True Justice

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by Morgan Kelley

  True Justice

  Croft Mob Family Book 4

  By Morgan Kelley

  Copyright © 2018* Morgan Kelley LLC

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  Content Advisory: This book is intended for mature audiences and contains, explicit sexual activity between various couples. This is considered an erotic thriller. If you are offended by sex or prefer no sexual details, you should stop reading now.

  © Copyright 2018 cover by Celestia Abraham

  Dear Reader,

  Since my books crossover a great deal, I recommend reading them as they are written. I tend to mention characters in books they don’t generally occur in, and later in the series, there are full crossovers.

  Some readers have contacted me for this list, and I figured I’d pass it on to the rest of you.

  While you can read the books by series only, it only enhances the reading experience if you go in order of how I wrote them. I tend to give away secrets…

  I’m sneaky like that.

  On the next page, I’ve given you the list.


  Here is the reading book order:

  The Killing Times (FBI)

  Sacred Burial Grounds (FBI)

  True Love Lost (FBI)

  Deep Dark Mire (FBI)

  Fire Burns Hot (FBI)

  Celestia is Falling (Croft & Croft)

  Darkness of Truth (FBI)

  Vegas is Dying (Croft)

  Devil hath Come (FBI)

  Christmas is Killing (Croft)

  Blood Red Rage (Littlemoon)

  Consumed by Wrath (FBI)

  Sinner Repent (Carter trilogy 1)

  Love is Bleeding (Croft)

  Lost & Broken (Littlemoon)

  Illegal Fantasies (Anthology 1)

  Redemption is Here (FBI)

  Sinner Realized (Carter trilogy 2)

  Romance Under Arrest (Anthology 2)

  Heaven is Weeping (Croft)

  Unthinkable Games (Littlemoon)

  Dead Shall Speak (FBI)

  Sinner Reborn (Carter trilogy 3)

  Pledging to Die (FBI)

  Hell is Burning (Croft)

  Truth is Found (Littlemoon)

  Slay Bells Ring (FBI)

  Holiday Reinforcements (Trilogy 3)

  Oracle Rising (Oracle)

  Past will Haunt (FBI Flashback 1)

  Choices will Destroy (FBI)

  Justice is Dead (Final croft book)

  Haven of Nightmares (Littlemoon)

  Blood Shall Run (FBI)

  Oracle Seeing (Oracle)

  Dark Justice (New Croft Series)

  Forbidden Secrets (Littlemoon)

  Act of Blood (FBI)

  Oracle Saving (Oracle)

  Stalked by the Past (FBI flashback 2 )

  Dying to Love (FBI)

  Lost Justice (Croft)

  Kiss of Souls ( Littlemoon) (FBI/Littlemoon crossover)

  Oracle Haunting (Oracle)

  Revenge has Come (FBI)

  Paid Justice (Croft)

  Wedding of our Dreams: Steele and Dante

  Lost Souls (Littlemoon) Sept 2017

  Discarded by Fate (FBI)October 2017

  Atonement (Hunter Mercenary 1) November 2017

  It’s Good to be the Boss (Romance Anthology 1) November 2017

  Dawn of Evil (FBI) Jan 2018

  Dead are Forgotten (FBI) Jan 2018

  True Justice (Croft/FBI crossover) Feb 2018

  Love Knows No Bounds (FBI) Valentine’s Day 2018

  Mob Justice (Croft Mob) March 2018

  Curses Found (Littlemoon) April 2018

  Absolution (Hunter Mercenary) May 2018

  All the King’s Henchmen (FBI) June 2018

  Oracle Divided (Oracle) July 2018

  All Justice (Croft Mob) August 2018

  Choice of Despair (Littlemoon) Sept 2018

  Honor Thy Anger (FBI) October 2018

  All the Queen’s Men (FBI) October 2018

  Amends (Hunter Mercenary) Nov 2018

  It’s Good to be Loved (Romance Antho) Nov 2018

  Wicked Hunt (Tueur) Dec 2018

  Harcourte books do not cross over and can be read anytime.

