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Cocksure Page 20

by K. I. Lynn

  Niko: See you after I get off work. I’ll show you how I clean up things that are dirty.

  I slap my hand against the wall to hold me up. Just the bait makes me remember all the very dirty things we’ve done together. The promise of how dirty they could be tonight turns me into a mess. Damn him.

  Everly: Who is the tease now?

  A few hours later, and I’m covered in paint. I’m wearing what I call farmer pants. Overalls, but that’s what I think they should be called. I’ve finished two rooms all on my own, but the ceilings need to be done in both rooms. For some reason, whoever rehabbed this place painted them off-white versus bright white.

  Maybe I should have hired someone, but I wanted to do it myself. I always feel like a place feels more like home when you have a hand in the decorating, right down to cleaning and painting. Since this place was done when I moved in, I found some colors I liked to warm it up a little more.

  I walk over to where I left my cell and picked it up to check the time. Shit! It’s already close to seven o’clock. Maybe Niko was just screwing with me and isn’t going to show up after all. Either way, I should just finish up what’s left and call it a night. I haven’t eaten, and I need to wash the paint out of my hair.

  I put my phone back on its dock and then smile as I remember our earlier text messages to each other. Things are better between us now that Niko knows the truth of who I am. We’ve broken the just-friends rule, but I can’t seem to care about that right now. I’m done feeling guilty about it and worrying that Cam will find out. There is no reason Niko and I can’t be friends.

  Friends with benefits works too.

  I know Niko isn’t the type to look for more, regardless of what he’s been saying. Plus, I’m still in my “be like the big boys and play the field” phase. Although I haven’t dated anyone or slept with anyone else outside of Niko, I’ve decided that’s okay, though. If Aly asks, I’ll just let her know that I’m a work in progress. Baby steps and all that.

  I pick up the rolling paintbrush and start to screw it onto the broom handle so that I can attempt to reach higher on the wall that I’m finishing up when my doorbell rings. Instantly my heartbeat starts to pound in my chest, knowing that it has to be Niko. I’m a mess, but the truth is, I shouldn’t care if we are just staying friends. At least I should act like I don’t care. Nothing I can do about it now anyway, and hell, that’s on him if he thinks I’m not up to his normal standards. I told him I was painting and then cleaning.

  The bell rings again, and I walk a little faster to the door. “I’m coming! Hold your firehouse, buddy. My house isn’t burning down.” Okay, that was corny, but I don’t care. I pull the door open, flashing all of my teeth in a big smile, but it drops just as fast. I’m completely surprised by the fact that it’s not Niko, but Jake at my door.

  “I was in the neighborhood, and thought I’d see if you were in the mood for that Thai food we were going to get before your brother decided you were grounded for being an adult.” He smiles, but it’s quickly replaced with a smirk at the mention of my brother.

  “Ah, hi, Jake. Grounded, huh?”

  He laughs. “Yeah, sounded like the best analogy to me. It summed up how your brother was acting the day we moved you in.”

  He’s not wrong about that, but I grew up with him, so I already knew Cam didn’t like his friends snooping around me.

  He holds up the bags in his hand, and I won’t lie, I pretty much drool at the smell of the delicious food coming through my front door.

  “If you’ve got basil fried rice in there and steamed dumplings, you can come in.” I raise a brow, waiting for the magic words that will gain him entry to my home. He opens one of the bags, sniffing the air before pulling up a container so that I can see.

  “Would you look at that. Those both just happen to be two of my favorite Thai menu picks. I knew we’d have something in common, Sunshine.”

  I laugh at his nickname for me, and then step back, allowing him to come in. He walks past, and I grab the container he still has in his hands, causing him to laugh at me.

  “What’s so funny?” I ask, and he just shakes his head at me, smiling, a dimple I hadn’t noticed before popping out on his cheek. He really is cute, but he’s not making my heart race. Maybe if I’d met him before I’d slept with Niko. I think about that for a moment, but decide that no, not even then. Oh well. “You have no idea how happy I am that someone showed up with food! I haven’t eaten anything since early this morning.”

