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Saved by the Doctor

Page 48

by Ivy Wonders

  “No.” I shudder to recall the feel of that lump in another guy’s pants.

  “There’s more?” Alex looked pissed. “Tell me.”

  Why would he be mad?

  Alex did not see me as anything but his kid’s nanny. Try to understand that and stop thinking he wants me for anything other than that. “Well, this one guy came up to me while I sat at the bar alone.”

  “Why were you alone?” Alex asked with concern. “Didn’t you go with friends? Please don’t tell me you went out alone. Do you know how risky that could be, Ky?”

  “I went out with my friend, Carla.” Concern was etched in his voice. “After I got away from the butt-grabber, I wanted to get out of the crowd. So I went to get a drink at the bar. I ordered what Carla had before, a seven and seven.”

  He frowned again. “How many of those did you drink?”

  “Um… About a quarter of one drink.” I smiled. Alex seemed so alarmed; it made me feel wiggly inside. “Anyway, this one older guy approached me. Thirty-three, he said he was and asked me how old I was. When I replied, he asked if he’s too old for me.”

  “And you said?” Alex asked with curiosity.

  “I said no.” His face changed to one of concern.

  “So the man did what?”

  “He checked out another girl who walked by, and I told him he should go after her.” He pissed me off when he did that, and my ideas of giving my first kiss to him dissipated. Alex didn’t need to hear that part.

  Nodding, he said, “Sorry, you had a dreadful time.” He didn’t look sorry though.

  “Then this other guy really made me mad when he came up to me, talking to me like he knew me, asking me to go to the bathroom with him for a quickie.” I didn’t say anything else, because Alex jumped up out of his seat.

  Fury filled his handsome face. “He did what?”

  “I said no.” I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. He was actually jealous! “When I tried to walk away, he grabbed my hand.”

  Alex shook with rage. “He did what?” he repeated louder.

  His anger was adorable. “He grabbed my hand and pressed it against his erection. It was vulgar.”

  It was too much for him. Alex exploded, “That son-of-a-bitch! I hope you called the cops on him.” He stood in front of me, towering over me.

  The scent of his cologne combined with the spicy smell of perspiration that had formed on him. And when I answered, “No,” he looked at me like I’d just stabbed him in the heart.

  His face fell. “Don’t tell me you fell for that, Ky.”

  “Of course, not.” Relief flooded his face. “I yanked my hand back and slapped him, then left the place and vowed never to go back.”

  “That’s good.” He walked to sit back down. “So you came home after that?”

  “No, we went to one more club.” Now that one wasn’t as bad.

  Alex’s face had fallen again. “What happened there? Did you find someone?”

  I shook my head. “No. It was a piano bar. We sang along with everyone else, and I had fun.”

  “No one turned your head?” he asked as he sat back down. He might be okay now that he knew I hadn’t hooked up with anyone.

  That gave me the confidence. Alex likes me. “To be honest, none of them were my type.”

  His blue eyes danced. “What is your type, Ky?”

  “I like my men tall, dark, and handsome,” I said with a grin as I got up and moved toward him.

  “You do?” His eyes never left mine.

  Nodding, I stepped even closer toward him. “I tend to like my men a bit older. They’re more mature, you know what I mean?”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as I sat next to him, so close our outer thighs touched. “You mean like ten or so years older?”

  “Yeah.” Turning to face him, I felt my robe open a little. He looked at my chest more than once. Alex is waking up the inner whore who has been sedated for a long, long time.

  His fingers brushed my cheek. “I bet you looked beautiful.”

  “Some guy did call me sexy.” Moving slowly, I reached out and ran my hands up his arms, then rested them on his broad shoulders. How I knew what to do is beyond me.

  “You really slapped that guy?” he asked with a sexy grin. “You’re not just telling me that?”

  “You seem to be getting jealous, Alex.” My eyes could not leave his lips as they inched closer to mine. “You might think I made that up to pacify you, but it’s the truth. I slapped the asshole. And I would do it again to any guy who took my hand and pressed it against his erection.”

