Winning Love's Lottery

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Winning Love's Lottery Page 5

by Zoe Piper

  He turned and headed back towards the bar, hearing Kyle's drawl as he answered his phone. He really didn't feel like partying anymore and decided to catch a taxi home. He changed direction and headed out from the pedestrian-only harbour area towards the road. He pulled his own phone out of his jeans and flicked a text off to the group chat.

  Gone home. Thanks for a great night. Talk soon.

  He didn't expect any replies, but at least his friends couldn't get mad at him for bailing on them. He quickly found an available taxi in the rank and he climbed in and gave the driver his address. He wondered how he could get Kyle's number from Sarah without the third degree he knew would happen, but figured it was a small price to pay if he could repeat the experience he’d just had.


  Kyle watched the tightest ass he had seen in a long time walk away from him as he pressed to accept the call on his phone.

  "Mama, there had better be an emergency for calling me at this time," he growled into the phone.

  "Now Kyle, is that anyway for a son to greet his mother?" answered Heather Foster. Her Southern drawl sounding even more pronounced after being surrounded by the more rapid tones of the New Zealanders. "Surely I can call to check on my only son?" she continued.

  Kyle sighed and started walking back towards his apartment. "Mama, it's after midnight here. Did you not think to check the times before you called?"

  "Oh, I know what time it is, son. I knew you wouldn't be asleep yet. You've always been a night owl. And you answered, didn't you? Are you out?"

  "Yes Mama, I'm out. Well, I was. I'm just heading back to my apartment now." Kyle entered the lobby of his building and leaning against the wall he waited for the elevator to open.

  "Well, then, what is the problem? I hope you were out with some friends and not just sitting in a bar on your own?” his mother questioned him.

  "Yes, I was with friends… sort of." He stepped into the now open elevator and pressed the button for his floor. Before she could question him more, he added, "I only met them tonight. They’re friends of my PA, Sarah, and I ran into them all having dinner and they invited me to join them."

  "Oh, I’m glad you’re making friends, son. Just don't rush into anything, though. You know you have an important job to do over there. The company and your daddy are counting on you to make a success of this venture. You need to make sure you’re mixing with the right people."

  "What do you mean, the right people?” He frowned, even though she couldn’t see him, annoyed at her suggestion the people who had let him join them tonight so freely might not be good enough in her eyes.

  "Oh, you know. You must get to know other business owners and the like. Have you had a chance to look at joining any business network clubs over there? I'm sure you would meet some good contacts if you did.” He found his key and opened his front door. He really wasn't quite sure if he understood what his mother was implying.

  "Mama, I know you mean well, and I love you for caring, but I am a grown man. I do know how to make friends and business contacts. Just let me do my thing here and don't worry."

  "I love you too, son and I wouldn't be any kind of mother if I didn't worry. And I'm sure you're right. You just concentrate on making Foster International a recognised name over there and everything will work out just fine. Now, tell me what you’ve got planned for the weekend?"

  Kyle made his way to his bedroom and switched on the lamp next to his bed. The room took on a soft, warm glow. His plans for tonight certainly hadn’t come to fruition, but he was sure his mother wouldn't want to hear about him and Jase making out in a public space. "Oh, just a bit of exploring and some work.” He yawned, his evening finally catching up with him. "Mama, I'm really tired and going to hit the sack. Give Dad and Chloe a hug from me, okay?"

  "Of course, son. I miss you, but it's only a few months until the holidays and your father can't wait to come back down there again. Have a good sleep. Don't let the bed bugs bite!" She said, laughing. Kyle laughed, too, at the familiar phrase from his childhood.

