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Salvation Page 6

by Ahren Sanders

  “Babe, what the fuck?” My anger turns to rage.

  “No, don’t say anything. I just wanted you to know I have a dad, a really awesome one. You deserve to know what you’re getting into. My life is far from picture perfect. There are a lot of terrible things.”

  I stare at her with absolute awe. Questions fly through my mind, but mostly I think back to Cruz’s statement about her being a shining light in darkness. She looks at me with sadness, which tears at my heart.

  “Did you scar?”

  “Pardon me?”

  “When your sister hit you, did it leave a scar?”

  She moves her hair to the side and points to a small mark on her right temple. Another tear falls when I bend up and kiss it tenderly.

  We sit for a few minutes as she tries to calm down. I cradle her in my arms and speak softly, the words heavy in my throat.

  “When I was on a mission in Afghanistan, we were caught in a roadside bomb. I lost six guys that day, four of them like brothers. Finn jumped through fire to get to me. I was hurt bad, but physically, I was able to heal. Emotionally, I’m still dealing.”

  The small area on my stomach filled with moisture now increases. Ember shakes slightly in my arms as I hold tighter. She sniffs a few times and then lifts up. Even with tear-stained cheeks, she is beautiful.

  “Thank you for sharing with me.”

  “The same goes to you. I want you to know, from this night forward, you can always talk to me.”

  Her eyes search mine for a few seconds before she gives me a slight grin and shows the dimples. Then she lies back on my side. Her hand moves around and grabs mine, squeezing tight, and I restart the movie.

  I watch, but don’t really pay attention. My brain replays her story over and over. Her father being in jail doesn’t bother me at all. It’s the fact that she was exposed to such hatred from the women that are supposed to love her. We lay for a few more minutes until she goes slack against me. Her breathing softens, she curls into me tightly, and before long, she’s asleep. I try my hardest to concentrate on the action flick she agreed to, but when her leg buries between my own, blood instantly rushes to my dick, making it hard again. I lower my nose and lips to her head and breathe in her distinct scent. The coconut fragrance of her shampoo fills my senses, and I kiss her hair lightly. My eyes close as I drift off wrapped in her warmth.

  A throbbing ache wakes me from a deep sleep, and I immediately know the source of the pain. Ember has changed positions and is laid out completely on top of me. Her foot is digging into my wounded leg. It kills me to move her, but if I don’t, walking will be difficult tomorrow.

  “Ember, babe, we need to move.”

  She groans sleepily against my chest, clutching my shirt. “No, leave me alone. I’m tired.”

  I smile and lift up slowly, one arm holding her against me. Grabbing under her knees, I pull her across my lap and put my legs on the floor. Prickling sensations run down my entire calf as circulation returns. She curls up like a child and exhales loudly, still sleeping.

  “Babe, can you wake up long enough to tell me which room is yours?”

  “Upstairs. Second door on right,” she mumbles.

  I give my leg another minute to return to normal and then stand with her. The soft light of the lamp on her nightstand guides me to her bed. When I lay her down, she finally starts to wake. Her eyelids flutter, and when she focuses on me, her lips curve.

  “Are you staying the night?” Her sweet voice causes a stir deep inside.

  “Do you want me to?”

  “Ummhmm.” She nods and curls back into my body. Within seconds, she’s fallen back asleep.

  I pry myself away and go back to the living room to make sure the doors are locked. When I return, the sight in front me causes my blood to pump faster. Ember’s jeans are on the floor, and she’s lying in only a scrap of grey silk panties and the red camisole. The most responsible thing would be to go back to the sofa and restrain from touching her. But the large bed looks much more comfortable and my leg is aching again.

  I find her bathroom, wash my face, and then strip down to my boxers. It takes a few minutes to get her under the sheets, elevate my leg, and get comfortable.

