The Legacy Collection Box Set

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The Legacy Collection Box Set Page 53

by Ruth Cardello

  The man shrugged. “Too late to worry about it now, isn’t it? You can’t live since you know who I am.”

  Deciding to stall until either an opportunity to fight presented itself or help arrived, Rachid said calmly, “You pledged your life to protect the royal family. Why do this?”

  The man’s face contorted with anger. “You’re not one of us. You and your foreign wife will make a mockery of the crown. I am protecting the royal family,” he said with conviction. “I’m protecting it from you.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Rachid saw movement in the doorway behind the gunman. Relief quickly turned to real fear when he saw who had joined them.

  A few moments earlier, Zhang had decided that texting Jeremy was not going to be enough. She headed back to his room and, as she expected, found Ghalil lingering in the hallway.

  Fight, Hadia had said. Fight for Rachid and the rest will take care of itself. Zhang came to a fast decision. She walked directly up to Ghalil and asked, “Are you looking for me?”

  Ghalil sneered down at her. “I was waiting to see if you had the gall to return to your boyfriend’s room on your own wedding night.”

  Zhang stepped closer, invading his space and thundering up at him, “Are you so blinded by your jealousy of your brother that you honestly can’t see what’s going on?”

  Ghalil grabbed her by the arm and snarled, “I’m not jealous of my brother.”

  Zhang said, “Pride is the worst shield because it leaves you both vulnerable and wrong at the same time.”

  The young man’s eyes blazed with fury. “Wrong is seeking out another man when you’re married to my brother.”

  “Suddenly you care about Rachid?”

  “I’ve always cared about him.” Good. Maybe there is hope for you after all.

  “Then prove it. Put your pettiness aside and help him before he gets himself killed.”

  The young man’s hand tightened on Zhang’s arm. “What are you talking about?”

  “Didn’t you think Rachid’s dinner announcement was oddly timed?”

  “Not if he’s eager for the crown.”

  “But he isn’t, Ghalil. Even you know that. So why move the date up?”

  Ghalil countered, “Because he fears the embarrassment you’ll bring our house?”

  Zhang ripped her arm out of his grip and gave his chest a shove. “Listen, you little yipping puppy, I love your brother, and if you’re any indication of the support he has here, he’s going to need all the help I can give him. He made that announcement to draw someone out. I know it. There is a traitor in the palace.”

  Ghalil shook his head in confusion. “I would know if that were the case. Rachid would have taken his concerns to the royal security if he had any, or told me.”

  “Unless he didn’t know who to trust.”

  “If all of this is true, what are you doing with this American man?”

  Zhang sighed. She didn’t want to expose her actions, but she needed his help. “Do you believe me?”

  The young man wavered. “Some of what you say makes sense.”

  “Then help me.” She looked up into her brother-in-law’s face and deepened her plea. “Help me save your brother.”

  Ghalil nodded, suddenly looking years older as he straightened his shoulders and stepped up to the responsibility she’d laid at his feet. “Okay.”

  Looking quickly down the hallway in both directions, Zhang pulled Ghalil into Jeremy’s room. Jeremy peered up from his laptop and said, “If you’re looking for someone to knock him out, my boxing lessons start next week.”

  Zhang said, “He’s here to help us.”

  Jeremy asked sarcastically, “Is that wise?”

  Zhang dragged Ghalil over to where Jeremy was seated. “Did you find anything?”

  Jeremy shook his head. “Nothing worth texting you about.”

  Ghalil broke away from Zhang and looked over Jeremy’s shoulder. His face went red with rage. “That’s the palace server.” He scanned the document Jeremy was reading. “You’ve translated our e-mails.”

  Zhang said, “We had to, Ghalil. There may be something in them that will reveal who the traitor is.”

  “From where I’m standing, it looks like you, Zhang. You’ll rot in jail for this betrayal.”

  Jeremy stood and moved to block the door. His mouth twisted with irony. “I haven’t hit anyone since middle school, but maybe it comes back like riding a bike.” He cracked his knuckles. He stood a good head above the young prince.

