The Legacy Collection Box Set

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The Legacy Collection Box Set Page 44

by Ruth Cardello

  He joined her on one side of the table and slid his hands around her waist, pulling her to press against him. “My proud little Zhang, I can give you everything you’ve ever wanted.”

  His excitement hardened between them, sending an answering and unwelcome quiver down her spine. “If you’re afraid that this is merely for political reasons, let me assure you that I want to marry you.”

  Zhang struggled to free herself, but he held her there. The more she struggled, the more excited he became. Despite how angry she was with him and the situation, her own body betrayed her by molding to his form and moistening with hunger for him. The fantasy is over, she told herself angrily. Lusting after him would only give him the power he wanted over her. “Take your hands off of me.” She readied her knee with intention.

  He shifted her upward, removing the risk of her threat. He held her easily with one arm while his hand slid to the front of her dress. He rubbed a thumb over her bodice intimately, easily finding and increasing the evidence of her desire for him. “Are you afraid that you won’t be my only wife? Trust me, you’re all I’ll ever need.” He nuzzled her neck. “We could be good together, Zhang.”

  No, her mind shouted. Instead of fighting him physically, she forced herself to remain still and struck at him with her words. “You’re delusional if you think this will change my mind.”

  His hand cupped one of her breasts. “You will be my wife, Zhang.” His mouth descended on hers.



  How could something so crazy be so tempting to agree to?

  His lips claimed hers, hungrily demanding submission from her—a submission Zhang wanted to deny, but her lips parted for him and her tongue met his eagerly. His kiss softened and the invasion turned more playful. Their tongues danced and teased.

  He broke off the kiss and rested his forehead on hers. “Just say yes, Zhang,” he said raggedly.

  Her own breathing was labored, but she glared up at him. “Never.”

  “Your resistance will only make our wedding night that much sweeter,” he growled into her ear. “Is that what you’re hoping for? Are we continuing your fantasy?”

  She pushed against his chest. “You can’t be serious. I stopped playing the moment you locked me in.” Her hand stilled as she sought to make him see reason. “Don’t do this. I can deal with the bad press. I’ll even do what I can to help you smooth it over here. This isn’t you, Rachid. You know you have to let me go.”

  He set her back but held on to her waist. The lines of his face deepened. “You’re wrong. This is exactly who I am, Zhang.” His expression softened and he said, “You could be happy here, if you let yourself be.”

  She raised her chin defiantly and threatened, “I don’t want to hurt anyone, but it’ll happen if you continue on this path.”

  He pulled out the chair for her to sit in again and murmured, “You are so beautiful.”

  Shock held Zhang immobile. Did he just go there? Did he just say I’m beautiful when I’m angry? When did my life morph into some cheesy romance novel? Her hands clenched at her sides. “You have clearly forgotten who you’re dealing with if you think a compliment can sway me. I don’t care if you find me attractive, I just want to leave.”

  He ran a hand lightly down one of her tense arms. “Little liar. The angrier you pretend to be the more I want to prove to you how little of it is real. If you don’t want me to take you right now on the table, I’d suggest you calm down.”

  She shook her head. Images of the two of them frantically sweeping the dishes aside and pulling off each other’s clothing warmed her cheeks, and for a moment she refused to look at Rachid. A part of her wanted to push him to the place he threatened to go. There was no use pretending otherwise to herself. Frustrated, she directed her next admonishment to her loins.

  Stop acting like he’s the last man on the planet.

  You were perfectly fine before him.

  We don’t need him.

  Oh, my God, I’m talking to my genitalia now.

  I guess I only have to worry if it answers me.

  Zhang almost chuckled at the insanity of her inner dialogue.

  “Zhang?” Rachid’s query prompted her to look up at him.

  She met his eyes reluctantly, trying but not succeeding to glare at him.

  “Sit,” he said, and then he gave her one of those devastatingly sexy smiles, as if he knew exactly the inner debate that was raging within her.

