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Cocksure Page 11

by K. I. Lynn

  “I call bullshit, Everly Hayes. I’ve seen how animated you’ve gotten when telling me stories about things Niko did when you were a kid. Hell, you were giddy when you told me you’d slept with him recently.”

  “Whatever. Just give me the phone so I can see what type of shit you’ve gotten me into now.” I’m mad and she knows it, so she hands the phone to me and I immediately pull up the text.

  Alyson/Everly: Thanks for the drinks. Did you disappear?

  Niko: Wow! I didn’t think you’d use my number.

  Alyson/Everly: Then why did you leave it if you didn’t think I’d use it?

  Niko: A man can hope. ;)

  Alyson/Everly: Why did you disappear?

  Niko: You were with your friend. Didn’t want to intrude. Besides, I wasn’t sure if you’d be receptive after the way you dipped out on me the last time I saw you. :/

  Niko: Why did YOU disappear?

  “Alyson!” I can’t believe she sent him a text.

  And she said it was me.

  Oh my God!

  “Stop freaking out.”

  “Don’t do that. Why did you text him? I can’t keep talking to him, or see him again for that matter. He’s Cameron’s best friend!”

  “What’s your point? You’re an adult. Who you choose to screw shouldn’t have anything to do with your moron of a brother.”

  “Regardless of your feelings toward my brother, for whatever stupid reason that you hate him, I care about him. He would freak out over this, and you know it. I don’t want to cause any tension between him and Niko and believe me; this would do it. On top of that, I lied! I lied when I slept with Niko by not telling him who I was and by telling him that I was you, or did you forget that little part of the story?”

  “I didn’t forget.”

  “So then what? What the fuck am I supposed to do now? And you sent it from my new company cell phone! What if they monitor the calls? Or the text messages? Jesus, Aly!”

  “You’re making this more than it needs to be. Just relax. It’s not a big deal. Here. Eat your breakfast before it gets cold.” She places two plates down on the counter, but I can’t eat now.

  My stomach is in knots, and it has nothing to do with being hung over or being hungry. I don’t know what it is, but I don’t want to examine it at the moment. No. Right now I’m mad. Not mad. Pissed off.

  “When are you going to get that everything doesn’t just revolve around what Alyson wants, and stop being so fucking selfish with the things you do? What you choose to fuck up in your own life is one thing, but to start screwing with mine? Not okay!”

  “Wow!” A look of hurt crosses her face. “I guess you’re very mad at me if you’re swearing, calling me selfish, and telling me what a fuck-up I am.”

  “Alyson, I didn’t mean—”

  “No. It’s fine. I get it, okay? I just want you to come out of that shell and live a little, you know? You’re my friend, and I hated hearing how you were becoming less and less of yourself while you were with that asshole, Tate. I know I wasn’t there, but when we did talk, you never sounded happy with him. Now he’s gone, and I have you back and home. I want you to be happy, and when you told me about Niko, well, you were you again. I can’t explain it, but you were just different. That’s all I want.”

  “Aly—” She won’t let me finish, and I know what I said hurt her feelings. Shit!

  “I need to head out. Traffic sucks this time of morning and I want to get a few hours before my shift tonight. Call you later, okay?”

  I don’t get a chance to say anything more because she’s gone. Great! Now I feel bad. My phone vibrates in my hand, and I all but forgot that Aly was texting with Niko when I came in, pretending to be me. Shit!

  Niko: Still there?

  What do I do? I can’t answer him. I should just ignore him. He’ll go away, and all will be right again. I put my phone on the counter and get up to grab some of the bacon Aly left for me. I take a bite, and the flavor of it bursts in my mouth. God, I could eat this stuff every day! My phone buzzes again, reminding me that I have an unread text message, and I’m so damn tempted.

  Fuck it.

  I grab my phone, stuff another piece of bacon into my mouth and read.

  Niko: Hello?

  What did he say? I scroll back and see his message about the Post-it. It can’t hurt to reply just once, right? I mean . . . that’s rude.

  Everly: Yeah, sorry about that, but I left you a note. Didn’t want to wake you.

