Saved by the Doctor

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Saved by the Doctor Page 49

by Ivy Wonders


  With every movement he made, the pain was less and less. At first, I’d thought it was a mistake in begging Alex to take my virginity. His cock was massive—certainly not what a virgin should take on for her first go at it. But my desire wasn’t fading, so I went with it. What was painful at first turned into something I couldn’t have ever guessed would feel the way it did.

  Panting, I commented, “Alex, it feels like something’s welling up inside of me.”

  “You’re about to orgasm,” he let me know. “Close your eyes and let it happen.”

  Closing my eyes, I felt the sensation growing as if a wave was forming. And then it all came crashing down. “Ah! Oh, God! Alex!” Pure pleasure filled every cell of my body. I swore even my hair felt the electricity. My toes curled, and I arched up to meet his hard thrusts.

  I want more.

  His mouth closed down on mine as he went even faster and harder. His pelvis rubbed against my clit, and it was swelling, then his mouth left mine as he made a savage groan, “Fuck!”

  Wet heat filled me, and my body reacted by having another orgasm just as his cock jerked inside of me. “Oh, hell!” I dug my fingernails into his back, and then up until I felt his hair. My fingers pulled his hair as our bodies were racked with ecstasy.

  He went still on top of me, his head resting on my breasts. Both of us panted like animals, then I kissed the top of his head. “Thank you, Alex,” I breathed.

  His hands moved along my waist then up my sides as his hot breath ran over my tits. “Thank you, Ky.”

  Playing with his dark hair, I felt at ease with him. “That was mind-blowing.”

  “I’m glad you thought so.” He raised his head to look at me, not bothering to pull his dick out of me. “You’re my first virgin.”

  I bit my tongue so I wouldn’t say his last virgin. Already, I didn’t want to share this man. “Glad I could be the first for you, too, then.”

  He kissed me softly and rolled off me, leaving me with a cold feeling. “I’ll let you get some sleep.”

  Rolling on my side, I felt the gush of wetness as it flowed out of me. “Yeah, I’ll be able to sleep now.”

  I’ll have to shower first, but then I’ll sleep like a baby.

  He stood there for a moment, gloriously naked. “Ky, that was spectacular.”

  “Was it?” I had no idea if that was ordinary or amazing. It felt the latter, but I had nothing to compare it to.

  “Yeah.” He reached out, running his hand along my jaw line. “I’ve got a lot to think about. ’Night.”

  I didn’t know what that meant, nor did I care. My body still pulsed from the orgasms, and my mind was still drunk on what we’d done.

  After he left my room, I went to take a shower, finding a ghastly mess from losing my virginity. “Yuck.” I hoped it wouldn’t be that messy every time.

  Alex was honest with me. There might not be more. But then again, he said it might just be sex. Just having sex would be fine with me.

  That man could sneak into my bed anytime, and I’d welcome him with open arms and legs.

  After showering, I went back to bed, finding it a mess as well. As I removed the sheets off the bed, I thought about the maid cleaning them, and I couldn’t have that. The staff shouldn’t know what we’d done. No one should.

  What would people think of Alex if they knew he screwed the au pair?

  A prestigious doctor, thirteen years older than me and with a young daughter, Alex would be ridiculed if they knew what we’d done.

  Gathering the linens, I put my robe back on, then took the stained white sheets down to the laundry to do them myself. Putting the washing machine on cold, I first rinsed the blood off sheets, and then added plenty of bleach. Spotting some stain remover, I sprayed it on the remainder of the stains before shoving them into the washer.

  As the red was disappearing, I felt somewhat melancholy. How quickly the pleasure and warmth faded away sort of frightened me. But things had to go on; one couldn’t live in that state of euphoria for long.

  Taking another set of white sheets from the linen closet, I went back to put them on the bed. Walking into the room, I could still smell Alex in there. His unique scent lingered, and I hoped it would stay that way.

  Then I thought about the maid coming in the morning to clean and lit a scented wax warmer to get rid of the scent that brought me so much peace.

  We’ll have to hide this now. How do I feel about that? My first bond and I had to hide it.