  “You would?” He stopped his progression, taking a moment of precaution.

  Nodding, I let him know, “Yep, I would slap anyone who ever did that again. Save one man. Now that man, well, he could do anything he wants.”

  My chest heaved as I held my breath. Alex’s eyes were on my lips, and I felt the heat rising inside of me. “Is that one man, me?” His eyes flew up to mine.

  “Yeah,” I whispered. “It’s you, Alex.”

  He smiled, and then his lips moved in and fell on mine with an unimaginable softness. The way his hands reached up and held my face left me breathless. His tongue pushed through my lips, parting them so he could explore inside.

  The fire that ripped through me frightened me at first. He moved his tongue in a playful fashion, running it over mine, and mine reciprocated.

  The scary feeling subsided, and something else came over me. Lust. Passion. Desire. And then arose my need for him.

  My insides pulsed to my heartbeat, juices began to flow in ways I had no idea could happen. My panties became wet as my body wanted more.

  To feel him inside of me! I wanted to climb onto his lap and ride him for days at a time. And I wanted that to happen right then and there.

  When he pushed me onto my back, I quickly spread my legs around him, and he moved his body between them. Something hard, long, and fat mashed against my throbbing pussy. I moved my hands down and felt the outline of his hard dick. A groan escaped me as I ran my hand up and down the length.

  With one tug, he had my robe untied and pushed it away to uncover my body. His hand grabbed one of my tits. Pushing down the top of my nightgown, he exposed the breast, then played with the nipple until it was hard.

  I gasped with the somewhat painful sensation, and he kissed me harder—so hard our teeth clashed. It took my mind off the pain and back to him. His body moved in waves against mine. Our sexes ground together.

  I could smell it in the air, the sweet sexual scents that seeped out of us. It made me heady, and I felt drunk. I’d never been drunk! My first experience and I’d gotten drunk on Alex’s kiss.

  When his lips finally left mine, grazing them along my neck, I whimpered, “No, kiss me again.”

  His chest moved as he groaned, then his lips came back to mine. Another kiss took me to new heights. His hands moved all over me, touching everything he could reach and leaving trails of fire in their path.

  Somehow, he managed to get my nightgown completely off the top half of my body, and when he pulled his mouth away again, he dove for one tit and sucked it as he played with the other.

  I ran my hands through his hair, moaning as each suck he made had my belly going tight, and something incredible happened inside of me. “I can’t believe it feels like this. No wonder people do this.”

  Maybe I’d been missing out? His tongue moved over the tip of my nipple over and over. I’d been missing out. But was I feeling all this because anyone could make me feel this way, or was it because it was Alex?

  He moved one hand down between us; I felt the back of it brush my pussy as he tried to undo his pants. It was about to happen. I was about to lose my virginity. And I was so ready!

  Pushing down his boxers, he took my hand then placed it on his cock. It’s skin was surprisingly soft as I ran my hand up and down while he still sucked my tit.

  “I had no idea,” I whispered as I moved my hand up and down the l
ong shaft.

  Pulling his mouth off my tit, he looked at me. “What do you mean, you had no idea?”

  “That it would feel this way.”

  He moved my hand off his cock looking uneasy. “Ky, how far have you gone with a man before?”

  He had to know the truth. “You’re my first kiss, Alex.”

  “Shit!” He pulled away from me! What was suddenly so wrong? “I knew it.”

  “You knew I was a virgin?” I sat up, pulling my robe back around to cover my body.

  He nodded. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done this.”

  And then he was gone, leaving me alone and wondering what to do now.

  Chapter 11


  A week went by with me saying very little to Ky. I made a terrible mistake and had to back things up. There was no way I could take that girl’s virginity without being able to make a commitment to her.

  Rachelle’s sickness and eventual death hadn’t soured me on women, but it allowed me to experience things that went along with being committed to another human being. With love comes pain—it was that simple. I had enough pain to last me a lifetime; I wasn’t looking for more of the same.