  I also didn’t want to be tempted by your glorious cock again, which would have more than likely had me at his house for the entire next day, but he doesn’t need to know all that.

  Niko: Yeah. I got your note. Did you really thank my cock or was that a mistake?

  I laugh out loud. I can’t help it. I didn’t exactly mean to tag his cock, but it landed there, and I wasn’t about to pull it off and the chance waking him when I was trying to sneak out and do my walk of shame alone. I’m sure that ego of his didn’t like that very much. Maybe I need to remind him that it was me who decided to go home with him and not the other way around.

  Everly: Why wouldn’t I have thanked him? He’s the one that actually did all the work. :D

  Niko: LOL. Funny girl.

  Everly: I try.

  Niko: So, when can I see you again?

  Everly: That’s not a good idea.

  Niko: Why not? I think it’s a great idea actually, and so does my cock. ;)

  Everly: Your one-eyed snake is going to get you in trouble one day, but not with me. I know this will sound ridiculous because we met at a pub and I went home with you, but I have never had a one-night stand. It was my first, and last. I’ve decided that it’s not for me, but thank you. I had a rough few weeks, and meeting you that night helped take my mind off things that I’d been trying to forget.

  Niko: One-eyed snake??? LMAO! I have NEVER had anyone call my dick a one-eyed snake. I like it.

  Everly: I’m rolling my eyes right now.

  Niko: You see, if you go out with me, it won’t be a one night-stand at all. Come on! Your one-night stand record will stay clean. ;) We can have dinner first. I know this great place down by the wharf in Boston that makes the best-stuffed lobster. Do you like seafood?

  Oh boy. I love seafood, but there is no way I’m going to eat some with him.

  Everly: I’m sorry. I can’t. I just started a new position with my job, and it’s going to keep me busy for a while. Thanks anyway.

  Niko: You have to be free at some point. Let me know when you are and I’ll see what I can do on my end to make it work.

  Everly: I’m sorry.

  Niko: Think about it.

  I start typing no again and get ready to hit reply, but I don’t send it. Instead, I hit the backspace button and type out another, only to backspace that one as well. God, I want to, but I just can’t make this any worse than it already is.

  Niko: I know you’re thinking about it. I can see that you’re typing because the three dots keep popping up on my iPhone showing when you type. Just think about it . . .

  Shit! I forgot about that. Most of my friends have Android phones except for Aly. I’m trying not to overthink it, but the truth is, I want to say yes. I’m not going to say yes, but I’m not telling him no. Not right now anyway.

  Everly: We’ll see.

  Niko: Okay :D

  Everly: I’ve got to run. Late night last night, and I need to get ready for work. Nice talking to you.

  Niko: Did you think about it yet?

  I bust out laughing at his persistence. I’m so tempted, but I can’t do it.

  “Everly, What the hell are you doing?” I say out loud. I look at the clock on the stove and jump up. “Shit! I’m going to be late!” I’ll think about Niko later. No time for him now. My head still hurts, and I still need to figure out how to fix things with Aly. How did my life get so complicated so fast?

  I hear the text message alert go off again on my cell and I can’t help it, so
I look.

  Niko: Yes? No? One word answer. Not hard words.

  Everly: No

  Niko: No, to going out with me again, or no you didn’t think about it yet?

  Everly: That is more than one word answers.

  Niko: True. So . . . which is it?

  Everly: I don’t know.

  Niko: Now?

  Everly: LOL No

  Niko: OKAY ;)

  Niko: I’ll work on you later! We got a call. Keep thinking about it though ;)

  I don’t reply anymore. I’m sure he won’t see it until later anyway if he’s at work. Doubtful they bring their cell phones with them when fighting fires. I need to block his number and stop all temptation from my view.

  I should, but I don’t. What could it hurt at this point? I’ve already slept with him. Can’t hurt to simply text with him, right? I shove my work phone in my briefcase and get ready for my second day at my new office.

  This should be interesting.

  “Good morning, Miss Hayes,” my new assistant, Lance, says in greeting as I walk into my office.