  Zhang didn’t return his smile or move to obey his command. “I’d like to go back to my room now,” she said and added, “alone.”

  “Of course,” he said, and went to the door to call a guard over to escort her back. As she passed by him, he said softly, “Don’t worry, Zhang, there’ll be other tables.”

  She grit her teeth and followed the guard out of the room, without giving Rachid the pleasure of knowing his taunt had sent another wave of warmth to her cheeks.

  When she was once again locked behind the large wooden double doors of her room, Zhang removed the lace dress and threw it on the floor, as if doing so could undo the last half hour.

  I’m not staying.

  No man, not even that one, is worth my freedom.

  She chose a long green Indian-style cotton kurta with matching pantalets and stood in front of the full-length mirror in the room-size closet. The kurta’s high collar covered her neck and its long sleeves hid her arms, but the style was still distinctly, sensually feminine.

  Did I really expect a change of clothing would stop my heart from racing every time I think of Rachid? I doubt even camouflage could hide the excitement in my eyes. No wonder he never believes me when I tell I don’t want him.

  If I’m going to escape, I have to spend less time with the reason I want to stay.

  Chapter Ten

  Rachid was in his private quarters a few hours later when the head of the royal guardsmen knocked on his door. “Your Highness, there is a Mr. Corisi down in the foyer. He wishes to speak with you.”

  Dominic? Isn’t he supposed to be on his honeymoon?

  Rachid said firmly, “Tell him that I will be down in a few minutes.” He knew that whatever had happened downstairs had been serious in nature if it necessitated Marshid to become personally involved. The man added, “He’s not a patient man. It was difficult to persuade him to wait to be announced.”

  I can imagine.

  “I’ll be right there.”

  What would have brought Dominic to Najriad? Zhang? Was there no end to the punishment for one night’s pleasure? Friendships, even ones as old as theirs, could be lost over events such as this.

  Rachid found his old college friend in the foyer, flanked by two armed guards.

  When Dominic made a move toward Rachid, one of the guards pointed his rifle at Dominic’s chest.

  Dominic asked angrily, “Do all of your friends receive this warm welcome?”

  “Only the ones who don’t call first,” Rachid said calmly in English and held up a hand to wave the guardsmen back. At first neither guard moved and Rachid’s temper flared. He ordered in Arabic, “Lower your weapons now.”

  They did so, but with obvious reluctance.

  Dominic said, “You know why I’m here. Where’s Zhang?”

  Rachid said smoothly, “She’s safe.”

  Dominic’s snarl deepened. “Not good enough. I want to see her.”

  “This is none of your business, Dominic.”

  Dominic took an aggressive step closer and said, “When you take a woman from my wedding and ruin my honeymoon, it damn well is my business. Abby isn’t going to calm down until she knows that Zhang is okay.” He looked like a bull about to charge. “When Abby isn’t happy, I’m not happy. Get Zhang down here.”

  “That’s not possible,” Rachid said. Dominic’s anger was an unwelcome and possibly explosive complication. His future bride needed a few more days before she was going to do anything except demand her immediate release.

  And that’s not go
ing to happen.

  Dominic’s temper rose and his hands fisted at his sides. “I don’t think you understand that I’m not asking.”

  Rachid’s quickly mounting impatience added an edge to his words. “I have great respect for you, Dominic. We’ve known each other a long time. Curb your temper, friend. You won’t win here.”

  A red flush spread across Dominic’s face. “You’re playing a dangerous game, Rachid.”

  Rachid shook his head sadly. “I’m not playing, Dom. Come back on Saturday if you wish to support Zhang. You will be welcome at our wedding dinner.”

  “Wedding? What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I’ve asked Zhang to marry me.”

  “And she said yes?”

  Not exactly.

  “She will,” Rachid said confidently, even though he was starting to question the surety of the outcome himself. “Either way, you need to leave the palace now.”