  "Night, Mama.” He hung up the phone and tossed it onto his bedside table. Sighing to himself, he slowly removed his leather jacket and hung it on the back of the chair in the corner of his room. He sat down and removed his shoes and then unbuttoned his shirt, his mind replaying every moment of his kiss with Jase. The man's mouth was sinful. He desperately wanted another taste and not just of his mouth. He wanted to explore every inch of Jase MacKenzie's lithe, toned body. Wanted to feel more of that smooth skin and see the tight abs he'd had his hand on. He wanted to feel the hard cock rubbing against his without the barrier of clothing. He groaned and stood up, hand going to his belt buckle. He was hard again. Stripping off his jeans and underwear, he crossed to his large bed and pulled back the covers. Climbing into the soft sheets, he wrapped his hand around his leaking cock and closed his eyes and pictured Jase with him, imagining the other man's hands moving over his body.

  He slowly moved his hand up and down, spreading the precum as he did. He couldn't decide which he wanted more, to be inside Jase's hot body or have Jase on top of him, pushing into his own tight hole. His hand sped up and he let his mind fly with pictures of Jase on him, in him, tasting each other. It didn't take long for his body to reach its peak and he came with a rush of semen splashing across his stomach and up onto his chest. Breathing heavily, he relaxed back into the pillows with a groan. He really was going to hunt Jase down and take up that rain check. He needed to experience the reality, not just his imagination.

  He reached over and grabbed some tissues from his bedside table, made sure his phone was on charging and his alarm was set to wake him by eight-thirty. After wiping down his stomach and chest, he balled the tissues up and threw them towards the wastebasket near the bed, not caring that they didn't quite reach it. He flicked off the lamp and drifted off to dreams of a hot Kiwi guy with a mouth to die for.

  Chapter 5

  Jase leaned against the kitchen counter and looked around the spotless area while he sipped his coffee. It wasn't hard to keep the place clean and tidy, but he did like it when it was freshly cleaned. The weak spring sun trying to break through the clouds shone through the large French doors, highlighting the open plan living and dining room with its cream walls and dark-toned furnishings. Splashes of colour from a couple of throw pillows Sarah had supplied added to the homey feeling. He had spent a restless night after getting home from town, he had been up early and taken his regular run and then set to doing housework chores and laundry.

  He hadn’t slept well, his thoughts plagued with memories of Kyle and how he had wished he’d stayed with the man while he had taken his call. He would have enjoyed getting off with the hot Texan a lot more than he had with his own hand in the shower. Even the intense orgasm he had experienced while picturing Kyle down on his knees in front of him, luscious mouth wrapped around his cock, hadn't relaxed him enough to let him sleep deeply.

  His phone pinged with an incoming message from where it sat on the counter. Jase had been expecting a call from at least one of the guys, just not this early—if you could count ten o’clock early. Of course, it was Stuart, messaging in the group chat he and his friends used to communicate with each other.

  Stuart: So Mac, where did you and Mr Tall, Dark and Texan disappear to last night?

  Before Jase could even pick up his phone to respond, the others started chiming in.

  Matt: Did you leave with Kyle last night, little brother?

  Charlie: Spill Jase. We want ALL the details.

  Stuart: Jase, put down the hot Texan and answer, you bastard.

  Matt: Oh jeez. No! I do not want the details.

  Jase: For the record, I am alone, and there are no details to spill. I didn't leave with Kyle.

  Brett: Objection, your honour. The accused was seen walking outside with the gentleman in question.

  Jase shook his head at his friends’ questioning. Damn. He had hoped no one had seen him head outside with Kyle. He was p
retty sure though, no-one had seen him hustle them both into a dark doorway and kiss the ever-loving fuck out of each other.

  Jase: I walked him out to make sure he was okay seeing as he was left alone at the table. Did I see you dancing with Kara, Matt?

  Jase tried deflecting the attention from himself. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

  Matt: Yes I was dancing with Kara. When I last saw you, you had some dude wrapped around you with his mouth all over you.

  Jase: What? Who was all over me? Jase cringed. He really was sure no one had seen him and Kyle outside.

  Brett: Josh

  Jase breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't been seen with Kyle. Not that he didn't want to be seen with Kyle, but he preferred to get to know a guy in private before letting his friends in on his love life.

  Jase: Yes that was Josh, and he wasn't all over me. It was a hug and a kiss. His husband was right behind him. You know Josh only has eyes for Calum.