  Zhang quickly moved between the two men. “You won’t have to touch him, Jeremy, because he’s going to wake up and realize that we are the good guys here.”

  Ghalil asked harshly, “How do I know that?”

  Zhang said, “Would I have involved you if we weren’t? Why would I show you what we were doing?”

  Ghalil first studied the tall man who blocked his path and then Zhang who, as she waited, was poised to tackle him if he tried to leave. “You really think you can find the traitor online?”

  Zhang let out a shaky breath. “Yes, if he’s not working alone. The problem is that we don’t know what to look for. If you read over the e-mails, maybe you could find something.”

  A heavy silence dragged on. Finally Ghalil said, “Show me.”

  Jeremy led the way back to the small work area and motioned toward the chair. “I have them all listed here. Dig in.”

  With one last look at Zhang and Jeremy, Ghalil sat down in front of the laptop and started reading. He leaned forward as he became more absorbed in the process.

  Jeremy whispered, “You shouldn’t have involved him, Zhang.”

  Zhang muttered, “I didn’t have a choice.”

  Jeremy said, “He’s just a kid.”

  Zhang looked at the young prince and said, “He’s twenty. If people stop treating him like a child, he’ll stop acting like one.”

  Ghalil said something in Arabic, then switched to English. “It looks like you’re right. One of the guards, Kalim, has been communicating with the general of the National Guard. It sounds like the border raids were coordinated. This is not good. They’ve been watching Rachid and looking for ways to discredit him. I’m sure they took the photo of you and Rachid on Dominic’s island. It looks like Kalim has been keeping the general apprised of my father’s whereabouts. Here, he even details how to attack my father’s dummy motorcade. Why would he boldly write about this in e-mails?”

  Jeremy said, “Those messages were encrypted and sent as hidden attachments. Most people wouldn’t know to look for them.”

  In shock, Ghalil shook his head. “A member of the royal guardsmen and he’s not working alone. Are they trying to wage a coup? Why just target Rachid?”

  Zhang said, “Who knows? But we have to tell him.”

  Ghalil stood and said, “I’ll do it.”

  Zhang corrected, “We’ll do it.”

  Jeremy jumped in and said, “I’m going, too. It’s always better to be a hero than one of the expendable extras.”

  Zhang said, “This isn’t a movie, Jeremy. Stay here.”

  Jeremy took out a small device and said, “You need me.” When neither she nor Ghalil agreed, he added, “Is anyone else tracking Rachid via his cell phone? I didn’t think so. Come on.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  When Rachid saw Zhang in the doorway behind the gunman, his breath caught in his throat. Couldn’t that woman listen to him just this once? Royal guardsmen were the most highly trained soldiers in the royal military. There was a good chance that Zhang was going to witness her new husband die, something he would have given anything to spare her from. He briefly hoped that she’d see the gun and be smart enough to run, but when their eyes met across the patio he saw the truth in her eyes.

  It would take more than a gun for her to leave him.

  His heart twisted in his chest.

  Ghalil appeared immediately behind her. Confusion swirled within Rachid. He refused to believe that his brother was involved in
this, but why would he bring Zhang?

  Unless he needs both of us dead.

  His younger brother wasn’t as restrained as his wife had been. He said, “Rachid!” as soon as he saw him.

  Hearing the younger prince’s voice, the guard turned his head for just a moment. Rachid tried to knock the gun out of his would-be assassin’s hand but failed. The guard’s fist connected with Rachid’s jaw and sent him flying back.

  Ghalil rushed forward, but the guard turned and pointed the gun at his chest.

  Rachid was on his feet in a heartbeat and approached the guard from the side. There wasn’t time to be relieved that his brother wasn’t involved. He addressed the guard. “I’m the one you want. You can justify killing me to yourself, but his blood will stain your very soul and you know it.”

  Ghalil said, “Put your weapon down, Kalim.”

  The guard said, “Your Highness, you’ve said yourself that if your brother takes the crown it will be the end of Najriad. The title should be yours.”

