A Fine Tops'l Breeze: Volume Two in the War of 1812 Trilogy

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A Fine Tops'l Breeze: Volume Two in the War of 1812 Trilogy Page 33

by William White

  Designed to carry cargo in many forms, Anne’s deck areas and holds were packed with a variety of barrels, casks, crates, and puncheons filled with goods for the market in St. Bartholomew, a Swedish colony and free port. Some contained fish, beef, and butter; others were in fact empty – the clean barrels were themselves the trade goods. From time to time, the cargo included boots, shoes, and hats. The return trip would find the holds filled with barrels of molasses for the thriving rum distilleries in New England, and brown sugar for both American consumption and re-shipment to Europe.

  “Dingding, ding.” The ship’s bell called the captain back from his reverie, and he watched his men appear on deck for supper and their evening ration of rum. The heat was beginning to tell – or maybe it was the boredom from being becalmed – but small fights and arguments were breaking out and it was only a matter of time before one or another of the men brought forth a knife. The men of the larboard watch were eating so they could relieve their mates in the starboard section at six o’clock. Smalley looked at the eastern sky for the hundredth time in the past two hours and saw his suspicions were about to be confirmed.

  “Mr. Clark,” he called to the mate. “We’ll hand the t’gallants now, if you please. And trim for an easterly.”

  The mate glanced at the horizon, and saw that once again Smalley had anticipated the weather accurately. “Aye, sir. And don’t look to me like they’ll be any singin’ this night, ‘ceptin’ mebbe the wind.” His brow furrowed in concern.

  Indeed, even as the captain spoke, the water had begun to stir; little ripples and ruffles disturbing the reflected image of the ship which appeared in the molten glass of the still sea. The temperature reacted to the cooling easterly breeze as it started to fill in, and the men on deck moved as one to the weather rail so as to feel the relief on their sweat stained faces and arms. Hats off, and the sweat drying on their faces, they stood with their shirts pulled open, feeling the cooling gentle breeze on their skin; a few laughed, while others just enjoyed the sensation quietly. Captain Smalley had a reputation for being conservative, and the preliminary shortening sail prior to a blow instead of during it was one of the manifestations of his conservatism, and one appreciated by his sailors.

  “Mr. O’Malley,” hollered the mate as he started forward, “let’s get all hands on deck, if you please. We’ll be shortening sail directly.” Seeing Third Mate Ben Jakes, who had neither opened his shirt nor doffed his hat, loitering near the ‘midships capstan, he nodded and spoke.

  “Mr. Jakes, have your topmen stand by to go aloft – and see if per chance you might be able to keep up with the foremast hands. The only topmen slower than your crew are the bunch on the mizzen, and Jackson’s landsmen are afraid to let go of the jackstay and beckets.”

  Jakes bridled at the remark, but said nothing save “Aye,” tugged his hat brim further down, and went to ensure that his men were ready at the weather shrouds when the word to shorten was passed. The traditional rivalry between the hands working aloft on the three masts had transcended normal competition, resulting in several fist fights and more than a few incidents involving the ever-present seaman’s knives which, fortunately, resulted in only minor wounds. The other mates, of course, were well aware of this contest of the seamen’s skills, and used it constantly to their advantage; a certain benefit to the ship was that sails were usually smartly handled, furled, and set.

  The hands had begun to break off from their pause at the rail and take their positions when the order to shorten sail went out. The waisters gathered amidships to handle halyards, sheets, and braces, pulling the big square sails around either to fill them, or spill the wind from them so the men aloft could furl them. As O’Malley and Clark saw that the “heavers” were in position at the foremast, he signaled Biggs and his men aloft. The t’gallants, being the highest sails on Anne, were usually first to come in when the weather started – not only did the yards have to be lowered and the sails furled to the yards, but the masts had to be either housed or struck down into the lower rigging. This was frequently difficult and dangerous. When non-emergency shortening was being accomplished, it was often done from the foremast to the mizzen, one mast at a time. This generally was quicker due to the availability of enough men as ‘heavers’ at each mast when done individually as opposed to breaking up crews for halyards, sheets, clew tackles, and braces at each mast.

  Biggs’ men were at the topmast cap and on the rope ladder leading to it from the top of the lower mast. Seeing this, Clark blew his whistle and shouted for clew lines to be hauled up and halyards to be let go. As the yard moved down the t’gallantmast, the sail drooped from its clewlines. Immediately the yard came to rest on the top mast cap, the men jumped onto it to haul up great handfuls of sail, securing it along the spar. As soon as the sail was securely furled, the order came to “ease jumper stays, standby to house the t’gallant mast.” Biggs’ men watched below to ensure the necessary lines were in hand, then on order from Biggs, pulled the dog from the topmast cap and the t’gallant mast slid down the lubber hole in the topmast, coming to rest against a stop so that only a few feet of it showed above the topmast. There it was made fast securely.

