Welch, D [Shadow People 02] Shadow Spies

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Welch, D [Shadow People 02] Shadow Spies Page 6

by Doug Welch

  Chapter 4

  Let’s Party, with a Mission

  “What am I going to do, Beth?” Alex wailed. “I just puked the most expensive and delicious breakfast of my life, into the toilet. What about the wedding? Am I going to be sick the whole time?”

  “Did you take your prenatals before breakfast?”

  She looked worn. “Yes, first thing this morning, as soon as Caesar would let me out of bed. Your brother is...insatiable.”

  “Honey, take them later in the day, maybe at night,” Elizabeth said. “I'll get some vitamin supplements. They may help. Some women have morning sickness and some women don't. I think I'm one of the lucky ones.”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have any food in the morning.”

  “No, Alex, eat as much as you want. The old saying that you're eating for two is true. Trust me. Try to eat more protein and protein snacks. I'll talk to Eric and see if he can provide something for us in the limo. May as well use all this clout we seem to have acquired.”

  “It's going to be good to have a sister who's a doctor.”

  “Alex, it's going to be good to be a sister. Let's go have some fun. We'll shop until we drop.”

  They laughed and hugged each other as they exited Alex's bedroom.

  Eric agreed without urging to provide what ever they required. He escorted the four women from the Elysium into the limousine and they went shopping.

  “I'm getting discouraged, Alex. This is the sixth shop we've been to,” Elizabeth said. “Maybe I should just buy one of the other dresses I've tried on.”

  “No, Beth, somewhere out there is the perfect dress for you. We'll find it,” Alex insisted. She led them out of the store with Eric trailing behind.

  They had found Alex's gown in the second store they’d visited. Deciding that white mingled with color highlights to match their eyes, would be the theme of the wedding procession, they’d purchased a pale amber gown for Roxanne and a pastel violet gown for June. The two women protested the cost, but Alex and Elizabeth overruled them. Eric, who had accompanied them with enduring patience, arranged with the shops to deliver their purchases to the suite.

  At the seventh store, Elizabeth emerged from the dressing room.

  “Oh my God,” Alex said. “That's perfect.”

  Elizabeth tugged at the lace. “You think so?”

  “Trust me, Beth. I know my brother. He'll go wild,” Alex said.

  She grinned. “Well, I know my brother. You'll be lucky to keep your gown on through the ceremony.”

  They all laughed. “We're not done yet, sisters,” Alex said, “next the fun, sexy things and then shoes.”

  Still laughing and joking, the group emerged from the shop. The wedding boutique lay in a huge winding complex, part of the resort to which Eric had driven them and reachable by walking through the resort’s casino. More upscale stores than Alex had ever seen in one place lined the busy, wide corridors. She felt overwhelmed by the opulence surrounding her and walked half dazed in front of the others. After a while, the crowds of people maneuvering around her separated her from the group.

  She turned to locate Elizabeth and spied her and the others partially obscured by people a few feet away, with Eric following close behind.

  She felt a bump and a hand on her rear and then someone tugged on her purse. Whirling around, she confronted the cause. A thin scruffy man, in need of a shave, gripped the purse strap, trying to pull it off her shoulder.

  Angry at the assault, Alex held on to the strap and directed a kick at the man’s shin. She felt someone move past her like lightening and suddenly Eric was on her opponent, wrestling him to the ground. She saw him do something to the man’s elbow and with a cry of pain the man let go of the purse. Stunned by the ferocity of Eric’s attack, the mugger managed to land a few weak blows. They were effective enough to allow him to squirm out of Eric’s grasp, and he staggered to his feet. Apparently sensing he might lose the contest, the skinny man looked around at the packed crowds and with a panicked expression, fled, shoving several people to the marble floor in his haste.

  Without speaking, Eric picked up her purse and handed it to her. Flipping out his cell phone, he speed-dialed a number and barked a few commands. In a very short time they were surrounded by casino security officers.

