Birching His Bride (Domestic Discipline 1)

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Birching His Bride (Domestic Discipline 1) Page 6

by Angel, Golden


  On his lap Eleanor quivered as she cried.

  Putting his hand on one flaming red buttock, Edwin nearly groaned at the heat beneath his palm. Spanking his wife had been so much more satisfying than any previous disciplinary experienced he'd ever had, even when he'd punished Collette for stealing. Eleanor not only deserved the spanking but her bottom looked so beautiful all hot and red. Having her on his lap made a very large difference, especially as she'd physically stopped fighting him quite quickly despite her verbal protests and pleas. There was certainly something to be said for a wife who was already accustomed to this kind of discipline.

  He caressed her beaten bottom, his fingers brushing across the glossy, wet curls of her cunt... wait... wet? Shocked and even more aroused, Edwin dipped his hand down to her cunny and his wife moaned, trying to burrow her head down into the armchair as her husband found evidence of her own arousal. The slickness of Eleanor's slit was both shocking and arousing. But this was supposed to be punishment after all, not pleasure.

  Clearing his throat, Edwin pushed his wife up from his lap, taking note of her red rimmed puffy eyes, the blotchy cheeks and quivering lower lip. Yes, that was what Eleanor looked like when she actually cried. Her blonde hair was slightly disordered now, making her look younger and even more vulnerable. Still he couldn't help but enjoy the sight of her blonde muff, exposed by the set of her skirts, and the way her puckered nipples were pressing against the front of her dress. However, he intended to enjoy the sight of her backside for the next few minutes.

  "Go stand in the corner with your skirts around your waist so I can see your bottom and you think about how you'd like to apologize. I will give you five minutes. After that you will make your apology or you'll go back over my lap."


  Truthfully, if Eleanor hadn't been so shocked and ashamed at her reaction to her husband's high handedness and punishment she might not have gone so quietly to the corner as he ordered, but she was in a bit of a daze. Never in her life had she expected something like that to occur! Nose to the corner, skirts in her hands, with a burning bottom was nothing new to her, despite her antipathy to the position, but she'd never been aroused under such circumstances before.

  Then again the last person to take her across her lap for a spanking was her governess when she was nine, and that no-nonsense, strong-armed woman was surely not the type of person to inspire desire in her. It was quite different when she'd been hauled across the muscular thighs of her damnably attractive husband, his body holding her in place, his broad hand coming down hard on her soft, vulnerable flesh, and the turgid length of his rod pressing into her stomach. But he hadn't seemed the least bit ashamed of it, nor had he acted on it, whereas she could not countenance her own reaction.

  It had not been the pain that had made her sob and beg, after all she'd taken harder spankings before, but she'd been so ashamed at her feelings of excitement under the circumstances, not to mention the helplessness of her position and the vulnerability and embarrassment of her husband seeing her in such straights. Never in her life had she expected something like that to happen to her and now that she was standing in the corner she found her anger growing that Edwin would handle her thus and force such unnatural sensations on her. And after the beauty of last night too!

  Her cheeks blushed hotly as she realized her womanhood was just as slick now as it had been last night, and that Edwin was well aware of the fact. For once she was glad to be in the corner, glad that her reddened bottom was facing him so that she didn't have to look at him and see his expression.

  Lost in her thoughts and humiliation, the five minutes passed incredibly quickly and Eleanor found herself being ordered to turn around. He did not allow her to lower her skirts, so that she was forced to make her apology with her skirts around her waist and her drawers around her ankles. Lowering her eyes rather than facing him, she did her best to hide her shame and fury as she stammered out an apology. To her relief, Edwin accepted it.

  And then had the audacity to sweep her up in his arms for a passionate kiss, probing the depths of her mouth with his tongue! Forgetting herself, Eleanor responded to him, her hands clutching at the fabric filling her hands, forgetting that she was holding onto her skirts until she felt his fingers curve over her bare bottom. Then his hand gripped her soft, red flesh, hard, and she cried out as the hard grip reignited the sting in her buttocks.

