Saved by the Doctor

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Saved by the Doctor Page 41

by Ivy Wonders

  “Thank you,” Tara said as she gazed at her daughter.

  Going to the attached kitchenette, I made two bottles, knowing Betty’s sister would soon wake up hungry as well. Mark came in, leaning on the doorframe. “Did Tara ask you and Harman about becoming godparents for our girls?”

  “She did.” I turned to him with a smile on my face. “And I’ve answered for my husband and me with a yes. It’s an honor I didn’t see coming.”

  “You both are heroes to my family and me,” he said, making me blush. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you two.”

  I recalled a time when Tara had told me much the same thing about Eli. She’d said Harman was his hero and when I entered the picture Eli looked at me as one, too. But I’d never thought that way. “I think anyone would’ve done the same thing Harman and I did, with money not being a problem.”

  “I think you’re wrong.” Mark crossed his arms over his chest. “My own parents told me there was nothing they could do. They’ve got their little plumbing business in Ohio that they couldn’t take time away from. So, you’re wrong. Most people don’t take the time to care enough to offer their home and time to help others. You and Harman are a couple of unique individuals. To be honest, I thought your whole situation to be odd when I first came around. But now I see it for what it is. You guys are a true family where sharing blood doesn’t matter. And you’ve pulled us into your family. It makes me feel special in a way I’ve never felt before.”

  “All this praise is making me embarrassed, Mark.” I waved my hand at him. “Now, shoo. I’ve gotta get these bottles to your babies.”

  He took the bottles out of my hands. “No. I’ll take care of them this time. Tara and I can handle it. You go find Harman and spend some time alone together. We’ve got Eli and Peyton for the night, too. Take a break. Let me take the weight for now. I can handle it.”

  “I know you can.” I couldn’t make the smile leave my face as I left their suite to go find my husband and take a break with him.


  Sitting in the sunroom, I heard the door open. “There you are. Come on. We’re getting the night off. Mark is handling things with everyone, including Eli and Peyton.” Rebel came to me, taking me by the hands. “I’m thinking a hotel, jacuzzi tub, copious amounts of Jack and Coke, and you.”

  It had been months of hard work, but it was all worth it. “I’m with you.”

  Rebel led me upstairs to pack, letting me in on some news, “So, we’ve been asked to be Carol and Betty’s godparents. I’ve accepted for us.”

  “I would’ve done the same.” I pulled her into my arms, kicked our bedroom door closed, then kissed her with a desire I’d had to tamper down with the arrival of Tara’s family.

  We’d decided to try for a girl, but we’d had little to no time to do much trying. I thought we could get in a bit of baby making before we left to do more of the same.

  Rebel’s legs wrapped around me as I picked her up. She held on tightly while kissing me back with a hunger I could taste. We’d put so many people ahead of us for such a long time, taking time for us felt amazing.

  Walking with her to the bed, I climbed up on it on my knees then laid her back, never letting our lips part. I wanted to keep contact with our bodies. I’d craved her for so long, and finally allowed to have her, I wanted all of her—and I wanted it now.

  Pushing my hand under her shirt, I pushed her bra up, feeling her firm tit, the nipple growing harder and harder as I ground my swelling cock against her heating cunt.

  Arching up to me, Rebel made a low growl as she ran her hands underneath my shirt, clawing my back. I sat up, pulling her shirt off over her head, then pulling mine off, too. Unhooking her bra, I took that off, too, and buried my face in her big tits.

  “Harman,” she panted. “Oh, baby, that feels so good.”

  Giving one a hard suck, I played with the other until she groaned. “You’re about to make me come.”

  So I sucked harder until she was whimpering with an orgasm. Only then did I stop to pull her jeans off, then ripped her panties away from her dripping cunt.

  Dropping my jeans, I got rid of everything else I had on, then moved my body over hers, thrusting my hard cock into her hot recesses. “Oh, yeah.” She felt like home to me when I was inside of her. “Oh, baby. How do you do it? You’re as tight as the first time.”