  “I’m not leaving without Zhang.”

  “Then we have a problem.”

  “No, you have a problem.” He reached forward to grab Rachid by the throat, but Rachid blocked his arm.

  The guardsmen rushed forward to restrain Dominic.

  Rachid shook his head again and said calmly, “I probably deserve the beating you’d like to give me, old friend. However, this isn’t about me or you. It’s bigger than either of us. Please, Zhang is safe. By the weekend, she may even be happy. Go back to your new wife. Leave before this gets ugly.”

  Dominic struggled against the hands that restrained him and would have done more, but the rifle to his chest stopped him. He threatened, “It’s going to get ugly, Rachid. Very ugly—and likely very painful.”

  Putting Dominic out of the palace would result in the man returning with a vengeance before Rachid had time to change Zhang’s mind. There was only one way to make sure Dominic didn’t interfere. He turned to the guardsmen. “Take him to the north wing and keep him there until I send for him.”

  The two guards were joined by one more who continued to hold Dominic at rifle point as they dragged him from the room. Dominic didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. The entire situation was quickly getting out of control. The sooner Rachid convinced Zhang that marrying him was her best option, the better.

  Rachid was halfway to the women’s quarters when his father stopped him in the hallway.

  “Rachid, is it true that you have a man detained in the north wing?”

  Rachid met his father’s expression boldly. “Yes, Father.”

  “Dominic Corisi?” his father asked casually.

  Rachid wasn’t about to second-guess himself now. “Yes.”

  His father stepped forward and chuckled while patting his son on the shoulder. “I used to worry that you didn’t have enough Najriad fire to rule, but I see that I was mistaken. You have more than enough.”

  There wasn’t much about what he was doing that he was proud of, but his father’s praise made Rachid stand taller. “I know what’s at stake.”

  Nodding, Amir dropped his hand. “Yes, I can see that.” He took a step back to allow his son to pass and said, “I will be returning to my quarters unless you require them as a cell for another guest.”

  Rachid smiled at his father’s dry humor. “The day isn’t over yet. I may.”

  Suddenly serious, the king cautioned, “Be careful, Son. I’m here if you need me.”

  “I have everything under control, Father.”

  “Of course,” his father said with a smile. “Have you won over your betrothed yet?”

  Rachid smiled again. “Not yet.”

  His father clasped his hands behind his back and said, “Try lilies.”

  “Flowers?” Really?

  “Your mother always loved them.” And with that, his father turned and walked away.


  Well, it was as good as any other idea he’d had that day.

  Not one who normally spent hours on quiet reflection, Zhang found the isolation of her suite strangely calming. She couldn’t contact her business team, so there wasn’t much use worrying about how they were dealing with her absence. She’d hired the best and paid them well. They could keep it functioning for the short time it would take her to make her escape.

  The desire to have her security team storm the walls of the castle had ebbed as the day went on. She didn’t want to see anyone hurt. Not her men, not these men. Not even Rachid.

  I just want to go home.

  Wherever the hell that is.

  The sound of a key in the lock jolted Zhang. She spun toward the opening door. A tiny older woman who looked to be in her seventies entered. She was dressed in a long western-style lavender gown that was obviously haute couture despite its simple lines. She approached Zhang with both hands outstretched. “So, this is the woman who has set my household off-balance.”

  Zhang didn’t take the hand the woman offered, but her resistance didn’t seem to offend her. She walked over to one of the chaises and settled herself gracefully down upon it. Then she patted her lap and waved toward a nearby chair. “Come and talk with me.”

  Reluctantly, Zhang took the seat across from her. Perhaps this woman could be persuaded to release her. Only a fool let pride forfeit an opportunity.

  “My name is Hadia. You may call me that.” She smiled at Zhang impishly. “Or ‘Grandmother,’ if you prefer.”

  Zhang choked a bit on that. She quickly recovered her composure and said, “Hadia—that’s a beautiful name.”

