it sways behind me, falling just shy of my bottom. Even though I feel a sick kind of dread in my stomach, outwardly I portray something far more relaxed and confident. I portray the calm, self-assuredness of someone who has just feasted at the bloodletting.

  Nostra’s words ring in my head as I make my way back to Queen Adrielle’s quarters.

  “Will you do this for us, Lissa? Will you do this for all the people of Ever Vale; the clans and the common-folk? More importantly, will you do this for yourself?”

  Either with great courage or great stupidity, I said yes. Now, here I am about to poison the Queen. I push open the door to her rooms and enter the outer chamber. In my hands is a tray filled with breakfast things for the Queen that I picked up from the kitchen on my way here.

  For a brief moment, I survey the room. Only a few hours before Sebastian and I had stood here arguing over whether I should disobey the Queen for another month. If only I had agreed to go with him when he asked. Alas, there is nothing I can do about that now. But, there is something I can do to change the future for all of us, and that is deliver this potion.

  Taking a steadying breath, I enter Queen Adrielle’s inner sanctum. On her bed, fast asleep is Sebastian. He is naked, the bedsheets covering his most private parts. I feel my face flush at the gentle rise and fall of his chest and swallow down a sob at the sight. Knowing I have lost my one true friend to the Queen I resolve to play my part just as Nostra has scripted.

  “Lissandra, you have returned. Don’t you look… well?” the Queen says from her spot on the bed. She stretches lazily, a slow smile spreading across her face. The smile quickly turns to confusion as her eyes rake over my body.

  “I am well, thank you Queen Adrielle,” I say politely, feeling the burn of her stare.

  She gets up from her bed, the sheets falling away from her naked body. “Put that tray down and come here,” she says.

  I do as she bids and approach her. When I stop in front of her, she grabs my chin and twists my head from side-to-side. “You look different, better. Better than you have ever done before when you have taken blood. Tell me, child, what is this magic?” Her hand squeezes tighter about my chin, I feel her nails dig into my skin.

  “I don’t know what you mean?” I say innocently. “I took blood like any other bloodletting.”

  Queen Adrielle lets go of my face then slaps me as hard as she can. My head rings from the force of it. “Don’t lie to me,” she screams awaking Sebastian from his slumber. He looks at me like I am a stranger. I guess I am now.

  “I… I’m sorry my Queen,” I stutter, playing my part as best I can. I reach into the pocket of my dress and pull out the vial of potion Nostra gave me. “This is not magic, but a tonic made from plants found in the dark forest. An old crone was selling it, she said it would make me beautiful. She said it would win back the heart of the one I loved the most.” I cast my eye at Sebastian, who is staring intently at Queen Adrielle. “I guess it didn’t work,” I say, and the tears that form are only a small part of this act.

  Queen Adrielle laughs, snatching the vial from my hand. “Stupid child, this boy is mine now. Nothing will make him turn his head.” She holds the potion up to the torchlight, studying its contents. “This is made up of plants from the dark forest you say? I thought no-one could enter that place?”

  “I thought so too. When I went back to question the crone about it, she had gone. By then I had already taken a sip, and this is the result,” I say indicating my sudden beauty.

  “When did you drink this?” she asks, checking me over as though looking for sudden disease or reversal of beauty.

  “Hours ago. The crone said that only one sip is needed for everlasting beauty. I believe she was telling me the truth. Although, it seems my efforts were pointless.” I glance at Sebastian again. Queen Adrielle follows my gaze.

  “Everlasting beauty you say?”

  “Yes, my Queen,” I whisper, as though defeated.

  She laughs. “Well then child, I guess I owe you my thanks.” And without a second thought, she pulls out the stopper and swallows the contents of the vial. As Nostra forewarned me, the effect is immediate. A blinding light erupts from Queen Adrielle’s skin, so bright both Sebastian and I have to shade our eyes. Once the light diminishes, Queen Adrielle stands before me, more beautiful than ever. Sebastian’s mouth drops open. “My Queen,” he says, and both she and I notice his appreciation. It’s hard to miss.

  Queen Adrielle strides over to her mirror, her hand flying to her mouth in shock. “Look at me,” she says twisting and turning in front of the mirror. “Am I not the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen?”

  “You are,” I say honestly. And the most stupid, I think. Nostra was right, vanity is her biggest weakness. The potion he gave me is indeed a beauty potion, but that is just a cover to hide its true purpose.

  The Queen bids me farewell as Sebastian wraps his arms around her waist and nuzzles kisses into the ivory skin of her neck. I back out of the room avoiding eye contact, but I know she is watching me. I feign a sob and hear laughter as the door closes.

  As I approach the window to watch the dawn alight across the horizon, I catch sight of another light, a brief flash from the forest. It is a signal from Nostra to tell me the potion has worked and the portal has been opened.

  I retreat into the shadows, a genuine smile now lighting my face. “Good luck,” I say into the darkness.

  The End

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for reading Five Gold Rings! I truly hope you enjoyed it. It’s been a privilege to be a part of this anthology and what a fantastic opportunity to help this worthwhile charity!

  If you want to find out what happened to Rhain, Ezra, and Devin after they passed through the portal you can do so by ordering Accacia’s Curse and Accacia’s Blood on Amazon now.

  Accacia’s Curse is the first book of the Sisters of Hex paranormal romance/reverse harem series. There will be fifteen books in the series revolving around the five sisters mentioned in the prophecy and their paranormal suitors.

  Please note: Accacia’s Curse has adult themes and is not for readers under the age of 18.

  So, a bit about me… Well, I write in two names. Bea Paige is my pen name and she writes paranormal romance / reverse harem books. Her first book, Accacia’s Curse of the Sister of Hex series is available now on Amazon and free to download in Kindle Unlimited. This series is full of paranormal creatures, romance,
adventure, hidden realms, and hot men all loved by one woman. Bea also writes contemporary reverse harem, and is currently penning The Brothers Freed series which are due out next year.

  However, Kelly Stock is my actual name and I write urban fantasy books. I already have three books out in The Soul Guide series. So, if urban fantasy books with magic, mystery, evil antagonists, unlikely friendships and a dash of romance are your thing then by all means check them out. Secrets & Souls, The Soul Guide and Tortured Souls are all available on Amazon now.

  You can find a full list of all my books here: https://kellystockauthor.wordpress.com/books-galore/

  If you want to check me out (stalk) here are my social media links:

  You can sign up to my newsletter here: https://kellystockauthor.wordpress.com/contact/

  For up to date information on all PNR /RH books by Bea Paige come visit me here:


  For up to date information on all UF books by Kelly Stock:


  I am also a member of the Flock, a group of four European authors friends (all of whom are represented in this anthology). You can find out more about the Flock and our books here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theauthorflock/

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