Legacy_A New Adult College Romance

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Legacy_A New Adult College Romance Page 31

by Kandi Steiner

  “Oh, stop. Everyone’s drunk. And you’re hiding something. Spill. Now.”

  She groans, setting her beer on the table between us before covering her face with her hands. “Fine. I’m banging him.”

  “YOU LITTLE OFFICE WHORE!” I scream, and she smacks me as I laugh. “Oh, my God. I’m so happy. And so proud. Tell me more! Tell me everything.”

  And though I have to pull every little detail out of her, Ashlei gives me the dirt, making me gasp over and over again the more she reveals. By the end of her story, when I’m all caught up, I’m pretty sure I could catch flies with how big my mouth is hanging open.

  “So, let me get this straight. You’ve been banging your fine ass CEO since last semester — on his private jets and his fucking yacht, AND in the office — and you never told me?”

  Ashlei rolls her eyes. “That’s what you’re taking from all this?”

  “Well, that’s clearly what’s most important, here.”

  “Oh, my bad. I thought what was most important was that Kimberly saw us and my entire career is in jeopardy. How silly of me.”

  Jess waves me off. “No way. Like you said, you’ve got a plan. Put that bitch on blast when you get back. If you own what you and Mr. Church have before she has the chance to throw you under the bus, she’s the one who will look like an idiot.”

  “I hope so.”

  “I know so. Now,” I say, draining my beer. “Go get us another round, and then I want details on the yacht sex because seriously what the fuck.”

  Ashlei laughs, shaking her head and taking my empty cup before prancing off toward the bar.

  Stretching in my chair, I let my head drop back and tap my bare toes to the beat of the steel drum the band is playing on the pool deck. The sun warms my skin, blending with the heat from the alcohol, and I smile. Greg was a wake-up call, and ever since he handed me my ass at Ralph’s, I’ve been on a mission to get back to the old me. It hasn’t been easy, since most of my nights end with me thinking about Jarrett, no matter how hard I try not to. But, the more time passes, the easier it gets. And the more drinks I have, the more I remember what it felt like to be single — the before Jarrett era.

  Spring Break? Well, it’s exactly what I needed. Sunshine, booze, and quality time with my sisters. This is what college is about. This is what Jess Vonnegut does best.

  This is my element.

  At least, until I’m suddenly covered in shade.

  I scowl, lifting my head and pulling my sunglasses down to peer at the shadow-inducing figure.

  “Oh, God. Not you again.”

  Kade smirks, holding his arms open wide. “You know you missed me.”

  “Like I miss a yeast infection.”

  His arms drop, his face screwing up in confusion as he considers what I’ve said. Then, he points a finger at me. “That’s gross. But you’re still hot.”

  He plops down in Ashlei’s seat, giving me my sun back in exchange for an annoying new neighbor.

  An annoyingly hot neighbor, too — but annoying, nonetheless.

  “What’s shakin’, sexy?”


  I reach for my drink, and then remember I don’t have one, which leaves me groaning again. Kade just smiles, handing me his beer, and I take a large swig before handing it back to him.

  I met Kade on the island yesterday, hanging out with Kip and his brothers in their cabanas. I’d seen him around, knew he was a new Alpha Sigma brother, but yesterday he was like a fly I couldn’t get rid of. He hovered around me, playing drinking games and following me every time I went to the water. He even pulled me out to dance at the club last night, which apparently I was too intoxicated to say no to.

  He’s so young. And so annoying.

  And yet for some reason, I’m intrigued by him.

  Maybe it’s his goofy, somehow sexy grin that is permanently plastered on his face. Maybe it’s his ridiculously cheesy pick-up lines, or his blatant ogling of my tits when he thinks I’m not looking. He’s like a little kid, one I want to take under my wing.

  And simultaneously give a wedgie.

  “I thought I got rid of you after yesterday.”

  “Nah,” Kade answers, resting his hands behind his head. “After watching you do three beer bongs in a row in that skimpy little bikini you wore yesterday, you’re stuck with me. Sorry, not sorry, princess.”