  Her nails raked across my shoulders. “Kegels.” She did one, and I nearly shot my load into her with the insane feeling it gave me.

  “Shit!” I grabbed her by the shoulders then flipped us around, so she was sitting on top of me. “Do that over and over, Baby.”

  She didn’t ride me the way she usually did. This time she sat perfectly still, flexing her vagina to clench around my cock in short bursts that took me to a whole other world. “You like that?” she whispered hoarsely.

  “It’s almost like when you give me head, only way different.” I couldn’t describe it to her at that moment because my mind was mostly on that insane feeling going on around my cock. “Keep doing it. I can’t get enough.”

  Placing her hands on my chest, she clenched her hot walls around me until I was about to blow. Then I turned her over quickly, making hard thrusts as I put one hand behind her right knee, pulling her leg up until her foot was above her shoulder.

  She held my arms as she gasped for air. “You’re about to make me come!”

  Looking into her eyes, I asked one question, “You want to have my baby, Rebel Hunter?”

  “God, yes!” she cried out as I felt her body contracting around my engorged cock.

  I let it all go then, spilling my seed inside of her. Pushing my cock into her as deep as it could go, I tried my hardest to give her what she wanted. To see her belly swollen with my baby was what I wanted to see in the near future.

  I stayed that way on top of her, letting my seed sit for a while, hopefully taking my little swimmers to where one would burrow its way into her egg that would become a living, breathing human being.

  “The whole process amazes me,” I groaned as a bit more sperm came out of me.

  “Birth?” she asked as she’d finally gotten her breath back.

  “Yeah, that and life itself.” I kissed her lips softly. “I hope we have as little trouble getting pregnant as we did with Peyton.”

  “Me, too.” She held up one hand, showing me crossed fingers. “And I hope we have a girl this time.”

  “Me, too.” I kissed her again. “I love you. And I love our family.”

  “Me, too.” She smiled up at me. “All of them.”

  If anyone would’ve told me that one day I’d have my ex-wife and her whole family living under the same roof with me and my new wife and kids, I would’ve said they were nuts. Certifiable.

  But that’s what had happened. And nine months from that very day, my wife and I had our baby girl to add to that crazy family. Little Olivia graced us and kept our happily ever after going stronger than ever.

  The End

  Repairing Tara Book Four

  A Doctor’s Orders Extra

  By Ivy Wonders

  Megan Lee

  He came through my door unannounced and uninvited or so I’d thought.

  How could such a handsome man with impeccable style be a plumber?

  Mark Cofield owned one of the most well-respected plumbing businesses in Seattle. So why was he in my home installing a jacuzzi tub when he could’ve sent an employee to do the job?

  Seemed he’d seen me around town, heard I was single, and took on the job just to be around me.


  You bet I was.

  But I wasn’t ready to do anything with the opposite sex.

  Not yet.

  I had to find me first. And I had no idea who I was or where to start looking for that girl I’d lost, what seemed like a lifetime ago.

  Persistent, patient, and unwavering adoration made Mark a hard man to hold off.

  Do I even want to…

>   Tara

  “Mom, can I take a bath in your bathroom before I go to bed?” Eli asked me as I sat in the living room watching television. “It’s got all those jets and makes those bubbles. I like it better than the bathtub in my bathroom.”

  I had a plethora of bath products that I’d rather him not get into in my bathroom. “Oh, Eli, I don’t know.”

  I’d let him use it once when he’d hurt his shoulder during baseball practice, and he’d been after me to let him use it most nights he spent with me.

  “Aw, Mom. Come on, please. I won’t mess with your stuff like I did that one time.”

  “How can I be sure of that?” He’d put my bubble bath in the jacuzzi tub and filled the bathroom with bubbles. He thought it was hilarious. I did not.

