The Legacy Collection Box Set

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The Legacy Collection Box Set Page 29

by Ruth Cardello

  A set of five rooms, two bedrooms, dressing room, lounging room and bathroom were all perfectly stocked with everything Lil could imagine she or her baby could possibly need. Abby showed her an intercom on the wall and instructed her to use it if she needed anything. A cleaning woman, a nanny, and a stylist were all on location and on call for Lil if she wanted to use any of them that weekend.

  “I’ll be fine,” Lil had said.

  Abby had searched her face, noted the strain around her eyes and asked, “Are you sure everything is ok, Lil? You know you can tell me anything.”

  “I’m just tired.”

  Abby had hesitated. “If you’re still worried about the interview, don’t be. No one blamed you for that and you handled it perfectly. Dominic said he was impressed.”

  The interview? Wow, that felt like a lifetime ago. If only that were still my greatest concern.

  “I said I was tired.” She hadn’t meant to sound as harsh as she had.

  Abby looked a bit sad suddenly, which did nothing to improve Lil’s mood. “Of course. Get some rest. Dinner is at six. The Andrades are joining us. I hope you’re feeling better by then.”

  Lil turned away from her sister and said angrily, “I won’t embarrass you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  Abby sighed, a clear sign that she wanted to say more but wouldn’t. “I’m glad you’re here, Lil.” She closed the door softly behind her as she left.

  I don’t know how you could be.

  I’m ruining everything—just like I always do.

  Colby looked sadly up at her mother.

  “Don’t say it, Colby,” Lil said.

  With her daughter down for a perfectly timed nap, Lil was able to shower and slip into an oversized white terrycloth robe. She’d scheduled the nanny for six o’clock, but for now Lil felt better having Colby with her.

  A clothing rack had arrived after Abby had left; each hanger on it held a more beautiful dress than the last. Gift boxes full of designer shoes, hair accessories and jewelry had accompanied the delivery. Under different circumstances, Lil might have actually enjoyed trying the dresses on, but guilt hung heavy on her mind. There had to be a way she could fix this.

  A loud knock on the suite’s outer door made her jump.

  Was it Jake?

  I’m not ready to see him yet.

  She braced herself and opened the door.

  Impressively dressed in what Lil guessed was an Armani suit—Abby said it was his favorite designer, Dominic Corisi filled her doorway. He was Jake’s height, and perfectly groomed, but reminded Lil a bit of a restless tiger at a zoo. If it weren’t for his blatant devotion to her sister, Lil would have closed the door instead of pretending to be happy to see him. He had a reputation for being ruthless and the entire world had recently witnessed how he considered himself a bit above the law’s reproach when it came to what he wanted.

  He was definitely a man that even Lil wanted to stay on the good side of. This was no high school bully; this man wielded more power than many dynasties could boast.

  Why did I think we could ever get away with hacking into the emails of men like this?

  “May I come in?” Dominic asked.

  Lil looked down at her robe. It covered more than any dress on that rack would, so she nodded and stepped back from the door.

  He studied her face for a moment and said, “Abby said you weren’t feeling well.”

  Understatement of the year.

  Is this where he threatens me because my poor attitude is a dark cloud on a supposedly otherwise happy weekend? Lil moved to stand behind a chair, using it to support her suddenly unsteady legs. “It’s nothing serious.”

  Dominic crossed the room to look out the window and spoke while taking in the view. “I love your sister, Lil. I’m going to marry her.”

  And you’re here to make sure I don’t mess it up?

  Lil swallowed nervously. “I know.”

  He turned from the window and frowned. “That makes you a sort of little sister to me. I want you to feel comfortable here.”

  His words floored Lil. When she didn’t view him through the lens of her guilt, he looked more uncomfortable than he did threatening. “I do,” she lied softly.

  He buried both hands in the pants pockets of his suit; certainly not the mannerism of a man with ill intentions. He continued gruffly, “If anything was ever bothering you, you could tell me and I would move Heaven and Earth to fix it for you. You know that, right? I protect what is mine.”

