Winning Love's Lottery

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Winning Love's Lottery Page 7

by Zoe Piper

  Kyle nodded, and with another smile, Jase headed out the door.

  Chapter 7

  Kyle double-checked his email message to a new client, confirmed there were no errors, and pressed send. He'd had a productive week and had found himself settling into the role as the new CEO of Bernard’s. His father and he had decided to retain the existing company name for the time being as a sign of respect for John and his older brother Harold, who had set up the business forty years before. Neither of their respective children had wanted to go into engineering and had their own careers and lives, hence the reason they had sold up.

  He turned in his chair to look out the window. At the moment, the sun was shining, and the Auckland harbour glinted prettily, sunlight reflecting off the water and the few boats he could see. He was also coming to learn Auckland weather was rarely predictable. He'd heard many people say you could experience four seasons in one day, and he was fast coming to believe it. He was looking forward to the summer, though, and getting out to explore the beaches and parks that were abundant in the huge city. It was all very different to the concrete and metal of Houston.

  His thoughts drifted to his temporary PA, as they often had during the week. It was Thursday morning and Jase wasn't due in until after ten o’clock. He hadn't really said why he was going to be late, just that it was an appointment he couldn't reschedule. Jase had also left early on Tuesday for another such appointment. Kyle was curious as to what Jase was doing but didn't want to pry and they had agreed to keep their personal feelings at bay for the time being. His body tightened with desire at thoughts of the tall, dark-haired Kiwi, with his lithe runner's body. Kyle pushed himself out of his chair and decided a walk to the break room to get a coffee was in order.

  He looked over to the elder man, head bent over his computer keyboard. "John, I'm going to make a coffee. Would you like one?" He asked.

  John smiled. "A tea would be marvellous please, Kyle."

  "Tea? Okay. I'm sure I can manage that." Kyle wasn't familiar with the Kiwi custom of drinking hot tea. He was very much a coffee man. "Milk and sugar?" He asked.

  "Yes please, just one sugar and a dash of milk."

  Kyle nodded his understanding and left the office for the small break room. The room wasn't large: just enough for a couple of tables and chairs, a tall fridge and a countertop running the length of the room.

  He reached into a cabinet and grabbed a couple of mugs down. There was a hot water boiler on the wall, and after putting a tea bag into a mug for John, he carefully filled the cup with boiling water. He left the mug on the counter and put a coffee pod into the machine to make his own drink while the tea brewed. This he could do without thinking. He quickly made his own black coffee and then turned back to John's tea. He wasn't sure how long he had to leave the tea bag in for, but grabbing a small spoon, he fished the soggy brown square out of the mug. Holding his hand under the dripping mass, he turned to put the offending mess into the trash can and found himself face to face with a grinning Jase.

  "Morning, Kyle. Looks like you've got that under control?" He pointed to the cup and the tea bag.

  "I think so. Not as proficient in making hot tea as I am coffee," he admitted. He quickly disposed of the tea bag and turned back to the counter. Milk, he needed milk. He turned again towards the fridge and found Jase right behind him, container in hand.

  "Needing this?" He asked, handing it to Kyle.

  "Thanks.” He unscrewed the lid and then held the container over the mug of black tea and paused. "Um, how much is a 'dash' of milk?" He looked over his shoulder to Jase. The other man moved next to him and Kyle noticed the faint scent of citrusy cologne. He then realised Jase had cut his hair since he last saw him yesterday. The soft brown locks were now shaved short on the back of his skull and neck but there was still some length on the top. It was brushed back off his forehead and once again Kyle was drawn to the deep-set green eyes and soft, very kissable mouth.

  They stared at each other, tension crackling between them as it had often during the week. Kyle would only have to lean forward slightly to place his mouth on Jase's. Something he desperately wanted to do. He drew a breath and slowly took moved back from the temptation in front of him. Professional, he reminded himself. Must be professional.

  Jase blinked as if realising where they were and what could have happened. He cleared his throat and, pointing to the cup and container of milk, said, "Just a small amount should be fine."

