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Saved by the Doctor

Page 17

by Ivy Wonders

  Overcoming his fears, he’d explored the house all alone, searching out his favorite spots. He’d announced that the back deck was his favorite for now. A closed-in deck made entirely of glass, he could sit there and watch the sunset over the water. Reagan and I enjoyed that as well. We’d watched our first sunset at our new place together as a family.

  And now it was our first night in our new home—and things felt right. Tucking in our little boy, we took turns kissing him good night. “Night, Momma. I love you. Have sweet dreams.”

  “You too,” Reagan said, then moved out of the way so I could give him my kiss. “Love you, son.”

  I leaned over, kissing him on the forehead. “Night, slugger. Love you. You sleep tight now. And all you have to do if you get scared is call out to us. That monitor there goes to our room. We’ll hear you and be here in a jiffy.”

  “I’m not even a little bit scared, Dad.” He smiled bravely. “You sleep tight too. I love you. See you guys in the morning.”

  My chest swelled with pride. “Okay, buddy.” I put my arm around his mother, then we left our son with a confidence we hadn’t known we’d have so early on in the new home.

  Walking across the hall, we went into our new bedroom. Our window overlooked the lake, and the moon’s yellow glow shimmered over the water. Yellow curtains framed the gorgeous scene, and I knew we’d picked the best place in the world for us.

  “Care to join me in that monster-sized jacuzzi tub, babe?” Reagan batted her lashes at me.

  “Are you kidding?” I started stripping right there.

  Her eyes wide, she headed toward the attached bathroom. “Look at you. All ready to go.”

  She’d already noticed the hard-on with her name written all over it. “You bet I’m ready. We’ve gotta christen our new bedroom.”

  “I agree.” Already waiting for me as I came into the master bath, she ran her hands up and down her now-naked body.

  “Oh, Momma.” Those curves of hers set me on fire.

  I didn’t think I could wait for the tub to fill before I defiled her. “Shower,” I ordered as I went to grab her. “Bath after that.”

  She smiled as her body shivered. “Oh, lucky me. Both in one night.”

  “And then the chaise lounge in our sitting area. After that, I’m thinking the floor—in front of the French doors that lead out to the balcony.” I turned the shower on, letting the steam warm things up even more. “We have a lot of areas to christen.”

  “My goodness, Arrie.” She cocked one brow. “And the bed after that, I suppose?”

  “Why not?” I grinned as I pinned her body to the tiled wall, letting the six different jets from above coat us in warm water.

  She sucked in her breath as I lifted her, bringing her down on my hard cock. I knew she’d already be wet and ready for me, and I wasn’t disappointed. Her arms wrapped around my neck as her legs did the same to my waist. “Arrie, my Lord!”

  Moving slowly, I eased in and out of her as I lifted her to stroke me the way I needed. “Reagan, this is it, baby. We’re officially on the job now.”

  Pulling her head up off my shoulder, she looked into my eyes. “And what does that mean, exactly?”

  Laughing, I knew she wouldn’t get it. “On the job. You know—the job of giving Skye those siblings we’ve promised him.”

  “Oh.” She moaned as I pushed her against the wall with more force. “Arrie, are you asking me to have your baby?”

  “Please.” I nibbled her neck. “Please have my baby, Reagan.” The fact I hadn’t asked her that when we’d made Skye had bothered me. Maybe if I had, she wouldn’t have been so afraid that she’d kept him from me. “And thank you for giving me that boy in the room across the hall.”

  Her nails raked across my back as she moaned, “Thank you for giving him to me. And I would adore giving you another child. Having you with me this time would be more than welcome.”

  “Being with you this time would be a dream come true.” I moved with more force. “I hope you’re ready for all the hard work we’re going to have to do. I think it’ll take many more nights of this, baby,” I joked. “Until I see a pink stick with a plus sign on it, I’m going to ravage you every minute I possibly can.”

  “Wow.” She elongated her neck. “Kiss me here, babe. It makes me crazy.”

  Kissing a line up her neck, I stopped to nip her earlobe, making her yelp. I laughed then bit her softly up and down her throat as she gyrated on me like a woman with a mission.