  Sitting at the desk in my home office, the hour was late, and I needed to go to bed. But I hadn’t slept well since that night. Leaving Ky wasn’t easy; it had taken a lot of willpower. But I couldn’t hurt her if we’d gone any further.

  I genuinely liked the girl. Even her social awkwardness was cute. And the way she interacted with my daughter did things to my heart I didn’t know were possible.

  Earlier that day, I sat on the back patio, watching Ky and Tabby running around the playground in the park behind the house. Ky didn’t care how silly she behaved; she only cared Tabby was having fun and laughing.

  Chewing my lower lip, I asked myself, “How long will you let this go on?”

  How long could I possibly stay away from Ky? How long could I go without saying more than a few words to her? How long could I keep my hands and kisses off her, now that I’d tasted those sweet lips?

  Innocent or not, that girl’s kiss took me to a place I’d never been before. I had no idea if it was her or the amount of time that had passed without me having sexual contact with anyone, but touching her, feeling her? It had done me in.

  If I slept with Ky—if I took her virginity—then I would fall in love with her. There was no doubt in my mind that it could consume us both. I found that out the hard way with Rachelle.

  When you love someone, you experience the pain they do. When they die, they take a part of you with them. It leaves an emptiness nothing and no one can fill.

  If I did fall in love with Ky, there would still be this hole where Rachelle had dug into me, taking a piece of my soul with her when she left our daughter and me behind. If I gave my heart to Ky and took hers, it would put me back in danger of losing another piece of myself. And I couldn’t take that and function well enough to take care of my daughter.

  With nothing settling in my brain, I decided to go to bed anyway. Sure, I’d toss and turn, but at least my body would be in a state of relaxation, I hoped.

  When I got to the staircase, she was sitting there on the top step waiting for me.

  “Alex, I can’t take this anymore.” Ky’s eyes were dark and drooped in a way that made my heart ache.

  I did this to her.

  Not taking one step, I said, “I should’ve kept my hands to myself, Ky. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not,” she said with a sigh punctuating her sentence. “You’re scared.”

  I didn’t like anyone to think I was afraid of anything. “Am not.”

  “Yes, you are.” She ran her hands down her legs that were covered with the white robe she wore.

  The last thing I should’ve been thinking about was what she wore underneath that robe, but I couldn’t help myself. I shook my head to clear the thoughts that popped up. “Look, I’m not afraid. I just don’t know what to do after the fact—do you get what I’m saying?”

  Her eyes bore into me. “Do you honestly think you will just hit it then quit it, Alex?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at the way she put it. “I might do that to you. It wouldn’t have anything to do with you or what we’d done. I’d be the problem. And it’s not that I’m scared—but I’ve been through a lot, and I’m not sure having a relationship is worth the pain that can come along with it.”

  “I understand.” She stood, then held out her hands. “Come on, Alex. I’ll take my chances.”

  Easy for her to say, she had no idea what it honestly felt like to lose a piece of yourself when the other half of you is ripped away. But the way she looked as she waited at the top of those stairs took my breath away.

  Her silky hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders. Her skin glowed under the dim light. And her curves couldn’t be hidden by that robe. The robe covered what? “Are you naked underneath?”

  “There’s only one way to find out,” she coaxed. “Come on up, Alex. I’ve done nothing but fantasize about you and me since that night. I can’t take it any longer. I’ve never wanted anyone in my life. Now that I’ve found this need for you, it won’t stop. I can’t sleep, eat, or even think—except about how it would be with you. If you give me nothing else, give me the gift of having you as my first. Alex, I’ve never even had an orgasm.”

  My cock went hard, and my heart sped up. I never had a virgin before, and to find out that she never even experienced an orgasm? What else could I do? The way my body reacted to her words… My mind wasn’t getting in the way.

  Ky was going through the same things by not giving in to what we both wanted so badly. I took the stairs two at a time. “Promise me you won’t be hurt if I can’t give you more, okay?” I still had to guard my heart after all.

