The Distracted Preacher

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The Distracted Preacher Page 11

by Thomas Hardy

  Occupier of unlicensed premises liable for sale of liquor.

  4 The occupier of any unlicensed premises on which any intoxicating liquor is sold, or if such premises are occupied by more than one person, every occupier thereof, shall, if it be proved that he was privy or consenting to the sale, be subject to the penalties imposed upon persons for the sale of intoxicating liquors without license.

  Seller liable for drinking on premises contrary to license.

  5 If any purchaser of any intoxicating liquor from a person who is not licensed to sell the same to be drunk on the premises drinks such liquor on the premises where the same is sold, or on any highway adjoining or near such premises, the seller of such liquor shall, if it shall appear that such drinking was with his privity or consent, be subject to the following penalties; (that is to say,) For the first offence he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds:

  For the second and any subsequent offence he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds.

  For the purposes of this section the expression “ premises where “ the same is sold” shall include any premises adjoining or near the premises where the liquor is sold, if belonging to the seller of the liquor or under his control, or used by his permission.

  Any conviction for an offence under this section shall be recorded on the license of the person convicted.

  Evasion of law as to drinking on premises contrary to license.

  6 If any person having a license to sell intoxicating liquors not to be drunk on the premises, himself takes or carries, or employs or suffers any other person to take or carry, any intoxicating liquor out of or from the premises of such licensed person for the purpose of being sold on his account, or for his benefit or profit, and of being drunk or consumed in any other house, or in any tent, shed, or other building of any kind whatever, belonging to such licensed person, or hired, used, or occupied by him, or on or in any place, whether enclosed or not, and whether or not a public thoroughfare, such intoxicating liquor shall be deemed to have been consumed by the purchasers thereof on the premises of such licensed person, with his privity and consent, and such licensed person shall be punished accordingly in manner provided by this Act.

  Any conviction for an offence under this section shall be recorded on the license of the person convicted.

  In any proceeding under this section it shall not be necessary to prove that the premises or place or places to which such liquor is taken to be drunk belonged to, or were hired, used, or occupied by the seller, if proof be given to the satisfaction of the court hearing the case that such liquor was taken to be consumed thereon or therein with intent to evade the conditions of his license.

  Sale of spirits to children.

  7 Every holder of a license who sells or allows any person to sell, to be consumed on the premises, any description of spirits to any person apparently under the age of sixteen years, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty shillings for the first offence, and not exceeding forty shillings for the second and any subsequent offence.

  Sale to be by standard measure.

  8 Every person shall sell all intoxicating liquor which is sold by retail and not in cask or bottle, and is not sold in a quantity less than half a pint, in measures marked according to the imperial standards.

  Every person who acts or suffers any person under his control or in his employment to act in contravention of this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding, for the first offence ten pounds, and not exceeding for any subsequent offence twenty pounds, and shall also be liable to forfeit the illegal measure in which the liquor was sold.

  Penalty on internal communication between licensed premises and house of public resort.

  9 Every person who makes or uses, or allows to be made or used, any internal communication between any licensed premises and any unlicensed premises which are used for public entertainment or resort, or as a refreshment house, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds for every day during which such communication remains open.

  In addition to any penalty imposed by this section any person convicted of an offence under this section shall, if he be the holder of a license, forfeit such license.

  Penalty on illicit storing of liquor.

  10 If any licensed person has in his possession on the premises in respect of which his license is granted, any description of intoxicating liquor which he is not authorised to sell, unless he shall account for the possession of the same to the satisfaction of the court by which he is tried, he shall forfeit such liquor and the vessels containing the same, and shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding for the first offence ten pounds, and not exceeding for any subsequent offence twenty pounds.

  Names of licensed persons to be affixed to premises.

  11 Every licensed person shall cause to be painted or fixed, and shall keep painted or fixed on the premises in respect of which his license is granted, in a conspicuous place and in such form and manner as the Commissioners of Inland Revenue may from time to time direct, his name, with the addition after the name of the word “licensed,” and of words sufficient, in the opinion of the said commissioners, to express the business for which his license has been granted, and in particular of words expressing whether the license authorises the sale of intoxicating liquor to be consumed on or off the premises only, as the case may be; and no person shall have any words or letters on his premises importing that he is authorised as a licensed person to sell any intoxicating liquor which he is not in fact duly authorised to sell. Every person who acts in contravention of the provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding for the first offence ten pounds, and not exceeding for the second and any subsequent offence twenty pounds.

  Offences against Public Order

  Penalty on persons found drunk.

