Secrets In The Dark: A M/M Age Play Romance

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Secrets In The Dark: A M/M Age Play Romance Page 18

by M. A. Innes

  Focusing on the needs of the moment, he went over to Mason’s cabinet and pulled out a box. Carrying the small plastic container over to the table, Edward opened it up and started spreading the contents on the table.

  Paper, coloring book, crayons, everything his boy would need to play at the table while he got lunch ready. Boy looked at the toys and quickly picked up the coloring book and a blue crayon. Turning back to the cabinets, Edward began working on making Mason just the right meal.

  He would have preferred to have made something for his boy that was just right for their day together but getting everything else ready had just taken up too much time. He also could not decide who to ask for advice on the matter. Looking it up on the internet had not proven to be useful.

  When researching meals for children, he’d come across all kinds of sites dedicated to sneaking vegetables into children’s food and the dangers of everything from processed food to non-organic fruit. He just wanted an appropriate meal to feed his little boy. It was just something else he would have to speak with Dr. Sheppard about.

  So, peanut butter and jelly it was. It was the only thing he knew would be appropriate for their day together. Now that the rest of the condominium was ready, there would be more time to plan the details better in the future.

  Gathering everything he would need for their meal, Edward began his preparations when he realized he’d forgotten something. He poured Mason a glass of milk in his sippy cup and placed it on the table.

  “Drink your milk, Boy. I know you must be thirsty.”

  Setting down his crayon, Mason picked up the cup with both hands and took several long drinks. Quickly draining the glass, Mason held it up. “More, please.”

  Refilling the cup, Edward went back to fixing lunch. Peanut butter sandwiches, apple slices, cucumbers, and some funny shaped chips that the grocery store had advertised were perfect for children’s lunches. Edward wasn’t sure about that, but he would work out better menus later.

  As he brought the food to the table, he refilled Mason’s glass again and grabbed a bottle of water for himself. Sandwiches were not what he would have normally picked out for himself but it would do. Mason seemed pleased with his lunch, turning the triangular pieces of sandwich over repeatedly in his hands before he began eating them one by one.

  Boy was halfway through his lunch before his demeanor began to change. If Edward hadn’t been paying attention, he might have missed the little shifts his boy was making in his seat.

  However, even if he had missed his boy’s little wiggles, the love-hate relationship he was now having with his sippy cup would have attracted Edward’s attention. Big gulps with happy smiles had been replaced by little sips and teeth gnawing at his bottom lip in worry.

  His boy was ready to use his diaper. And it was really about time because he hadn’t been sure how many more times he could reasonably refill Boy’s cup without looking ridiculous.


  Tightening his legs and shifting in his seat, Mason loved the feel of the diaper between his legs. It was soft and bulky; Mason loved the way it rubbed against his cock and wrapped around him. He’d always loved the feel of a diaper. It was erotic and somehow soothing at the same time.

  When he wore one by himself, this would be the time he would have laid down on the bed, slid his hand inside the diaper, and jacked himself off. Mason always waited to play with his cock until he really had to pee, but he never actually took it that far.

  The idea of changing himself hadn’t been that erotic. He wanted someone to do that for him. Or at least, that’s what the fantasy always was.

  Now that it was right there in front of him, the fantasy seemed daunting.

  The first cup of milk was fun and wonderful because his daddy had given it to him. Sitting at the table, in his diaper, with his cup in his hand was sexy and fun. The second cup of milk had been just as wonderful because he’d loved the way Daddy looked at him when he held the cup by the two little handles and drank from it.

  With every sip he took now, he was starting realize that the more he drank the more he was going to have to go. He’d been thinking of the diapers and playing with them since Edward had first admitted he wasn’t averse to the idea. Mason just hadn’t really thought about how it would feel to really be wearing them for Daddy.

  When Daddy had laid him out on the changing table…he had a changing table…and put the diaper on him for the first time, it had been so hot Mason thought he might come right then. Feeling his hard cock pressing against the diaper and knowing Edward was watching, just as turned on as he was, had made it even hotter.