  What Alex and I had was not a relationship. He’ll probably want to fuck some more. I hoped he did anyway.

  If the time before our tryst left me with sleepless nights, no appetite, and no clear thinking, any refusal by him to have sex with me again would be worse.

  I made that damn promise to him.

  Climbing into the bed after making it, I could still feel the warmth where we laid. Smiling, I moved to the side of that warm spot and ran my hand over it.

  “This was the place where Alex and I became one. Even if it was for a short time, we had become one.” I closed my eyes, reliving that moment.

  So harsh at first, then utterly mind-blowing; it was the best thing I’d ever done. There would never be regrets as to who I had my first sexual experience with. No matter what, Alex was the right man to have taken my virginity.

  Thinking about my future and what that would hold had me feeling a little sad. What if Alex and I don’t have a future together?

  Could I ever let another man do to me what I let Alex do?

  I didn’t want to think about that. I didn’t want to think about Alex and me either. It was useless to think he and I could ever be anything real.

  With no idea what tomorrow would bring, I fell asleep, sleeping soundly for the first time since I’d met the man.

  Waking up the next morning to Tabby’s voice on the baby monitor, “I’m up, Ky,” I rolled out of bed, finding myself stiff and hardly able to walk.

  “Shit,” I whispered. Then I hit the button on the monitor. “Okay, Tabby. I’ll be right there, Honey.”

  Putting on a nightgown and then a robe, I slipped my feet into slippers and went out the door only to find Alex there, dressed and smiling at me.

  “Morning, Ky.”

  Now I felt awkward as hell. “Um- hi.”

  I didn’t know what we should do, but saying hi wasn’t it. A good morning kiss seemed to be the normal. But we weren’t a typical couple.

  “I’ll take care of Tabby this morning.” He gestured to the way I held my legs apart unnaturally. “You should go soak in a hot tub for a while. That should help with the soreness. And here, take some ibuprofen. You’ve got the morning off. I’ll make my rounds later today.”

  “Okay.” I still didn’t know how to act. “Thanks.”

  I turned to go back into my suite when he said quietly, “I really had a great time last night.”

  “Me, too.” A blush heated my cheeks, and I retreated into the room before he saw that. Leaning on the door, I tried to catch my breath. “Oh, hell. How am I going to do this?”

  After a long, hot bath, I wore a dress because the way the jeans felt against my crotch was awful. How long will it take for the ibuprofen to kick in? Should I expect to feel this way every time we had sex?

  When I went down to take over for Alex with Tabby, I found them in her playroom. His broad smile greeted me as Tabby ran to me. I picked her up, giggling as she kissed my cheek. “Finally!”

  “Did you miss me, Tabby?” I asked her as I put her back down.

  “Yeah! Bunches.” She twirled around, letting her dress spin around. “Daddy put this one on me, and I wanted to show you, but he wouldn’t let me go into your room. Are you sick?”

  I shook my head. “No. Your daddy gave me the morning off, so I slept in. But your dress is very pretty.”

  Tabby ran her hand over the soft fabric of my dress. “Yours is pretty, too. Let’s go to lunch and show our pretty dresses today.”

; Alex got up off the sofa and pulled out his wallet, taking out his credit card. “Here you go, Ky. Take her out, and then maybe visit a museum or something? You both look way too beautiful to stay cooped up at home today.” He winked at me as he handed me the card, grazing his fingers along my palm.

  My breath hitched in my throat and the way moisture pooled between my legs told me that man could take me right there and I’d let him do it. “OK. we’ll go out today.”

  “I have to work.” He walked away and I felt this tremendous urge to kiss him. “I’ll be home for dinner. After that, you and I need to have a meeting, Ky.”

  “About?” I asked.

  He turned to look at me as he opened the door. “Things.” He wore absolutely no expression. What kinds of things did he want to talk to me about? Why did he call it a meeting?

  “Should I be worried?” I asked him frowning.

  “You should not be, Ky.” He cocked his head to one side. “After what we talked about before, I thought you understood things.”

  Last night I would’ve said anything to get him to fuck me. Now though, what I would do if he didn’t want to have sex anymore? I nodded and tried to play it cool. “OK. See you at dinner then, Alex. Have a nice day at work.”

