“Erm, yeah, okay then. If that’s what you want, honey.”
“Yes, Mike! It friggen well is!” Belinda clasped a hand over her mouth following her outburst of bad language. Her eyes went wide and was speechless with shock. Phyllis had already succumbed to using a few of the regrettable superlatives she’d heard, while Belinda had managed to escape their influence… Until now!
“You’re both full of surprises,” Scott said, smirking.
“Yeah,” Mike added with sarcasm in his voice. “If I hadn’t heard it with my own ears I wouldn’t have believed you would ever say such an awful thing.” He was smiling at her embarrassment while trying very badly to look shocked.
“Same here,” Scott threw into the gloating conversation.
Belinda’s cheeks went bright red. She wished she could just shrink and disappear into the tunnel floor with the verbal grief she was getting from the two who were wholly responsible for her different turn of phrase. Both men watched her, laughing together while giving her a knowing wink. She recognised they were only having a laugh and allowed herself to join in with the hilarity.
“Holy-shit!” Mike blurted out loudly.
Scott was taken by surprise again. “Mike. Will you cut the crap and stop scaring the proverbial outa me?”
Mike said nothing.
“So what the hell’s the matter this time?” Scott asked him, almost wishing he hadn’t asked.
Mike’s attention had turned downwards, his eyes looking at his groin region. Scott didn’t want to ask anything else in case he heard something he didn’t want to. Belinda was concerned there was something badly wrong with him and turned her visual attention to his damaged downstairs department. Mike didn’t move, but indicated to Scott with his eyes and a nod of his head for him to approach.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” He asked, wondering what the fuss was all about.
Mike gulped deeply. “There’s nothing wrong, mate. It’s the opposite that’s wrong.”
“Eh, I’m not sure I’m following you, Mike. What is it that you’re trying to tell me?
“Scott, for fucks sake! Get your asshole-ear over ‘ere!”
“Meaning, get your ear closer to my mouth please because I’ve something important to say,” interpreted Scott sarcastically to the listening audience as he leaned towards him.
Scott listened to Mike’s whispers without comment until he’d finished.
“You’re joking! You must be! Are you?”
Mike stood there with Phyllis wrapped around his neck like the weirdest looking blue-coloured mink-stole in the universe, wondering why he’d even tried to tell Scott his dramatic news. He didn’t want Belinda to know; Phyllis wasn’t even in the equation.
“Have I just wasted my goddamned breath telling you that what I said was to be a secret between us? Huh?”
It was Scott’s turn to feel embarrassed. “Yeah, you did. Sorry, old chum.”
With a glint of controlled anger in his eyes, Mike replied, “I’ll give you, old chum, if you act as stupid again!”
Scott nodded his understanding, while his head angled slightly with eyes focussing on Mike’s nether-regions. Belinda caught the look, wondering what it was that Mike had said to Scott. Then she thought of a plan to find out.
“What is the matter Scott? Is there something wrong with Mike’s damaged area?” She knew this would have the effect she was hoping for. Mike was about to speak, then closed his mouth as quickly as he’d opened it. Scott wanted to tell her, but couldn’t. He had his eyes on Mike, concentrating on the groin area where his injuries meant everything to him, when suddenly Belinda took a very loud and large intake of breath. She never said a word as she realised the men’s secret. She too looked at Mike’s injured area, but in a different kind of way. Mike knew she knew. Scott began to sense she’d figured-out what he’d been told.
With a squinting smile, Scott looked at Belinda, saying, “You’re a sly foxy lady.”
Belinda didn’t know what to say to that. She still looked at Mike’s injured area though.
“Holy fucking shit, Scott! She goddamned well knows, doesn’t she? Goddamn it!”
Scott opened his mouth to say he didn’t mean to let her know, but the words never formed. As for Belinda, she just looked at Mike’s parts.
“For fucks sake! I’m surrounded by a pair of perverts who would rather look at my fucked balls than speak to my face. Holy-shit for brains! Give me strength, dear lord, to overcome this time of need and goddamn despair!”
