Through The Weeds (Nightshade MC Book 2)

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Through The Weeds (Nightshade MC Book 2) Page 25

by Shannon Flagg

  Caroline shifted on the bed, onto her side where she could leave her arm stretched out. She'd swallowed the pain killers before she'd gotten into bed. All she could do was hope that they'd kick in soon. She heard Buster come out of the bathroom, but she remained where she was.

  The light turned off. She felt the bed shift with his weight and then his arm was over her waist. “Is this okay?” He pressed a kiss to her shoulder through the faded tee shirt she'd put on. The simple touch sent a tremor through her entire body. Buster chuckled. “I'm going to take that as a yes.”

  “And you should,” Caroline slid back until she felt him against her.

  “I don't know what I would have done if something more had happened to you today.” His voice was serious. His hand moved to her hip and gripped. “I thought that I'd lost you and...”

  “I know.” Caroline shut her eyes and concentrated on his warmth. “I... I thought the same thing and I...” she sighed. “I gave up. I was high and I was ready. And then the next thing I knew, you were there. I must have passed out. I was so high.”

  “You were scared. I'm sorry you were scared. I'm sorry for all of it.” He pressed another kiss to her shoulder. “But it's over now. It's all over. Nothing is ever going to hurt you again.”

  Caroline was pretty sure that wasn't true, but she couldn't bring herself to say that to him. She couldn't take away his hope, even if hers was smashed to bits. She tried to turn to face him, but her arm got in the way. She let out a hiss of pain and lay back where she had been.

  “Do you want another pill?” His voice was full of concern.

  Another pill would probably be nice, but she'd spent enough time that day high. “I'm just waiting for what I just took to kick in. I'll be fine. I'm home now. I'm with you and I'm safe.” She shut her eyes with a smile as he nuzzled his face against the back of her neck. “I have heard that orgasms are pretty effective as a pain killer.”

  “Is that so?” Buster asked.

  “It's a scientifically proven fact.” Caroline replied. She was reasonably sure that it was, at least, and even if it wasn't, it really didn't matter. She felt Buster's hand start to move in slow circles on her hip, teasing circles that moved towards her center.

  “Well, who am I to argue with science?” He nipped down on her shoulder. Caroline's body started to hum; the slight burst of pain had sent warmth to every part of her body. “I've got to remember your arm. I don't want to hurt you, tell me if I do.”

  “You won't. My arm feels better. Much much better.” And even better when his fingers brushed over her thighs. Why had she put on pants to sleep in? Naked would be so much better and faster. “Help me get undressed?”

  “You'll never have to ask me twice to take your clothes off.” He removed his hand. Caroline sighed at the lack of contact but rolled onto her back. “You got anything under these pants? I bet you don't.” Caroline grinned at him and lifted her hips so he could pull the pants down. He made no comment on the fact that they were bright blue with little ducks wearing rain coats all over the material, which made Caroline realize that all of her pajamas were a little off the wall, except for a few things she'd bought lately that were on the sexy side.

  “You still with me?” he asked with a smile as he threw the pants onto the floor.

  “I'm here. I was just thinking... I could wear different pajamas, sexier pajamas.”

  “These are some sexy pajamas. Ducks in the rain? That's hot. You're hot no matter what you're wearing or not wearing. Got it?” His expression was so serious that she knew his words were from the heart. Finally, she knew what it felt like to have someone who loved her not in spite of her quirks but because of them. There really wasn't much more she could ask for in life. So what if their world wasn't always safe? It was a small price to pay.

  “I've got it. I've still got a shirt on, too. It's kind of in the way.” Buster laughed and the warmth she'd felt spread fire. The shirt couldn't come off quickly enough. She sat up, tried to take it off herself, but he stopped her.

  “Let me.” His hands were gentler than hers would have been. He moved forward, brought his mouth to hers. He kissed her until she wasn't capable of any thought but just how badly she needed to feel him inside of her.

  “Buster. Please.” She gripped his back with her one good hand.

  “Please what?”