  “You, too.” And then he was gone.

  And I have no idea where we stand.

  Chapter 13


  Whistling as I walked down the hall toward the emergency room to see a patient who’d come in after falling and hitting her head, I couldn’t help the great mood I was in.

  As crazy as it might’ve seemed, letting her in wasn’t going to hurt me. Something told me not to worry and just live, laugh, and love. Yes—something inside told me it was okay to love Ky.

  Who knew sex would make me feel whole again? But it wasn’t just the sex—it was Ky. Ky was the only one who’d ever gotten to me that way. Even Rachelle hadn’t affected me the way Ky did.

  And Rachelle had quite the effect on me. I’d fallen in love with her at first sight. I knew Rachelle was the one right from the start. What I didn’t realize was there could be more than just one woman who could be the one for me.

  Not that I was ready to propose, but only to be in a relationship with Ky. I was so prepared, it didn’t seem real.

  Nurse Jamison stood in front of a curtain. Her hands on her hips, she gave me a look that said we were dealing with a mentally unstable person. “Glad you’re here, Dr. Arlen. Mrs. Higginson is worried and needs your help right away.”

  “Okay.” I pulled the curtain back to find a woman in her seventies with—of all things—a feminine napkin taped to her forehead. “Did you bandage that yourself, ma’am?”

  “I did,” she said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. “And that nurse of yours wanted to take it off. I told her blood would come gushing out, and I didn’t want the bandage removed until a doctor was around to stitch me up.”

  Pulling on some gloves, I approached her to make the removal and found her holding up her hands to stop me.

  “Don’t you want me to fix you up?”

  Her pale blue eyes glistened with unshed tears. “It really hurts.”

  I saw no evidence of blood on the backside of the pad and had no idea what kind of wound she had. “I’ll be very careful. I promise.”

  Batting her eyelashes, she nodded. “Okay then. I trust you.”

  Easing the thing off her delicate skin, I removed the pad to find nothing, not even a bump. “When did this happen, Mrs. Higginson?”

  “About an hour ago. I fell out of my bed and onto the floor. I hit my head on the nightstand. There was blood everywhere.” The way she looked at me told me she really thought that happened.

  Turning to the nurse, I let her know she needed to get the paperwork ready to admit the woman. “Get her admitted for the night, Nurse Jamison.” I turned my attention to the patient once again. “Did you drive yourself here or did someone bring you?”

  “I don’t have anyone to count on, Doc. I drove myself.” She reached up to feel the spot on her head she thought was injured. Then her reality appeared to dawn on her. “Oh no. What’s happened? I swear there was a gash on my forehead. I swear it!”

  “Not to worry,” I tried to calm her. “I’m sure we can get to the bottom of this. We’ll run some tests right away. Do you have someone I could call to let them know you’ll be here?”

  “My neighbor. My cat will need to be fed.” She looked even more distraught. “But I can’t recall her phone number. And I can’t recall if I locked my front door when I left. And I might’ve let the cat out, too.” She began to wring her hands in her lap. “I’ve got to get back home, Doc. I can’t stay. I just can’t.”

  “I tell you what, give me your address, and I’ll have someone go by your home and make sure things are locked up for you, and your cat is put back inside if it got out.” I took out my cell to call Ky, the only person I could think of on short notice who’d do what the woman needed. “My girlfriend won’t mind helping you out. I’ll have her go to the neighbor’s house, too, to let them know.”

  “You’d do all that for me?” she asked with wide eyes that looked like they were about to tear up. Her hand shook as she reached out to touch my hand as I made the call to Ky. “Thank you, Doc. You’re a real angel.”

  “You’re welcome, Mrs. Higginson. And it’s no trouble at all.”

  Ky answered my call, “Yes, Alex?”

  “Hi.” The sound of her voice gave me butterflies, and it was the most pleasant feeling in the world. “I’ve got a favor to ask of you.”


  “A patient here is a bit confused, and we’re keeping her here for the night,” I said.

  Ky interrupted me, “So you won’t be home when you said you would?”