  Kyle turned his attention back to the job at hand. He quickly finished making John's tea and Jase made himself a coffee from the pod machine. Picking up his and John’s mugs, he fell into step with Jase as they headed back to their desks.

  "Did you get all you needed done this morning?" He asked.

  Jase nodded, sipping his coffee. "Yes, all good thanks.” Kyle noticed he didn't expand on what he had been doing. Jase ran his free hand around the back of his neck and pulled at the collar of his shirt.

  "Everything okay?" He asked, nodding at the gesture Jase had just made.

  An interesting red flush coloured Jase’s face. "Yeah. Got a haircut this morning and it's a bit itchy and scratchy." He rubbed the back of his neck again. "I ran out of time to go home and shower and change, so I'll just have to put up with it."

  "Your barber must be popular if you couldn't reschedule a haircut," Kyle commented pausing by Jase's desk.

  "Oh no, my appointment wasn't with my barber. I work with some small business owners who have received help from the Sherwood Foundation. A lot of the time these guys have great ideas and know what they want to do, but really don't have the first idea of how to run the business side of things. I was at a small fashion design company this morning. Kai has just done his first New Zealand Fashion Week show and has orders coming out of his ears. I went in to help him focus and sort out priorities. He's now at the stage where he could probably hire a part-time admin assistant, so I also helped him word an ad up. I'll go back in a couple of weeks to go through the applicants and help him interview."

  Kyle was impressed with the passion Jase displayed. He obviously loved what he was doing and was generous enough to give his time and share his skills to those that needed it. He said as much to him.

  The faint red flush appeared again. "Yeah, well… I sort of fell into it when I came back from London and now I can't imagine doing anything else.”

  "And you don't get any payment for these extra services you provide? Does the Sherwood Foundation at least cover your expenses?” Kyle couldn't help but ask.

  Something passed across Jase's face, but it was gone too quickly for Kyle to discern it. "I get paid for my work at the Foundation, plus some other expenses are covered. The people I help I do because I want to. They sometimes offer goods or services in return, like this morning."

  Kyle's mind suddenly jumped to what kind of services a young fashion designer may have offered. Before he could say anything though, Jase continued. "Kai cut my hair for me. He said he was offended I was walking around looking like a scruff, and when I told him I was working here to cover Sarah's absence he was even more horrified. Decided it was very unprofessional."

  "Well, I didn’t have a problem with it and it looks great now," Kyle said. Jase’s eyes flared at the compliment, his green gaze flicking to Kyle’s mouth. Desire coursed through Kyle and again he resisted the urge to kiss Jase.

  "I'll go and give this to John," he said, lifting the hand with the mug of tea in it. "I'll let you get on with your day."


  Jase ran his eyes down the list on the tablet in front of him. He had just about completed all the tasks he could in preparation for John's retirement farewell the following day. All that was left was setting up the room and making sure the flowers for John's wife were delivered on time.

  His phone buzzed in his pocket. "Hey, Barbie Girl," he answered in response to his friend's ringtone. "What part of rest and no stress do you not understand?"

  "I hate that ringtone. I do wish
you'd change it,” his best friend retorted in an aggrieved tone. “And for the record, I am resting and not stressing. I just rang to make sure you have organised the flowers for Nancy.”

  "Yes, I have organised the flowers for Nancy. I have confirmed the caterers, wait staff, music, decorations and have RSVPs from all the invited guests. Seriously, Sarah, it's under control. This is the third call today."

  "I'm bored, Jase," Sarah whined. "There is only so much Netflix a girl can watch. The baby clothes are all washed, folded and put away. I should be there, doing my job. Not lazing on a couch."

  "Babe, make the most of it. Once my godchild arrives, you will wish for days of Netflix and lazing," Jase replied with a laugh. "You can come in tomorrow, but you are on strict instructions to stay in your chair and direct operations to your satisfaction from there. I have Ginny and a couple of the accounts team geared up to do your bidding."