Belinda’s face changed slightly. Her line of sight moved from Mike’s bollocks to his eyes. “Is this true? She asked.
“What? Is what fucking true? He demanded to know while looking highly embarrassed.
Belinda was unmoved by his loud outburst. “Is it true that you have… an erection?”
“Holy fuckin’ shit! She does goddamned well know you piece of limey dogshit! You went and friggen-well told her, aint ya, ya piece of gook crap! You told Belinda what you agreed to keep secret!”
Scott took a step backwards, not knowing how far Mike might take the secret of his bodily function becoming public knowledge on Mars. He was just thankful he had Mike’s babe held tightly in his grasp and not the other way round.
Belinda wasn’t without compassion or understanding. She felt Mike’s anguish of her knowing what he considered an embarrassment. The embarrassment was not his to bear, but for those who would feel pity for such a man who could survive on such a desolate planet by himself, more or less. She could feel pity, yes; that was easy. She also felt pride for a man who had lived by himself for more than half of his life. His mental state left unanswered questions to the level of his sanity, but here was an ordinary guy who was thrown into undeserved solitary confinement with only hope and the self preservation of his own life to keep pushing him along. She knew the Greys had abducted many humans over eons of time, concealing them while using their bodies for experimental uses and other unknown determinations. And yet, here was Mike, a human kept alive and reasonably healthy on Mars, secreted away for, as yet, unknown reasons. Scott had already said he’d recognised his damaged penis and scrotum on a hybrid type bi-pedal organism. Perhaps, she asked herself, there was more to Mike’s rescue and detention than meets the questioning eye?
While watching Belinda figure things out in her own way, Mike calmed down. A silence had ensued without conversation of any kind between them. He wondered what was running through her mind. He didn’t want pity. He didn’t want sorrow. He didn’t know what he wanted.
“I am sorry, Mike. Or should I say I am not sorry? The fact that you have managed to overcome the affliction that you have suffered for much of your time says a great deal about you.”
Mike began to look proud after her reassuring words. “It does? What does it say about me, then?”
“It says you are a unique individual, which we all are of course. But in your case, you are quite as unique as Scott is, in my opinion.”
Scott’s ears picked up. He had already been told he was unique but never really paid too much attention to it. But now…
“Go on then, tell me why? Tell me why I’m so bloody unique?” asked Mike with a more than just a questioning look spread right across his slightly smiling and almost proud face.
“Because the Greys didn’t kill you like the others. They kept you alive. That just about says everything.”
Chapter twenty-four
The satellite named, Beagle, had proved to be more troublesome than was first anticipated. Its approach had been according to schedule, as precisely programmed by NASA’s scientists and engineers, with a trajectory that was almost perfect towards a proposed landing site that was well chosen for its evenness and interesting geology. The Greys’ energy neutralising ray had stopped its controlled decent, forcing it to crash onto the hard and unforgiving Martian landscape of semi-rounded boulders and solid compacted gravel. Without any electrical power to activate its landing equipment when required, the small and advanc
ed unit had simply plummeted from its point of entry through the thin atmosphere, reaching the arid and barren surface well ahead of its appointed schedule and at a much greater speed. The protection afforded by its heat shield and uninflated and folded membrane had initially helped bind it together as it drunkenly bounced across the red terrain, deflected from one boulder onto another, then off yet another; a bit like a Pinball machine without the dings and the dongs to accompany its demise. Its bouncing momentum had decreased rapidly, steadily losing kinetic energy by its abrupt vector changes. It quickly returned to its component form as it steadily broke apart. Having collected the pieces, it was now in possession of the returning Grey retrieval party, whose demanded arrival back at base was imminent.