  He’d come to offer her his support? Lil’s eyes filled with tears that she angrily blinked away. This was the Dominic her sister had described to her, the one who was fiercely loyal to those he cared about. Was it possible that he not only loved her sister, but would really consider Lil part of his family? If so, maybe confessing was actually the best course she could take. A man like Dominic would understand breaking the rules to keep someone you care about safe. Lil asked, “Have you ever done anything that felt like the right thing to do at the time, but as soon as it was done, you regretted it and would do anything to undo it?”

  Dominic conceded ruefully, “I’m unfortunately familiar with that feeling.”

  Lil came out from behind the chair and approached him. “If making things right meant putting someone you cared deeply about at risk, would you? What do you do when none of the options are good ones?”

  Dominic straightened, unpocketing his hands and clenching them at his sides. “Is this about Jake?”

  Jake was definitely one of the reasons she wanted to turn back the clock and not involve Alethea and Jeremy. Slow tears began to pour down Lil’s cheeks and she sank into one of the chairs. She couldn’t put a voice to the fears that roared within her.

  I can handle a broken heart, please, just let the consequences be mine alone.

  Don’t let me ruin the happiness my sister has finally found.

  Don’t let me have put my friends in danger.

  Please, she begged the universe, I’ll mind my business from now on.

  I don’t want Abby to raise Colby.

  Dominic came to stand beside her chair and patted the back of her bowed head awkwardly. Lil continued to sob softly, trying but not succeeding to muster the strength to tell him everything.

  Dominic asked, “Did he sleep with you?”

  His question took her off guard and she answered too honestly, “It’s not about that.”

  Dominic withdrew his hand and his roar boomed through the room. “I’m going to kill him.”

  The door slammed behind him as he stormed out of the suite.

  Lil raised her head, sniffed, and gripped the arm of her chair with one hand while wiping the tears off one of her cheeks with her other.

  Well, that went well.

  Jake had just arrived at the Corisi home for dinner when he saw his friend charging down the hallway toward him, looking like he wanted to hurt someone. Had he heard about the most recent breach to their security?

  Dominic grabbed Jake by one suit lapel and hauled him toward him. “I’m going to kill you.”

  Normally, Dominic appropriately reserved his fury for those who had perpetrated the offense. Jake knocked his friend’s hand off of him. “Calm down, Dom. They didn’t get anything. I’m careful with what I put in my emails. And I’ve had my team working on it since yesterday. No one is getting back in.”

  Dominic looked like he was about to reach for Jake again, but stopped suddenly. “What are you talking about?”

  Jake adjusted his rumpled jacket and stalled. “What are you talking about?”

  Dominic paced in front of Jake, his hands flexing in a threatening manner at his sides. He growled, “You slept with Lil.”

  “Oh, Lil.” Maybe Dominic didn’t know about the breach yet. Normally he would have informed him immediately, but the hacker had targeted Jake’s emails and that made it personal. Jake wanted to catch this rat himself.

  “Don’t play dumb. Yes, Lil. I sent you down there to ma
ke sure she was safe.”

  “I told you not to send me. I said—”

  Dominic stopped, stood nose-to-nose with Jake and accused, “Whatever you said, you left out the part where you were going to break one of the fundamental rules of friendship.”

  Don’t let your crazy friend lose his company because you’re too busy chasing a skirt?

  Jake became impatient with his friend’s melodramatic fixation on something that was none of his business. He spoke calmly, rationally, hoping some of it would rub off on his friend. “I did exactly what you asked me to. I moved her into her new place. Don’t be a hypocrite.”

  Dominic ran a hand through his hair with frustration. He leaned in and said, “I still think I have to kill you.”

  Jake held his ground, mocking Dominic instead of cowering to him as he supposed some would. They had spent too many years together for Jake to ever fear him. Brute strength rarely won over intelligence. “What did you think would happen when you sent me up there? You knew I liked her.”