  “Always happy to feed a starving damsel, but it’s almost seven thirty. Why haven’t you eaten all day?”

  I spin around in place and hold my hands out, gesturing to the mess I’ve made. Old sheets all over the floor, tape on the woodwork, and paint cans at my feet. “I’ve been busy painting. I guess I forgot until about ten minutes before you rang my bell. I was just about to find a menu soon, but I wanted to get the ceilings done first. I was just getting ready to start them when you got here,” I say and walk toward my kitchen. “Want something to drink? It’s the least I can offer you, seeing as how you’ve brought food.”

  “Sure. Whatever you’ve got is good.”

  I grab two plates and a couple of waters before heading out into the living room again. When I get there, Jake has laid out all the food on one of my covered tables, but he’s no longer in the room.


  “In here,” I hear him call out. That’s weird. I walk into the den, or family room, as some people call it, and Jake has his sleeves rolled up and is holding the paint roller I was putting together right before he got her.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “I figured since I’m here, I’d help out while you get something into your stomach.”

  I shake my head. “You don’t have to do that. You brought me food. I don’t expect you to work.”

  “I don’t mind, honestly. Go ahead. Get something to eat. I’ll finish this up for you, and then I’ll join you.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “Okay, then. I’ll be right back. Would you prefer a beer over the water?”

  “Both would be great.” He smiles, and I can’t help it. I smile back. Maybe this isn’t a bad idea. I mean, I said I wanted to play the field, and if Aly were here, she’d tell me to make more friends. I grab two of the beers Cam left here from the fridge and head back toward the food.

  I don’t usually drink anything but wine or the occasional fruity cocktail, but I feel like I should have a beer and kind of let Jake know that I just see him as one of the guys. I don’t know what he’s thinking by showing up here like his, but I like Jake. I just don’t think I like him in the same way I would someone I’d want to sleep with. Aly would be rolling her eyes at me right now, but I told her that I couldn’t just decide to sleep with anyone. I need an attraction. I need pull.

  Jake is attractive, but he’s not pulling me. Besides, I don’t think he’s here with the intention of he and I being just friends. Cam would be pissed. I can only keep one of his friends a secret right now, and even that is stupid on my part. Right as I head back toward the den to give Jake his beer and plate, my doorbell rings again.

  Now what? I walk back to the door only to freeze when I see the silhouette of the man on the other side. I’d know that shape anywhere. Jake managed to distract me with food, and with the time ticking, I honestly didn’t think Niko was going to show. This probably is going to look bad, but is that a bad thing?

  I need Niko to know that what happened between us is sex. Just sex. Him seeing another guy here will only solidify that, right? Guess we shall see. I pull the door open, and as it usually does, my heart beats harder, and I feel butterflies in my stomach. God, he’s so damn pretty to look at.

  “Hey. I didn’t think you were actually coming by.”

  “I told you I would. I wanted to get a shower first.” He looks me over from my feet all the way up, and I see it. That fire in his eyes whenever we’re in the same room
together. You can feel it. The air becomes heavy, almost as if we’ve sucked all the air out of the room and replaced it with combustible energy just waiting to ignite.

  “You look sexy as fuck in the overalls, Ev.”

  “I’m covered in paint, and the overalls are two sizes too big. You hit your head today fighting fires, Niko?”

  “Nope. I just know what’s underneath those big clothes and all that paint.” He’s still staring at me when Jake yells out from the other room.

  “You didn’t order pizza too, did you?” He laughs, and I turn toward Jake’s voice but turn back when I hear Niko growl.

  “Who the fuck is that?”

  Oh, shit. Maybe him seeing Jake isn’t such a good idea.

  “Jake came over and is helping me.”

  “Jake? Seriously, Ev?”

  “I didn’t invite him, Niko, but he’s not unwelcome. He’s a friend.”

  “I can see that,” he says as he looks at the two beers I’ve been holding in my hands. “Did I interrupt something, because if I did, I’m not fucking leaving.”