  Alex stood with Elizabeth, June and Roxanne in a tight group, watching Eric as he conferred with the guards. Alex folded her arms and shook her head. “I don’t think we should tell the guys about this, girls.”

  Elizabeth raised a quizzical eyebrow. “Why? Don’t you think they’d want to know?”

  “Think about it Beth. I’m having a good time, and I don’t want anything to spoil it. How do you think Paris and Caesar would react?” She nodded to Roxanne. “Not to mention Dan.”

  Roxanne snorted. “Hah! Dan knows I can take care of myself.”

  Alex grinned and looked at Eric. “Besides, I think we’ve got pretty good protection.”

  June chuckled. “I’ve never seen someone move so fast in my life... One moment he was behind me and the next he was on top of the mugger. Amazing.” She smiled and shook her head.

  Elizabeth winked. “I know just the cure for adrenalin rush, sisters. We’ll eat some lunch and then let’s go shopping.”

  * * *

  Jaime drove the men to an upscale men's clothing store in one of the larger resorts. It didn't take long until they were fitted with a full complement of tuxedos, shirts, accessories and shoes.

  He used his cell phone multiple times as the men endured the fussing of the sales people. As they were about to leave, he stopped them.

  “I feel I would be remiss, gentlemen, if I did not advise you as to a few additional items, for the grooms, on their wedding day.” They all paused in the store.

  “If the grooms will accompany me?” Paris and Caesar looked at each other. They shrugged and followed him.

  It took a little longer to complete the additional purchases, but after a while, they returned to the suite.

  Jaime entered the living room with them. Most of them raided the drink caddy, but Paris held back, hovering around the valet. Paris spoke privately to him. “Jaime, I need to make a personal trip to see some business associates and I'll need transportation.”

  “Certainly sir, shall we leave now?”

  “In a little while. I need to make some calls first,” he said. He raised his voice. “Guys, I need to take a trip. Why don't you kick back?”

  Caesar and Dan looked at each other and then glanced at Tom. They both understood to what Paris referred and that he needed to do it clandestinely.

  Dan grabbed Tom by the arm. “Tom what do you say we check out the casino?”

  “I thought no one would ever ask,” he said. ”I'm game. I've got some new systems to try on the blackjack tables.”

  “I think I'll go with them, Paris,” Caesar said.

  “See you later, guys, Good luck.” He watched as they moved to the elevator.

  After they exited the suite, Paris turned to Jaime. “James, what kind of security equipment does the Resort use to guard the suite?”

  “Relax, Paris. As far as I know, there are cameras at the elevator and anteroom. Some are here in the living room but they're shut off while guests are here and some active ones on the pool. Those are there to warn us if someone’s attempting to commit suicide. We won't be overheard. What do you have in mind?”

  “Thanks Jaime. I was trying to be discrete in case they’re monitoring us, I didn't want to get you in trouble.”

  “No trouble. Around here we should be able to talk without being monitored, but they do have twenty-four-seven surveillance of the other areas. So, what’s up, Lieutenant?”

  Paris grinned. “Am I ever going to break you of that habit, Corporal?”

  “Not during action, sir, and I suspect this is going to be one of those times.”

  “Maybe, but not at the moment. I need to see some people. Does that limo have a GPS and tracking software?” Paris said.

  “Yes, but we’re paid very well to be discrete. Most of the people who use the penthouse suites are nice, normal folks, but sometimes you get a sleaze-ball…well you get the picture. Anyhow, we're not supposed to talk about it. Sometimes we have a guest that must be guarded around the clock. All of the valets are ex-military, and they can all use weapons. Eric is an ex-Marine.”

  “Can you turn the tracking software off?”

  “Yes…but I'll have to report it and give an excuse.”

  “ Damn! Maybe you should just get a taxi.”

  “Paris, let me handle it. I know what to do. What's this all about?”

  “I need to meet some people. – Just a courtesy but I need to call first. I wish I could tell you, but I can't. You’ll just have to trust me. –I promise, no sleaze.”

  Jaime shrugged. “Make your call. I'll be waiting here.”