  “I need you. Now. Please,” Caroline pleaded. She nipped at his bottom lip. He responded with a growl and then every illusion she had about being in control of the kiss was gone as he completely took over. It wasn't just his mouth, he was pressed against her, hard and long. She wanted him, all of him. “Please.”

  Buster pulled back from her. Confusion overtook her mind until she realized that he'd only done so in order to take off his pants. He returned to the bed, slid his hands beneath one knee to push it open wider as the other hand stroked along her opening. “I was going to say that you weren't ready, but you feel pretty ready to me.”

  Caroline lifted her hips to give him better access. She threw her head back and moaned as he slid two fingers inside of her. It felt amazing, but she wanted more. She needed more. She needed it all. He must have seen it in her eyes or felt it in the way that warmth rushed between her legs.

  He didn't make her wait any longer. One second his fingers were gone, and he next he was inside of her. All the way inside of her in one deep thrust. Caroline felt the burn as her body adjusted to him, and it made her hips rock of their own accord. “Fuck. Fuck.” Buster remained perfectly still. “Oh, that's good. You feel so good.”

  Caroline didn't think good was a strong enough word. He felt absolutely amazing inside of her. She rolled her hips against him, but he still didn't move. “Buster!” She swatted at his arm with her good hand. “Don't tease me.”

  “Who's teasing?” He leaned down and captured her lips with his. “You feel so good, I move now and I might just embarrass myself.” He pulled back with a grin.

  “You are so not funny.” Caroline couldn't help but let out a laugh. He hooked his other hand beneath her knee, and then he was even deeper inside of her. “Oh!” She pushed her hips up against him, but he held her legs tight, kept her in place. Buster began to move in her, filling her only to pull back so that only the very tip of him was inside of her. It wasn't enough, and it was too much all at once.

  When Buster released her leg, instead of lowering it, Caroline lifted it up higher. “Fuck.” He swore as she placed her leg flat against his chest, her ankle extended over his shoulder. Caroline felt the muscles in her thigh protest but ignored them as he was once again as deep in her as he could be.

  It was unlike anything that Caroline had ever felt before. She didn't even know where the idea had come from, but it was fucking fantastic.

  She lifted her other leg, flexed her hips and felt her entire body clench. “Oh. Oh.” Buster began to move again, hard deep strokes that pushed her over the edge. Caroline arched her back, drove herself down hard on him, and that was all it took. “Buster!”

  His only response was a grunt, it seemed all he was capable of as he began to slam into her harder, faster. Caroline felt her body flood in response, and then she was flying. There was no pain. There was nothing but the feeling of being full of the man she loved. It was all that she needed.


  The sun woke Caroline the following morning. She closed her eyes to go back to sleep but caught the scent of coffee in the air. Buster was still next to her. It took a moment to remember that Jillian and Ace were there. The events of the day before flooded back quickly. How could she have forgotten even for a moment?

  She eased out of the bed, bit her lip to keep from screaming when she hit her arm against the bed. Buster didn't stir. It wasn't easy to wash up and get dressed, but somehow she managed. He was still sleeping when she left the bathroom and headed downstairs.

  The source of the coffee was Ace. He looked like he needed it delivered by an IV drip. “Hey. Want a cup?”

.” Caroline moved to sit down at the kitchen table. “You look like shit.”

  He let out a laugh. “Thanks. Yeah, I didn't get much sleep.”

  “How's Jillian?”

  “She woke up a few hours ago. Asked for some time alone. I've been down here since. I don't want to push her.” He poured the coffee with a steady hand. “How are you?”

  “I'm okay,” Caroline replied. Ace cocked an eyebrow at her. “Really, I am. I'm hurting, but I'll survive.”

  “Alright. I'm here if you need to talk. You know that, right? You're not alone. You've got a whole family behind you.” Ace walked over to the fridge. “You want breakfast? I'm going to make breakfast. We all need to eat.”

  “We do,” Caroline confirmed. “You want me to go back and check on Jillian while you get started?”

  “Please.” He smiled, but it was sad. “I'm not sure that I can help her.”