  “You and I are going to fill this house in no time, my little rabbit.” I moved her faster.

  “I thought I was your little sparrow?” she asked with a grin.

  “You were.” Leaning against the wall with her wrapped around me, I pounded her, wanting to feel her bursting all over my hard cock. “But you’ve grown into my little rabbit now. We’re evolving. And soon you won’t be Reagan Storey anymore, either.”

  “You’re kind of taking me over, Arrie.” She groaned as I ground my dick into her deeper. Her nails dug into my shoulders. “Oh!”

  “Yeah, I am.” I made short, deep thrusts as her face told me how much she was enjoying me taking her.

  “Oh yeah!” Her insides quaked as she let loose with an orgasm that pulled and squeezed my cock until I gave her what she wanted.

  Gushing into her, I felt our connection grow even deeper. Panting, I put my lips against her ear. “And now I’m inside you, baby.”

  With a low moan, she said, “You’ve been inside me forever, it seems.”

  And that was the way I’d stay.

  Chapter 28


  Nearly two months of therapy and Lannie had his legs securely back underneath him. “See, I can walk just as well as I used to, Arrie.” Sauntering like the peacock he was, Lannie walked from one side of the therapy room to the other without stumbling even once. “So will you accept my services now, Reagan?”

  “You’re sure you want to officiate our wedding, instead of just enjoying it as our esteemed guest?” I asked him as I hung onto Arrie’s arm.

  Arrie looked at me with wiggling eyebrows. “You’ll have to keep an eye on him, to make sure he doesn’t upstage you if you allow him to marry us. He’s quite the ham, you know.”

  “Ham?” Lannie questioned as he came to us. “A ham, I am not!” Bending over with a flourish, he bowed to us. “I like to think of myself as more of a flamboyant lad with a knack for the dramatic. And as such, I would deliver the oft-boring marriage nuptials with pizzazz and vigor, unlike some dull priest.”

  I had a feeling that if we let Lannie have anything to do with our wedding, he’d end up taking over everything. And that didn’t bother me one bit. “I say yes.” Then I looked at Arrie, who wore a silly grin. “If you agree.”

  “I must warn you, Reagan, this man will take over.” Arrie saw it just as clearly as I did.

  But I wanted Lannie to have this day, too. If not for him, we wouldn’t even be here. So, I gave him my full attention. “Langston Stone, your accident might not be something anyone should be grateful for, but I am. Not that you were caused any pain or anguish, but that because coming here—along with your adamant and obstinate parents—brought this man back into my life and my son’s. And I can’t thank you enough.”

  “Ditto,” Arrie agreed.

  Lannie smiled as he pretended to tip an imaginary hat. “As I am grateful for your help in putting my torn pieces back together so I can live a little more of this fabulous life.”

  “So, as a form of thanks, I’d love nothing more than to let you help us put together a fabulous wedding. I can’t think of anyone else who’d do for us what you would.” I handed the invisible reins to him. “Thank you, dear friend; here are your reins.”

  “You will not be sorry, Ray-Ray.” The man had nicknames for everyone, and that’s what he’d given me.

  Skye’s nickname, Baby Arrie, had been a huge hit with both father and son. And in return, Lannie had gotten the coveted role of Uncle La
nnie to our son. Having no other aunts or uncles, Skye was thrilled to finally have a man he could call uncle.

  With arms extended, Lannie looked out over the room, seeing anything but what was in front of him. “I see your backyard. Some black and white swans on the lake. Tables and chairs on the deck, and we’ll bring in a portable dancefloor made of mahogany wood.” He looked at me. “Can you give me a guest number off hand?”

  “Well, I think all the doctors and nurses here.” I looked at Arrie. “Don’t you think we should invite them all?”

  “Yes.” He looked a little skeptical. “But some won’t be able to attend, you know. We can’t shut the hospital down for a few hours.”

  Lannie knew what to do. “For those unable to attend, we shall have a reception in the cafeteria just for them, with all the same goodies we give the other guests. They’ll love it. I’ll make sure of that.”

