The Legacy Collection Box Set

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The Legacy Collection Box Set Page 5

by Ruth Cardello

  Nothing similar could be said for her family. Corisis were violent, vindictive, controlling, and unyielding on every point of consequence. The only thing they valued was the acquisition of wealth.

  The Andrades had given Nicole hope. Corisi Ltd. could be successful and still value its employees. Her future fantasy family could be loving and supportive. She was determined that her own children would never know the sting of loneliness or abandonment as she had. She told all of this to Victor, and he seemed to understand her as no one had before. He treated her more like a daughter than an employee. So she’d never quite understood why Victor had frowned upon any interaction between her and his son.

  Young Stephan. Hugely successful, if your definition of success was a deep tan and a frequent-flyer pass to the front page of the tabloids. He had spent most of his time on the West Coast where he cultivated Hollywood friendships, made documentaries, and dated women with built-in flotation devices, returning to the East Coast sporadically to visit his father and hold fundraisers for whatever environmental cause he thought was important that month.

  Or, as his father used to say: he’d had been diddling his life away, instead of growing up and helping out with the family business.

  Unlike his father, Nicole had thought Stephan was . . . well, perfect. Nothing bothered him. He dressed like a man on vacation, and had a presence that had to be witnessed to be believed. Women fought to catch his eye. Men envied his ability to take his wealth and influence for granted.

  Nicole loved his idealism. Stephan used to talk about saving the world like he could.

  After each time she refused his invitation to dinner, he would linger in her office, often sitting on the corner of her desk and telling her about his latest project. His passion for saving coral reefs or charting the rate at which some glacier was melting was inspiring—and incredibly sexy.

  Stephan’s persistence had been flattering, but he changed girlfriends like some men changed their shirts. They were accessories he wore to one event and easily discarded for the next. Nicole refused him for the same reason she didn’t buy lottery tickets. Unexpectedly wonderful things did not happen to her. They never had, and she didn’t have much faith that they ever would.

  Which was why she still kicked herself for ever saying yes to Stephan.

  For admitting to herself that what she felt for him was more than a crush.

  For giving her family another chance to hurt her.

  Nicole dried off and slipped on her long cotton nightgown and padded over to her bed. She didn’t often allow herself the luxury of reliving that date, but tonight she wondered what life would have been like had Dominic not announced his takeover of Andrade Solutions that same night.

  She’d never forget the look on Stephan’s face when he’d casually asked her out and, for once, she hadn’t immediately refused. His blue eyes had lit with a fire that her body had instantly responded to.

  To be wanted by a man like Stephan was something her virgin heart had no defense against. He’d leaned in, wiggled his eyebrows, and joked that the thrill of riding the Cyclone on Coney Island was just what someone like her needed.

  “Someone like me?” she’d asked, half afraid of how he would describe her.

  He’d sent shivers down her back by running a featherlight caress up the lapel of her suit jacket and asking, “Do you ever let your hair down? Have fun?”

  He’d made the word fun sound . . . positively erotic.

  No, she’d never had fun, but the more he’d spoken the more she’d wanted to remedy that.

  “Of course I do,” she’d defended breathlessly.

  “Liar,” he’d whispered against her lips.

  “Just because I don’t want to go out with you, doesn’t mean I don’t go out with anyone.”

  Her comment had brought a delicious smile to his lips. “Really?” He’d caressed the exposed side of her neck with the back of his hand. “Who?”

  She’d gulped, unable to think beneath his sustained attention. “Men,” she’d said.

  He’d laughed out loud and said, “I would hope that was your preference, or I really have been wasting my time.” He’d stood up and challenged her with a request. “Spend tomorrow with me at Coney Island. We’ll go on the rides. We’ll walk on the beach. If you can survive being away from all of those other men for the entire day, I’ll even take you to dinner.”

  She’d held her breath. Afraid to believe what she thought she saw in his eyes. “Are you teasing me, or are you serious?”

  He’d leaned over, gently kissed her shocked lips and said, “Say yes and I’ll show you just how serious I am.”

  Putting aside all the reasons she’d compiled why it would be a bad idea, Nicole had said, “Yes.”

  His face had been adorably flushed. “Do you want me to pick you up at your house around ten?”

  “No,” Nicole had said quickly. “I’ll meet you outside the office building downstairs.”

  “Afraid your father won’t approve of me?” The idea had seemed to amuse him.

  With a small, tight smile, Nicole had conceded, “Something like that.”

  Luckily, Stephan had accepted her answer and agreed.

  Their date had remained so vivid in her memory that it had overshadowed all the dates she went on after. Walking hand in hand with a man who couldn’t resist stealing kisses from her each time an opportunity arose had made her feel like she’d stepped into a dream. A wonderful, passion-filled world where anything and everything was possible.

  Whether he was talking about his plans for his next environmental documentary or retelling the latest Andrade drama, she couldn’t take her eyes off him. He didn’t give a whit about money or computers. His father was dead-on right: he’d had no interest in joining the family company. He’d studied film instead of business, and even though his documentaries hadn’t gained him national acclaim, he loved making them and going on the adventures necessary to make them happen. He saw his wealth as nothing more than a tool that allowed him access to influential people who could help lobby for his causes.