  His feelings jumped back and forth between finding the whole morning hot as hell and finding it sweet and tender. Romantic maybe?

  Maybe that wasn’t the right word but how else would you describe your lover going out of their way to give you a fantasy that you’d always wanted?

  The bath…the toys…his nursery for crying out loud…it was all so romantic he almost couldn’t breathe when he thought about it.

  Twirling the cup around in his hands, Mason brought it up to his lips and took another sip. The pull against the cup, the feel of this lips wrapped around the hard opening…it was perfect. He took one little sip then put the cup down.

  Picking at his sandwich, Mason looked back to the cup. He wanted another sip. Squeezing his thighs again, Mason felt the pull of the cottony material as it slid against his still hard cock.

  One more sip. He could still hold it. One more sip would be fine.

  He really didn’t want to hold it. Well, not really. He’d thought he was ready to actually use the diaper but something just kept pushing at him. Was Edward ready for this?

  His daddy said he wanted to see how it felt. But he also said he wouldn’t really know how he felt about it until Mason actually did it. Mason wasn’t ready to find out that Edward didn’t like it.

  He’d hoped his daddy would like it, or at the very least not mind taking care of Mason. Hell, who was Mason kidding, he would hate it if Edward decided that taking care of Mason like this was more than he wanted to deal with.

  The bath had been perfect, the food cut up into little shapes and the cabinet full of things just for him had been amazing. But walking around wearing the little T-shirt and diaper for Edward had been incredible. The only thing that would make it better was if Edward really did want this part of the day to happen.

  Did he want to change Mason?

  He had to. Right? If he hadn’t wanted the diapers, he could have put Mason in the training underwear that he’d bought. The underwear that Mason was going to have to wear all the time now.

  Never having thought of the idea of training underwear in his fantasies, Mason was surprised at how good they’d felt. The thick cotton rubbed against his balls and he could only imagine how fabulous they would feel against his cock. Just knowing that they were training pants made them even hotter.

  When Edward had shown him the underwear, he’d been embarrassed but incredibly turned on. His daddy seemed to love both reactions.

  Reaching out, Mason lifted his cup in a tight grip and took another sip, emptying it. He stared at the cup, trying to make up his mind. Finally taking a deep breath, Mason looked up.

  “More milk, Daddy. Please?”

  Edward smiled and shook his head. “Come here, Boy. I don’t think you actually need any more milk.”

  Pushing back from the table, Daddy patted his legs and gave Mason that look. He always seemed to know everything.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Walking around the table, Mason felt the bulk of the fabric rubbing between his legs and he felt his body growing harder. Blushing, Mason was aching by the time he sat down in Daddy’s lap.

  Daddy’s eyes heated and Mason could feel the hard length of his erection pressing through the diaper. Leaning against Edward’s chest, Mason hid his face in his daddy’s neck. It was all so overwhelming but he felt more secure in Edward’s arms, knowing his daddy was as turned
on as he was.

  “I don’t think my boy is thirsty. I think that my boy needs something else entirely.”

  Edward paused and Mason knew he was waiting for Mason to confess his need. “I…I…” Mason just couldn’t say it.

  Arms tightened around him and pulled him even tighter into Edward’s body. The hand that had been resting on his legs started sliding up his body. Skimming his hand over Mason’s tented diaper, Edward gave Mason’s hard cock a soft pat before he brought his hand up to rest on Mason’s stomach.

  “I think you’ve had enough milk.”

  Mason just nodded. No, he wasn’t thirsty, even though the cup was fun.

  Rubbing his hand over Mason’s taut abs, Edward pressed his hand down gently. “My boy needs something else. What does my boy need?”

  The press of Edward’s hand on his bladder made Mason moan. Embarrassment, need, and arousal flooded him. Just the fact that Edward knew what he needed was embarrassing and arousing but the need to pee was becoming overwhelming.