  The foremast jacks were then released by Biggs to go below, and most did by sliding down the backstays to the deck . Even before they reached the deck, the maintopmen had started to perform the same tasks on the main t’gallant mast. Biggs watched for a few minutes as Jakes continually harangued his men, more often distracting them than inspiring them to greater speed. As the clewlines for the main t’gallant were hauled up, the sail’s middle moved up toward the yard producing a “draped” effect which made it easier for the men on the yardarm to haul up the canvas and secure it. It seemed as though the job was going smoothly, in spite of the third’s “encouragement.” Biggs knew that Jakes had a great deal more deep water time than he, but he also knew that most on board thought Biggs was a better sailor.

  As he made his way forward with his mates for supper, Isaac Biggs recalled the men who had taught him to hand, reef and steer. Of course, his father, a Banks fisherman who had taken young Isaac to sea at the tender age of eight, had been the major influence. Isaac remembered the skipper of that schooner, a Mr. Rowe; a real sailorman he was who had sailed the deeps, and had only taken up fishing later in life. He had found in the lad a willingness to learn and an enthusiastic pupil who eagerly absorbed all that he saw and heard. It was he who had arranged for the boy to secure a berth as ordinary seaman on a brig out of Salem bound on the coastal route south. A bully mate had convinced Isaac that minding his business and staying out of reach was the way to not only stay alive but also to advance, and within a short while, Biggs had been made an able seaman. Still youthful and unwelcome ashore with the older men, Isaac, while becoming a most competent sailor, was sadly lacking in worldliness. His Methodist upbringing had taught him taverns were no place for a young Marblehead sailor, and aside from the half rations of grog provided him due to his youth, he had yet to taste the sweet potions of the ale houses. A succession of coastal ships added to his education, and ultimately to his current berth as captain of the foretop here on Anne. Watching others over the years, men he respected, had taught him that it was easier to lead men from in front, than by pushing from behind with a starter and shouts. The men liked his easy-going style and instinctive leadership and bent to their tasks with a will. Captain Smalley, with whom Biggs had sailed for almost two years, had noticed his development and natural ability aloft as well as with his men, and was waiting for the opportunity to find him a berth as a third on a sloop or brig. To that end, Smalley had encouraged Sam Clark to instruct the topman in the art and science of navigation, and the reports he received from the mate confirmed his hopes for the lad’s potential.

  The third on Anne, Ben Jakes, was a poor leader of men and weak of character. Any man who felt regular use of a starter necessary would not, in Smalley’s opinion, ever rise to command. Smalley also suspected that Jakes was involved in some u
nderhanded dealings aboard, and did not trust him. Jakes was, however, an excellent seaman, and for that, the captain found him useful.

  The wind was rising steadily now, and it was obvious to even the landsmen aboard that some dirty weather was indeed afoot. The t’gallants were in their gaskets and their masts struck down. The ship was responding to the trimming of sheets and hauling on the braces; she moved quickly now through the still calm sea as gradually, the wind’s song in the rigging rose from a whispered caress to an insistent whine. The sky became darker – an ominous darkness which was beyond the growing dusk. Heavy clouds were beginning to move rapidly across the sky, increasing the gloom of twilight. The main topmen were back on deck, and were headed for the galley and their evening meal, debating the relative rapidity of handing their respective sails. In all likelihood, they’d be back soon – either to relieve the starboard watch or to reef tops’ls and courses if the wind continued to build. Anne began to heel to the wind, and the occasional burst of spray from the now building seas wet the decks.

  Second Mate Joe O’Malley made his way aft toward the quarterdeck, moving his lanky form down the now canted deck in a rhythm dictated by the seas as they attacked the windward bow of Anne and rolled down the side of the ship. He noted the men working under the direction of First Mate Clark securing the carronades against the bulwarks. This action would be justified by the deteriorating conditions; a loose gun could wreak havoc on a tossing deck. The men had shortened the gun tackles and the barrels were slanted up against the bulwark and tied in place with heavy hemp line. Once secured in this manner, it would take more severe weather than they expected to move them. O’Malley stepped onto the quarterdeck and headed for the wheel, where the helmsmen’s stance and concentration provided a marked contrast to their inactivity earlier that day. O’Malley considered adding another pair of seamen to the wheel, then decided it could wait awhile. As the leader of the starbowlines, he was responsible for ensuring that the ship was properly manned while his watch was on deck. He checked the slate on which were recorded the regular casting of the ships log; after a string of “0”s and “1”s, it was good to see an “8” written on the slate just a few minutes previously. He estimated the wind at about thirty knots already, and knew that if it continued to increase, sails would again have to be shortened. Spray was now blowing across the quarterdeck, making the watch turn their faces away from time to time when a heavier gust carried the spume over the deckhouse. It would surely get worse before it eased any. He watched the ship’s boy turn the glass and move forward to the bell; five strokes could be heard before the wind carried the sound to leeward and away. The larboard watch was on deck and taking their positions at lookout, and at the sheets and braces, ready for the inevitable commands necessitated by the rising storm. O’Malley saw Ben Jakes, late yet again, heading for the quarterdeck to take over the watch until eight bells, when O’Malley would return to manage the ship until midnight. Jakes relieved his superior with few words exchanged in the face of a rising wind and their mutual antipathy.