  Dangerous Revelations

  Dangerous Choices

  Dangerous Misery

  Dangerous Retaliation

  Dangerous Influence

  Dangerous Sacrifice

  Dangerous Destruction

  ~~~~ About the Author ~~~~

  Morgan Kelley lives in the beautiful Pocono Mountains with her husband and two children. After attending college at Penn State University and studying Criminal Justice, Morgan knew her only true passion in life would be murder and books. She put them both together and began her career as a writer. Other than books and writing, you can find Morgan hanging out in her garden and digging in the dirt.

  Her other works include: The Junction, Serial Sins, The Blood Betrayal, The Killing Times (1), Sacred Burial Grounds (2), True Love Lost (3), Deep Dark Mire (4), Fire Burns Hot (5), Darkness of Truth (6), Devil Hath Come (7), Consumed by Wrath (8), Redemption is Here (9), Dead Shall Speak (10), Pledging to Die (11), Slay Bells Ring (12), Past will Haunt (13), Choices will Destroy (14), Blood shall Run (15), Act of Blood (16), Stalked by the Past (17), Dying to Love (18), Revenge has Come (19), Discarded by Fate (20), Dawn of Evil (21)Blood Red Rage (1) Lost & Broken (2), Unthinkable Games (3), Truth is Found (4), Haven of Nightmares (5), Forbidden Secrets (6), Kiss of Souls (7), Lost Souls (8), Celestia is Falling (1), Vegas is Dying (2), Christmas is Killing (3), Love is Bleeding (4), Heaven is Weeping (5), Hell is Burning (6), Justice is Dead (7), Dark Justice (1), Lost Justice (2), Paid Justice (3), Wedding of our Dreams: Dante and Steele (3.5) Dangerous Revelations (1), Dangerous Choices (2), Dangerous Misery (3), Dangerous Retaliation (4), Dangerous Influence (5), Dangerous Sacrifice (6), Sinner Repent (1), Sinner Realized (2), Sinner Reborn (3), Oracle Rising (1), Oracle Seeing (2), Oracle Saving (3), Oracle Haunting, (4), Atonement (1), Illegal Fantasies (Anthology 1), Romance Under Arrest (Anthology 2), and Holiday Reinforcements (Anthology 3), It’s Good to be the Boss (1).

  Please feel free to visit Morgan at her website:, email her [email protected] or visit her blog at or her website at

  Spin off series of ‘The Croft & Croft romance adventures’.

  Celestia is Falling

  Vegas is Dying

  Christmas is Killing

  Love is Bleeding

  Heaven is Weeping

  Hell is burning

  Justice is Dead

  Dark Justice

  Lost Justice

  Paid Justice

  True Justice

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoy the Croft Mob Family and FBI series crossover. What could possibly happen when Elizabeth and Greyson Croft team up to end the Russian mob in Vegas and a sex trade operation that spans a few states?

  I’m sure it will be explosive.<
br />
  Much love, mayhem, and murder,


  Dimitri Gideon…duck. You’re about to find love.

  Christopher Ford, you have a choice to make. Your broken heart or the woman you really love...

  My name is Greyson Croft…

  A nd a lot has happened in the last two weeks here in Las Vegas. By a lot, I mean there has been one hell of a nightmare come to life. It’s one I can’t seem to wake up from, and one that I can’t seem to escape. It’s like being trapped in the worst possible scenario. The ship is definitely sinking and sinking fast.

  On top of that, my family is fractured.


  It’s broken.

  We’ve lost one of our own, and in the process, we’ve lost Natasha’s brother too. I’ve lost my backup, my wingman, and my best freaking friend.

  No one saw this coming.


  On the day that Viktor Marchenko blew up Emma’s ride, killing Natasha, we lost the man we called brother. We lost him in ways we never thought possible. Dimitri pulled away, ready to give up his life to end Marchenko’s.

  He began his suicide mission.

  It was the final straw in the long line of shots that the Russian asshole had thrown at his half-brother. It was the ultimate play in a sick and twisted game, and it reverberated through the whole damn family.

  Earlier, it all seemed fine. Somehow, Emma had managed to get Dimitri to leave his security duty and be more family than a guard dog. Then in that moment, Viktor’s one well-aimed shot ended it all.

  He’s gone.

  He’s walked away from us, his sisters, and his family. Dimitri Gideon, loyal to the core, has bailed on the people who needed him most.




  He left us high and dry and with no one to back us up in this mess.

  How do I know it’s bad?

  Well, today is Natasha’s funeral, and he isn’t going to be there. He’s off on some mission, trying to kill his brother to avenge his sister.

  He’s officially walked away, not caring if we all go to Hell in a freaking handbasket.

  Dimitri is off the rails, and there is no way we can bring him back. How does one save a person who doesn’t want to be saved?

  It’s done.

  It’s over.

  He’s lost.

  While we thought love would be enough to keep the family afloat through this storm, myself and Emma were sadly mistaken.

  It isn’t enough.

  It isn’t even close.

  I can’t believe this day has happened. Not in my wildest dreams would I have seen it coming. I would NEVER bail on my family, and I assumed that loyalty carried through to everyone we loved.

  I was wrong.

  It might be what destroys us. I miscalculated, and it’s going to be what takes me down.


  I was betrayed by love.

  It’s so damn bad that Dimitri won’t even see us. I’ve tried to track him, but he’s gone off the grid. He’s shut down his electronics, left Terrace Glen, and won’t reach out to me or Emma.

  He’s disappeared and without a trace.

  We’ve tried to find him, and the police have tried to find him to discuss his sister’s brutal murder, but he’s…gone.

  I have cops so far up my ass to locate him that I can’t even shake them. Detective Poppy Wayne is digging, and that can’t possibly be good.

  They might find the truth, and I don’t mean who killed Natasha. We all know that answer. I’m talking about how we’re fighting for Vegas against crooked cops, a twisted system, and a losing battle.

  He’s on the run.

  Emma and I are left holding the bag.