The human agencies that sent these small craft were always so accurate in pinpointing the exact area where their small ships would land, in that the Grey Empire had begun to have a rethink about the supposedly primitive primate population on planet Earth. It appeared they did have potential after all; they reconsidered, which was extremely worrying for them and their future plans. The evolutionary and speedy development of a primitive primate certainly seemed to be something of a miracle as far as lifeforms go. The satellites sent to Mars were becoming more advanced with each and every launch, where it was expected a manned ship would soon be sent; but only after several successful robotic landings had been achieved. It was the danger of human operators working on the Martian surface with sensitive sensory equipment that could mean detection and surveillance on an unprecedented scale, with any bases discovered giving rise to the knowledge that humans were not alone after all. The human virus could then begin to spread far and wide if they succeeded in learning the hidden secrets of Mars and its orbiting rocky satellites. It was a prospect and a risk the Grey Empire could not afford to accept, or any other species.
The Council of Six governed approximately sixty-five percent of the inhabited cosmos, with peaceful subversive actions taking place to contain humans on Earth. Greys were being forced to take their own scheming actions to preserve their own anonymity. Human exploratory spacecraft were becoming the proverbial thorn in the Grey flesh of intelligence, as far as the Empire was concerned. The blue-planet’s dominant species grasp of the physical and elemental capabilities was extending towards the point of conducting war against anything or anyone humans did not understand. The Grey Empire knew that a battle with the humans would be viewed as a war against the Council itself; which was something the Greys could ill afford.
Very early in Earth’s human history, this same Council had attempted to consolidate dispersed nomadic populations and their various cultures. They had instructed those same groups to settle, constructing homesteads with simple buildings and connecting roads. They were led from their hunter-gathering ways by teaching them basic agriculture and the important use of irrigation and crop-rotation. The taught tribes soon learned to master what they had learned, quickly benefiting from trading with neighbours, far and wide. The earliest technically minded groups extended their understanding of trade by using the sea as the most useful method of transportation, where boats would sail across the then known world, sometimes further than originally intended. It had been observed that boats made from reeds could be safely navigated across vast oceans, with the bewildered and confused occupants integrating with the locals where they made successful landfall. Far-reaching and lost Egyptian traders were actually the first sailors to cross the Atlantic, driven more by stormy weather than by inquisitive choice. Their cultural differences and influence led to great pyramids being built on the Yucatan Peninsula, similar to their own great monuments built to honour their Pharaohs’ and gods from the stars, but influenced by the bloodthirsty rituals of Central America. For the first time, these communities used hieroglyphics to convey information, but only to commemorate feathered serpent gods who demanded untold numbers of sacrifices, plus the celebrated severed head and ripped-out heart from the winner of a basketball-type game.
The Council had intervened in later years by uplifting entire groups, some who had shown higher levels of intelligence and potential, depositing them into the regions where religious fanatics orchestrated sacrifice and violence against their own followers. These religious despots used their own people as offerings to quench their gods’ appetite for blood. What was committed was nothing short of legalised religious murder on unprecedented scales. Drug use was the main precursor for this violent and deprived behaviour, which is still being used in current times. The most extraordinary repositioning was the occupants of a Scandinavian village. They had been taken from what is now called, Sweden, and deposited into one of the most violent regions of South America. The pale-skinned blonde-haired group had been chosen for their intellect and boundless compassion, always showing friendship and kindness toward others. The vicious hierarchy of the region to where they had been deposited, however, had seen them as a challenge, a plague of do-gooders that tried to undermine their dark religious practices. The local leaders had taken exception to the foreigners who were stealing followers from their evil influence, trying to teach the converts a new way of life that was alien to what they knew. And like so many other communities, the kind and caring group were persecuted to extinction; hunted down and murdered into a long since lost oblivion. The small group’s presence hadn’t been completely destroyed though. The blonde-haired tribe’s circular huts and strengthened surrounding enclave boundary wall had survived in its basic format for many centuries, having been built to an extremely high standard. Inquisitive and mystified archaeologists surprisingly discovered it while researching historical artefacts belonging to the larger and more commonly known violent community. The United