  “You can. You are. She loves you.” Caroline knew that Jillian hadn't spoken the words, but she knew that it was true. “I don't know why she hides it or why it scares her, but she does love you. And I know that you love her.”

  “Pretty much have from the first time I saw her.” Ace replied. “I'm just not sure that it's going to be enough. She's... closed down.”

  “It's just going to take time.” Caroline hoped that was the truth. She carried her coffee with her and walked to the guest room. She knocked on the door and when no response came, she opened it anyway. “Jillian?” There was a small bathroom off of the guest room and the door was shut.

  A bad feeling settled over Caroline. She put the coffee down on the dresser, took a deep breath and walked over to the door. It opened easily but the door wouldn't swing all the way open. Jillian was in the way. She squeezed herself through the partially open door. Caroline grabbed the disposable razor out of her friend's hand. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “I can't get it off.” Jillian looked up from her bleeding arm.”Some of it but not all of it.”

  “We need to stop the bleeding.” Caroline grabbed a hand towel and crouched down.

  “I need it off of me. I need it off of me now. It's his! I don't want it.” Jillian nearly shouted the words. “I see it and I think... I need it off. Please.”

  “There's no safe way to take it off right now, so we'll cover it.” Caroline wrapped the towel around. “Like mine.”

  “Ace said that he hurt you, too. I'm sorry. I should have know that there was something wrong with him before it got to this.” She sighed and banged her head lightly against the wall.

  “This isn't on you.” Caroline tied the towel the best she could. It would do. The wounds didn't look that deep, they probably wouldn't even need to call Maggie. “It's not. So don't even think that. No one is thinking that.”

  “Is he still here?”

  “Ace?” Caroline smiled. “Of course he is. He's in the kitchen, making you breakfast. So, why don't we get you up and go see if he can cook or not.”

  Jillian shook her head. “I'm not hungry. And he shouldn't be here. He shouldn't be making me fucking breakfast.”

  “Why not?” Caroline asked. She shut the door and sat down across from Jillian.

  “You want a list?”

  “I don't think that I'm going to buy any list you come up with, Jillian. Ace loves you. I don't know why that scares you so much that it pisses you off, but it's the truth. He's not going anywhere this time, even if you do try to push him away again.” Caroline knew that she was being blunt, too blunt by the way that Jillian's expression darkened. “I never understood why you did that.”

  “I had my reasons,” Jillian replied after a moment of silence. “I'd really like to be alone now, Caroline.”

  “You need to get that bandaged properly.” Caroline pointed out. “I can help you.”

  “I can do it myself.”

  “But you don't have to.” She got to her feet and held out her hand. “Come on. I'm going to help you and then we'll talk about breakfast.”

  “I'm not hungry.”

  “Tough shit, Sweetheart. You're not checking out. I'm not going to let you. You survived Jillian. You survived all the shit that Jake threw at you and everything that was thrown at you before. You're still here. Still standing. Still whole.” Caroline pulled Jillian to her feet and all but dragged her out of the bathroom.

  Ace was standing in the bedroom when they came out. “Waffles are done.” His brow furrowed as he caught sight of the towel haphazardly wrapped around Jillian's wrist. “What the fuck happened?” He moved forward quickly, grabbed Jillian's arm.

  The movement wasn't unexpected to Caroline, but it seemed that Jillian had been caught off guard. She made a sound like a wounded animal and visibly cowered. “Easy Ace, easy.”

  “I'm not going to hurt her. Fuck!” Ace released Jillian's arm. “Get out of here, Caroline. I've got this. I said go.”

  Caroline hesitated but Jillian caught her eye and nodded. Her friend still looked scared, but even if Ace was angry, Caroline knew that he wouldn't hurt her. She left the room, shut the door and stood there for a moment. There was no yelling. No raised voices at all, so she walked away.

  Buster was in the kitchen, wearing only pajama pants and a tee shirt. He had the better part of a waffle shoved in his mouth. He chewed and swallowed. “These are fantastic. Good job, honey.”