  He just couldn’t do it.

  “Shh, sweet boy. I’m right here.”

  Edward’s hand pressed on his stomach making circles while he made soothing sounds. “My boy has waited for this a long time. I’m not going anywhere. We’re just going to sit right here until you’re ready.”

  Mason’s face burned with embarrassment but his chest filled with emotion. He could hear the love and support in his daddy’s voice. No matter how many fantasies he’d had about this exact moment, he’d never really thought he would be here. Sitting with the man he loved who wanted to take care of him.

  They sat at the table. Mason curled up on Edward’s lap and they just waited in the silence. Mason knew it would happen eventually, whether he was ready for it or not. Edward simply waited patiently for Mason to make his decision or for nature to take its course.

  After a few minutes, Edward began to speak. He told Mason about getting the nursery ready, what else he wanted to do to the condo to get it finished, how he’d felt about giving Mason his bath, how it felt diapering Mason for the first time.

  Somewhere in the middle of Edward’s words, Mason relaxed and just listened as his daddy talked. Mason loved Edward’s voice. The sexy, soothing sound of Daddy’s aroused voice was hypnotic.

  Cuddled in Edward’s arms, Mason finally knew he was ready. This was the next step in their relationship. It wasn’t something that was scary; this was just who they were and what they wanted. Pressing his face against his daddy’s neck, Mason just relaxed and stopped fighting the need.

  As the warmth filled his diaper Edward stopped talking and just held him, still rubbing the soothing circles on his stomach.

  “That’s my good boy.” Edward’s voice was husky and thick with emotion. Mason couldn’t really guess what Edward was feeling but for him, the relief was almost overwhelming.

  Giving Mason a little pat, Edward spoke. “Come on, Boy. Let’s go get that diaper changed.”

  Mason felt the blush on his face heat up, but he nodded and stood up. Edward quickly rose behind him and with a hand on his back, started guiding Mason toward the nursery again.

  The thick diaper felt heavy and awkward as he walked back through the house. It was weird and Mason wasn’t sure how he felt about it. If he was perfectly honest, he thought he probably liked it, but he wasn’t quite ready to admit it yet.

  What did Edward think?

  Mason’s fears retreated as Edward brought his hand down and pressed against the front of the swollen, heavy diaper. “My boy’s so wet.” Edward’s hands caressed the front of the diaper. “We’re going to get you all fixed up and into a new, clean diaper.”

  Mason couldn’t hide the press of his erection against the diaper as he responded to Edward’s touch. Peeking up at Edward, Mason was relieved to see the heat in his daddy’s eyes had grown even hotter if it were possible.

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  As they walked into the nursery, Edward helped Mason back up onto the changing table. Opening the dresser, Edward quickly brought out a new diaper, wipes, and a little tube of cream. Mason shivered.

  Pulling at the bottom of his T-shirt, Mason just watched as Edward methodically got everything ready. When Edward had the items arranged to his satisfaction, he reached up and opened the tabs on the diaper.

  It was everything he’d ever wanted. The tender care as his daddy cleaned his skin, the soft, arousing touch of his daddy’s hand as he soothed the cream on Mason’s skin, the sexy look in his daddy’s eye as he stared at Mason. It was perfect.

  Thoughts and emotions flashed across Edward’s face. Mason wasn’t sure what everything meant. But he was confident that no matter what, Edward wanted to be his daddy just as much as Mason wanted it.

  Edward’s soothing touch as he rubbed the lotion into Mason’s skin was incredibly arousing. While his cock had been hard by the time Edward had laid him down on the table, now it was so hard it was painful. Every touch and caress had Mason squirming and nearly begging for more.

  Wanting to be good for Edward, Mason didn’t even realize he was reaching for his cock again until he felt the sting as Edward popped his hand again.

  “No, Boy. Only Daddy touches Boy’s private place.”

  Mason pulled his hand back and blushed again but his cock bounced and throbbed. God, that was hot. It felt kind of like the spanking, the pain somehow erotic and humiliating at the same time.