  I scan his built frame, which — in my opinion — doesn’t match his personality. He looks like a beef head, tattoos sprawling down his left side and bicep, his dark hair cut short and gelled like a Jersey Shore cast member. But his goofy ass grin combats all of that hard muscle, the only evidence I need that he’s still just a kid.

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “What should I call you, then? Please, tell me the dirty nicknames you love.” He rolls over, resting his chin on one hand as he leans in. “I bet you want to call me Daddy, huh? I’m down for that, just so you know.”

  I try to roll my eyes again, but a laugh bursts out of me before I get the chance. “Who are you? Does that ever work for you? Like, ever?”

  Kade shrugs. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

  “How old are you?”

  “Twenty-one in September, gorgeous.”

  “You’re a baby.”

  “Does that make you a cougar?”

  I shake my head, ready to pop off a retort when Kade chuckles and holds his hands up, rolling over on his back again.

  “I’m just kidding. But seriously, how are you today? Working on that tan, I see.”

  I’m so annoyed, and yet I smile.

  Why do I smile?

  “I’m fine,” I answer, clipped. “Don’t you have somewhere to be? Some brothers to annoy or something?”

  “I do, but I’d rather sit here and stare at you.”

  I shake my head again, but can’t help the blush that spreads on my cheeks. God, he’s so young, and so fucking childish. Why is that somehow adorable and infuriating all at once?

  Kade reaches out, his thumb brushing my cheek. “Was that a blush I saw?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself.” I smack his hand away.

  “God, I love when you get angry. That little scowl, those pursed lips.” He groans. “I just want you to sit on my face.”

  My mouth pops open, body jolting off the back of my chair as I sit up straight and stare at him in shock. “Do you hear yourself? You’re like an over-eager puppy dog.”

  “Mmm, want to put a leash on me and train me to be a good boy?”

  “Jesus Christ.” I cover my face with my hands, but can’t help but laugh. I may or may not be covering another blush, too, because the thought of Kade on his hands and knees for me with a leash around his neck does tingly things to my nether regions.

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  “That’ll be ten dollars,” Ashlei says, delivering me my new drink and a breath of relief.

  “How about I pay you in ass smacks?”

  “My favorite.”

  She hands me my beer, staring at Kade in her chair with a raised brow.

  “Oh!” He jumps up, gesturing to the now-empty chair like it’s a throne. “M’lady. I was just leaving. Your friend here wants to tie me up, and I’m just not ready for that.”

  “GO AWAY.”

  He laughs, and Ashlei watches me with a curious smile as Kade bows to me.


  “As you wish, my queen. See you in the dungeon of pain.”

  “I hate you.”

  “More like you wish you did.”

  And with that, he slides his aviators down his nose and winks before jogging back over to his brothers.

  “What the hell was that?” Ashlei asks, taking her seat again.

  “Nothing. That was nothing,” I say quickly, cheersing her cup with mine. “Drink up, betch.”

  I chug before she can say anything else, and ignore the damn puppy dog eyes locked on me from across the pool.

  “THIS IS THE LITERAL worst time to have t
o pee,” Cassie says, bouncing a little as she watches Skyler shove all her chips in. It’s the final table of the tournament onboard, and it’s down to Skyler and one older guy from Germany.

  I chuckle. “You better go now. He’s going to take a moment to call, and then the cards will come quickly if he does. They’ll both flip their hands over.”

  “I can hold it,” she says, but as she does, her face goes ash white and she squeezes her knees together.

  “Go pee, crazy girl.” I shove her toward the bathrooms.

  “Yeah, girl. Trust me when I say you do not want to deal with a UTI,” Jess chimes in.

  At that, Cassie’s eyes widen and she bites her lip. Then, a soft curse under her breath.

  “I’ll be right back. Don’t let them end this without me!”

  She half runs, half wobbles off toward the bathroom as Jess and I chuckle before turning back toward the table. It’s a fairly small crowd gathered for the final table, and the only ones from PSU are me, Kip, Clinton, Jess, Ashlei, Cassie, and Erin. We’re the Skyler Thorne fan club, and we’ve been the most obnoxious of the night. Now that it’s down to just two, I know we’re about to go wild.

