Targeted do-1

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Targeted do-1 Page 29

by Katie Reus

  “Where’s the meet?”

  “Do you know where the Channel Five Bridge is in Long Key?”

  He’d grown up in south Florida. Of course he knew. “Yes.”

  “Turn off onto that abandoned strip right before the original Overseas Highway.”

  “We’ll be there.”

  “If you’re not, your girlfriend dies.”

  “If you don’t have the information you promised, you won’t make it to jail.”

  Chadwick hung up.

  Though he was loath to do it, Jack tossed his cell out the window. He’d give the slimy bastard credit. He’d covered a lot of his bases. Just not all of them.

  “What information has he promised you?” Vargas asked.

  Jack shrugged and increased his speed.

  “How do you know he won’t betray you?” Vargas spoke again.

  Jack internally smiled. Vargas was getting nervous. “I don’t, but he’s got better information than you. I’m willing to take the risk.”

  Vargas was silent, so Jack reopened the conversation. “There’s a man that works for you I’m interested in. You sent him after me a few days ago.”

  “I don’t know who you are talking about.”

  Jack gave a brief description of Levi but didn’t say his name because he assumed Levi had used an alias. Vargas didn’t respond, so Jack guessed he knew exactly who he referred to. “Why wasn’t he with you today?”

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “Like I said, it’s personal.” Jack couldn’t give the guy a reason, so either he told him or he didn’t.

  Vargas shifted against the leather seat, causing his handcuffs to jangle against the side bar. He didn’t speak for so long Jack gave up on him answering. Finally Vargas sighed. “What does it matter? The man you speak of doesn’t work for me anymore.”

  “Why not?”

  “He did a few contract jobs, then left to hook up with some Russians—which he thinks I don’t know about. He did not follow orders well. Who is he?”

  “I’ve been after him for a few years. Thanks for the tip.” Jack made a mental note about the Russians. He’d put Levi out of his mind for the past day, but he wanted to find his friend when all this was over. He just hoped Levi hadn’t gotten in over his head.

  Chapter 22

  FUBAR: Fucked-up Beyond All Recognition.

  In the deafeningly silent vehicle, Sophie fought to keep it together. Tears burned her eyes, but she blinked them back. It was hard, though, when she knew she was going to die.

  Had no doubt about it. Jack didn’t give a shit about her. Only information and his damn job were important to him. Her heart might still be beating in her chest, but it wasn’t working. As a young woman she’d loved Sam, but she loved Jack, the man he’d become, just as much. More, even. Something she could finally admit and it didn’t matter. He not only didn’t feel the same but was just like everyone else.

  She was disposable. A means to an end.

  Her throat and muscles were so tight from holding back the avalanche of tears pressing at her, she was practically shaking.

  As Chadwick tapped his gun against the center console, Sophie forced herself to stay calm. She was terrified that any overt movement would set this maniac off. She had one foot inside death’s door, and time was not on her side.

  Every time Chadwick glanced at his watch, the more antsy he got. At least he wasn’t chatty. Since his last call to Jack he’d said a few words to her, but only to give her directions. If he wanted to talk she’d start crying and she’d never stop. God only knew how he’d react to that. Probably knock her out or cut her again.

  Her yellow sweater sleeve had turned a crimson red, but the bleeding had stopped. Now the dried material was stiff against her arm. Every time she moved she was afraid she’d open the wound again.

  They were parked just off the road, right before a long bridge in a gravelly spot that couldn’t be called an actual parking area. From where they sat she had a good view of the new bridge and the older, crumbling one that ran parallel to it.

  The turquoise water glistened under the bright sun and there literally wasn’t a cloud in the sky. It seemed impossible that she was being held at gunpoint on such a beautiful day. Cars zoomed past in sporadic intervals, but traffic was fairly light. Every time she saw a dark vehicle in the rearview mirror, she nearly jumped.

  Then she cursed herself for the reaction. She had to stay immobile and not give Chadwick a reason to lash out at her.