  I wince a little, still fighting the slight headache I have from last night’s drinks.

  “Good morning, Lance. Please, call me Everly. Miss Hayes makes me feel older than I am.” I smile, and he knocks me over with his perfect white teeth.

  Whoa. If he’s not gay, I can guarantee he’s broken some hearts during his life. Lance looks to be in his late twenties, early thirties if that. He’s handsome at around six foot two I’d guess. Lean, but very toned body. Dark hair and eyes that only a bad boy would have.

  Alyson is going to want to screw my assistant.

  I sigh and walk into my office, Lance following behind.

  “A Mr. Sinclair from MIT called. Said something about possibly having an intern here for the summer. Was wondering if you’d be interested in hosting and apologizes for it being on short notice. Word travels fast around here when someone new steps in, so I’m not surprised they are trying to secure a spot for one of their students.”

  “It’s fine. We all had to start small and learn before we can move up. Give me his number. I’ll call him later and get more information from him.”

  “Oh, I can do that for you, Miss Hayes.”

  I look at him as a reminder that he can call me Everly. He smiles again, showing me a dimple this time. Good Lord, he’s pretty.

  “Sorry. Everly. I can do that for you. Besides, you have your first monthly meeting in an hour. Thought you’d like to get your things together first? I wasn’t sure what you do for coffee, but I can grab you whatever you like while you look over the files I’ve compiled for you, at least bring you up to speed on the minutes from last month.”

  “Thank you, Lance. I appreciate it. I’d love some coffee actually, but I can get that if you point me in the right direction. That and maybe somewhere I can grab some aspirin?”

  “You want to get your coffee?” He looks puzzled. His blazing smile is gone, replaced now with a look I’m not sure I can understand.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve got this friend, and well, we haven’t seen each other in a while so I had a few drinks last night and I’m afraid I’m suffering a little this morning because of it.”

  He smiles again, and I can see the lights are back on in his eyes. “No worries. I know how those things go. That’s why I’m here. I’ll grab the coffee and some Advil. You just relax, take a look at my notes, and I’ll be right back. Cream and sugar or black?”

  “Extra cream and sugar, please, and thank you, Lance.” He smiles and then he’s off to get my coffee. This will take some getting used to. I’ve had assistants before, but never a man.

  I grab my bag and place it in my desk drawer, but snag my phone first. I pull up Alyson’s number and hit send.

  It rings once, then goes straight to voicemail.

  I know she’s awake. I dial again, and she sends me to voicemail again.

  Okay. She’s going to make me grovel. Fine.

  I hit redial again and again until she finally picks up.


  “That’s who you called, isn’t it?”

  I sigh. She’s still hurt. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, and I take it back. Okay?” I sit there for a minute and then look at my phone to see if she’s still there. She is. “Aly?”

  “Yeah. Okay.”

  “So am I forgiven?” I ask.

  “Nothing to forgive. All is good.”

  “Thank God! I don’t like when you’re mad at me.”

  “All is good . . . as long as you tell me that you continued my conversation with Niko.”

  “Always a catch with you, lady.” I laugh, but I’m honestly really happy that we are talking again. “I did, actually.” Aly screams in my ear, and I pull it quickly away to save myself from going deaf. “Jesus! Still hung over here and you’re yelling in my ear.”

  “Oh, sorry. And I’m sorry that I made you drink on a Monday.”

  “You didn’t put a gun to my head. I’m a big girl. I didn’t say no.”

  “That’s because peer pressure is a bitch,” she says, giggling in my ear. “So what happened?”

  “With what?”

  “Oh, don’t start playing dumb now, you bitch! You just admitted that you continued the conversation, so what happened?”

  What happened is she has opened up a can of worms that I’m not sure I can close. It could get ugly, and part of me doesn’t care. The other part wants to slap me and say, “What the hell, Ev! He’s your brother’s best friend. Oh, and you’re a liar to boot!”

  “He tried to convince me to see him again.”

  “And you said yes.”

  “I said maybe.”

  “Maybe is not yes, Everly.”