  And every time Edward talked about his “private place,” Mason just wanted to orgasm right there. The words just made his stomach tighten.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy. I won’t touch my private place again.”

  Edward’s hand finished smoothing the lotion around Mason’s balls and started working it up Mason’s hard length. It was wonderful and terrible at the same time. Wonderful because his daddy’s warm touch made his whole body shiver. Terrible because by the look on Edward’s face, he could see that he wasn’t going to get to come.

  It could have been the punishment from almost touching his cock, but it was probably just because Edward found it hot. His daddy loved knowing that Mason was hard and aching and that he couldn’t do anything about it. He wasn’t going to complain. He found the denial hot too.

  He should probably have his head examined, but each time Edward teased and touched him, pushing his arousal higher, Mason just wanted him to do it again. The need and desire just surged higher and Mason was desperate to feel that next level of need. An orgasm would feel wonderful but the constant denial felt just as good and it just kept going.

  Finally, when Edward could see that Mason was hovering on the edge of orgasm he moved his hands away and slid the new diaper under Mason. His erection pressed against the diaper and if it was possible, grew even harder. The diaper, the denial, the care Edward took to tend to him…it was all incredibly erotic.

  When he finally had Mason’s diaper on to his satisfaction, Edward reached out and helped him down from the table.

  “There’s my boy. All clean and pretty.” Edward’s gaze lingered on Mason’s erection, tenting the front of the diaper.

  Squirming under Edward’s gaze, Mason wasn’t sure what to say. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  “Come on, Boy. Let’s go out to the living room. I have another surprise for my boy.” Edward’s voice was filled with excitement.

  Surprise? Mason perked up and looked at Edward. “A surprise, Daddy?” What else could Edward have done for him?

  “Yes, let’s go and I’ll show you.”

  Edward let his hand rest on Mason’s ass as they walked into the living room. It was wonderful and incredibly distracting. The little squeezes and pats kept Mason’s cock hard and his need desperate.

  He’d been hard for hours and he couldn’t even guess how long it was going to be before Edward let him come.

  Walking into the living room, Edward led them over to the couch. “Sit down and I’ll show you the surprise.”

  Mason sat down on the floor near the couch and squirmed
trying to get into a more comfortable position. With his cock still hard, sitting down was difficult. Edward had a very self-satisfied look on his face as he sat down and reached for the channel changer.

  Moving over to sit closer to Edward, Mason cuddled in between his daddy’s legs and waited for the surprise. As Edward turned on the TV, Mason couldn’t have been more surprised. His favorite show from when he was a kid came on.


  Mason knew Edward would hate the show but the fact that his daddy had found it for him anyway was a wonderful surprise. Cuddling against Edward’s leg, Mason let himself be sucked into the show just like when he was a kid.

  It was silly but watching the cartoon kids running around and getting into trouble brought back wonderful feelings. Having his daddy there with him made it even more special. Edward sat through several episodes before he squeezed Mason’s shoulder and stood up.

  “I’ll be right back. Sit right here and finish your show.”

  Mason nodded, “Yes, Daddy. I’ll be good.”

  “I know you will, sweet boy.”

  Edward untangled his legs from Mason’s arms and walked toward the kitchen. Mason could hear him moving about, opening and closing cabinets. As the show ended, Edward came back in the room.

  “I think my boy needs a snack.”

  Mason turned to Edward expecting to see food of some sort, but in his daddy’s hands, there was a bottle instead. Filled with milk, it was just like the ones Mason had at home. Bouncing a bit, Mason didn’t hide his excitement. He loved his bottle.

  This would be even better.

  Normally when he got out his bottle, it was relaxing and soothing. This time, he was excited and his erection, which had softened watching his shows, came roaring back to life. Edward must have seen Mason’s excitement because his own cock grew hard. By the time Edward sat down on the couch, his pants were tented by his hard erection.


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