  Having assumed the watch, Ben felt the ship shiver slightly as a larger wave shocked the windward bow, and a burst of green water flew down the deck. The door to the deckhouse closed as O’Malley disappeared inside, narrowly avoiding a surge of water down the companionway. “What a night this is going to be,” thought Jakes, buttoning the top button on his oiled canvas jacket, and jamming his hat even further down on his head. “This is only going to get worse.”

  He was right; the storm continued to deepen as he alternately stood by the helmsmen and paced up and down the quarterdeck. The captain had apparently decided to hold the sails currently deployed, at least for the time being, trying to make up some of the time lost in the calm; his orders to the watch were quite explicit and woe to the mate that countermanded them without damn good reason! Shortly before he was scheduled for relief, Jakes saw two of his maintopmen appear by the covered area abaft the deckhouse where the waisters and idlers were allowed to shelter in bad weather. Watching them for a minute or two, he realized they were arguing about something; hearing what was out of the question. Then he saw one of the men turn toward him and shout something; the wind carried the words away as soon as they were out of his mouth, but their implication was clear.

  Ben Jakes had some unsavory characters in his watch and had found them useful in carrying out some of his less-than-honest chores. Those same men also found that Jakes could be helpful to them on occasion as well, and the resulting symbiotic relationship was usually at cross purposes with the goals of the captain and the owners. On a ship the size of Anne, many of these “deals” and goings-on were known throughout the fo’c’sle and mates’ mess, but it was often better to ignore things that didn’t affect you if you wanted to avoid an “accident.” The captain and first mate suspected that Jakes was behind some of the problems they had experienced in the six months since he joined the ship, but none were as yet serious enough to override the fact that he was a very good seaman, and could be counted on to act properly when the situation required it. His primary “business,” so far, appeared to be selling ships’ stores and extra equipment ashore, and while it certainly was not desirable, it was common enough practice in both the merchant fleet and the Navy that it could be overlooked for now. If it developed into a greater problem, he could be paid off and put ashore.

  Raising his voice over the increasing whine of the wind as he moved toward the two, Jakes shouted, “What are you two lubbers doin’ hangin’ about back here? You’re s’posed to be for’ard.” One of the men, an older topman with a natural sneer to his face shouted back, “ We can get there quick as ever you please should we be needed there, but we wanted to have a word with you.”

  They stepped into the deckhouse to continue the conversation at a more moderate tone. “Well, here I am. Have yer word.”

  “Biggs is gettin’ to be more of a problem than ever. He was mentioning again to the first this afternoon that a lot of his spare line and blocks was gone missin’ and that idler, Billy, ‘at works as the captain’s steward was standin’ right there with his ears flappin’ like wings. We wouldn’t want our “business” to get snuffed by a nosy mate. If Billy happens to mention it in front of Cap’n Smalley, Clark mightn’t have a choice but to close us down and God knows what else. What do ya think?”

  “I think Biggs might have an accident aloft. There’s some dirty weather makin’ up tonight and my guess is the tops’ls and courses will have to be reefed during the evening watch. I’ll…” Before he could finish the thought, Joe O’Malley appeared on the ladder, heading for the quarterdeck where he expected to find Jakes awaiting relief from his watch. A look passed between Jakes and his men that said, “He heard it all – now what?”

  O’Malley instead spoke up and said, “I figgered you’d be aft, Ben. What are you doin’ in here? A little weather botherin’ you?”

  “Just chasin’ these two back up for’ard, Joe. And you needn’t worry ‘bout me and weather; I seen more than most. You here to take the watch now?” The menace in the third’s growl was clear. Ignoring the tone, O’Malley moved on, speaking over his shoulder to Jakes.

  “Aye. Let’s get on with it before it gets any worse out there. I wouldn’t want you to have to stay out in this any longer than necessary.” They stepped outside, Jakes ignoring the jibe, accompanied by the two topmen who, with a look at Jakes, disappeared forward. O’Malley led the way to the quarterdeck, and turned when he got to the binnacle. “What was that all about?” he said. “You doin’ ‘business’ at sea now? I thought you only traded in port. I would mind me ways at sea; there’s no place to lay up if it gets stormy, if you get my drift.”

  “I would keep me nose in me own damn business, were I you, Joe O’Malley” snarled Jakes. “You gonna relieve me or stand there spoutin’?”

  “You’re relieved. But I’ll warrant I see you again before the middle watch. We’ll be shortenin’ down, way this wind’s risin’, is my guess.”

  Jakes turned and moved forward, going around the deckhouse to the pin rail at the foot of the mainmast where his two sailors waited. “Well?” asked the older of the two, who had assumed the role of spokesman for these two miscreants.

  Jakes studied his crony for a moment before responding. “He’s thinking he knows more ‘n he does. Don’t worry about him. I think that foretopman, Biggs, is going to have to be taken care of though. Maybe I should have a word with one of his men later. If this weather holds, it’s just possible that Biggs might have an accident while he’s out on the foretops’l yard. That’ll ease his sheets and at the same time cut us some slack with Clark. O’ course, we’ll be ashore in a couple of days, and sometimes men have trouble when they’re drinkin’ and carousin’; anything might happen.”




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