  “Maybe is maybe, but probably not.”

  She huffs on the other end. “Oh, come on! I lined it all up for you to get some more bow-chicka-wow-wow.”

  “You are so immature, Alyson.”

  “And you are so uptight, Everly. Take the stick out of your ass and fuck a little, would you.”

  “So crass.”

  There’s a knock on my door.

  “Just a minute!” I call out. “Adulting calls,” I say to Aly.

  “All right, go do that work thing. I’m gonna do the sleep thing.”

  “Call you later.”

  I hang up the phone just as Lance opens the door. “Coffee and aspirin. Is there anything else I can get you?”

  I toss the pills back, swallowing them down with the glass of water Lance brought with him in addition to my steaming hot cup of liquid gold. I could get used to this.

  “Thank you.”

  “How about you work on that coffee, and I’ll come get you for the meeting?” he asks.


  He heads out while I take a long drink of my coffee and look down at the file. Maybe I should have taken an actual vacation before starting.

  OVER THREE WEEKS HAVE passed since I moved back to Massachusetts, to my hometown of Newton and changed positions at work. Not much in my job is different, just the location and clients. There are more responsibilities, and I do have more people under me, but it feels about the same. My office is a little bit smaller but has a pretty good view of the Charles River, so nothing to complain about. I’m just over the border in our Cambridge office, and other than the traffic, I love it. The problem is my lack of social life. Maybe I need to get myself back out there. Force Niko Callahan from my mind.

  Easier said than done, especially with the way our conversations have turned as of late. Why did I let Alyson’s texting him, behind my back, escalate to more than that one day? All it’s doing is screwing everything up and making me lie to him more. When he finds out what a horrible person I am, and the biggest liar . . . I can’t keep this up.

  After that first day when Aly sent him those few text messages on my behalf, Niko has sent me a text daily. Multiple times a day.

  First, it
was just, good morning beautiful. Then, good night beautiful. Then he’d start with . . . Can’t stop thinking about you. Eventually, we’d started to get dirty, and as much as I wanted to be offended, I found his dirty texting kind of a turn-on. Like the one, he sent a little while ago.

  Niko: You. My one-eyed snake. This weekend. We can do dinner beforehand. ;D

  I can’t help but smile at his persistence. A few times I’ve almost given in, but stopped myself. Eventually, things took a turn, and not in a bad way. At least I didn’t think so at the time. I had my first sexting experience with him, which escalated quickly to phone sex with the man.

  No. Not just any man. Nikolas Callahan and I had sex via text. Niko made me come over the phone the day before, his voice dark and delicious as he told me what to do. I pull out my phone and read the text messages I have yet to erase. While I’m reading them, a new message pops up from Niko.

  Niko: What are you wearing right now?

  Everly: What?

  Niko: You read that right. What are you wearing right now? ;)

  Everly: Why do you want to know what I’m wearing? What are you wearing?

  Niko: I just got home from work. Took a shower and right now I’m completely naked stroking my cock with thoughts of every fucking delicious thing that we did the last time I saw you. You won’t let me see you again and I’m hurtin’ over here, so the least you can do, baby, is humor me by telling me what you are wearing right now.

  “Oh my God!” I say in a whisper. I’m in my office alone, but Lance, my assistant, could walk in at any time. The thought of Niko mastrubating is so fucking hot that I can feel the wetness between my legs.

  Niko: Do you like thinking about me touching myself?

  My face turns bright red as I read Niko’s next text. Just thinking about him wearing jeans and a T-shirt is enough to set me on fire. Naked Niko? That is like adding gas to the fire. Naked Niko stroking his cock, is a guaranteed explosion!

  It’s easy to forget everything when you’re texting with someone you’re not supposed to be talking to, but I put all thoughts of Cameron out of my mind when I talk to Niko. He’s growing on me, and he makes me laugh with some of the outrageous things he says. Sure, he’s arrogant, cocky, and sometimes a little more full of himself than I’d like, but he’s also sweet and funny. I keep telling him that I can’t get away, and for the most part, he’s understanding. Until recently, that is.


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