Zoe & Dylan: The Sons of Dusty Walker

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Zoe & Dylan: The Sons of Dusty Walker Page 9

by Redford, Jodi

  “That’s true. We’ve proven how hard-headed Walkers can be.” Jackson hugged Rori close to his side. “But not half as tough as these Red Creek women. They had their hands full when they set out to tame the Walker brothers.”

  “Tame?” Rori set her hand on Jackson’s chest. “There’s no taming these boys.”

  “I’m not so sure I’d want Rogue to be tame.” Kit winked at her husband. “I kinda like him wild.”

  Zoe pillowed her cheek against Dylan’s chest and sighed wistfully. “Me too.”

  He leaned down and brushed his lips near her ear, guaranteeing she’d be the only one to hear his words. “You like Rogue wild?”

  Snuffing a laugh, she poked him. “You know I was referrin’ to you.”

  “Well, we do look alike. I can see how you’d get confused.”

  “You are so gittin’ it later.”

  He waggled his eyebrows. “I’m counting on it, darlin’.” If he had his way, they’d put to good use those edible body oils that Santa was putting in her stocking a day early.

  Marliss walked into the room, capturing their attention with the bells jingling on her feet. “The table is filled to bursting. All you Red Creekians...come and get it!”


  Close to midnight, he, Zoe, and a blissfully snoring Hunter traipsed outside to their waiting vehicle. The interior was already toasty, thanks to his wise decision to get a head start on loading the back of the SUV with the cargo of presents they were lugging home. Their son didn’t so much as bat an eyelash as Dylan buckled him into his car seat. He slid a grin toward Zoe. “Damn. Wish I could go lights out that easy.”

  “You and me both. Let’s pray little pipsqueak sleeps as soundly.” Rubbing her tummy, she slipped into the passenger seat and he shut the back door before crossing to the driver’s side. Two seconds later they were on their way home. She reached across the console and he automatically took her hand in his. A contented sigh floated from her lips. “You’re the best Christmas present I could have ever asked for.”

  “I feel the same way, angel.”

  She shifted her head to look at him. “You know, maybe your dad is the real angel.”

  He frowned at her. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, in a way he brought us all together.”

  His thoughts trekked back to the earlier toast he’d shared with his brothers. “Yeah, he did.” A chuckle fell from him. “Although I’m damn certain you’re the only person to ever use the word angel when describing Dusty.”

  “Even men who’ve lost their way can find their wings eventually.”

  “If that’s the case, there might be hope for Luke yet.” Truthfully, the man was improving every day. By this time next year he might even be tolerable enough that his bandmates wouldn’t contemplate ditching him on the side of the road by the second leg of their tour. Of course, that’d be a given if the man ever made Georgianna cry. But judging from how well she and Luke seemed to be getting along, that didn’t look like it’d be a problem. “Speaking of the devil, you do realize he and Samantha are gonna outdo each other with the gifts tomorrow. And who knows what kinda workout Georgianna has been putting her credit card through.”

  Zoe exhaled resignedly. “So long as no one arrives with a Great Dane puppy.”

  They pulled into the driveway and he cut the engine. While Zoe hustled to the porch to open the door, he hefted Hunter into his arms. They’d get him tucked into bed before returning for the gifts. His angel had already flicked on the lights, making it easy for him to lead the way to their son’s room. Zoe pulled back the Scooby-Doo comforter and Dylan eased their little dude into place before slipping Hunter’s favorite teddy bear beneath his tiny arm. His son blinked his eyes open and stared at them. “Did Santa come?”

  Dylan adopted a stern look that was entirely for show. “No. Which means you better get to sleep before he decides to pass over our house.”

  Hunter cracked a yawn. “Okay, daddy.”

  Dylan stalled in mid-bend. Almost too afraid to trust he hadn’t misheard their son, he glanced at Zoe. Her hand pressed to her mouth, she returned his gaze, tears glimmering in her eyes. His chest thick with emotion, Dylan returned his focus to their boy—who seemed completely oblivious of the fuss generated by such a simple yet profoundly amazing word. Swallowing hard, he dropped to his knees next to Hunter’s bed and hugged him tight, his own eyes suspiciously misty. His son wrapped his arms around his neck before wiggling free. “I haz to go to sleep, daddy. Otherwise Santa won’t come.”

  Smoothing Hunter’s cowlick, he pressed a kiss to his forehead and hefted to his feet. Punch drunk with joy, he gaped at Zoe. “I wasn’t imagin’ it.”

  She shook her head, the tears streaming free. A giddy laugh ripping from him, he pulled her into his arms. For a moment they hovered over their sweet boy, watching him sleep. Finally Zoe squeezed his fingers and led him to the doorway. Outside the room, she paused and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. “I will never forget this moment.”

  He stroked her hair. “Me either. Merry Christmas, angel.”

  Linking their fingers again, they headed down the hall. They still had a mountain of work to do before Santa arrived. But it didn’t matter. Because Dylan had already received the most cherished gift of all.

  Thanks for reading Zoe &Dylan. I hope you enjoyed it! If you haven’t read the first book in the Sons of Dusty Walker series please be sure to check out the excerpt posted at the end of this book.