  She nodded. “Kiss me, Alex. Take me to my bed and make me into a woman.”

  “Shit!” My cock strained against my jeans, and it proved most painful. Scooping her up, I carried her down the hall.

  Hurrying to her room, I barely got the door closed behind us before she ran her hands through my hair, then locked her lips on mine. Her breath sweet, her tongue demanding, she took my breath away with that kiss.

  Putting her feet on the floor, I tugged the belt of that robe, letting it fall open to reveal she was indeed naked underneath. It seemed she was prepared to do anything to get me to take her.

  Ky wasn’t the girl I thought her to be. When she wanted something, she’d use everything she had to get it. And I found that super fucking hot. “Damn, girl. You came prepared, didn’t you?”

  “I couldn’t take another night of torture, Alex.” Her hands moved under my sweater and then she pulled it over my head. Her eyes were shining as she ran her hands over my chest, lingering over the anchor tat on my left pec. She kissed it, then whispered, “I haven’t thanked you for your years of service to our country, Alex. Let me show you how thankful I really am.”

  She sank to her knees in front of me, and I nearly gasped as she undid my jeans, pulling them down, then she did the same thing to my blue boxers. Her eyes went wide as she saw my cock, erect just for her; it made me smile. “Is this the first dick you’ve ever seen, Ky?”

  “It is.” She licked her lips. “I’ve watched a few videos about blow jobs. I practiced on a cucumber. Can I give it a try?”

  “Hell yes!” I leaned back on the door as she rubbed her hands together to warm them.

  “If I hurt you just let me know, ’Kay?” she asked as she looked up at me with the most innocent eyes I’d ever seen before getting sucked off.

  “I doubt you’ll hurt me, but I promise to let you know.” I grinned. “Can I come in your mouth?”

  Looking apprehensive, she said, “Better stop me before that. I don’t want to throw up and ruin things.”

  Nodding, I’d thought as much. “Awritey, then.”

  Softly, she stroked my cock, then put her lips on the tip, making me see stars already. Her mouth moved
over it, surrounding it with more heat than it had seen in a very long time. Ky moaned as she took it all in and I sighed.

  Moving slowly, I watched her head going back and forth and nearly lost it several times as she gently sucked me. Just as I was about to blow, I stopped her, “Ky, that’s all I can take.”

  The smile she wore when she pulled her mouth off me was sultry and sexy. “Now you’ll take my virginity?”

  She lay back on the floor, the robe spread out behind her. I wasn’t about to take her for the first time on a hard floor. Picking her up, I carried her to the bed where I laid her down and took the robe away.

  Looking at her naked body, running my fingers lightly over every inch of it, I sighed. I couldn’t make love to this gorgeous woman only one time. But could I give myself to her, heart and soul? “Ky, are you sure about this? There’s no going back once we do this. I might never be able to give you anything more than sex. Please understand that. It’s not personal. I like you a lot and think you’re great. But I don’t have much of a heart to give to anyone.”

  Her eyes glazed over as she looked at me. “Alex, I’ll be okay with whatever happens. I promise you. Now please fill this void I’ve had until you kissed me that night.”

  “Well, since I caused it…” I couldn’t have stopped myself at that moment. Moving my body over hers, I spread her legs, then pressed the tip of my cock against her virgin hole. “You ready?” Quick to penetrate would be the best way to begin.

  Her nails cut into the flesh of my shoulders as she nodded. “Do it.”

  I kissed her, softly at first, then passion overtook me as my cock throbbed and the blood rushed into it at the pressure it felt at the cusp of that virgin pussy. With one hard thrust, I broke through her hymen.

  Ky’s scream was smothered by my kiss; tears fell down her cheeks with my hard and fast thrusts. The hot blood of her broken purity was mixing with her natural juices.

  I’d taken it away from her—her innocence. Now to see if I can give her something in return.

  Chapter 12


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