  “No, I’ll be home when I said I would.” The disappointment in her voice made me smile. “I’ll be there for dinner, then we’ll have our talk.” I had so much to tell her about my breakthrough and how it was all because of her. “I need you to go to this lady’s home and make sure things are secure. She’s got a cat she’s worried about. It belongs in the house, and it might be outside. And her neighbor needs know where she is. Ask her if she’ll make sure the cat’s fed while Mrs. Higginson is here.”

  “Okay,” Ky said. “Text me the address, and Steven can take us over there. Tabby, we’ve got to go, Honey. Daddy has an errand for us.”

  “’Kay, Ky,” I heard Tabby say.

  My heart felt so full—and over something so small, too. It was amazing, the transformation one night with Ky had made. “Thanks, Ky. I really appreciate that. I hate to interrupt your little outing. But it’s for a good cause.”

  “I know it is. We don’t mind at all, do we, Tabby?” Ky asked.

  “Not at all,” Tabby said.

  Ky was an excellent influence on my daughter. I’d chosen the right nanny for her. And I was sure I picked the right woman for me, too. “Thanks. I’ll see you at home for dinner. Bye.”

  The way the woman looked at me had me feeling weird. “She says she’s happy for you, Alex.”

  “Who?” I looked behind me at where her eyes now focused. I didn’t see anyone there.

  “Her,” she said as she pointed to the spot just behind me. “The pretty lady with the long blonde hair. “She says it’s time and that she loves you and loves how well you’re taking care of Tabby.” Mrs. Higginson blinked a few times, then her eyes came back to mine. “I’m sorry. What were you saying?”

  “I wasn’t saying anything,” I told her. “You were. Did you see someone standing behind me?”

  She looked upset, then put her hands on her stomach. “My tummy hurts. Why does my tummy hurt?” Looking back at the place behind me, she shouted, “Go away! You’re hurting me!”

  What was going on? The woman might have seen Rachelle. Her stomach hurt her a lot at the very end of her life. I turned to the spot she must’ve been. Unfortunately, I saw nothing. “Rachelle?”

p; “She’s gone.” Mrs. Higginson sighed with relief. “Sometimes that happens. When someone died in a lot of pain, I can feel it, too. It’s a curse that comes along with the gift of being able to see spirits. She left when I told her she hurt me. They most often do leave when I let them know that.”

  Shocked, I nodded as if that made perfect sense, which it did not. But I felt better about my relationship with Ky knowing Rachelle was happy about it, too.

  “How long have you been able to see spirits?” I asked her.

  “Since I was a kid.” She looked at me with confusion. “Maybe it was someone else who hit their head, Doc. Maybe I was asleep when one of them came to me, and I got befuddled. I can go home now. I’m okay.”

  She was not okay. “Since you came here for help, we’re going to help you. You might be right, you might be fine, but we have equipment to make sure of that.”

  “You think I’m crazy, don’t you?” She was used to people telling her that.

  “I don’t.” I wasn’t sure of my thoughts about the woman. “I wouldn’t be doing right by you if you leave without doing these tests. So please allow me to run them, and when we find you’re fine, you can leave. Deal?” I hoped she’d make the deal. I knew how stubborn some people could be. So when she nodded, it made me smile. “Good. Thank you.”

  A few hours later, with the tests done, I found that Mrs. Higginson had experienced a small stroke. But she’d be fine with time. It was early enough so the medication we gave her would work on her brain.

  Going home, I was happy with how the day had gone. There were things I wanted to talk to Ky about she’d find agreeable, too.

  At dinner, Ky was quiet and even a bit shy. It must’ve been because she had no idea how I felt about what we’d done. But she’d soon find out after Tabby went to bed.

  Just before leaving the table, I looked Ky in the eyes. “I’ll be in my office. After you get Tabby to sleep, we’ll have our meeting there.”

  She looked kind of sick as she nodded. I couldn’t say anything else in front of Tabby or the kitchen staff who’d come in to clean up. But later, when Ky came into my office, I got up out of my chair and met her halfway, taking her in my arms and kissing her the way I wanted to all day.


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