  Her room is so quiet, too quiet. At home, I sleep with the TV on to help keep me from thinking too much. It’s easy to function normally during the day, but when I lay down to sleep at night, images that have been burned into my brain appear. It’s easier to push them away with SportsCenter playing in the background. Suddenly, Ember rolls over, flings her arm across my chest, and settles her face in my neck.

  Her soft snoring close to my ear relaxes me, and my eyes grow heavy. For the first time in a long time, I sleep soundly.

  The sound of hushed voices wakes me. Cracking one eye, I see Alex pulling Cruz out of the room. They shut the door quietly, and I shift to move without waking Ember. During the night, she sprawled out- half on me and half across the bed. For such a small girl, she practically takes up the whole mattress. As soon as I’m able to finagle out of her hold and stand, I groan. My morning hard-on aches painfully against the fabric of my boxers, so I adjust myself on the way to the bathroom.

  My phone alerts me to the time, and I realize it’s too late to go by my house and change before my morning meeting with Finn and Dad. Making a quick decision to leave from here, I turn on the shower and look through the drawers for a toothbrush.

  Five minutes later, I pull on my clothes from last night and send a quick text to my dad.

  Me: Be a few minutes late. Leg is bothering me this morning.

  It’s a shitty thing to do to play off the injury, but it’s the only excuse that’ll work without me having to answer questions. When I open the door, Ember is sitting up in her bed, looking around hazily. Our eyes meet and she smiles shyly. The color creeping up her cheeks sends a volt through me. Even first thing in the morning, with her hair wild and slightly disoriented, she’s incredibly sexy.

  “Hey, sleepyhead.” I walk to the bed, brace my fists on each side of her hips, and lean in to kiss her forehead. “Not sure I’ve ever met anyone that sleeps as hard as you do, and that’s saying something. Tripp and Gabe are notorious for sleeping through almost anything.”

  “I woke up confused. Did we fall asleep on the couch and you carry me up here?”

  “Yeah, then you asked me to stay and I couldn’t say no.”

  “I did not!”

  “Oh, yeah, you did. I slept right here under you all night.” I lift her chin and kiss along her lips lightly. “Unfortunately, I’ve got to get to work. Hope you don’t mind that I took a shower.”

  “Of course not. Do you want some coffee? It can be ready in less than five minutes.”

  Forgetting about the time, I nod and step back, allowing her to scoot out of the bed. She looks down and back to me. “Did you undress me?” She tries to cover herself.

  “Nope, you did that all on your own. I was a gentleman. But have to say, it was hard when you plastered yourself to my side in that skimpy get-up.” I tease her and watch the blush I’m beginning to love spread up her neck.

  She rushes to the bathroom and shuts the door, and I head to the kitchen, anticipating a thorough interrogation.

  Instead, Cruz shoots a smile my way and Alex slaps me on the shoulder. I look between them, waiting, but neither says a thing.

  “We know what you’re thinking, but we’re not mad, or upset, or anything but happy. It’d be a different story if you fucked her and left her wondering what was going to happen next. But it’s obvious that isn’t the case,” Cruz tells me.

  “Jesus Christ. The last two times I’ve been around you, I get the impression you think I’m a fucking douchebag. Did I piss you off in an alternate life or something?”

  “No, and now you have our blessing.”

  “Great. Now that that bullshit is out of the way, I need to talk to you about something. I came close to fucking up last night and need your advice.”

  Both men look at
me intently.

  “I asked about Ember’s family, and she shut down. Guard up in less than two seconds flat. Her voice changed and her attitude did a complete one-eighty. She spouted some shit about me having great parents. I told her I was sorry and to tell me to mind my own business.

  “Less than half an hour later, she was lying on my chest in tears, telling me about her dad.”

  Cruz’s face goes pale as he sets his coffee on the counter, his eyes never leaving mine. “She told you about Thad? Did she tell you about, Serena, her mom?”

  “Is that the name of the scum of the earth that gave birth to her? She told me a little.”

  “Robbie, she never talks about them, I mean never. You need to know this is huge.”