  When the SUV she was watching started to slow and turned off the road she automatically swiveled around in her seat. Chadwick did the same.

  “You’re going to do everything I say or you’re getting a bullet in your back.”

  Ice slithered through her veins. Swallowing hard, she nodded. The SUV pulled up next to them on her side, but she didn’t make a move to get out.

  Chadwick glanced around nervously, then motioned with his gun. “I’m getting out on this side. Climb over the center console.”

  She did as he said and the moment her feet touched the ground, he grabbed her by her injured arm, then shoved his gun into her spine.

  Little needles of pain splintered up her arm, but raw fear overtook any agony.

  Sophie watched as the passenger-side window of Jack’s SUV rolled down. Miguel Vargas was handcuffed to the side handle and Jack was in the driver’s seat.

  “Miguel, did he toss his phone?” Chadwick asked.


  “Were you followed?”


  “Jack, get out where I can see you.” Chadwick’s voice rose.

  Blood rushed in Sophie’s ears, but she kept her focus on Jack. It killed her to even look at his face knowing he cared so little for her, but she knew he’d save her if he could. Even if she wasn’t a priority in this trade-off. The small consolation did little to ease the clawing ache in her chest.

  Jack got out but stayed behind the front of the vehicle. “I want what you promised me,” he shouted.

  “First come out from behind the SUV. I want to see you.” Chadwick’s voice rang in her ears.

  “I’m not putting my weapon down.”

  “Fine. I still want to see you.”

  Without moving her head, her eyes strayed to Vargas. He sat immobile, looking so calm, as if this were something he did every day.

  She was barely keeping it together.

  Jack still had his gun drawn as he walked around the vehicle toward them. “Let the girl go, Chadwick. I’ve held up my part of the bargain.”

  The girl. God, he didn’t even say her name. She truly meant so little to him.

  “First you unlock Miguel.”

  Jack’s pale eyes narrowed. “Not until you give me what I came for.”

  “Take the minicomputer in the middle seat.”

  Gun still pointed in their direction, Jack sidestepped until he opened the door, retrieved it, then transferred it to his vehicle. He then unlocked Vargas with one hand, jerked him from the vehicle, and clasped the man’s hands behind his back and secured the cuffs again. “We exchange at the same time, Chadwick.”

  “After the exchange, we leave first,” her captor snapped.

  Jack nodded in agreement. “If the information you gave me doesn’t pan out, I’ll hunt you to the ends of the earth. You know that.”

  “I haven’t stayed alive this long by being stupid. All I want is to get out of here alive and get my fucking money,” Chadwick snarled. “And if you try anything, I’ll take her down with me.”

  Shit, shit, shit. She had no doubt he meant it. Could only imagine what it would feel like to have a bullet ripping into her.

  Jack, however, didn’t seem to break a sweat, which further embedded that dagger in her chest. “On the count of two. One, two.”

  When Chadwick released her, Sophie jerked her arm close to her chest. Without the gun pressing into her back, she no longer felt as if the Grim Reaper was about to claim her. Keeping her steps measur
ed, she resisted the urge to sprint. Everything around her funneled out as she walked toward Jack. This entire time he’d barely made eye contact with her, but even now she knew he was aware of her gaze on him.

  Jack was aware of everything—even if he didn’t give a shit about her.

  When she and Vargas passed each other, he tossed her a disdainful glance. She picked up her pace.

  As soon as she was a foot from Jack he spoke low enough for her to hear. “Get behind the truck.”

  She nodded and continued past him, rushing the last few feet to gain cover. A second later Jack joined her. “Stay low. I’m letting them go and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  The sound of the other engine revving, tires squealing, then the loud pop of gunfire sent her diving for cover. Sophie shielded her ears and hit the ground. This sound was becoming all too familiar.

  “Damn it!”

  She looked up to find Jack pounding on the hood.

  “What happened?” Standing, she brushed off her hands on her jeans.

  “They shot the engine.” He holstered his weapon in the back of his pants, then rubbed a hand over his face.

  She couldn’t find it in her to care. All she felt was betrayal and she just wanted to see that Hannah was truly safe, then go home.