  Because Skyler will win this thing. There’s no doubt in my mind.

  “God, she’s got to be sweating so bad,” Ashlei whispers, her hands over her lips. “I can’t imagine the pressure. That’s so much money on the line.”

  Clinton crosses his arms over his chest. “Nah, she’s cool as a cucumber. That’s part of what makes her game so incredible to watch — she never shows her tells.”

  “Oh, shit, he called.” Jess points to the table as the guy from Germany shoves his chips in, and then both him and Skyler flip their cards over. When they do, everyone in the little crowd except for us laughs.

  He has a queen, king suited.

  Skyler has a pair of fours.

  “Shit,” I murmur, but Kip smiles, nodding like it’s the best hand she’s had.

  “This is perfect,” he says.

  “How so? There’s a queen and king on the table. That’s two pair — and she has one,” Jess argues.

  Kip just smiles wider. “I have faith.”

  A hush falls over all of us as the dealer burns one card before turning the next. Nine of hearts. No help for either of them. One more card is burned, and Skyler can’t even look. She watches Kip instead, and I can’t help but grin. I’m glad they’ve finally figured their shit out, and now that they’ve made it public that they’re a thing, they both seem happier.

  I wonder if the same will happen for me and Cassie.

  I check over my shoulder for her, but there’s no movement from the bathroom.

  “Come on, babe. Get back out here,” I whisper under my breath.

  But, it’s too late. The dealer burns and turns, and then, the entire room gasps.

  Four of spades.

  Three of a kind for Skyler.

  Everyone claps in a polite manner, but I can’t help letting out a whistle. Clinton follows up with a classic “Bear howl” until one of the ushers quiets us down.

  She did it. I knew she would.

  Skyler stands and shakes hands with her opponent, and I turn to Kip, wanting to tell him he better take that girl to celebrate. But when I do, he’s already talking to someone else.


  “You think you know her, but you don’t,” she says, her voice low, but just loud enough for me to overhear.

  I furrow my brows, moving closer as my eyes flick to Skyler and back. She’s still shaking hands with other people at the table, oblivious to her Big standing so close to her boyfriend.

  “You think she really likes you, but she only hooked up with you because I told her to. For me. I wanted you back, Kip, and I used her as bait to get you around more. I told her to date you. And I told her to kiss you. And I told her to invite you to the dance and to break up with you there, too. It was all a game.”

  My stomach sinks, and when I look back at Skyler, there’s no denying she’s feeling the same thing. Her eyes are wide, locked on Erin, her face pale white.

  “No,” Kip tries, shaking his head. “What we have is real. Skyler wouldn’t…”

  “She wouldn’t?” Erin interrupts. Then, she gestures to Skyler. “Go ahead. Ask her.”

  And when Skyler and Kip’s eyes lock, the guilt written all over her face, Kip shuts down. His eyes harden, his mouth flattening to a thin line, and without another word, he turns, pushing through the crowd.

  “Kip! Wait!”

  Skyler tries to run after him, but he’s already gone by the time she reaches us, and tears flood her eyes as she grabs Erin.

  “What did you do?! What did you tell him?!”

  Erin is stoic, her jaw set. “I told him about our deal, about everything. He needed to know, Little. It wasn’t fair for him to think what you have is real.”

  “Damn, Ex,” Jess murmurs, stepping back. “That’s fucked up.”

  I doubt Erin hears her. I doubt Skyler does, either. They just stare at each other, while the rest of us stare at them. I always knew Erin was tough, that she was uptight, and some would even say she’s a bit bitchy. But I never, never thought she would do anything to hurt Skyler.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?!” Skyler yells, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Why would you do this to me?! What we have is real, Erin. I’ve never felt anything more real in my life. It was real before I knew you dated him that summer and it was real the whole time I was trying to play your stupid game.”

  Erin just stands straighter, unaffected. “He needed to know,” she repeats, but this time, her voice is softer — just a whisper.