  Sitting next to me, he gave me his sad eyes. “Mom, I didn’t know that would happen or I wouldn’t have done it. I’m sorry. I’ve told you that a million times.”

  Running my hand through his rust-colored hair, I sighed as I felt my heart swelling with love for the kid. “Oh, okay. But let me go get everything that might tempt you out of the way first.”

  His smile made my heart smile. “Thanks, Mom. And you know what would be even better?”

  He wants more? “What would be even better, Eli?”

  “If I had a tub like that in my own bathroom,” he said as he nodded enthusiastically. “You know, that way I wouldn’t ever need to use yours again, on account of I would have my own. And I wouldn’t ever put bubble bath in it.” He held up two of his fingers, side by side. “Scout’s honor.”

  Well, if someone’s going to use the scout’s honor, then someone must be pretty serious about it.

  “Would it make this place feel more like home to you?” I asked him, as I wanted him to feel just as at home at my place as he did at his father’s.

  “Mom, it would def make me feel more at home. Since you don’t got no heated swimming pool that’s inside that I can swim in each night before going to bed, the tub would do the job of chillin’ me out, so I could get to sleep fast and sleep better. I’ve got a hard time going to sleep here—even though you and Rebel did a great job of making my bedroom super cool.”

  We had worked our butts off to make Eli’s room something he’d want to come to and stay in. I wanted my kid back in my life and knew I had to work to get him back. And I needed to provide the things that made him feel at home and comfortable.

  Rebel had helped me understand the compromising a parent and child must do. I’d tried too hard to have things all my way and that had made Eli uncomfortable. He and his father had an easy relationship, much easier than the one I’d had with our son. I’d made a promise to my son and myself that I would stop trying to have things my way and learn to make adjustments to accommodate my son.

  I’d even allowed him to bring his woolly dog with him for his visits. I had to admit that Moppy had stolen my heart. I’d never had a dog in my life. And even if we’d ever been allowed to have one, my mother wouldn’t have allowed it in the house. So what I was allowing was totally alien to me. But Rebel helped me accept things I’d never accepted before.

  “I think I can get a jacuzzi tub into your bathroom by next week.” I loved the smile that covered his face.

  And the hug I got made me feel even better. “Thanks, Mom. You’re the best.”

  “So are you.” I had to admit that when I got to know my son I found him to be a great kid.

  At times I kicked myself hard for missing out earlier on really knowing my son; I felt so much anger because I felt my youth had been stolen from me. But with the help of my new therapist, I was working on all that. I knew it would take time to get over things, but she’d assured me it could be done.

  For the time being, I kept my life simple. I’d sold the boutique, stopped thinking about opening a bar, and did nothing more than go to therapy sessions—both alone and with my ex-husband so we could learn how to co-parent. Life was as simple as it had ever gotten for me.

  I finally felt content. Not complacent, just satisfied with my life—for once.

  Being satisfied with being purely Eli’s mother and not needing to be anything to anyone else, felt great. I’d come to the realization that I didn’t need a man in my life at this time. I didn’t want a man in my life until I had healed the wounds I’d let fester for far too long.


  Heading into the office, I overheard the secretary as she took an order over the phone, “Okay, I’ll get that going as soon as today, Mrs. Hunter.” She paused. “Oh, okay. Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to call you something you’d rather not be called, Tara. I’ll give you a call later on today to let you know when someone will be over to take the measurements. Bye now.”

  Tara Hunter had caught my eye more than a few times when I’d seen her around town. “So, Tara Hunter is in the market for the services I provide, huh?”

  Mrs. Smith looked at me with a wry grin. “You know her reputation, Mark. Yet you still have that silly grin on your face that you’ve always had when you talk about her. What is it about that woman?”

  Leaning back against the sale’s counter, I thought about the first time I ran into the woman. “There I was, walking along the sidewalk with my eyes on my cell screen when someone walked right into me, her arms full of packages. Her voice was so sharp when she asked me to excuse her.”