  “I didn't make them. Ace did.” Caroline told him. “He came back to tell me and Jillian and got distracted.”

  “Distracted by Jillian, I'm assuming?”

  “She tried to cut off her ink. Didn't get far since she was using a disposable razor, but she did manage to get some of it off.”

  Buster sighed. “Maybe Maggie was right, and she needs to be somewhere with people who can help her.”

  Caroline would have probably agreed with him the night before, but now she knew that Jillian was where she was supposed to be. She was with people who loved her. People who would help her in any way that they could. “No, she needs this. She needs Ace. She just needs to realize that's what she needs.”

  “You seem pretty sure of that.”

  “That's because I am,” Caroline smiled for him. “And I'm also sure that I didn't get a proper good morning from you yet today.”

  “That was pretty shitty of me.”

  “Yup,” she replied playfully. “Gonna have to make it up to me.”

  “Get your ass over here,” he replied with a grin.

  Caroline went willingly, and as soon as she was within reach, he grabbed her and pulled her to him. His mouth covered hers. He still tasted like waffles, and for some reason, it turned her on. Or maybe it was more accurate to just say that he turned her on. Everything about him made her want to drag him up the stairs but before she could do that, the doorbell rang.

  Caroline sighed. “I suppose that we need to get that.”

  “It's probably one of the guys. I'll let him in, and we'll take this upstairs and pick up right where we left off. How's that sound?”

  “Perfect,” Caroline replied.

  “And we're taking that maple syrup upstairs with us.” He winked at her. Caroline felt herself blush, but that sounded like a spectacular idea.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Buster never considered that it would be Harris on the other side of the door. The bitch had been keeping a low profile. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “I'd like to talk. May I come in?”

  “I'd rather invite a vampire inside,” he replied without hesitation. “I've got nothing to say to you.”

  “Not even about the bar exploding last night or the bodies that we found inside? Bodies that are at the medical examiner right now. We're going to find out who they were.”

  “The bar exploding? I don't know what you're talking about. What happened to the bar?” Buster asked. He frowned at her.

  “What about the bar?” Caroline spoke from behind him. “What's going on?”

  “Oh, come off of it, both of you. You really think that I'm goi
ng to buy that you know nothing of it?”

  “What can I tell you? We had an early night last night.”

  “You weren't even at the end of the street when it exploded. I saw you.”

  Buster didn't reply. She was trying to bait him, get him to say something he shouldn't. He wondered just how much she'd seen and where she'd been. But he knew that if she had anything she could take to her higher-ups, she already would have.

  “I'm going to find out who those bodies belong to, and I'm going to link them to Nightshade. I'm going to take all of you down one way or the other.” Harris smiled. “And I'm going to love every minute of watching you fall. I'm thinking life in prison for you.” She laughed. “With some wet-behind-the-ears public defender, you won't even stand a chance.”

  “I won't need a public defender, if it ever comes to that. I've got a lawyer on retainer. You know what? If you've got anything else to say to me, I think that you should call him instead. Jerome Kessler. You've heard of him, right?” Buster grinned at the surprise on the woman's face. “Now, get the fuck off of my property. You're not welcome here.”

  “This isn't over. It's not over until you're dead or in jail. I know which one I'd prefer.” Harris looked past him to where Caroline stood. “Enjoy him while you can. You're on borrowed time, Caroline.”

  Buster slammed the door shut. If he had to look at her face for one more minute, his control was going to snap and he was going to give into the urge to punch the woman in the face. He'd never struck a woman in his life, but he'd make an exception for that bitch. “Don't pay attention to a word she said.”

  “She's not going to stop. She's got determination. You can see it in her eyes.”

  “She can be as determined as she'd like to be. It doesn't matter. If she had anything, she'd be using it right now. She's fishing. Fuck her. Now, where were we?” Buster asked even though he remembered quite well. “And where is the maple syrup?” She didn't reply, and her silence told Buster that Harris had killed the mood for her. It was just another reason to despise the bitch. “Alright, come on. Let's have breakfast.”


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