  The older woman smiled. “Thank you. Now, tell me what foolishness is going on under this roof. The men would have me believe that my grandson kidnapped you from a wedding, but I know Rachid and he would never behave so irresponsibly.”

  “You don’t know him as well as you think.”

  A wise glint lit Hadia’s eyes. “You were unwilling?”

  Zhang looked away and blushed. “I am now.”

  The older woman had a gentle way about her, but there was also a firmness behind her questions. “So, you have a man who waits for you back in China?”

  Zhang shook her head.

  “Or in America perhaps? Europe?”

  I get it. Spare me the list of continents. “I’m single,” Zhang clarified.

  “Then you think you can find better than my grandson? A taller man? One more handsome?” Hadia’s eyes narrowed. “You think you will find a more honorable one?”

  Frustrated, Zhang snapped, “How about a less insufferably controlling one? A husband of my choosing won’t be quite so quick to lock me up like I’m a piece of property he doesn’t want to lose.”

  “And if you were not locked in?”

  “I would leave.”

  “Then perhaps my grandson is wise to remove the weight of that option from you.”

  Zhang glared at Rachid’s grandmother. “What is wrong with the women here? How can you agree with how I’m being treated?”

  “Is he mistreating you? Are there bruises beneath the silk he adorns you with?”

  Zhang sighed. “No. However, I don’t want to be here. Isn’t that enough?”

  The older woman smoothed the material of her gown. “Normally, yes, but you need to look outside of yourself for a moment and see the larger situation.”

  Zhang stood and her voice rose with irritation. “What I see clearly is that Rachid doesn’t care what I want, only what’s best for him.”

  Hadia raised one shoulder slightly and said, “A man with his back against a wall must make difficult decisions. Rachid is fighting for more than his title. The very future of Najriad is in danger. He isn’t asking you to give up more than he has. Are you so important that your inconvenience is worth the lives that will be lost if our borders fail?”

  Zhang fought the pull of Hadia’s words. She didn’t want to picture Rachid as a hero. It was easy to walk away when she imagined Rachid as a coward, but to know that he was willing to sacrifice his freedom for his people was heartbreaking and only made her resolve more painf
ul to maintain. It also reminded her that he wanted to marry her for political reasons and not because he couldn’t imagine his life without her. “A marriage wouldn’t be a mere inconvenience for me. I have a company to run and people who rely on me. If we discussed this rationally, we might come up with a way to smooth the situation over without this extreme solution.”

  “There is nothing rational about war, Zhang, and that is what our country is on the verge of.”

  “And marrying me does what—gives Rachid access to money to fund his defense?”

  “Money isn’t what my grandson needs from you,” Hadia said vaguely.

  Zhang sat beside Hadia again. I want to believe that. “Really? He’s already talking about taking control of my company. He said he would remove that worry from me.”

  Hadia shook her head in sympathy. “Perhaps it’s because of my age, but I no longer put much merit in what a person says. If you want to know what is in a man’s heart, look to his actions. My grandson built his fortune with hard work and integrity. He has remained loyal to family and country. Now he intends to marry you. I don’t believe that he would take advantage of your situation to rob you.”

  “Even with his back against the wall? I’m sorry, I don’t share your faith in humanity.” Zhang felt for the woman across from her, so she shared more than she normally would have. “I fought too hard for my independence—no one is going to take that away from me.”

  Hadia leaned forward and put a key in Zhang’s hand. She stood slowly. “I dismissed the guard from your door. There is a phone in the room across the hall and a car at the bottom of the left stairway. The driver is loyal to me and will take you wherever you ask. If you leave.”

  Zhang’s hand closed over the key. “Thank you.” She stood and squared her shoulders. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t help you. It’s not my war to fight.”

  “Of course,” the woman said sadly. “If you’re here tomorrow, I’ll give you a tour of Nilon and you’ll see what Rachid is willing to fight so hard to save.”


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