  Recovering quickly from his outburst, Jack assessed her from head to toe in such a clinical fashion she felt like a specimen under a microscope. “Is this your only wound?” He gently held her arm and moved the material of her shirt to the side.

  Even though what she really wanted to do was strike out at him and hurt him the way he’d hurt her, she just nodded.

  “Did that bastard hurt you in any other way?” There was a sharp bite to his question.

  Still not trusting herself to speak, she shook her head.

  “We’ll take care of your wound later. I hate bringing you with me, but we’ve got to go after them now, Sophie.”

  She nodded again. If she started talking, she feared she’d open the floodgates and would never stop crying. And God help her, she refused to let Jack see how much he’d affected her. How he’d basically flayed her insides.

  • • •

  Sophie was safe and with him. The reality went a long way in letting Jack focus and do his damn job.

  His woman was safe.

  That was the only thing that mattered. She was quiet and possibly in shock, but she was alive. He kept saying the words over and over, but they did nothing to still the beast raging inside him. That bastard Chadwick would eventually pay.

  But first Jack had to catch him. He ran through their options in his head. He needed to upload the information he had to Wesley and he really needed to track Vargas and Chadwick. As a car whizzed past them, he grabbed the small computer case and handed it to Sophie. “Just stay behind me.”

  With her injured arm he didn’t like giving her anything to hold, but he needed both hands free. He made his way across the gravelly area until they stood on the edge of the highway. Despite the cooler weather and the ocean breeze, the heat from the black asphalt reflected off the road, warming his entire body.

  Glancing in both directions, he said a silent prayer that someone would come along. As if on cue, a green Jeep came barreling across from the other side. No doubt coming from Key West. Jack put one foot out and waved frantically, hoping the driver would slow. As soon as the driver crossed the bridge to their side, he went past them, but slowed and did a U-turn before pulling off a few yards away.

  A college-aged guy wearing board shorts and flip-flops got out and walked toward them. “Are you guys okay?”

  “Yeah, my wife hurt her arm and our SUV broke down. We’re just trying to get to Marathon.” Jack hated lying to a Good Samaritan, but there was no other choice.

  “I’m heading back to the mainland, but I can get you to an auto shop or something.”

  Jack withdrew his weapon and pointed it at him. “Step away from the vehicle.”

  The man eyed him warily but took a few steps in the opposite direction. “Are you serious, man? You robbing me?”

  “You’ll be compensated. Do you have a phone?”

  With his eyes on the gun, the guy nodded and reached into his pocket. “Here, man, take whatever you want.” He tossed it to Jack.

  Without turning, Jack called out to Sophie. “Soph, get in the vehicle.” He could hear her moving around behind him and when she slid into the passenger seat, he walked the few feet to the driver’s side and got in.

  The road was clear in both directions, so he flipped a quick turn and headed in the direction Chadwick had gone. It was odd they were heading toward the Keys instead of the mainland, but he guessed Chadwick and Vargas had already worked something out. Which meant they were leaving either by private plane or boat very soon. Though it was more likely by boat since Jack knew without even asking that Wesley had grounded all flights in the area—if not the entire state. It was protocol.

  He risked a glance at Sophie, who’d been quiet. She was safe. It was pathetic but he kept looking at her, needing to reassure himself of it. “Sophie, honey, check the back and see if there’s a first aid kit.”

  “I’m fine,” she croaked out.

  Frowning, he looked at her again, but she turned her face away from him to stare out the window. “Sophie, you can tell me if he hurt you in some other way. . . .” His gut twisted as scenarios ran through his head. He’d gut Chadwick if he’d touched Sophie. The guy would never see the inside of a prison cell.

  A light sheen of tears glistened in her eyes when she looked back, but she shook her head. “He just cut my arm. I’m fine.” Her voice was tight.