  He was everything she’d ever dreamt he would be.

  On the seaside dance floor of Lucida’s, she’d admitted the truth to herself.

  I love this man.

  Dinner had been an excruciating, prolonged exercise in foreplay. A kiss. A secret touch. A need that built until there was no denying how they both wanted the night to end.

  Until Stephan’s phone had rung and she’d watched him change into a stranger before her eyes. Dominic had made his bid for Andrade Solutions public. “Did you know about this?” Stephan had stormed. “Did you? Is that why you followed my father around everywhere, so you could report back to your brother?”

  Maybe she should have defended herself. Perhaps, if she had explained back then about her relationship with her brother—or lack thereof—Stephan might not have turned on her. The less she said, the more furious he became. He’d yelled questions and accusations at her that she never did answer. As soon as his tone had risen, she’d shut down, barely registering what he’d said or the long cab ride home after he’d left her there at the restaurant.

  It wasn’t his fault.

  He had every right to be angry.

  He and his family were just victims of her family’s curse. Nothing good or wholesome lasted for long when it came into contact with a Corisi.

  Looking back, Nicole could almost have stomached Dominic’s actions had they been driven by a desire to protect her. But, no, Dominic had bought and dismantled the Andrade family company merely because he could, and because in doing so he had gleaned some financial benefit. His acquisition of the Andrade’s ancestral island had seemed almost spiteful. He’d immediately begun construction of some ridiculously modern complex on it that was soon splashed across the covers of every architectural magazine, and effectively ended any chance Nicole had of mending the rift between her and the Andrade clan. Victor had accepted her apology, but Nicole had retreated from how powerles
s the sadness in his eyes made her feel.

  She’d never gone back to see him, even though he’d said she was welcome. She couldn’t bear the guilt and anger that filled her at the mere thought of seeing the Andrades again. Losing them was just one of the many reasons she would never speak to her brother again.

  What would have happened that night had the call never come? Would Stephan have been like the man she’d finally lost her virginity to—more interested in the challenge of bedding her than anything else? Or like the few who had come after him, who had chased her in hopes of gaining some favor with either of the Corisi men in her life, only to leave her when they discovered that neither cared about her at all?

  Had the connection she’d felt to Stephan been real, or the product of an overactive and lonely imagination?

  Like so many other questions she tortured herself with, it was impossible to answer.

  The one thing she did know was that Stephan would never again look at her the way he did that night at Lucida’s. The Stephan she loved was gone.

  Nicole turned off the light, lying motionless beneath the coolness of her summer sheets. Maybe she should get a puppy or a cat, anything that would ease this . . . emptiness.

  Beijing’s energy was invigorating. Stephan looked down at the crowded streets below his hotel room and mentally went over his list of last-minute adjustments he could make to his proposal. Everything was clicking into place, just as he had planned.

  The minister of commerce was entertaining his proposal and discussing it with his council. His sources informed him that Dominic’s recent disappearance had shaken the minister’s confidence in Corisi Enterprises. Stephan didn’t have Dominic’s clout, but he had arrived at an opportune time with an extremely tempting offer. He would present to the minister and the council tomorrow afternoon, at which time they said they would make their decision.

  Nothing was going to stand in his way of finally showing Dominic Corisi exactly how it felt to lose everything.

  His phone vibrated with a text. “Good news at home, call as soon as you can.”

  He would call, but not until he had good news of his own to share.

  And it looked like he would have some soon.

  Chapter Five

  Just in and out.

  Nicole stood in the short line of people who were checking in to do exactly what she intended to do—look through the thick glass of the maternity ward window.

  It’s natural to want to check in on the life you helped into the world. At least, that was what Nicole kept telling herself that morning as she buttoned up the jacket of her dark gray pantsuit.

  The hospital was busy, but Nicole was quickly called over to a previously closed station. Money had its perks and never waiting in line long was one of them. She knew her clothing and her carriage implied “owner of the hospital” more than it did “stray woman sneaking a peek at a child she had no real business visiting.”

  “Name, please.”

  “Nicole Corisi. I am here to see the D’Argenson baby in the maternity ward.”

  “Are you family?”

  Her heart stopped in her chest. “No.”

  “I’m sorry, I have instructions here for only family to be admitted at this time.”

  I knew I shouldn’t have come. “Of course.”

  The woman appeared concerned. “Do you want me to call up and see if the mother would like to add you to the list?”

  Nicole took a step back. “No, no. That’s fine.”

  This was a stupid idea anyway.

  She turned to leave and a nurse stepped in front of her. “Nicole?”

  “I’m sorry, do I know you?” Nicole searched the small blonde’s face for any hint of how she would know her.

  “No, but you’re exactly the way Maddy described you.” She shook Nicole’s hand warmly. “My name is Samantha. Are you here to see the baby?”

  “No. Yes. I mean, I was going to take a quick look just to see how he turned out, but I’m not family so it doesn’t look like that is going to happen.”