  Immediately Eleanor wriggled away, dropping her skirts in the process. She quickly reached beneath them to pull up her drawers, refusing to look at Edwin as her face turned as red as her bottom with embarrassment. Why could she not control her own body around him?

  "I'll see you at dinner, seven o'clock, sharp," said her husband, his tone making it clear that he expected her to be there on time.

  Eleanor mumbled something and quit the room, almost running in her anxiety to leave her punishment, inexplicable reaction, and subsequent humiliation behind.


  Edwin thought that the first attempt at domestic discipline had gone rather well. Not only had Eleanor submitted to the spanking but she'd actually become aroused by it. Once she was gone from his study he rather regretted not taking advantage of the moment and pleasuring them both, thereby relieving the throbbing erection the spanking had induced, but considering her general confusion when she'd left he felt that perhaps he'd made the correct choice. After all, she was already dealing with quite a lot between being married yesterday and having her first spanking at the hands of her husband today. And considering how happy he already was with the match, he was inclined to be magnanimous.

  However, sitting behind his desk he found it impossible to return to his work. Images of Eleanor kept rising in his mind; her delightful bottom with the red prints of his hands on either cheek, the wonderful feel of her squirming on his lap, her rosy bottom on display in the corner, and the way that she'd responded to him when he'd kissed her. He had meant to wait until later tonight, to spend his pleasure in his wife, but he found that his libido was not inclined to be ruled by his intentions.

  Retrieving his handkerchief from his pocket he undid the front of his breeches and took his pego in hand, feeling the aching pulse of its rigid length against his palm. Closing his eyes, he leaned back in his chair as he began to fist himself, the silky material of the handkerchief rubbing against the plum of his cock in the most delicious fashion as he relived the events of the past twenty minutes. The feel of Eleanor's soft arse quivering beneath his palm, the heat of her reddened skin, and the surprising wetness of her womanly folds following her punishment.

  With a low groan he squeezed his throbbing member hard and it pulsed and jerked as it spewed forth cream into the handkerchief.

  Humming happily, he discarded the handkerchief and got back to work. More than ever he wanted to finish setting his matters at rest so that he could take Eleanor on a wedding trip.


  Safely ensconced in her room, Eleanor lay on her stomach on the bed, hating the slight burn in her bottom that reminded her with every movement of her husband. Although he had made several admittedly fair points during his lecture to her, Eleanor resented his punishment and especially resented that it had aroused feelings of desire in her. It was so unfair!

  Not only was she saddled with a husband that she hadn't wanted, even if she did find him inordinately attractive, with a dismal excuse for a wedding, but now even her own body had betrayed her! Shame and the lack of satisfaction for the need pulsing between her legs gave way to another bout of tears as she considered her options. After last night an annulment was out of the question. Running away was not a real option either; who would she go to? No one in her family would help her when her father had been the one to set the match. Without a relative to provide succor she would have to work.

  Eleanor shuddered. Absolutely unacceptable for someone of her bloodlines and noble rank to be forced to work. Besides, the only positions she would be fit for were governess or
companion and neither of those positions would allow for the finer things in life.

  Perhaps she could convince her husband to allow her to stay with a friend? Perhaps Lady Grace… she certainly would understand troubles between a husband and a wife. Convincing a friend to hide her away would mean foregoing the balls and parties that she so enjoyed, but if Edwin were amenable... She made a face. Somehow she didn't think her husband would be all that amenable. Despite the fact that they had known each other for years before their marriage yesterday, Edwin was showing facets of himself that she had never suspected existed; however, she'd always known of his stubbornness and his sense of dignity. It was highly doubtful that he'd let his new bride stay with a friend, it would cause too much gossip.