  He wanted to pull over and comfort her. Pull her into his arms and make sure she understood she’d never be in danger again as long he was alive. “This nightmare is almost over, Soph. Soon you’ll be able to go back to your life.” When she didn’t respond, he frowned but decided to let it go. She’d been handed a lot of shit the past couple of days. If she needed to decompress in silence, he’d let her. “Can you turn on the computer?”

  When she nodded he reached into his pocket and handed her a wireless USB connector. “Once it’s on, connect to the Internet.”

  As she started pulling out the computer, he punched Wesley’s number into the stolen phone.

  “Yeah?” Wesley barked into the phone.

  “It’s me.”

  “Where the hell are you and what the hell is going on? All of our GPS trackers have been disabled.”

  “Did you get my text?”

  “Yeah, Chadwick’s the mole and you’ve put a tracking device on Vargas. Does that about cover it?”

  “More or less. Did you figure out which tracker I used?”

  His boss snorted. “Yeah, we’re following him now.”

  “Where’s he headed?”

  “Straight down U.S. 1. Looks like he’s moving through Islamorada now.”

  “Have you got him on satellite?”

  “No, there’s a problem with the signal. For all we know, Chadwick did something to our system.”

  It was highly possible. “I’m going after them. Have you sent another team?”

  “They’re preparing to fly out as we speak. . . . How’s Sophie?”

  “Shaken up, but she’ll be okay.” She had to be. If she decided that everything that had happened was too much to handle and she wanted nothing to do with him—hell no. Jack wouldn’t think like that.

  “Was breaking Vargas out worth your career?”

  He glanced at Sophie, who was staring intently at the computer screen. “Yes.”

  “You might get jail time.”

  “I know.”

  Wesley swore loudly. “I can’t believe you did this, Jack. What the hell were you thinking?”

  He was thinking Sophie was the only damn thing that mattered to him. That if he lost her he might as well put a fucking bullet in his head. He’d seen and waded through so much shit the past few years, and while some of it was hard to
deal with, losing Sophie—he simply couldn’t do it again. It would be like ripping his own heart out of his chest. As they crossed one of the minibridges, Jack slowed down and pulled into a local gas station. “Hold on, Wesley.” He turned his attention to Sophie. “Can you drive?”

  Again she nodded. He wanted to ask her what else was going on, but couldn’t afford to waste the time. If Vargas got away, it was more than likely Jack would go to jail. He knew Wesley would try to pull some strings, but Jack had understood the risk when he made the choice. Even so, he wanted a shot at a life with her.

  They quickly switched seats. While Sophie drove, Jack pulled up the files from Chadwick and started e-mailing them to his boss. “Wesley, I’m sending you everything on the computer he gave me. From the looks of it, if these dates and names are real, we’ve got a jump on a few big hits.”

  “You better pray this information is good.”

  “Believe me, I am—”

  “Wait, looks like they’re turning onto Coco Plum Drive. . . . Okay, we’ve got the satellite up. Hold on.”

  Jack moved the phone away from his mouth. “Once we cross into Marathon, look for Coco Plum Drive. It’ll be on your left.”

  “I know where it is. It leads to the city beach,” Sophie said without looking at him.

  Her flat, almost monotone voice sent off alarm bells.

  “You there, Jack?” Wesley’s voice came over the line.

  “I’m here.”

  “We’ve got a team headed your way. One chopper and we’ve notified the Coast Guard.”

  “Can you link the satellite image to this computer?”

  “I’ve already got someone working on that. . . . One more sec. . . . Okay, should be streaming in.”

  “Got it. I’ll stay behind them. See if you can cross-reference any of those names with—”

  “Jack, focus on catching Vargas. I’ll delegate this information later.”

  “I’ll call you if we have any problems, but I had to steal a Jeep. Left the guy standing near the Channel Five Bridge. Can you contact the locals?” The last thing he needed was to get pulled over by a local cop.


  Jack kept his eye on the screen. Coco Plum Drive was a few miles long. It shot south toward the Atlantic, then sharply curved back up northeast. Along the first stretch there were a few homes on the right and a thick cluster of trees on the left. After the turn, the city beach and one or two multimillion-dollar homes were the only things along the water.


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