  Fire flew from his friend’s eyes, but he kept his hands to himself, perhaps sensing that Jake was more than ready to retaliate. He frowned. “I don’t know, I thought you’d take her out a few times. A nice date. Movies maybe. What happened to treating a woman with respect?”

  Jake couldn’t contain the laugh Dominic’s comment inspired. “You kidnapped Abby.”

  Dom turned away and began pacing again. “That’s different. People expect that from me. I trusted you.”

  Jake shrugged and threw angry suggestions at his friend. “Maybe it’s time you stop trusting me. Maybe I can’t be responsible for saving your ass anymore. What if I am just as screwed up as you are?”

  Anger left Dominic in a whoosh and a ridiculous smile spread across his face. “You love her,” he said with a smirk.

  Jake took a step back and denied it. “No, I don’t.”

  Dominic advanced, his smile only growing wider as he counted off his observations on his fingers. “She’s crying. You’re miserable. Maddy is right; this is working.” Dominic folded his arms across his chest benevolently. “I forgive you because I know what it’s like to want a woman so badly that you are willing to risk everything.” His expression turned serious and he said, “You know you have to marry her, though.”

  Forget about a shotgun wedding, Dominic would probably use an armed military drone. Jake smiled at the thought. That slip earned an angry glare from Dom and a threat.

  Dominic said, “Don’t make me tell Marie.”

  Classic Dom—go straight for the big guns. It was a pleasure to take that option away from him. “She already knows.”

  Dominic straightened with rage. “You told her? What the hell were you thinking? I’m going to hope that it was because you realized the gravity of what you’ve done and wanted her advice on how to do the right thing.” He looked like he wanted to wrap his hands around Jake’s neck, but controlled himself, satisfying himself with a warning. “In case I’m not being clear enough—plan a wedding or plan a funeral. Your choice.”

  Abby stuck her head through the door and called to Dominic. “Dom, the Andrades just pulled in. Are you ready?”

  With one final glare, Dominic announced, “Yes, I think Jake and I understand each other now.”

  Perfectly, Jake thought.

  And, for once, he agreed with Dominic. He shouldn’t have slept with his best friend’s future sister-in-law, but now that he had—marrying her was the only course that made sense. Lil would agree with him, once he explained it to her. For the sake of her child, she needed permanency and security. He could offer her that. He would offer that—as soon as he could get her to talk to him again.

  As Lil sat at the outrageously long dining room table, she smoothed the material of the conservative green dress she’d chosen. The crisp lines and modest neckline boosted her confidence. Tonight was not about her and Jake, nor was it about the emotional baggage Lil had packed for the trip—it was about her sister and celebrating her finding love. Green was a peaceful color, one that could blend in and stay out of trouble.

  Dominic and Abby were seated at one end of the table, happily absorbed in a private conversation. Dominic’s sister, Nicole and her fiancé, Stephan, were seated next to Abby. Lil spared a moment to envy how Nicole always looked like she belonged on the cover of Vogue.

  Lil was surprised to see that Stephan had brought his parents, his aunt and uncle, and if Lil was correct—even one of his cousins and her French husband. Abby had said that she and Dominic had been spending time with the Andrades lately, but Lil hadn’t realized that they had gotten this close.

  Dominic’s personal assistant, Mrs. Duhamel, smiled at Lil from directly across the table. Lil tried to return the smile, gave up and looked down at her plate instead. One of the most powerful women in China, billionairess Zhang Yajun, sat at Lil’s left. Normally, Lil would have bombarded her with questions about what her life was like, but tonight Lil was determined to hold her tongue and quietly blend into this collection of some of the world’s richest people.

  If you don’t say anything, you can’t say anything wrong.

  Jake took the seat to her right and touched her arm to gain her attention. He kept his voice at an intimate volume. “Lil, we need to talk.”

  “No, we don’t,” she hissed back in somewhat of a whisper.