  Stuart: Sooo, what did you and Kyle talk about outside?

  Jase: Nothing. Not a lie. There had been very little talking. He just said thanks for letting him join us and that he'd see us around sometime.

  Sarah: Jase MacKenzie! What have you been doing with MY BOSS? Say goodbye everyone. Jase has a very important phone call to answer.

  Dammit. He thought he'd got away with it, but no, the one person he had trouble lying to was about to ring him. It was no use trying to ignore her call. The wee witch would just keep ringing until he answered, or worse, ring and tell his mother that he wasn't talking to her and then he'd have both the women in his life chasing him.

  Deciding this interrogation was going to need more coffee, he leaned over to make another one as the sound of Barbie Girl rang out. Sarah hated the ringtone he had assigned her. She had never been a typical little girl playing with Barbie dolls, and pink was certainly not her favourite colour. Jase wasn't sure what was going to happen if she and Mike had a daughter. Poor kid would be forced into a female rugby team before she could even walk if Sarah had her way.

  Taking a deep breath, he accepted the call. Before he could even get a word out in greeting, he was met with a barrage of pissed off best friend.

  "What the fuck did you do last night, Jase MacKenzie? You certainly had better not have got off with my boss. Dammit, Jase! You can fuck up your own life however you like, but don't fuck up mine."

  Plopping down on the couch, Jase leaned back and closed his eyes. He really was too tired to deal with this, but he knew he had to talk to Sarah.

  "Calm down. Raising your blood pressure yelling at me is not good for my godchild."

  "Fuck off, Jase. Don't play all concerned about me now. If you were concerned about me, you would not have left that bar last night with. MY. BOSS!" Came the rant back at him.

  Jase was getting irritated now. "Hang on a minute, Mrs High and Mighty. Not a few hours before we went out you were telling me that he was hot and I should go for it. Don't go changing your tune now," he retorted back to her. "And what's more, you brought him over to our table. It's just as much your fault."

  "Yes. Well. I hadn't thought it through then. If you start something with him, when it all goes pear-shaped I'm going to be stuck in the middle of my best friend and my boss."

  "What do you mean, when it all goes pear-shaped? Why would it not work out between us?"

  "Ha! So, you admit to starting something with him." Sarah crowed down the line.

  "What? I never said that. In fact, you haven't let me say anything at all." Jase growled back at her. God save him from pregnant, hormonal best friends.

  "So, go on then. Tell me," Sarah said, huffing.

  Jase groaned. "You know, if I didn't love you so much I really would just walk away and tell you to go and stick your nose somewhere else."

  "However, you know what's good for you, so you won't," came the amused reply.

  "But, yes, I know what's good for me, so I won't," Jase agreed. "Okay, nothing really happened. I followed him outside, we kissed for a few minutes, his mother rang, I went home alone.” Jase quickly summarised the events from last night.

  "Really? That's all? You kissed him and then his mother rang. What time was it? Why was she ringing? Oh my God." Jase could hear the laughter in her voice as the cogs turned in that too-sharp brain. "Oh my God," she repeated and started to laugh out loud. "You got cockblocked by his mother, didn't you?"

  Jase pulled the phone from his ear and looked at it disgustedly, as if his friend could see him. Putting it back against his ear, he quickly denied Sarah's statement. "No. I did not get cockblocked by his mother. It was a simple kiss goodnight and as we were planning to leave, his phone rang. I don't know why. I told him I'd see him later and left him to it."

  "Liar," came the succinct reply. "But that's okay. I'm going to let you off for now. So, are you going to see him again?" Sarah asked. She was obviously a lot calmer and happier now she had got what she wanted out of him.

  "Well… see, that's the thing. With one thing and another, I didn't get his number so, no, really not sure if I am going to see him again anytime soon. I thought I might ask this wonderful friend I have if she would possibly give me his number. You know, seeing as she's his PA and all," Jase teased his friend.

  "Oh. Well, that was stupid of you," Sarah replied.

  "What was?" Jase asked, frowning.