  Maybe she could frustrate and annoy him to the point where he would be desirous of foisting her off onto someone else. While such a plan might get her bottom reddened a few more times surely he would cease and desist when he realized how little of an effect such discipline had on her? The only reason she'd ever acquiesced to her father's demands was because she knew that she would soon escape his household and that it was only for a short period of time, and her father had had a much heavier hand than Edwin. She could certainly withstand a few more bouts of Edwin's discipline, knowing that disobeying was actually furthering her own goals.

  Now if only she could convince her newly awakened passions that separating from her husband was a good idea.

  "My lady?" Her maid, Poppy, came into the room, frowning a little to see her mistress laid out on the bed. "Would you like me to help you dress for dinner?"

  Seven o'clock sharp? A small smile curved Eleanor's lips as she realized that this was the perfect start to defying her husband and ultimately gaining her freedom. Such a small thing, denying him her presence when he'd ordered it, so soon after discipline would both be subtle and send the undeniable message that his punishment hadn't quite had the effect he'd intended.

  "I am not feeling at all thing thing, Poppy," she said smoothly. "Help me out of this dress and into my night rail and then have Cook send a tray up to my room. I will dine here tonight."

  Chapter 4

  Edwin dismissed the maid from his room, frowning as he looked in his mirror. Tonight he’d tried to dress to please Eleanor and yet here she was defying him again. Was she truly ill or was this a fit of pique? Or even another attempt at manipulation? He certainly wouldn’t put it past her, but as a fair minded man he did want to give her the benefit of the doubt.

  The past forty eight hours had been full of many shocks after all, and even if part of him suspected that Eleanor was currently far too self-engrossed to really be dented by any of those shocks, that didn’t mean that he was necessarily correct. There were other facets to her personality as well, it was just that being indulged had created some less admirable qualities in her.

  Turning to his Johnson, his valet, he tugged off the cravat he’d just had put on, ignoring the man’s sigh of dissatisfaction at his employer’s state of attire. “Go tell Mrs. Hester that I will bring the tray to my wife and to put enough food for two on it.”

  If Eleanor was truly unwell then Edwin would sit up with her and do what he could, including keeping her company. If she wasn’t unwell… well they wouldn’t be leaving her bedchamber for some time anyway and having the food there would be fortuitous. Humming softly under his breath, Edwin found himself hoping for the latter.


  When the door to her bedroom opened, Eleanor waved her hand at the table beside her.

  "You can put the tray here," she said not looking up from her book. It was comfortable in front of the fire, curled up in the chair, and warm enough that she'd loosened her robe in the front so that it gaped open slightly.

  "You don't look very ill to me," said a deep voice as the tray settled next to her.

  With a gasp, Eleanor's head jerked upwards to meet the censuring eyes of her husband. Edwin looked darkly handsome, as always, wearing nothing more than a pair of trousers and a loose shirt that was open at the neck, showing a hint of his muscular chest and a few curly hairs peeking out. Apprehension and excitement curdled through her at the hot and lustful anger in his eyes, so similar to how he'd looked at her this afternoon.

  What was wrong with her?

  "What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice coming out sharper than she'd intended because of her trepidation over her body's reaction to him.

  "Well right now I'm wondering what you're doing in here, instead of down at the dinner table with me."

  Eleanor tilted her chin upwards, well aware that the effect was diminished with him standing over her, but she was so used to assuming the haughty posture when she was being defiant that it was automatic.

  "I was feeling ill."

  "Are you still feeling ill?"


  "You don't look ill," he said, repeating his earlier statement as she glared up at him.

  "Looking at you is making me feel sick to my stomach," she snapped rudely.

  Sighing, Edwin shook his head and turned and walked away. For a moment, a surge of triumph went through her, but inexplicably he stopped and sat on her bed. "What are you doing?"

  "Lying to me is unacceptable," Edwin said calmly, watching her from his place on the bed. "So is disrespect. Neither shall be tolerated. Since this is the first time we've talked this though I will go easy on you, although both of those infractions should have been obvious."