  They left the Elysium and navigated to a commercial district that paralleled the interstate. Jaime drove down a road that led past several offices and warehouses. He finally stopped at a building without any sign or logo.

  “We're here. Are you sure you want to go in there, Paris?” Jaime said from the driver's seat.

  “Why? Is there something I should know?”

  Jaime seemed to collect his thoughts. “It's just that – people who live in Vegas learn things. There's a lot of powerful people and organizations in the city, but the people in this place…well they're different. No one knows how, but they're like shadows. They have their fingers in a shit-load of pies, and no one has been able to pin them down.”

  Paris flinched at the word 'shadow' but tried to not show it. “It's okay Jaime, I'm expected. Do you want to leave? I can take a taxi.”

  “No, but if you're gone more than an hour I'm making a call.”

  “Make it an hour and a half. You know –refreshments, small talk and then business. It shouldn't take long.”

  “Hour and a half, Paris. –No longer.”

  Paris walked to the front of the building and pressed a button at the side of the entrance. The door clicked and he entered a reception area. Two men in business suits occupied the room. One sat at semicircular desk and studied surveillance monitors embedded in it. One lounged beside the desk, his arms folded.

  “Mister Fox?”

  Paris nodded.

  “Please allow me to escort you. Mister Bronson’s eager to meet you.”

  He led Paris to an elevator, and they ascended to the top floor of the building. When they emerged from the sliding doors, plush, expensive carpet stretched down a wide hall with closed doors at either side. They moved toward the double doors at the end.

  His escort knocked.

  A voice issued from behind the doors. “Please, come in.”

  Paris preceded the man into a large office. Money, lots of money decorated the interior. Everywhere he looked; subdued, extravagant wealth met his gaze. Impressed, he couldn’t catalog all of it so he didn't try.

  A dapper, medium-sized man with sparkling blue eyes and blond hair dressed in what looked like a three thousand dollar suit, stood in front of a desk that looked as though it belonged in a museum.

  He extended his hand.

  “Mister Fox, my name is Tyler Bronson. Ty, to my friends. Allow me to welcome you to Las Vegas.” Paris shook his hand and felt a firm, sure grip.

  “Please, won't you sit? I'm about to have some refreshments. Will you join me?”

  Paris knew the rituals. Anthony had advised him before he left Kentucky. “Please, what is your pleasure?”

  “Tea, if that suits you?”

  “Tea would be delightful,” Paris said.

  A servant entered the room and laid out a table with some delicious looking confections and a tea service.

  After they were served and had nibbled on the pastries and sipped some tea, Paris spoke.

  “Please allow me to express my gratitude, from me and my Family, for your House's gracious invitation to visit your wonderful city.”

  “Think nothing of it. It is a pleasure.”

  “Nevertheless, I feel I am obligated to you for this pleasure. Please, allow me to return the favor.”

  Paris knew that in the Shadow world, he was obligated. The Vegas House could call upon him for a payback, and he would have to provide it.

  “Should anyone from your House care to visit Kentucky, we would be honored to host them. We have many attractions, fishing, boating, and exploring mountains and caves. It's very green in Kentucky, you may enjoy the contrast.”

  “Thank you for the invitation,” Tyler said.

  They sat in silence for a moment, sipping tea. Tyler looked up from his cup.

  “We're through with the bullshit, Paris, so let's just be friends. Are you having a good time?”

  Paris laughed. “I'm having a wonderful time, Tyler. I meant what I said. If you would like some good fishing..?”

  “Call me Ty. I'm not really into it. However, my brother is. Maybe he would like to visit. I like the Vegas life.”

  “We could find you some promising thoroughbreds. Lots of them in Kentucky.”

  “Now, that would be interesting. I might take you up on that.”

  Tyler grew serious. “Do you know why the People, with the exception of my House, are excluded from Las Vegas?”

  “I imagine it's so they don't steal the casinos blind.”

  Tyler laughed. “You can't imagine what it was like during the bad old days of Vegas. The People flocked here. With so much money just lying around, the temptation was too much. But when the gambling business became a true business and the security increased, the risk that the Normals might discover the People, led the Council to shut them out of the city. My House doesn’t have a problem. We own several casinos.”