  Would you like to know when my next book is available? You can sign up for my new release e-mail list at http://eepurl.com/btQSlL.

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  At the ripe age of seven, Jodi Redford penned her first epic, complete with stick-figure illustrations. Sadly, her drawing skills haven’t improved much, but her love of fantasy worlds never went away. These days she writes about fairies, ghosts and other supernatural creatures, only with considerably more heat.

  She has won numerous contests, including The Golden Pen and Launching a Star.

  When not writing or working the day job, she enjoys gardening and way too many reality-television shows.

  She loves to hear from readers. You can email her at [email protected] and visit her online at www.jodiredford.com, www.jodiredford.blogspot.com, and http://www.lustwithalaugh.com .

  Jodi is also on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jodi.redford.3

  and Twitter https://twitter.com/jodiredford

  Other books in the Sons of Dusty Walker Series

  Rori and Jackson

  by Randi Alexander

  Jackson Walker is anxious about spending a whole week in Red Creek, Kansas with his newly-discovered brothers. Will they be able to work as a team at the company they inherited from their dad? Can they even be in the same room together without getting into a dust-up?

  What he has no concerns about, however, is the woman he’s fallen crazy in love with, sexy, quirky computer engineer Rori Hughes. But that changes when her family comes to town with an offer she can’t refuse. Jackson is more confused than he’s ever been in his life, including the day when he’d been just fifteen and learned his father had a wife—who was not Jackson’s mother.

  Rori has major decisions to make, and she can feel Jackson backing away from her as he finds too many commitments that keep him away from town and out of her arms. His frequent nightmares concern her, but even more disturbing is the strange woman in town who has been talking with Jackson, and going out of her way to avoid Rori.

  As fall turns into winter, and the holidays quickly approach, will Jackson and Rori find a way around their suspicions and insecurities or will there be separate and heartbroken Christmases for each of them?



  Lexie and Killian

  by Desiree Holt

  Lexie Choate and Killian Walker are still floating on a cloud of newly wedded bliss. Little did Killian know that an inheritance from his father would lead him to the love of his life. Now he’s living in Red Creek, Kansas, a place he’d never heard of before, building up the stock on his newly established Appaloosa breeding ranch and enjoying every minute of every day with the love of his life. After a disastrous romance that ended her artistic career, Lexie had never thought to find real love again. Of course, she hadn’t been prepared for Killian to walk into her safe little coffee shop, either. Now she’s wrapped up in wedded bliss and, with Killian’s encouragement, painting every spare moment she has. For the two of them, life could not possibly be better.

  Until Killian convinces her to apply for entry into the prestigious Savannah Art Show—the very show that three years ago sent her running back to Red Creek. The show where she learned exactly how devious and selfish her boyfriend was. When one of her pieces is accepted for the competition, she returns to the scene of betrayal and deceit, hoping to finally put all of that behind her.

  An unexpected confrontation with the man who betrayed her nearly turns her life with Killian upside down. What will it take to turn the Savannah trip from disaster to success? With Christmas approaching, will they be celebrating the holiday together…or apart?



  Kit & Rogue

  by Sable Hunter

  Happily-Ever-After or Wedding Bell Blues? The Lone Wolf, Rogue Walker, isn’t alone anymore. Not only has he been reunited with the love of his life, Kit Ross – he’s found a family, three brothers and a legacy left him by his father, Dusty Walker. Everything seems to be perfect. Kit has agreed to marry him and she’s having his baby. What could go wrong? Well…everything. Just as soon as all the pieces have fallen into place, all hell breaks loose. Someone is out to destroy Rogue and take away everything he values, starting with his very identity.

  Kit knows Rogue Walker is her destiny. The love and passion that flows between them is all-consuming. To begin their lives in style, she plans a surprise wedding and a hot-as-hell honeymoon. If sex were the only thing they had to worry about, their lives would be perfect – because these two can burn up the sheets like nobody’s business. Alas, there’s more to marriage than sex – who knew? Especially when there seems to be more than one bride. Will the real Mrs. Rogue Walker please stand up?

  Despite the seemingly insurmountable circumstances, true love will prevail – not only for the Walker clan but for another couple who has found their way to Red Creek, Kansas during this season of miracles – and believe you me - it’s going to take a big one to straighten out all of this…

  Other books by Jodi Redford

  Now Available:

  Report For Booty

  Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters

  Dylan: The Sons of Dusty Walker

  Double Dare

  Hurricanes and Handcuffs

  Perfect Chemistry

  Sweet Sizzle

  Naughty Girls Do

  Taking Liberty

  Light My Fire

  Vanessa Unveiled

  The Naughty List

  Cat Scratch Fever

  Breaking Bad

  Checking it Twice

  That Old Black Magic

  That Voodoo You Do

  The Seven Year Witch

  Maximum Witch

  Getting Familiar with Your Demon

  Kissin’ Hell

  Thieves of Aurion

  Lover Enslaved

  Lover Enraptured

  Coming Soon

  Frisky Business

  Bad Boys Do It Better

  Triple Knockout

  Dylan: The Sons of Dusty Walker

  ©2015 Jodi Redford

  Secrets and lies—the legacy of Dylan Walker’s existence. Ashamed of his status as a bastard son, Dylan found solace and a sense of identity as the lead bass guitarist for Truckstop Pickup. But with one phone call, his world is shaken to its core. Summoned to Kansas after the death of his father, Dylan discovers he has three brothers he knew nothing about. Reeling from that earth-shattering revelation, he figures life can’t throw him a bigger curveball. Until fate puts him face-to-face with the woman his heart refuses to forget...and her little boy. Who just happens to bear a striking resemblance to Dylan.