  Ghalil inched closer. His face was tight with guilt. “I did say that, but this isn’t what I wanted.” He looked across to Rachid and said, “I never meant for this to happen.”

  I know, little brother. “Ghalil, back away. It’s me he wants.”

  Ghalil didn’t. He stood his ground and said, “But it is us that he will have to beat.”

  The guard rotated the gun back and forth between the two brothers as Rachid continued his slow creep forward.

  I can’t let you die for me, Ghalil.

  Rachid stepped closer, drawing the attention of the gunman, and said, “No one has to die here today.”

  The guard focused the gun at Rachid’s chest and said, “You’re wrong. Even if I die, it won’t be in vain because you’ll come with me. I do this for you, for Prince Ghalil and for Najriad.”

  Rachid held his breath.

  Ghalil jumped forward and reached for the gun. The gunman turned toward the young prince, giving Rachid the chance to grab for the weapon. In the scuffle that ensued, the gun fired and Ghalil fell to the stone patio floor.

  Rachid let out a roar of rage and landed a punch that sent the guard flying in one direction and the gun in another. He grabbed the man by the collar of his robe, lifted him off the floor and sent him reeling back with another punch.

  A bullet is too good for you. I’m going to kill you with my bare hands.

  Before he could reach him again, Rachid saw Jeremy standing over the man, gun in hand. He said, “I’ve got him, Rachid. Go to your brother.”


  Rachid rushed to his brother’s side and dropped to his knees. Ghalil was trying to sit up.

  “Don’t move,” Rachid said in Arabic. “You’ve been shot.”

  Ghalil grabbed at his brother’s hand even as his face began to lose color. He said, “This is my fault. I’m so sorry, Rachid.”

  Ghalil lost consciousness and Rachid hugged his brother’s limp body to him. “Don’t die, little brother. Don’t you dare die.”

  In a heartbeat, the courtyard and patio were filled with royal guardsmen. The gunman was quickly removed. An emergency medical team appeared so swiftly it was as if they had been called before the shooting. Rachid reluctantly released his brother so they could treat him.

  It was only after Ghalil was lifted and strapped to a gurney that Rachid realized Zhang was by his side. He wrapped an arm around her and held her tight. Her eyes filled with tears. She pulled his head down and for a moment he lost himself in her kiss. He wanted to kiss her until she swore to listen to him in the future, or until the fear he’d felt when he thought he could lose her loosened its grip on his chest. As their kiss deepened he forgot everything except how much he loved this woman. Reality came crashing in and he stepped back.

  The torment in her eyes tore at him, and he swore that he would never be the reason she felt like that again. He would keep her safe, even if that meant losing her.

  “I have to go.” He motioned to his brother being rolled away. “I may not be back tonight.”

  Zhang wiped the tears and said, “I’ll wait up.”

  He touched her damp cheek tenderly. “No, sleep in the women’s quarters tonight. I’ll come for you tomorrow.”

  She smiled vaguely but didn’t argue with him.

  Had he finally issued an order she’d follow?

  The thought amused him as he rushed off to join his brother in the ambulance. How ironic if she finally became obedient just before he asked her to leave.

  Zhang was visibly shaking when her American friends pushed past the guards. Dominic was the first to reach her side. Jake was fast on his heels. A detail of their own security surrounded them, buffering Zhang and clashing somewhat with the royal guards. Weapons were drawn on both sides.

  When a man’s voice boomed from one of the open patio doors, all of the royal guardsmen pointed their rifles down and stood at attention. The man who approached was familiar to Zhang. He was the same guard who had rescued her from her first altercation with Ghalil.

  He bowed his head to her and said, “Your Highness, are you hurt?”

  “No,” Zhang said in a shaky voice.

  “Do you require assistance?”

  Zhang fought the tears that were a by-product of fading adrenaline and said, “No, these men are my friends.”

  The head of the royal guardsmen issued an order, and his men fell back to positions around the patio. As the guards withdrew, one man remained that caught Dominic’s attention. He tensed and motioned to his security to secure the one he didn’t recognize.