  The nurse spoke to the woman behind the desk. “Print her out a pass. I’d say she counts as family. Not only did she deliver little Joseph last night, but she’s also engaged to his uncle.”

  Words of correction formed and then dissolved on Nicole’s tongue while the very friendly Samantha stuck the pass to her lapel.

  “I probably shouldn’t say anything. Maddy and I have known each other forever. She tells me everything and I think it’s so romantic that you and Stephan had a secret engagement—but you never should have told Maddy. It’s like calling the press. Who’s your doctor?”

  “My doctor?” No, tell me it’s not what I’m thinking.

  “For the baby? Will you have it here? Imagine how incredible that would be if you were there when Maddy had her baby and then she was there when you had yours.”

  Nicole swallowed hard. Yeah, incredible. One might even say impossible since she hadn’t had sex with anyone in over a year.

  So much for Stephan’s theory that no one would believe they were engaged.

  “I’m on break for a few more minutes. I was hoping to see Maddy’s parents, but I’ll find them later. Come on, let’s go see Maddy,” Samantha said.

  “Oh, I can’t. I . . . I have an appointment this morning. I just dropped by to see the baby quickly but that was a mistake. I should go.”

  Being Stephan’s pretend fiancée had seemed like a good idea when it didn’t involve actually looking anyone in the eye while she lied. And then, of course, there was the small issue of Stephan not yet knowing.

  It was probably better if she just left before—

  “Samantha. Nicole,” Maddy’s mother, Elise, called out from across the foyer. There was no evading her. She kissed Samantha warmly on both cheeks then greeted Nicole the same way. She held onto one of Nicole’s hands as if afraid she’d slip away. “I’m so glad you’re here. I was worried I had upset you yesterday.”

  Apologies were not something Nicole was used to hearing, never mind accepting.

  “It’s forgotten already,” Nicole said softly.

  Elise tightened her hold on Nicole’s hand briefly, then smiled. It was easy to see where Maddy had gotten her charm. “It should never have been said. Thank you for understanding. No wonder Victor and Katrine speak so highly of you. They are flying in this morning. When we told them you were here, they said you had to come to dinner with us tonight. Please, say you’ll join us.”

  Nicole’s mouth went dry. “Stephan’s parents are flying in? Do they know . . . ?”

  “That you’re engaged? Alessandro could never keep that from his brother. You have made them both so happy. I think they are as excited to see you as they are to meet their new nephew.” She turned to her husband and said, “Alessandro, could you check us in?” He waited in line about as long as you’d expect from someone who had paid for a new wing of the hospital—not at all.

  Elise linked arms with Nicole, seemingly out of affection, but Nicole wondered what she would have done had she tried to pull away. On the surface, Elise was soft-spoken, but Nicole didn’t doubt that she was accustomed to meeting with very little opposition.

  Elise asked, “Are you coming with us, Samantha?”

  Samantha looked at her watch and grimaced. “I’ve got to get back to my ward.”

  “You’re welcome for dinner.”

  “I’m working a double shift today or I’d be there. Tell Victor and Katrine I’ll come see them this week.”

  Elise said, “We will. Bye.” Then she turned to Nicole and asked, “Have you seen little Joseph yet?”

  Nicole said, “Not yet. So, they chose the name Joseph?”

  Elise rolled her eyes in amusement and motioned to her husband with her head. “They couldn’t stand to see a grown man whine.”

  Alessandro didn’t seem at all offended. He shrugged and explained, “Who is more likely to get picked on at school? A Joe or a Larry?” He stood so close that Nicole was half afr
aid he was going to crush her in a hug again. “Nicole. Explain to this woman that I am right.”

  As they walked down the hallway toward the elevator, Nicole said, “I guess it depends where you live. I like both names. Laurent is a popular French name.”

  “Very diplomatic,” Elise said. “Nicole knows better than to get involved in something that is none of her business. She’s a smart girl.”

  “Don’t tell me my family is not my business. My grandchildren getting beaten up in elementary school is my business,” Alessandro said stubbornly.

  Elise released her when they stepped into the elevator. She linked hands with her husband, easing his irritation with just a touch. Then she joked to Nicole, “I hope you don’t expect to name your own children, Nicole, unless of course you pick a good Italian name. Andrade men brood over their children like little mother hens.”

  “Mamma chioccia?” Alessandro softly growled at his wife.

  Elise simply chided, “Si, Alessandro. You heard me. You know it’s true. Victor is the same. Two Italian mother hens, always butting into their children’s lives. When are you two going to learn?”

  Alessandro shrugged, indicating change was not imminent. He winked at Nicole as they stepped out of the elevator and into the maternity ward. “I like Joe better. They can make it Joe Laurent if they want.”

  Elise shared a look with Nicole that said, You see your future?

  Nicole’s stomach twisted with acid and nerves.

  The more time she spent with them, the more she remembered how easy it was to love them. Not a good idea considering it would all come to an abrupt halt when Stephan found out. So far, she had neither lied nor worked very hard to correct the misunderstanding. She had to see Maddy alone. If she explained the confusion to Maddy, she could hopefully inform the family and they would understand the deception had not been deliberate.


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