  Never love a musician. That’s always been Zoe Chapman’s number one motto. Daughter of a legendary country star, she knew that truth better than anyone. Then she’d met Dylan. He’d stripped her of her defenses, and she’d fallen. Hard. Now he’s back in her world. A living, breathing, too-sinful-for-words personification of everything she’s ever wanted. And can never have. Only Dylan is dead set on becoming a permanent fixture in their son's life. Determined to make her part of the package deal, he works at breaking down her walls again, and her resistance is slipping faster than her panties.

  But there’s another secret Zoe’s hiding. And it could end up pushing Dylan away from her forever.



  Dylan ambled into the periodical aisle and scanned the options. Naturally his favorite—Guitar World—was noticeably absent, so he picked up the latest Time instead. A nearby fashion rag snagged his attention, mainly because the model on the cover had a smoldering gaze that reeled him in. He stood there like a complete dope, the magazine clutched in his hand, but his mind was a million miles away, steeped in an erotic memory. Gorgeous green eyes locked with his, peering straight into his soul. The sensuous slip-slide of their sweat-slickened bodies. Zoe’s nails digging into his ass, refusing to let him go, even when he buried himself so hard and deep within her, he swore he could feel her heartbeat. Or maybe it was the fierce mad rush of his own pulse as she annihilated his defenses. She was a danger to all of his carefully held rules. Don’t get close. Offer no promises. Forget her and move on.

  The first two had been taken out of his hands with her refusal to give him her last name. But Rule Three was impossible. He’d never forget her. God knows he’d tried.

  He thunked the magazine back in the rack and continued his shopping, adding a box of Benadryl to his stash in hopes of it helping him get some shut eye the rest of the week. The sound of a young child laughing broke through his concentration. Customers must have come in when he wasn’t paying attention. Time to get his ass back to Hazel before someone beat him to the front of the line.

  Rounding the corner of the aisle, he spotted the petite blonde parked at the pharmacy counter. Damn, too slow.

  He checked out the blonde’s heart-shaped posterior, his resignation shifting to appreciation. He’d gladly buy a round of beers for whoever was responsible for inventing yoga pants. Hell, he’d purchase them an entire distillery.

  The female scraped her hair back and he spotted the hot pink streaks scattered in with the platinum locks. He wouldn’t have figured anyone around these parts for adopting an edgier style like that. Maybe she wasn’t local.

  And didn’t that make things potentially interesting?

  Hazel scooted up to her side of the counter and beamed a smile, instantly breaking up Dylan’s two-second happy parade quicker than a firehose set on full blast. Judging from the older woman’s response, the blonde wasn’t a stranger in town.

  Just his damn luck. First female in a long time who stirred more than a passing fascination in him and he had to keep his mitts to himself.

  “Zoe, dear. Perfect timing. I was about to give ya a ring to see about some private lessons for Ginger.”

  Dylan jolted at the name. Holy shit. How damn weird was that? Here he’d been thinking about Zoe, and another one stood a couple feet in front of him. And it wasn’t even that common of a—

  His thoughts rear-ending each other like a fifty car pileup, he jerked his attention back
to the ass he’d so eagerly admired seconds ago. A tingle of déjà vu tripping through his synapses, he blinked. “Zoe?”

  “Hm?” The blonde sent him a distracted look over her shoulder.

  Shock punching him square in the solar plexus, he returned the gaze of the woman who’d haunted his dreams for the last four years.

  He cataloged the exact moment Zoe registered who he was. Her poleaxed expression hinted that she was equally stunned by their unexpected reunion. He prayed that her silence was due to disbelief. They’d left things on good terms, but shit knows women tended to recall events in a wholly different light than most clueless men. And he wasn’t too proud to admit that he could be just as dimwitted as the rest of his gender.

  Figuring he better say something rather than continuing to gape at her like a psycho, he cleared his throat. “Man, it’s good to see you.”

  She opened her mouth, but the only sound that emerged was a wispy, distressed breath. He didn’t think it possible, but her coloring turned several shades whiter than Casper the Friendly Ghost. Suddenly alarmed that she might be moments away from passing out, he rushed forward—and collided with the little tike barreling across his path. The kid bounced off Dylan’s leg and tumbled onto the ground. Before he could reach for the boy, Zoe snapped out of her daze and hunkered to her knees, her shaking hand smoothing over the tot’s stick-straight brown hair. “Hunter, that’s why I keep telling you not to run in stores.”


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