  Zhang quickly interceded and said, “He’s with me.”

  Jeremy stepped into the circle of Dominic’s security. “The palace guards have the gunman. I don’t think we’ll ever see him again. They were speaking Arabic, but I’m pretty sure they were telling him that he wasn’t going to live long.”

  Dominic said, “You should have waited for us, Zhang.”

  Jeremy intervened. “Rachid would be dead if she had. We cut it close as it was.”

  The reality of how close she’d come to losing Rachid swept over her, and emotion clogged her throat as tears spilled freely down her face.

  Dominic turned on Jeremy. “Now look what you did.”

  Jeremy went toe-to-toe with Dominic. “Those are tears of gratitude because I saved her prince.”

  Dominic was about to say something more, but Zhang stopped him with a light touch to his forearm and said, “He did save Rachid. Without him, I would be crying for an entirely different reason tonight.” She tried but couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. “When we walked onto the patio and I saw that man holding a gun to Rachid’s head, I thought we were too late. Everything I spent the last week worrying about didn’t matter. I couldn’t lose Rachid so soon after realizing I love him. But I didn’t see a way to save him.”

  Jeremy spoke under his breath to Dominic. “You should probably hug her or something.”

  Dominic shifted uneasily and said, “I’m not really good with crying women. You do it.”

  Jeremy protested, “You’ve known her longer.”

  Jake stepped forward, pulled Zhang into a warm embrace that she didn’t bother to pretend she didn’t need, and let her sob into his dress shirt. She wept out the emotions of the week. She cried for the fears she was ready to put aside, the man she’d almost lost and the brother who had finally defended Rachid. When she had settled enough to take a calming breath, she heard Jake say, “Women and children are messy, but you get used to it.”

  Zhang stepped away from him, dried her eyes and smiled up at the three large men who loomed above her. She didn’t have brothers, but she had the next best thing. She straightened her gown and said, “I won’t tell anyone that you’re all idiots if you don’t share how I just lost it.”

  Dominic said, “Agreed, the less Abby knows about the gunman, the better.”

  Jake said, “Why don’t we walk you back to your suite? I can send Lil over.”

hang accepted the escort but said, “Tell Lil I’ll see her tomorrow.”

  Jake nodded.

  Zhang walked down the hallway with her three tuxedoed bodyguards and their trailing security guards. Normally she’d love to see Lil, but she had no intention of waiting patiently for Rachid to come see her tomorrow.

  I don’t want to be alone.

  And I’m not going to be—not if I have anything to do with it.

  Chapter Twenty

  A little past three in morning, Rachid wearily entered his private suite at the palace. When he’d left the hospital, Ghalil was stable and, although he’d lost a lot of blood, the doctors had said that none of his major organs had been damaged. He’d make a full recovery.

  Rachid wasn’t sure the same could be said for him. He shed his clothing as if removing it would somehow lesson some of the weight of his thoughts. For now, the story was contained and the official statement regarding Prince Ghalil’s hospital visit was exhaustion. I’m sure being shot is exhausting. The treating staff had all been spoken to and asked to sign nondisclosures. Luckily, no foreign press had been present at the hospital. Najriadian National News would print whatever the royal family instructed it to say. King Amir had poured a heavy amount of the country’s oil fortune into improving the living conditions of his people, but the same hand that reached out with kindness could just as quickly strike a deadly blow when opposed.

  An effective monarch needed to be both loved and feared.

  I’m neither.

  Nude and bone tired, Rachid stepped beneath the hot sting of his shower. He absently washed as his mind raced. He should be celebrating the roundup of his enemies. Thanks to Dominic’s hacker, Marshid had been able to surprise all of those involved. Even the general implicated in the e-mails had been caught unaware thanks to the swiftness of the response from the most trusted royal guardsmen. Punishments would be harsh, fast and outside of the public view.

  Rachid knew he should be figuring out how to explain the actions of his friends to his father. Or, at the very least, begin to formulate a plan so that none of this would ever happen again.


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