  Dominic stood and the table fell silent. “Thank you all for coming tonight.” He took a moment to smile at each person at the table then he reached down, took Abby by the hand, and encouraged her to stand beside him. With one arm around her waist, he said, “If anyone had told me a couple months ago that you would all be gathered to celebrate the formal announcement of our engagement, I would have thought they were crazy. But here we are and I am honored to call you friends.”

  Approval was expressed in a variety of voices and languages.

  Abby clasped her hands in front of her, the only indication that she wasn’t entirely comfortable speaking before the group. “Helping Nicole go through her father’s things, inspired me to take a second look at old photo albums and what little still remains of my own parents’ things. I found a poem that my mother wrote when we were children. It seemed appropriate to read in honor of how our family has extended in the most wonderful ways.”

  She took out a folded and faded piece of paper and started to read:

  Real love is not like a pizza

  With two slices for some

  One for others

  And nothing left for the unlucky

  Real love is like a fountain

  Joyously spilling over

  Where there is always more than enough

  For those who need it

  And it is just as generous

  To those who return to it

  As to those who never left

  Lil’s eyes welled at the wisdom of the mother she still missed, even as rogue thoughts plagued her. How did real love feel toward a little accidental water contamination? That was the question she needed answered.

  Dominic hugged Abby to his side and the table was oddly quiet for a moment. Nicole turned and said something softly to her fiancé. Stephan smiled down at her and nodded.

  Nicole addressed her brother. “Dom, invite her for tomorrow. I’ll be fine.”

  There was a wave of happy gasps from those around her.

  Dominic asked, “Are you sure, Nicole?”

  His sister considered it for a moment then nodded with a teary smile. “I want the fountain.” Stephan hugged her and whispered something into her ear that made her blush.

  Abby leaned down and hugged her future sister-in-law, and then said, “I promise to keep this short so we can eat, but when we make the formal announcement of our engagement tomorrow the house will be full. I wanted to ask something in the privacy of the ones we’re closest to.” She looked around the table and said, “Nicole, Maddy, Zhang,—I’d like for you to be my bridesmaids. You don’t have to answer now, I just wanted to tell you that nothing wo
uld mean more to me than having you up there when I marry Dominic. It’s happening in three weeks, so you’d be committing to a bit of a whirlwind wedding, but Dominic assures me it can be done.”

  Nicole and Maddy left their seats to hug Abby.

  Lil noticed that Zhang’s expression remained carefully polite. She neither accepted nor declined the request.

  Abby walked over to where Lil was sitting and asked, “Lil, will you be my maid of honor?”

  The room spun behind her and Lil suddenly felt sick. She didn’t know anything about high-class weddings and assuming that type of responsibility sounded like a recipe for disaster. Lil shook her head with uncertainty. “I don’t know.”

  Abby’s hurt expression tore at Lil, especially when her sister pleaded, “You’re my sister, Lil. I love you. Say you’ll stand beside me that day.”

  I’ve done more than enough damage already. The closer Lil got to her sister and her future brother in law, the more that went wrong. Abby would be better off choosing any of the other women at the table. Panic temporarily overwhelmed her. Lil stood, her chair toppling behind her, and said, “I can’t.”

  Giving in to a true moment of cowardice, Lil ran from the stunned expressions on the faces of everyone at the table.

  Dominic leaned forward, one hand clenching on the table and the other pointing across the table at Jake. “This is your fault. Fix it,” he ordered.

  Jake folded his arms across his chest. “Your family. You fix it.”

  Dominic left his spot at the head of the table and strode toward Jake. “It’s going to be your family, too, if you know what is good for you.”

  Surging from his seat, Jake met his friend half way. “Or what? What are you going to do, Dominic? Hit me? Try it.”

  Abby sprinted toward them, but Mrs. Duhamel stopped her with a hand on one of her arms before she reached them. “They need to settle this themselves, Abby,” she said.

  Dominic swung at Jake’s jaw, but Jake avoided the hit and landed one of his own in Dominic’s abdomen. The sound of the breath leaving Dominic was a hiss in an otherwise silent room.


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