  “And a live band,” I said. “I love live music, Lannie. I want a band that’ll play all kinds of music from 2012, from when Arrie and I were a couple of young med students falling in love.”

  Arrie added, “For the cafeteria reception, let’s go quieter with that band. Let’s do something jazzy that won’t bother our patients.”

  “Thoughtful,” Lannie said as he nodded. “I guess that’s why you became a doctor, Arrie. You were always so thoughtful. I’ve always been a bit of a daredevil, a pusher, and an overall rogue. How you and I became friends, I’ll never know.”

  “We didn’t have much of a choice, I think. With our parents spending entire summers together, it made us spend time together.” Arrie smiled to lessen the blow.

  Lannie wasn’t having any of that. “Oh sure, to hear you tell it. I happen to think we’re brothers from a past life. Notice our identical jawlines, broad shoulders, tree-trunk thighs?”

  I moved my hand over the spot where Arrie’s gunshot scar was. “Thankfully, his thick legs made quick work of that bullet. I call him Superman from time to time.”

  The way Arrie smiled at me made my heart race. With the wedding date scheduled for only two weeks away, we had tons to do. “Okay, let’s go home so we can get down to planning this thing. Come on, Lannie. You’re coming home with us.”

  Clapping, he followed along. “Yeah! Dawson Manor, how droll.”

  Laughing, I had to ask, “Were you really born here or did you travel through some wormhole from another time, Lannie?”

  “I like the way you think, Ray-Ray.” Moving past us, he skipped down the hallway.

  “Hard to believe that man was at death’s door only two months ago,” Arrie mused.

  “Goes to show what a miraculous surgeon you truly are.” I looped my arm through his then kissed his cheek. “I hope Lannie doesn’t get offended when we head off to bed at eight after we put Skye to bed.”

  “If he says anything, I’ll tell him we’ve got a baby to make.” He kissed my cheek.

  Swatting his chest, I felt my cheeks heat with embarrassment. “Don’t you dare!”

  “He’ll understand, baby.” Arrie laughed as we walked along together, following his frolicking friend.

  “Still, don’t do that.” I didn’t want anyone to know our plans. I had some insecurities that the trauma of the whole kidnapping and gunshot ordeal would have put a strain on my body. I wasn’t sure that I’d get pregnant right away, what with the stress of what I’d been through.

  But our son wasn’t the patient sort, and he’d taken to reminding us about our promise of siblings. And now I knew that he’d gotten that impatience from his father. “We’ve got work to do, and Lannie will understand that if that’s all I say to him.”

  “Yes, but we should talk about this work, Arrie.” I hadn’t gotten a chance to speak with him about my worries. I didn’t want to give him false hope that things would happen as quickly and easily as they had before.

  “Whatever you want, Reagan.” He pushed open the door for me. “Henry’s waiting for us right now.” Lucas and Sean stepped in beside us, having waited outside for us. Randy was with Skye at school.

  That was another thing that stressed me out. Arrie and I were only ever really alone in the privacy of our bedroom. He’d hired the driver he’d met when he first got to town and demanded we ride only with him. Plus, we always had our guards around.

  Everyone was friendly and professional, and I couldn’t complain without seeming like a bratty, unappreciative shrew. But I wanted some of my former life back.

  Haney was dead. There were no more threats. I felt safe all on my own now. But Arrie, and even Skye, seemed to bask in the glow of having our own bodyguards and chauffeur, which made us stick out like sore thumbs in my opinion.

  With the maid, the chef, and the groundskeeper, I had nothing to do at home. They took care of everything. Which had seemed cool the first few days, but I’d quickly found myself wondering what I was supposed to do.

  Other than our steamy nights, Arrie and I always had people around us. We never got the chance to break into spontaneous lovemaking, the way we had back in our younger days. And I missed that.

  So I’d been thinking about talking to him about giving us some breathing room. With no real threat, I saw no reason to keep a shield of humans around us at all times.

  But even as I took my mental stance against this aspect of our lives, I watched as our son and his bodyguard climbed into our huge chauffeured SUV, as we’d stopped to pick up Skye at kindergarten. The boy’s face glowed as he got in and sat down next to Arrie. “Oh boy, Dad. Tommy O’ Sullivan asked if you were the president of the United States ’cause of this car. And I told him not yet, you’re not.” He held up his hand and they high-fived.