  “I feel it in my bones. Felt her tears leaking into my skin. It’ll take time, but she’ll always know she’s safe with me. From what she told me, her mom’s a piece of shit. That’s why I need your advice. I like Ember, want to see where this thing leads us. Those are my intentions.” I emphasize the word and watch Cruz’s lips curl. “But I also want to know about her. That’s the getting to know you portion of dating, but I’m walking a very thin line. How far can she be pushed?”

  The men share another look, and this time Alex speaks. “Just be delicate. We’ve encouraged her to talk for years, but each time she relives some of her memories, it transports her back to a frightened, insecure, and devastated young woman. So in turn, we quit asking, but you’re right. If you want a relationship, she needs to talk to you. Be warned, though. Her shit isn’t pretty. We are lucky of the woman she became. Her past could have made her into a totally different person.”

  “Fucking hell, what am I supposed to think of that?”

  Cruz stands straight and posts a smile on his face. “Little Star, thought you may sleep the day away.”

  Ember walks in and throws a nasty look his way, then her eyes fall on me. “Do you still have time for coffee?”

  “Can I take it to-go?”

  Her face falls, but she nods and reaches for a travel mug. “How do you like it?”


  The men leave, giving me an encouraging look. I walk to Ember, take the full mug out of her hand, and place it on the counter. “Look at me. The reason I asked for a travel mug is because I’d much rather spend my five minutes kissing you than drinking coffee.”

  A smile spreads across her face, and she bites down on her bottom lip. “That’s a much better plan.”

  I bend and lift her onto the counter, stepping between her legs. The moment our mouths meet, she parts her lips and touches the tip of her tongue to mine. My hands thread through her hair and massage her scalp with the same rhythm as our tongues swirl. I deepen the kiss, pulling her to the edge of the counter and closer into me. The feeling of her small body takes me back to thirty minutes ago in her bed and in my arms.

  A groan escapes from low in my throat as I devour her. The taste of spearmint coats my mouth, and I can’t get enough. Her hands slide around my waist as she pulls away and lays her cheek against my chest. “Much better idea than coffee,” she murmurs.

  “Ember, last night changed things for me. You have every right to be cautious, but know I’m in this for the right reasons.” I push a stray hair behind her ear and rub lightly on her neck. “I liked waking up next to you. Even more, I like kissing you before I leave for work. So we’re gonna take this slow, but I want to know if you’re on the same page.”

  “What’s the page?”

  “I thought you were too good for me. I was right, but I want you. Do you forgive me for being a total asshole?”

  “Yes.” Her face glows.

  “I really need to go but will call you later today.”


  “You have plans tonight?”

  “I have a few after-hours appointments. And Jonas is picking up his suit after practice.”

  “Anyone in the shop with you?”


  This sits uneasy with me, but I don’t want to come off as a controlling bastard. “How about I come by about seven. When you’re done, we’re going to a bar with my friends.”

  “I don’t want to intrude. Sounds like boys night.”

  “I want you to intrude. Your company is enjoyable.” I squeeze her leg, step back, and start to walk away. “Talk to you soon,” I say over my shoulder.

  “Robbie,” she calls softly and I turn. “I may sleep like a log, but I remember you holding me. It was nice.”

  I wink at her and walk out. Nice? Am I turning into nice?

  Chapter 8

  Another One Bites the Dust.


  Finn follows me back to my office and stands against the doorframe with his arms crossed. “You gonna make me ask, or you gonna tell me?”

  “Tell you what?”

  “Seriously?” He raises an eyebrow and grins. “You want me to spell it out?”

  “I guess so, since I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  He looks at the ceiling and blows out a breath then steps in, closing the door behind him. “I actually almost bought it, which means I’m losing my edge. Your dad said your leg hurt and he was concerned. Then you walk in thirty minutes late, with a grin on your face and no limp. You forget I’ve seen you, man. Even through the worst. Your leg hurts- you limp. Today, you strolled. Come up with a better excuse.”