  12 Every person found drunk in any highway or other public place, whether a building or not, or on any licensed premises, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten shillings, and on a second conviction within a period of twelve months shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty shillings, and on a third or subsequent conviction within such period of twelve months be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings. Every person who in any highway or other public place, whether a building or not, is guilty while drunk of riotous or disorderly behaviour, or who is drunk while in charge on any highway or other public place of any carriage, horse, cattle, or. steam engine, or who is drunk when in possession of any loaded fire-arms, may be apprehended, and shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings, or in the discretion of the court to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any term not exceeding one month. Where the court commits any person to prison for nonpayment of any penalty under this section, the court may order him to be imprisoned with hard labour.

  Penalty for permitting drunkenness.

  13 If any licensed person permits drunkenness or any violent, quarrelsome, or riotous conduct to take place on his premises, or sells any intoxicating liquor to any drunken person, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding for the first offence ten pounds, and not exceeding for the second and any subsequent offence twenty pounds. Any conviction for an offence under this section shall be recorded on the license of the person convicted, unless the convicting magistrate or justices shall otherwise direct.

  Penalty for keeping disorderly house.

  14 If any licensed person knowingly permits his premises to be the habitual resort of or place of meeting of reputed prostitutes, whether the object of their so resorting or meeting is or is not prostitution, he shall, if he allow them to remain thereon longer than is necessary for the purpose of obtaining reasonable refreshment, be liable to a penalty not exceeding for the first offence ten pounds, and not exceeding for the second and any subsequent offence twenty pounds. Any conviction for an offence under this section shall, unless the convicting magistrate or justices shall otherwise direct, be recorded on the license of the person c

  Penalty for permitting premises to be a brothel.

  15 If any licensed person is convicted of permitting his premises to be a brothel, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, and shall forfeit his license, and he shall be disqualified for ever from holding any license for the sale of intoxicating liquors.

  Penalty for harbouring constable.

  16 If any licensed person —

  (1) Knowingly harbours or knowingly suffers to remain on his premises any constable during any part of the time appointed for such constable being on duty, unless for the purpose of keeping or restoring order or in execution of his duty; or

  (2) Supplies any liquor or refreshment, whether by way of gift or sale, to any constable on duty unless by authority of some superior officer of such constable; or

  (3) Bribes or attempts to bribe any constable, be shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding, for the first offence ten pounds, and not exceeding for the second or any subsequent offence twenty pounds. Any conviction for an offence under this section shall, unless the convicting magistrate or justices shall otherwise direct, be recorded on the license of the person convicted.

  Penalty for permitting gaming.

  17 If any licensed person —

  (1) Suffers any gaming or any unlawful game to be carried on his premises; or

  (2) Opens, keeps, or uses, or suffers his house to be opened, kept, or used in contravention of the

  Act of the session of the sixteenth and seventeenth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and nineteen, intituled “ An Act for the suppression of betting houses,” he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding for the first offence ten pounds, and not exceeding for the second and any subsequent offence twenty pounds. Any conviction for an offence under this section shall, unless the convicting magistrates shall otherwise direct, be recorded on the license of the person convicted.

  Power to exclude drunkards from licensed premises.

  18 Any licensed person may refuse to admit to and may turn out of the premises in respect of which his license is granted any person who is drunken, violent, quarrelsome, or disorderly, and any person whose presence on his premises would subject him to a penalty under this Act. Any such person who upon being requested in pursuance of this section by such licensed person, or his agent or servant, or any constable, to quit such premises, refuses or fails so to do, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds, and all constables are required on the demand of such licensed person, agent, or servant to expel or assist in expelling every such person from such premises, and may use such force as may be required for that purpose. The court committing any person to prison for nonpayment of any penalty under this, section may order him to be imprisoned with bard labour.


  Penalty on adulteration of intoxicating liquor.

  19 (1) Every person who mixes or causes to be mixed with any intoxicating liquor sold or exposed for sale by him any deleterious ingredient, that is to say, any of the ingredients specified in the First Schedule to this Act, or added to such schedule by any Order in Council made under this Act, or any ingredient deleterious to health; and