  “That doesn’t sound as romantic as you think it does, Mark.” Mrs. Smith printed out the order then placed it in the bin for the next available plumber to pick up. “Anyway, she wants a jacuzzi tub installed in her son’s bathroom—and she’d like it done ASAP.”

  I’d found out she had a son not long after our initial encounter. An encounter that left me knowing who she was, but she had no clue who I was. She’d dropped one small bag that had a box of business cards in them. Splendor Boutique was printed on those cards and when I Googled the business, I found Tara Hunter’s name and photo on the website. But there was no bio to tell me anything else about her.

  When I went to the shop the next day to drop off the bag she’d behind left on the sidewalk, I found a different young woman working there. When I’d asked for Tara, she’d told me she was gone to see her son and asked me if I’d like to leave a message. I didn’t leave my name; I just said I was returning something she’d dropped when we ran into each other the previous day.

  Later that week, I saw Tara in a nightclub, hanging with a group that was, in my opinion, too young for her. The woman wasn’t old or anything, but she looked to be in her late twenties and those she hung out with looked like college kids.

  Something told me that Tara Hunter was trying to sow some wild oats. And when I saw her and her son later the next week as they went into a small café, I understood why she sought to sow oats that hadn’t been sown. The boy looked to be about ten years old or so. She’d had to have had him in her late teens.

  Tara had gotten the rep of being a spoiled rich ex-wife to a doctor in town. Most thought her to be pretty shallow and completely selfish. So I’d kept my distance. I could sense that she needed time to grow up. Maybe she’d felt her youth had been stolen by the pregnancy. I could certainly see a young woman feeling that way.

  The more I asked around about the woman and the more I found out cemented the idea in my mind. Tara Hunter had lost something important, and she needed time to find it. So I stayed back and left her alone.

  But now she was calling my business, asking for something I sold and I could also install all on my own. Taking the order out of the tray, I put it into my suit pocket. I’d had a meeting at the bank earlier that morning and had worn one of my nicer suits. “I’ll take this one, Mrs. Smith.”

  “You?” she asked with surprise showing on her face. “Mark, you haven’t done a job on your own in the last few years. Not since you made enough money to hire a complete staff with ten plumbers at your disposal.”

  “I know.” I headed to my office to grab what I’d need for the job. “This is just the measuring
phase. I can take care of this part.” Maybe I wouldn’t do the whole job. Maybe Tara Hunter wouldn’t be what she was in my imagination, my fantasies. If that were the case, then I’d hand over the job to the next guy in line. But if she was everything and more than what I’d imagined her to be, then I’d stay on the job. I’d make that job last as long as it took to win her over, too.

  With the specs for the tub she’d chosen, I took my measuring tape and headed toward the door, stopping to let Mrs. Smith know what I wanted. “Don’t give her the heads up that I’m coming. I’d like to surprise her.”

  “Might I remind you that she doesn’t know you, Mark,” my secretary reminded me.

  “But she’ll know I’m the owner of this company if you tell her who’s on their way to take the measurements.” I didn’t want her to know who she was dealing with exactly. I wanted to catch her off guard.

  I wanted that because from what I’d seen, the woman had recently gotten her guard up. She’d closed her shop, stopped going to the clubs altogether, and only seemed to be doing things with her son.

  One might think I’d been stalking the woman. I hadn’t. I’d just noticed when she was around—which wasn’t as much as I would’ve liked for her to be. And there’d never been the right time to introduce myself to her either.

  Now, I’d get that chance. But I wanted her to see me for me, not the man some saw as intimidating because of the wealth I’d built when I branched off on my own from my parents’ company in Ohio.


  The doorbell rang, and I went to find the UPS man had the package I’d ordered online. “Oh, good. The hot curlers I ordered are finally here.”

  “Sign here, please,” he said, then left me with my little brown package that held my new hairstyle.


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