  "Not getting his number from him. And as much as I want to give you his number, I honestly can't, Jase." Sarah's tone had turned serious.

  "Why not? Surely you have it?”

  "I do have it. But I won't give out his number to anyone, Jase, without his permission. It's not very professional and I really do want to be able to return to work for him after the Spawn is born," Sarah explained.

  Jase sighed. "You're right," he told her, "and it was wrong of me to ask you. But, I give you permission to give him my number on Monday."

  "Okay. But only if he asks for it. I'm not pushing you on him, Jase, if he is in anyway uncomfortable about what happened last night," his friend told him.

  "Okay. Deal. I've got to head over to Mum and Dad's to help Dad out with the garden. Will I see you for the fam-damnily lunch tomorrow?"

  "Yes, I'll see you tomorrow. Have fun with your dad."

  "Give that gorgeous husband of yours a kiss from me."

  "Hell no!" Came the reply. "The last time I did that I ended up pregnant."

  Jase was laughing as he said his final goodbyes and went to get ready to go and help his father.

  Chapter 6

  It was a wet and windy Monday morning as Kyle shook out the umbrella he was using before collapsing it and entering the lobby of the building that housed Bernard Engineering Consultants. Once the elevator reached his floor, he stepped out into the bright reception area. He noticed there were only a few people about. He was quite early and most of the staff wouldn't be there for another half an hour.

  He had spent a quiet but productive weekend exploring the city centre on foot and working on learning more about the company he was now head of. His thoughts had also been plagued with memories of his kiss with Jase and he had jerked off more than once to thoughts of the hot man with the tight ass he had let walk away on Friday night. He was kicking himself for that. He should not have let Jase leave without at least getting his number. He had thought about contacting Sarah for it but had decided not to as he didn’t want to put her in an awkward position.

  He pushed open the door into Sarah’s small office and stopped short at the sight of the ass in question, currently clad in dark grey dress pants with a paler grey business shirt tucked into them and leaning over Sarah's desk. Well, he mused, that was certainly a position he'd like that ass in, albeit with a lot less covering it.

  "Not that I don't appreciate the view, but why are you draped over my PA's desk?" he drawled. He saw Jase start at the sound of his voice. He stood up and turned around to face him. Kyle noticed immediately he had dark shadows under his eyes and the usual mega-watt grin was reduced to
a tight smile.

  "Oh, hi. I was just plugging in my laptop," came the explanation.

  "Okay?" Kyle was confused. Why did Jase need to plug in his laptop and where was Sarah? Before he could ask though, John came bustling into the room.

  “Good morning, Jase. You got in alright obviously. How is Sarah this morning?"

  Kyle looked between the two men. "Sarah? What's wrong with Sarah? Is she okay?" He asked, starting to worry.

  Jase rubbed a hand through his hair. He really did look tired and drawn. "She's in the hospital having some tests done. She started having some cramps and then some bleeding yesterday afternoon at our family lunch."

  "How long will she be there for?" he asked Jase, resisting the temptation to take him into his arms to comfort him.

  "Hopefully just a couple of days. Mike said he'd ring me later when they knew more."

  John turned to Kyle and explained Jase's presence. "Jase will be covering some of Sarah's duties until we know more. He has temped here before when Sarah has been on holiday, so he knows the general run of the place.” He smiled at Jase. "And I know it will ease Sarah's mind that someone she can trust is here holding the fort for her.”

  "Believe me. The minute she has access to her phone, I can guarantee she will be ringing to make sure that I am doing everything the way it should be. In other words, her way.” Jase gave a small smile. He continued. "I'll let you two get settled in. I’ll draft an email to the staff to let them know what’s happening if you like. I wasn't sure which one of you it should come from?" Jase let them know, looking briefly at John and then to Kyle.

  Kyle looked at John. "Maybe from both of us?” John nodded his agreement.

  "Yes, do that, Jase, and then grab a coffee. You look like you could use one. Come and join us and we can go over what the priorities are and what can be left until Sarah is back.” The older man then pushed open the door into his office and left them alone.


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