  “It is a bit much, isn’t it?” I asked as I looked over at Lucas, who had a funny look on his face.

  Before he could say a thing, Arrie said, “Too much? No way.”

  Skye agreed, “No way, Momma. This is just enough. We need all of this to keep us safe.” He looked at me with eyes that told me he carried more fears and worries than I’d realized. “Mom, I never want that to happen to me again. And I never want you and Dad to get shot again either.”

  All the wind left my sails then. “Okay, baby. I understand.”

  Arrie pulled his head back to look at me in confusion. “Is that what you want to talk about? Scaling down on security? Because I can tell you right now, we’re not scaling back yet. Maybe not ever. I grew up with bodyguards, Reagan. You’ll get used to this. I promise you will.”

  With everyone else in the car trying not to look at us, I felt put on the spot. I had told Arrie I wanted to talk, but I guess he didn’t know I meant in private. And that was most likely because privacy was a thing we only got starting at eight each night and lasting until five each morning.

  Looking out the window, I tried to show Arrie that I didn’t want to talk about anything right now. “K.”

  Once we got home, I went to the bar to pour myself some wine. But Arrie came right over to take it from me. “Did you forget what our job is, baby?” He drank the small glass I’d poured myself.

  Lannie flounced around, oblivious to both of us as he asked Skye, “Baby Arrie, where do you think Mommy and Daddy should have the aisle they’ll walk down for the wedding? Now, mind you, this will be outside. Oh, and at sunset. Come, I’ll show you.”

  The two rushed off as Randy followed close behind. Our place was a fortress—I saw no need for the bodyguards to follow so closely once we were home. I decided to put that out there. “Arrie, why do you make them run after us like we’re fragile little things who need constant tending?” I looked around the room, pointing out the surveillance cameras that were everywhere. “They can watch our every move from the comfort of their apartment where the monitors are.”

  Arrie looked at Lucas. “Do you mind being so close to us?”

  “No, sir,” came his quick reply. “It’s not a problem at all.”

  I didn’t know how else to put it. Blunt seemed best. “It’s a problem to me.” I looked at Luca
s. “Not to be in any way unappreciative of anything you’ve done for us, but I need more space.”

  Arrie took me by the arm, turning me to face him. “I’m not comfortable at this time with you having more space, Reagan. And if you’ll notice, neither is our son.”

  “And I want our son to feel confident, safe, and secure, even without the constant shadow of his bodyguard,” I let him know. “And I’d like to see you have that confidence as well.”

  The look that came over Arrie’s blue eyes was one I’d never seen before.

  Uh oh, did I just wake up Papa Bear?

  Chapter 29


  Reagan had to be kidding. It hadn’t been but six weeks since the abduction. How could she think anyone could get over that so quickly?

  But I saw the look in her eyes and knew we needed to be alone to talk about this. “Come with me.” I looked at Lucas and Sean. “You can give us some time.”

  Nodding, they walked away as I took Reagan up to our bedroom so no one would bother us. She pulled away from me as soon as we walked through the door. “Arrie, I don’t like this. You’re making it seem as if someone is actively after us. Now, I’ll admit that I liked how secure they made me feel that first week. Now it seems too much. And I’m stressed out, too.”

  I went to sit next to her, as she’d taken a seat on the chaise lounge. Holding her hand, I ran my fingers over the back of it. “Baby, I hired everyone so you wouldn’t be stressed out. Now, I need you to relax. Everything will be fine. You’ll see.”

  “I want a more normal life.” She frowned at me. “I know you’re used to this. I know we all went through something terrible.”

  “And you know our son needs this.” I’d witnessed how much better Skye felt with so much protection around. He’d slept in the living room with the bodyguards when we still lived in the apartment. They were like his angels. If Reagan thought I’d take that kid’s angels away, she was crazy.

  Her chest rose and fell with a heavy sigh. “Arrie, I don’t want him to become dependent on other people to make him feel safe. You and I can do that for him.”


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