  “That's legal stealing,” Paris said and chuckled.

  Tyler laughed. “Correct.”

  “I have a feeling this is leading to something, Ty,” Paris said.

  “It is. You may be contacted by the security people at the Elysium. Someone, and we think it’s one of the People, has been breaching their security and the security of some of the other resorts and stealing from casino guests. We can't allow that. I promised the Council and the casinos that I would stop it.”

  “Why me? I'm here to get married.”

  “You will be Paris. You’re going to have the best wedding that this city can provide. I'll make sure of that. By the way, may I congratulate you? I've seen pictures of your bride. You are one lucky man. However, to answer your question, I know something of your abilities. Whoever is stealing from the casinos and the customers, won't suspect that you're an Adept. Just find him and get him out of Vegas and make sure he doesn’t return.”

  “I'm not a murderer Ty.”

  “No! I don't mean that. We don't want blood. Just use whatever non-violent means you can to make him leave. I'll help. Anything you need, just ask for it.”

  “All right, if the casino asks, I'll cooperate.”

  “Good we'll be grateful. You know what that means.”

  “I do. You know, Ty, this obligation shit can get old.”

  “Tell me about it. By the way, the Council wants me to send some of my people to witness your wedding. Is that alright?”

  “I expected it. It's fine.”

  “They'll be some nice people, Normals. Show people.”

  “It's fine Ty. They're welcome. “

  “Thanks Paris. Well, I'll let you go. I suspect your driver is about to make a phone call. It truly was nice meeting you.”

  “I feel the same. I meant it when I invited you to Kentucky. Come any time,” Paris said.

  By the time Paris arrived back at the suite, he found the women grouped in the living room. They held various drinks while they chatted and laughed. They quieted when Paris entered the room.

  Paris scanned the room. “Hi, everyone. Where’s Dan? I need to talk to him.”

  “He's in the game room with Caesar,” Alex said. “Tom's still at the
tables in the casino. There's food in the dining room in case you’re hungry.”

  “Is there anything wrong Paris? They told us you left to run an errand,” Elizabeth asked.

  “Nothing wrong darling, I just need to talk to Dan. I think I'll raid the snacks first.”

  He entered the dining room and loaded a plate of food from the layout he found on the buffet. Grabbing a bottle of beer, he opened it and went to find the game room.

  Caesar leaned against the pool table chalking a cue while Dan lined up a shot.

  “Paris! How did it go?” Caesar said.

  “Much as you might expect but they did manage to throw me a curve.”

  Dan straightened up from the table. “How so? What did they want?”

  He filled them in on his conversation with Ty. “I don't know if the Elysium will call me, but I needed to give you two a heads-up.”

  “How do you want to work it?” Caesar asked.

  “Well, assuming they call, the more eyes we have; the easier it will be to find this asshole. That means me, Alex and Dan for visuals, and you for back up.”

  “That's not fair to Elizabeth and Rox,” Dan said. “Why don't we use them as camouflage? If we're with them we look like normal tourists.”

  “Rich tourists,” Paris corrected. “Speaking of Roxanne, do you think..?”

  “She already knows we're weirder than sin. I don't think I'll surprise her,” Dan said. “I'll just tell her the Vegas PD wants our help. She'll love it.”

  They moved to the living room and Paris briefed the women.

  “Let me see if I understand you,” Alex said. “You want us to wear sexy dresses, drape our arms around your neck, and give you wet sloppy kisses whenever you win a hand? Then you want us to parade around with you, arm in arm, touring all the games while we look up in awe at you? Have I got that right?”

  “Eh, I didn't...” Paris began.

  Elizabeth grinned. “Sounds fun to me. What do you say, Sis?”

  Alex grinned. “You mean I get to kiss and hug my hunk in public all night long? – Wouldn't miss it for the world, but guys, we've got the wedding tomorrow and we're scheduled at eight in the morning to get the works at the spa.”


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