  Skyler backs away, her eyes like lasers. “I hate you,” she spits. “How dare you call yourself my Big. A Big is someone who loves their Little, sets an example for them, cares for them, guides them.” She shakes her head. “All you did was use me.”

  Ashlei covers her mouth, tears in her own eyes as Jess grabs her other hand.

  “Don’t ever talk to me again,” Skyler finishes, sniffing and wiping her cheek with the back of her wrist. Then, she turns, racing toward the elevators.

  My eyes shoot to Clinton, sure he’d be the first to take off after her, but to my surprise, he’s pulling Erin away, consoling her under one arm as Ashlei holds Jess back.

  “Just let her go. She needs to be alone.”

  And that may be true, but I can’t let her. I can’t let her think she’s alone in this.

  With one last glance toward the bathroom, Cassie still not emerging, I curse under my breath and take off sprinting.

  Skyler is pushing the elevator button wildly when I reach her, and I wrap my arms around her from behind, shushing her as I try to soothe her cries.

  “Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay, Sky. I’m here.”

  When she hears my voice, she relaxes, and I hold her until the elevator door opens before ushering her inside.

  She’s like a wild animal, her eyes rimmed in mascara as she tucks into the corner of the elevator. I just watch her, wondering what to say, wondering what the hell happened between her, Kip, and Erin. It’s apparent that what Erin said isn’t wrong, but it can’t be right. There has to be more to it, a side yet to be seen.

  When we reach the floor for Skyler’s room, she bolts off and I follow, slipping inside her room behind her. She immediately flops onto the bed, tucking her legs up and burying her face in her arms as more tears rack through her.

  It’s hard to see Skyler Thorne broken. She’s the toughest girl I know, and nothing can get to her — least of all a guy. If I told anyone who wasn’t there tonight that a boy made her cry, made her lose her shit, no one would believe me. She’s untouchable, unstoppable, and unbreakable.

  At least, she was.

  Until tonight.

  Until Kip Jackson.

  I sigh, carefully sitting on the bed next to her and gently resting my hand on her back. “Are you okay?”

  As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I curse
, shaking my head as she cries harder.

  Of course, she’s not okay, genius.

  “I know, stupid question. I’m here, Skyler. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Skyler sniffs, turning until her wet cheek is resting on her knees. Our eyes meet for just a split second before there’s a soft click at the door. It swings open, and I expect to see Kip, or possibly Erin, but it’s neither.

  It’s Cassie.

  Her eyes are on Skyler first, her brows bent in worry, but when those emerald eyes float to me, they harden, all worry fading into anger.

  “What are you doing here?”


  I swallow, taking my hand from Skyler’s back and holding them both up. “I just came to check on her.”

  It’s the truth, and I shouldn’t feel guilty for that, but the way Cassie’s glaring at me tells me it’s a statement I’ll regret.

  “Of course, you did.”

  Her words are menacing, and my shoulders slump. I plead with her with my eyes, begging her to understand, to see that Skyler needed someone. I didn’t do anything inappropriate, nothing that a friend wouldn’t do.

  I open my mouth to explain when Cassie cuts me off.

  “Can you leave us alone, please?”

  My throat tightens, but I nod, standing and offering Skyler one last look to let her know it’ll all be okay. That earns me an eye roll from Cassie and a stiff shove toward the door.

  “Stay here,” she whispers to me when I’m outside the door, low enough that Skyler can’t hear. Her eyes are still shooting venom at me. “I have words for my Big, but you’re next.”

  “Can—” I try, but the door slams shut, cutting my plea short.


  I sigh, running my hands back through my hair as my back hits the wall next to their door. I slide down, elbows meeting my knees, eyes on my shoes.

  I fucked up.


  No, I shouldn’t be sorry for making sure Skyler is okay, but the problem with that scenario is that, once again, I didn’t think of how my actions would affect Cassie before I made my move. I ran after Skyler, wanting to make sure she was okay, when I could have easily waited a few more minutes for Cassie. I could have ran to the bathroom, beat on the door or had someone go in after her. We could have gone after Skyler together.


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