  Sarah made a sound of disgust down the phone. "So, onto more interesting things. How is Kyle?"

  "What do you mean?" Jase asked, frowning. He darted a glance around to make sure the door into the CEO's office was closed. He lowered his voice. "He appears to be fitting in fine, just like you said. Seems a nice guy and I think the company will do well with him here."

  "That is not what I meant, Jase. I told you all that last week. Have you two, you know..." She trailed off.

  "I'll have you know, Sarah Lawson, I am a complete professional and would certainly never do anything to jeopardise my job or yours," he stressed down the phone. Unbelievable. His best friend really was unbelievable. After the lecture he got last weekend, he couldn't believe she thought he would do something when he was now working for Kyle, albeit temporarily.

  "So that's a no on anything else happening then?" His friend pushed.

  Jase was just about to tell her where to stick her nose when he heard the connecting office door open.

  "Sarah, I have nothing further to say on the matter. Now, stop ringing me as I have work to do. I will see you tomorrow at one o'clock and not a minute before.” Jase vaguely heard Sarah's squawked goodbye as he ended the call and put the phone on his desk.

  Kyle stood at the other side of the desk. Jase noticed he had gotten rid of his suit jacket and his shirt sleeves were rolled up. His hair was also slightly mussed, as though he’d been rubbing a hand through it, and there was a tightness around his eyes and mouth.

  "Sarah okay?" The drawl was softer than usual.

  "Yeah, bored silly so hassling me. Are you okay?" Jase asked, frowning up at his temporary boss.

  "Just a bit of a headache. Would you know if Sarah has any painkillers in her desk?"

  "Of course. I know I saw some here the other day.” Jase opened the top drawer to the desk and rummaged around, finding the packet of paracetamol tablets tucked in the back. Holding them up, he asked, "Will these do?"

  Kyle smiled gratefully. "Yes, thank you. A couple of those will work wonders." He took the box from Jase's outstretched hand. "I got too engrossed in a file and didn't eat lunch or take a break. I'll take these, and I should be okay in about half an hour."

  "It's almost five o'clock. Were you planning on staying late? I'm sure the world won't end if you take off a bit earlier today." Jase closed the desk drawer and leaned his arms on the desk looking up at the tall man.

  "No, I wasn't planning on staying late tonight. I think I might just head home. Tomorrow’s going to be busy with the goodbye party. Is everything under control?" Kyle asked.

  Jase nodded. "Yes. All sorted. Her Majesty will be here at one to oversee the setup and then everything will get underway at four as scheduled."

  Kyle smiled at the nickname Jase gave Sarah. "In that case, I shall say good night and see you tomorrow.” Pausing at his office door he glanced and looked at Jase over his shoulder. "If I haven't said it before, thank you for your assistance this week. I know John has appreciated the help and it has made life easier for me too."

  Jase smiled. "No worries. Glad I was able to help. Sarah should be back on Monday, and I've managed to get the agency who are supplying the maternity leave temp to get their person here next week instead of in two weeks' time. That will mean Sarah can start handing everything over now, and if anything else happens there will be cover in place."

  "Sarah will be pleased to hear that." At Jase's snort, Kyle raised his eyebrow in question.

  "Oh no, I haven't told her yet. I'm leaving that for you to do. You're her boss." Jase laughed at the expression on Kyle's face.

  "I'm sure there’s an appropriate response to that, but I really can't formulate one right now," he said rubbing a hand across his temple. Jase took pity on him.

  "Go and take your tablets and go home. Are you okay to drive?" Jase had the sudden thought. He really didn't want Kyle driving if his head was that bad.

  "I walk to work. I only live ten minutes away in the Viaduct. I'll be okay."

  "That's right, I remember you mentioned that on, um, Friday night.” Jase cleared his throat, recalling when Kyle had told him where he lived. Kyle was obviously remembering too from the way his eyes darkened. Jase cleared his throat again. "Okay then. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

  Kyle nodded and left the office. Jase mentally kicked himself. He really was going to have stop lusting after the Texan or do something about it. Get it out his system. Maybe after this week, he could invite Kyle out for dinner or drinks. He'd get through tomorrow, make sure things were good with Sarah next week, and then he'd get on to taking up that rain check.