  “Well, well. Look who’s here. You are definitely not the pizza guy. Can’t say that I’m surprised,” Jake says as he enters the room Niko and I are in.

  “What the fuck does that mean, Jake?” Jake laughs. Is he serious right now? Niko looks like he’s ready to pummel Jake, and he’s standing in my front hallway, paint-spattered on his shirt, but looking as cool as an ice cube. Maybe Jake’s not playing with a full deck. That couldn’t be possible, though, because Cam would never have brought him into my home if he had issues. Either way, he’s either very stupid, or he’s positive that he can take Niko in a fight because that is where this seems to be headed. I’m starting to think he’s not that smart.

  “It means, I had a feeling you’d be heading here,” Jake replies to Niko.

  “Wait, what? How did you know Niko would be heading here?” I ask, and both men ignore me. I’m about to stomp my foot like the child my brother keeps believing me to be when Niko throws ice water on my internal tantrum.

  “Does Cam know you’re here?” he asks Jake, and the hostile vibes pour off both men in waves.

  “Does he know you’re here?” Jake replies sarcastically.

  Niko takes a few steps forward, but I step in front of him. “Stop! This is my house. I’m not sure what’s going on here, but I don’t have one of those things swinging between my legs like the two of you do to measure against yours, so stop.”

  “It’s called a cock, Ev, not a thing that swings between your legs,” Niko says in a menacing tone. “And he’s not getting his anywhere near you. Cam might not be here right now, but I’m the next best thing to her brother, and I have no problem playing his part while kicking your ass, Bishop.”

  “That’s rather incestuous, isn’t it, Callahan?” Jake says with a small smirk on his lips. “Oh, and watch your mouth, Niko. There is still a lady present, or didn’t your mother teach you any manners?”

  Niko steps aggressively toward Jake, but I grab his arm, stopping him. Jake’s hands go up in surrender, but I’m pretty sure he’s goading Niko. The question is, why?

  “You better watch yours, rookie. I don’t know what your game is here, but trust me, you don’t want to open door number two. Cam warned you once already. He finds out you’re sniffing around his sister after he told you to fuck off, and things are going to get real ugly, trust me.”

  “My apologies if I offend you, Everly. That’s not my intention, but would you mind if I spoke to Callahan here for a minute alone?” Jake asks, but it’s Niko who answers.

  “I don’t need to speak to you alone. Whatever you need to say, just say it.” Jake stares Niko down for a full minute before he swings his gaze to me. What in the hell is going on?

  “Okay, then. Your brother finds out that the two of you are screwing around, and all hell is going to break loose. You know that, right?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about, Bishop?”

  “I saw you two at O’Malley’s pub.”

  I can feel the blood fall from my face.

  “I didn’t know who she was at the time so I didn’t think anything of it, but the day we moved her in, I knew she looked familiar, then I saw you two together, and it clicked. From your reaction that day we got her all set up, I knew I was right.”

  Niko doesn’t say anything. He looks at Jake and then to me. “So what? What is this all about then if you’re not trying to get in her pants, Bishop?”

  “I wanted to be sure, man. I know I’m the newest one in our crew, but you guys are still my brothers. All of you. Cam finds out about you and his sister, and shit’s going to get worse. It’s going to cause a lot of shit that the guys and I feel would put us in the middle of the two of you. We don’t want that. I don’t know what the status is between the two of you right now, but the fact that you’re here tells me enough. I know for a fact that Hayes doesn’t know that you’re here. Whatever this is or isn’t, you need to figure it out, fast, and then either tell Cam or end this now.”

  “I don’t need you telling me what I need to do, Bishop,” Niko growls at Jake.

  “Hey, man. I’m just passing your own advice back to you that you started to give me no more than ten minutes ago. Shit’s going to get ugly. Trust me,” Jake says, and Niko’s nose flares. Time to wrap this night up before these two go any further.

  “Look, Jake, I appreciate the advice, dinner, and for helping me paint, but I think we should probably call it a night.”

  “Of course. I don’t want to wear out my welcome. Maybe we can do something another night?” He smiles, but it’s directed at Niko. Jesus, this guy is something else.