  A frisson of unease shot through Eleanor. "I don't understand, what are you talking about?"

  "Come," Edwin said, patting his lap. "Lay across my lap. You're due for another spanking."

  "What?! No!" Although she'd set out to provoke her husband, she hadn't seriously considered that he would spank her again so soon. The whole point had been to show him that his spanking hadn't had a real effect on her. "You've already beaten me enough today, don't you think?"

  "I did not beat you," he said firmly, frowning at her with a glint of real anger in his eyes at her accusation. Even angry he looked so handsome that he nearly took her breath away. "You were not harmed in any way, you were disciplined for bad behavior. Since you are still exhibiting such behavior I am going to discipline you again. Now come here, take off your robe and lay across my lap. The longer you take to follow my orders the longer your spanking is going to last."

  For a moment Eleanor considered further resistance but her goal was to provoke her husband into not wanting her presence anymore, not into giving her harsher punishments. She would show him; she would take the spanking and then continue her campaign tomorrow as if nothing had happened. Obviously the message hadn't gotten across yet, but after a few more disciplinary sessions with no change in her behavior and he'd realize that spankings didn’t work on her. Then she'd suggest that she go stay with a friend and he'd be happy to see the back of her.

  Still, it was harder than she'd expected to stand up and take off her robe, leaving it on the chair behind her. However she couldn't stop the feminine thrill at the heat that surged in Edwin's eyes and the way his pants bulged as she walked towards him in nothing but her thin night rail. Moving stiffly and reluctantly Eleanor came to stand in front him.

  "Good girl," he crooned, taking her hand and pulling her down towards him. His hands on her made her shiver. "Now put your head on this side... yes that's it, and legs on this side..." The night rail was lifted so that her bottom was exposed, still slightly pink from the spanking she'd received earlier that afternoon. "Now spread your legs."

  The position was incredibly vulnerable, with her upper body on one side of his legs and her legs on the other, her bottom tilted upwards over his lap, and now he wanted her to spread her legs? "Do it now Eleanor. I told you, the longer you take, the longer your punishment will take."

  A sharp slap to her thigh made her shiver and slowly she complied, burying her head into the coverlet on her bed as tears of shame sprang to her eyes. While she'd had to spread her legs for the occasional birchings she
'd received in the past this was a much more intimate humiliation. Already she'd found the difference between bending over a chair and bending over a man's lap, especially a man such as Edwin. His hand caressed her bottom in an almost loving manndr, exploring the rose and cream skin, and Eleanor bit back a moan, not wanting him to know that this vulnerable and helpless position was arousing her, and certainly not wanting him to know the complex storm of emotions that accompanied his touch.


  Beautiful. The hand prints he'd left on each cheek had faded somewhat, leaving only the slightest pink glow on her creamy skin. This position over his lap with her legs spread made her much more open to punishment than having her over his lap with her legs together. The night rail bunched around her waist only drew more attention to the delightful globes of her ass, the open leg position exposing her dusky bottom hole and pink cunny with its fringe of damp curls. He could see, quite clearly, that dew was already gathering on her petals. Something about being punished by him appealed to her as much as it did to him. This was a much more exposed position, to both his eyes and his hand, and Edwin's pulse raced as his cock throbbed against her stomach for the second time that day.

  Especially because he already knew that he had no intention of denying himself the pleasure of spending in her body after this punishment.

  "Why are you being punished Eleanor?" he asked, wanting to draw out this moment, to enjoy the feel of her body on his lap and the sight of her unprotected and waiting bottom, the pink shell of her cunt just below. Besides, it was best to ensure that she knew exactly which behaviors she was being punished for.

  "For lying." Her voice was tight and resentful, but he decided not to add to her punishment for that now. One step at a time and it was good that she was answering him.


  "For being disrespectful." Not that her current tone of voice was at all respectful. But time enough later on to work on the small things, for now he would focus on punishing her for the larger transgressions.


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