  “Don’t know what you mean.” I avoid eye contact.

  “How about this? You smell like a girl.”

  “You don’t know what the fuck you’re saying.”

  “A certain girl.”

  “Did you grow a pussy overnight? We may need to get that checked out.”

  “No, I’ve had my pussy moments, and they were eight weeks with your sister in Paris. I became very familiar with the scent of women’s shampoos and lotions. The coconut, the citrus, the spearmint… I know it all. And I know you didn’t spend the night with RJ, so tell me. Who is she?”

  “Really? Are you my fucking mom?”

  “Might as well be, since I haven’t seen you this well rested in over a year. Tell me, or when I talk to Raven in an hour, I’ll mention this.”

  “You’re a prick. Thought we were brothers. You’d throw me to the wolves?”

  He shrugs and sits, waiting for me to speak.

  “It’s Ember. I spent the night. Woke up too late to go home so had to shower there.”

  A huge grin spreads across his face, and he whistles. “Another one bites the dust.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “You stayed the night with her? At her house? Aren’t you the king of no sleepovers?”

  “It’s not like that with her. We literally slept. But after this morning, I’m not sure what I’m in for.”

  “Oh, shit. Was she clingy, sobby, planning the next night?”

  “None of the above. She’s closed, quiet, guarded. There’s something there that’s bad. I don’t know how bad yet. She has this cousin, real cool guy. She loves him like no other and he’s protective. But he’s also guarded. Sounds like she has some family issues. Dad is serving time.”

  “Want me to look into her?”

  “Nah, not yet. I know she’s clean. It’s her family I’m worried about.”

  “How bad are we talking?”

  “There’s a betrayal that runs deep. She opened up a bit and there were tears. Since we were sharing, I told her a about our accident.”

  “All of it?”

  “No, just the basics.”

  “So are we talking about wounded bird, where you help her fly? Or wounded animal that sticks around for life?”

  “You’re a fucking jerk. Really? Is it so hard to believe I like this girl?”

  “Nope, just wanted to hear you say it.”

  I stare at him for a full minute before I burst out laughing. “You’re going to eat your words soon, brother. Just wait.”

  “She’s sweet, Robbie. I’ve only been around her a few times, but if
you can look this good, rested, after one night with her, I like it.” He gets up to leave.


  “Save it. I was there in that hospital. We both lost the same guys. They plague my dreams at night, too. But you, you were worse. If this girl can make you happy, then I’m happy.”

  He walks out, leaving me staring at the door. Without saying the gushy shit, he said it all.


  At six-thirty, I check my watch for the first time in hours. This has been the busiest Friday since before the holidays, and I’m hoping Jonas will show early so Robbie and I can go by my house before meeting his friends.

  I arrange the samples back on the racks and organize the ties in the drawers. The bell rings over the door, and I lean back to greet Jonas. James Hayes walks through, looking lost and carrying a garment bag. I’ve only met him once, in December, but he’s easily recognizable. His eyes get soft when he sees me, giving me a smile.

  “Ember, how are you?”

  “Hi, Mr. Hayes. What a surprise.”

  “Call me James. Jenna told me to come talk to you. Apparently, I’m allowed to use my own tux, but I need to make sure it matches the other guys. I have a wife and a daughter, both whom could run this errand for me, yet somehow, I find myself in a store on a Friday night. How is that fair?”

  I giggle and wave for him to follow me. “Let’s see what you have. Go ahead and pull it out, I’ll be right back.”

  The bell rings again, and this time, Jonas walks through with his friend, a goofy grin on his face. “Come on back, Jonas. I’ve got your bags ready.”

  I get both the attire bags, and grab a sample to compare to James’ own tux. Jonas and his friend groan when I insist they try on their suits but finally disappear into dressing rooms.

  With the exception of a new tie, Mr. Hayes’ tuxedo matches fine. He doesn’t make a move to leave, but instead sits back on one of the couches and watches me put the sample away.


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