  “Un-fucking-likely,” Niko growls at Jake.

  “Yeah. That’s what I figured.” Jake grabs his keys from the table and heads toward the door. “See ya around, Everly.” He closes the door behind him, and I walk to it, locking it.

  “What the fuck just happened?” I ask as I turn to Niko.

  “We were just officially told that everyone except your brother knows that we’ve been fucking around. That’s what just happened.”

  My eyes go wide. “Everyone?”

  “That’s what he said. This is not good, Everly. Not at all.”

  “Now what?” I ask, but I’m not exactly sure what I’m asking. Do we keep going, or stop this once and for all?

  “I don’t know.” He steps closer, his hand reaching up to cup my face. “But I don’t think I can stop.”

  His hand is warm against my skin, comfort seeping in as I lean into it. The warmth is potent, causing me to step forward in search of more.

  I shouldn’t want this, but, brother forgive me, I do.

  A GROAN CRAWLS UP my throat as I wipe my mouth on the back of my hand. I barely made it to the kitchen sink in time. A few seconds later, and there would be a mess all over my floor.

  If I hadn’t been feeling bad the last few days, as well as feeling off the last few weeks, I would blame my stomach issues on the seafood I had at lunch. After washing my hands and rinsing my mouth, I pull down a glass and fill it with water, an itch scratching at my mind.

  Halfway through a large gulp flushing the taste away, the scratch breaks through as a chilling idea sets in.

  It’s late July, and the last time I can remember having my period was in May when I moved in. Two weeks later Niko and I . . .

  The glass slips from my fingers and crashes to the ground, shattering.

  I draw in a stunted breath, my hands shaking as I instinctively grab for my phone, the glass forgotten. My fingers are clumsy and fumble the phone as I attempt to unlock it.

  Three rings, and Aly’s cheerful voice comes over the line.

  “Hey, doll,” Aly says. “How are you?”

  “Hi, Aly. Are you busy, or um, what are you doing right now?”

  “I just got home, actually. I have a shift at the bar tonight. Why? What’s going on, Ev? You sound funny.”

  “I need you. Can you com
e over?”

  There is a pause; then she’s back. “Yeah. I’ll call out and then be there in an hour.”

  Every part of me is shaking. What am I going to do if it’s true?

  “Can you pick up a pregnancy test on your way?”

  “Shit, Ev,” she hisses. “I hope you’ve got some wine because I’m going to need it for this story.”

  “I don’t feel so good, Al.”

  “Go relax. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  I can’t believe I didn’t notice, didn’t remember, but as I think back, unlike the first night, there were no condom wrappers sprinkled in with our clothes. How could I be so reckless and stupid? We. How could we be so stupid? What am I going to do if I’m pregnant?

  An hour and five minutes later, Aly and I stare at three pregnancy tests, all with the same response—positive. Three different brands. Positive, two pink lines, and a plus sign. No way they’re all wrong.

  I’m pregnant.


  What the hell am I going to do?

  “How did this happen?” Aly asks. I quirk a brow at her, and she rolls her eyes in response. “I know how it happens, but how did it happen to you? Oh my God! Please tell me there is no chance it’s Tate’s?” Her face pales, and I understand her concern, but I know it’s not Tate’s.

  I shake my head. No, there’s only one man responsible.

  “Niko. There’s only been Niko. Tate and I haven’t been together like that in months, and I’ve had my period twice since he and I broke up. There’s no way it could be his.” I shudder a little, thinking to myself that would be the only plus to this right now. That it wouldn’t be Tate’s baby.

  Oh my God! A baby. The words are wrong and confusing, and I’m at a cross between crying and throwing up . . . again.

  “That night we went dancing I was so in the moment and more than a little tipsy . . . You know I don’t usually drink much. I don’t think we even thought about a condom.”

  “What about birth control?”

  I shake my head. “My prescription ran out, and I just haven’t had time to find a new doctor here. I’m not dating anyone, so it wasn’t even a concern.”


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