  Chapter 8

  The sound of soft music overlaid with laughter and voices echoed through the small function room being used for John Bernard's retirement farewell. Attendees included all the current employees, some past employees, valued clients and suppliers, family and friends. Kyle was humbled to see how much John and his brother Harold were respected and loved. He hoped he could do the legacy justice.

  He had made a speech thanking John for his service to the company he had founded with his older brother. He promised to continue the good work they had done and how he hoped to build on the reputation they had garnered. Bernard Engineering Consultants may not be the biggest firm of their type in New Zealand, but they were well respected and, with the backing of Foster International, he hoped they would continue to grow and expand.

  With the speeches over, Kyle had circulated, being introduced to clients and suppliers and promising to set up meetings with key players over the next few weeks. Taking a small break, he leaned against a wall at the back of the room, observing the interactions between staff and other invited guests. Sipping his glass of wine, he noticed Sarah and Mike making their way over to him. He straightened up and smiled at them both.

  As they reached him, he held his hand out to Mike. "Mike, good to see you again. I'm glad you could make it."

  Mike grinned. "Couldn't miss out on this one. Sarah has worked for the company since she left uni and John is like an uncle to us. His brother plays golf with her dad, so we've known them a long time. I honestly never thought I'd see the day that he'd step down. This place has been his life."

  "I'm glad he did decide. He deserves to spend some time enjoying himself and I'm sure Nancy will be glad to have him around more."

  "Yes, not sure what would have happened if you hadn't decided to buy the company. I'm sure someone would have, but I think you're going to do good things here, Kyle." Sarah smiled at her new boss.

  "Angling for a raise are you, Mrs Lawson?" Came the amused tone of Jase as he joined them. Kyle noticed the scandalised look on the pretty blonde’s face.

  "Jase!" she hissed. "Don't say things like that. I'm not, Kyle, honestly. I'm just saying what I think." She continued to shoot daggers at her best friend.

  Kyle laughed. "It's okay, Sarah. I think I know you well enough to realise that you weren't trying to squeeze a raise out of me. Although, we will discuss it at your next review."

  Sarah blushed. "Well, that won't be for a while now, will it? I’ll be ou
t of here in a few weeks' time, and then it will be months before I'm due for another review after I come back."

  "As I said to Mike the other day, you are an asset to this company, and I don't want to lose you. We'll get together next week and discuss things in detail. Tonight is about John and his achievements. We have plenty of time to plan the future.” Kyle reassured her.

  "Okay then. We just came over to say goodbye."

  Jase gave her a hug. "Presume I'll see you two at some stage over the weekend?" He asked.

  Sarah nodded. "Brunch at our place Sunday? Usual time."

  "I'll be there." He responded smiling.

  Kyle shook Mike's hand again and gave Sarah a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. "Make sure you look after yourself. I'll see you on Monday, but don't rush in. Just come in when you’re ready."

  Sarah looked a little disconcerted by the instruction but nodded her agreement. "Thanks, Kyle. Have a lovely weekend." With a final nod from Mike, the couple made their way across the room to the exit.

  Looking at the man standing next to him, Kyle decided it was time to take the plunge. "Do you have any plans this evening?" he asked Jase.

  Jase looked back at him. "Nothing really. Going to help clean up here and then some of the others were talking about grabbing a drink or two."

  "Oh, I won't keep you then. Don't worry about cleaning up here. The caterers seem to have most of it under control.” Kyle felt a familiar wave of disappointment wash over him.

  "Did you need something done? I'm more than happy to stay if you need me to." Jase offered.

  Kyle rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. "No, I was just wondering if you wanted to grab something to eat, have a drink?" He watched Jase's face carefully but couldn't see anything that would indicate interest or not.

  After a moment's pause, Jase nodded and responded quietly, "Yes, I'll join you.”


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