  On top of that, without his protection, we are screwed—and not the good kind of screwed.


  We’re up to our fucking eyeballs in issues, and no one to handle them. This had been Dimitri’s job.

  We left it all to him.

  Now we’re wearing bull’s-eyes.

  Before all this happened, we knew we needed more security, and NOT the Gideons. They were targeted, and we were going to hire more men to keep us safe from the ‘good guys’ in Vegas.

  Only, Dimitri was supposed to find them for us. He was supposed to find killers to watch our back, and the shit hit the fan before he could do it.

  Now we’re broken.

  My wife, Emma, has cried herself to sleep many a night after trying to help Christopher Ford heal from losing his girlfriend.

  She is strong when people are watching, but this has hurt her too. She loved Natasha. She was part of her heart, and now it has a hole in it.

  I’m not sure how much more she can possibly take before she completely gives up. My wife is strong, but she can only handle so much heartbreak.

  Emma has tried to reach out to Dimitri and help him calm down, but he wouldn’t let her in. He refuses to even see her, and that’s how I know it’s beyond bad.

  Dimitri, the hardened killer, dotes on Emma. She has, or had, a special place in his heart, and now he’s kicked her out of there too.

  He refuses to let anyone in, and that is scary. I fear the worst, and it’s that our friend, brother, and family, is about to go off the rails.

  If he does…

  Will I have to kill him to stop him from mass chaos and murder? Will I have to go there?

  Emma was my final shot.

  She was always the kill switch to Dimitri’s anger. While the man was cool and collected on the outside, this fire was always banked by his love for Emma.

  From the start, he has been smitten.


  Yeah, not so much.

  She, at one time, had been the one thing that could calm him in the worst storm, and now it wasn’t working. We are left to only fear the worst.

  Already, we know Babylon had bought himself one favor, and to this moment, we don’t know if Dimitri will turn on us or not.

  Will he give Babylon what he wants? Will he kill me or Emma? Before, I would have said no. Now…yeah, I’m not sure.

  I’m at a loss.

  Do I focus on the mayhem in Vegas?

  Do I focus on a seedy killer who wants to take down my family, so he can run the city?

  Do I focus on Babylon, and his attempt to resurrect some long-gone power?

  Or do I focus on Dimitri, and how to stop him?

  I hope, and pray, that the man I had called brother will not betray us, but we did end up being the reason his sister had died.

  That bomb…

  It was in Emma’s ride.

  There’s no doubt in my mind who it was supposed to be for, and that’s scary. I could have lost my wife. I nearly did. Had I not been in New York with her, helping Paris and Tessa, she may have been killed.

  We escaped this time, but at what cost?

  When that vehicle blew, we all took it personally, and we all carry the blame.

  Especially my wife.

  She is hurting for Dimitri.

  We all are.

  We want to help him, but the family is regrouping and rallying around their own individual families.

  Curtis, my son, is protecting his wife the best he can. The second that Katerina found out that her sister was dead, she went into labor.

  It was so traumatic that it caused her water to break, and she had to give birth to her child on the same day she lost her sister.

  Talk about difficult.

  What was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives had become the most horrifying.

  Sadie Emma Croft was brought into the world by her mother as she wept bitter tears as her sister left it.

  Oh, the universe was a nasty brew of irony. The only thing that kept Katerina going the last few days was that her child needed her. Since she had a mother who bailed, she wasn’t going to do that to Sadie.

  Not ever happening.

  She was going to love her child. With Curtis by her side, they we
re protecting the baby. She was little, but she was a fighter.

  She was a Croft.

  That baby was Emma and Greyson’s first grandchild and in Vegas, that was huge. She was an heir to the Croft fortune. She mattered. To the people who watched them in fascination, they were Vegas royalty.

  Sadie was a princess—of sorts.

  And still, there was pain.

  What hurt Katerina just as much as losing her sister—was losing her brother too.

  In that moment, as Curtis and Kat brought their daughter into the world, Dimitri wasn’t there to witness it. He’d promised Kat he’d be in the delivery room to hold her hand, and he wasn’t.

  He didn’t show up.

  That one action had broken Katerina’s heart.

  He was supposed to be there offering her moral support as she brought her child into the world, and the man she called ‘father’ didn’t show.

  The man who had protected her for all those years didn’t bother to even answer her text messages and calls. He walked away from her, so there was no doubt that he was done with Greyson and Emma.

  They were dead to him.

  Again, it is more proof that the family is fractured on so many levels.

  Curtis has a struggle on his hands as he is trying to keep his wife safe, but he knows the truth. As long as Viktor Marchenko is out there, Katerina is marked to die. The only thing that stands between her and one of his bullets, or another bomb, is her husband.

  He knows it too.

  Curtis has made out his will and asked me to get it to Delilah. He’s resigned to the fact that his time is going to be short-lived.

  It was heartbreaking.

  What had happened to the family?

  What had gone wrong?

  It is horrifying to watch as Katerina mourns her sister and brother as she holds onto life, and her baby, with all she has. It’s devastating.

  Through it all, I know I have to save them. I know I have to do something to ensure they are safe, alive, and we all make it through the storm.

  Only, I don’t know how.


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