States of America government had funded the archaeological survey, which was there on behalf of various universities and institutions. These same intellectuals were trying to piece together and understand the reasons for the migratory patterns of various populations to explain the transcontinental movements and habits of human life throughout evolutionary history; like an enormous and mysterious jigsaw without the usual picture, which was yet to be understood and recognised. As for the destruction and killing of the small group, whose blonde hair and tall stature baffled the discovering archaeologists, it was just another of life’s great mysteries. It was seen as an anomaly that could not be explained by the current line of thought or enquiry. Every other population in that part of the world had a much shorter stature with black hair and a much different lifestyle; originally derived from Mongoloid tribes who ventured across the Bering Straits when land-bridged towards the end of the last ice-age and before rising sea levels. During the Second World War, when Hitler and his followers reigned supreme in Europe, history was twisted and physically altered to suit the Nazi’s philosophies, expectations, legends and predictions of yet another Reich. They wanted to show how an Arian race had been the predecessor to the modern human, with some types being singularly isolated to prove there were sub-human classes who would try to exert control by manipulating the economies of the world to fund their own deviant form of corrupt control. The Jewish religion and Gypsies were two of those unfortunate groups labelled as sub-human, brought into the unwarranted limelight of fascist attention and propaganda. Since those days, passing time hasn’t necessarily meant an increase in awareness regarding the wrong and painful persecution of innocent groups, populations, tribes, casts, religions and solitary individuals. It is because they might be different, with some contesting current policies, or simply wearing clothes that do not blend in with the local area or sectarian beliefs. The hate and violence will continue unabated and out of control for as long as there are those who have the mind and sadism to manipulate and force others to do their evil. And as long as people like Hitler can persuade those with weaker minds and gullible beliefs to believe the lies they say, there will never be peace amongst the humans on planet Earth. For millions of Earth years, the human species had persevered through adversity; courageously proving to be as formidable and as tough
as the sometimes impossible environment they fought to control. Whether by simple prayer to many wondrous and supernatural gods, or by more technologically advanced mechanisms in later life, they strived to conquer the land which they now sow; reaping the benefits of food and life. In the past, extraterrestrials had intervened by teaching a small proportion of a settled group how to harness the environment’s energy to grow crops successfully each and every year, the extra sustenance had been used to persuade other tribes and groups towards a greater leadership during leaner times. Human history is full of it, hard times where one tribe could prosper while another painfully failed. The Middle East and its satellite countries was the initial seat of learning following the spread of hominids from the continent presently called Africa. It too, however, would soon become divided, by both military and financial means, as will countries of the other continents around the globe. The Arabs, Greeks and Egyptians, amongst many others, strove to gain an understanding of their terrestrial and extraterrestrial surroundings, while those who would follow them would accumulate the same education, to use it for their own good and beneficial advancement - for a while anyway. The Egyptians had been visited by a technologically advanced species at the onset of their civilisation, giving rise to their astronomical observatories that charted the positions of heavenly bodies. They knew which stars in their sky were important; those were the ones where their teachers had arrived from. Sirius, the brightest star in their northern hemisphere, is one that was regarded as home to the ancients, as they were also referred to by other cultures. But as time passed, the tales of these gods had taken on new meanings, sometimes becoming obscured by those who would choose to use them to benefit themselves and their greedy followers. Religions throughout Earth’s history were notorious for abusing the beliefs of the ordinary people to catapult themselves into a hierarchical type of power, forcing those who didn’t agree with their philosophies to leave their land or be executed for heresy or some other contrived outrageous and unholy accusation of conspiracy or witchcraft. Earthlings were their own worst enemy and still are; it is a well-known concern throughout the galaxies. Many want to stop the humans from progressing any further, to curb the anxiety they have infected into every species unknown to them. It is believed that as long as they are kept quarantined within their own particular system, as they are at present, they should not present a danger. However, the Council of Six are aware of the Grey Empire’s greedy desire to embrace Earth and its sister planets, pressing them into its Empire; thus giving them yet another foothold in space where they desire to reign supreme.
An Alien Rescue Page 32