  (2) Every person who knowingly sells or keeps or exposes for sale any intoxicating liquor mixed with any deleterious ingredient (in this Act referred to as adulterated liquor), shall be liable for the first offence to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month, with or without hard labour; and for the second and any subsequent offence to a penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour, and to be declared to be a disqualified person for a period of not less than two years nor exceeding ten years, and shall also in the case of the first as well as any subsequent offence forfeit all adulterated liquor in his possession, with the vessels containing the same. Where the person so convicted is a licensed person, he shall further, in the case of a second or any subsequent offence, be liable to forfeit his license, and the premises in respect of which such license is granted shall be liable to be declared to be disqualified premises for a period of not less than two years nor exceeding five years. In the case of a first offence and any subsequent offence until the license is forfeited, the conviction shall be recorded on the license of the person convicted. Where a licensed person is convicted of any offence under this section and his license is not forfeited for such offence, the police authority of the district shall cause a placard stating such conviction to be affixed to the premises. Such placard shall be of such size and form, and shall be printed with such letters, and shall contain such particulars, and shall be affixed to such part of the licensed premises as the police authority may think fit, and such licensed person shall keep the same affixed during two weeks after the same is first affixed; and if he fails to comply with the provisions of this section with respect to keeping affixed such placard, or defaces or allows such placard to be defaced, or if the same is defaced and he fails forthwith to renew the same, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings for every day on which the same is not so undefaced, and any constable may affix or re-affix such placard during the said two weeks, or such further time as may be directed by a court of summary jurisdiction.

  Possession of adulterated liquor or deleterious ingredients.

  20 Every licensed person who has in his possession or in any part of his premises any adulterated liquor knowing it to be adulterated, or any deleterious ingredient, specified in the First Schedule hereto or added to such schedule by Order of Her Majesty in Council, for the possession of which he is unable to account to the satisfaction of the court, shall be deemed knowingly to have exposed for sale adulterated liquor on such premises.

  Schedule of deleterious ingredients.

  21 It shall be lawful for Her Majesty by Order in Council from time to time to add to the First Schedule to this Act any ingredient which appears to Her Majesty in Council to be deleterious to health, and to remove any ingredient from the said schedule, and to revoke or alter any order previously made. Every such order shall be published in the London Gazette, and shall take effect at the expiration of seven days from the date of such publication or at any later date mentioned in the order, and shall have effect as if it were enacted in this Act. Every such order shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament within three weeks after it is made, or if Parliament be not then sitting within three weeks after the commencement of the then next session of Parliament.

  Analysis of intoxicating liquor.

  22 Any of the following officers, that is to say, any superintendent of police or other constable authorised in writing by the police authority so to do, and any officer of Inland Revenue, may procure samples of any intoxicating liquor from any person selling or keeping or exposing the same for sale (in this section referred to as the vendor); he may procure such samples either by purchasing the same, or by requiring the vendor to show him and allow him to inspect all or any of the vessels in which any intoxicating liquor in the possession of the vendor is stored, and the place of the storage thereof, and to give him samples of such intoxicating liquor on payment or tender of the value of such samples. If the vendor or his agent or servant, when required in pursuance of this section, refuses or fails to admit the officer or refuses or wilfully omits to show all or any of the vessels in which intoxicating liquor is stored, or the place of the storage thereof, or to permit the officer to inspect the same, or to give any samples thereof, or to furnish the officer with such light or assistance as he may require, he shall be liable to the same penalty, forfeiture, and disqualification as if he knowingly sold or exposed for sale adulterated liquor. When the officer has by either of the means aforesaid procured samples of intoxicating liquor, he shall cause the same to be analysed, at such convenient place and time and by such person as the Commissioners of Inland Revenue may appoint; provided always, that a reasonable notice shall have been given by such o
fficer to the vendor by whom such sample was furnished, to enable such vendor, if he think fit, to attend at the time when such sample is open for analysis; and if it appear to the person so analysing that the said samples of intoxicating liquor are adulterated liquor within the meaning of this Act, he shall certify such fact, and the certificate so given shall be receivable as evidence in any proceedings that may be taken against any person in pursuance of this Act, subject to the right of any person against whom proceedings are taken to require the attendance of the person making the analysis for the purpose of cross-examination. The vendor may require the officer, in his presence, to annex to every vessel containing any samples for analysis the name and address of the vendor, and to secure with a seal or seals belonging to the vendor the vessel containing such samples, and the name and address annexed thereto, in such manner that the vessel cannot be opened, or the name and address taken off, without breaking such seals; and a corresponding sample sealed by such officer with his own seal shall, if required, be left with the vendor for reference in case of disputes as to the correctness of the analysis or otherwise; and the certificate of the person who analyses such samples shall state the name and address of the vendor, and that the vessels were not open, and that the seals securing to the vessels the name and address of the vendor were not broken until such time as he opened the vessels for the purpose of making his analysis; and in such case as aforesaid no certificate shall be receivable in evidence unless there is contained therein such statement as above, or to the like effect. Any expenses incurred in analysing any intoxicating liquor of a vendor in pursuance of this section shall, if such vendor be convicted of selling or keeping, or exposing for sale, or having in his possession adulterated liquor in contravention of this Act, be deemed to be a portion of the costs of the proceedings against him, and shall be paid by him accordingly. In any other event such expenses shall be paid as part of the expenses of the officer who procured the sample.


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