Angels Soaring (Angels Rising Book 2)

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Angels Soaring (Angels Rising Book 2) Page 8

by Harriet Carlton

  “Come on,” said Gabriel, putting his arms around Imorean and pulling him up to his feet.

  Imorean stumbled clumsily and leaned his weight on Gabriel. His legs were shaking and felt as though they were barely supporting his weight. The Archangel didn't even seem to notice the added weight and started to walk forward. Imorean's feet worked automatically, carrying him wherever Gabriel dictated.

  A few minutes later, Imorean found himself sitting in a chair in Gabriel's office, a blanket had been draped over him and a cup of water was being pushed into his trembling hand.

  “Drink something,” said Gabriel. “It'll help, I promise.”

  “Thank you,” breathed Imorean.

  Gabriel sat on his desk and spoke in a soft voice. “I think you've had more than enough excitement for one evening, don't you?”

  Imorean quirked a small smile and nodded, taking a sip of the water. His voice shook when he spoke.

  “They didn’t work, Gabriel. I tried to fly away and my wings didn’t work. Why didn’t they work?”

  “Because you have never flown before, Imorean. Flying is much harder than it looks. There is nothing wrong with your wings. The only reason they failed you tonight is because you are new to them and they are new to you. You do not know yet how to make them work, but you will learn.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. All angels learn how to fly in the end. Do you know what that creature Michael killed was?” asked Gabriel, his tone turning serious.

  “A Hellhound?”

  “Very good. I guess you've retained more from Haroel's class than we all thought. Yes, that was a Hellhound. Do you know how long it's been following you?”

  “It's been following me?”

  “We think so. Michael spotted its aura clinging to you a few weeks ago. Have you seen it at all before now? Even in a dream.”

  “Yes, several times. I’ve had more nightmares about it than I can count.”

  “How long has it been in your nightmares?”

  “A few months, I guess.”

  “I'm afraid I’m going to have to ask you to rack your memory now, Imorean. Did you have your first encounter with this creature before or after you met my brother and I?”

  “After. It was definitely after.”

  “How did you first encounter it?”

  “I think I hit it with my truck. I was driving home from Valle Crucis and I ran into something. I thought at the time that it was a bear, but afterward...”

  “I see. Did you touch it or anything that it touched?”

  “I pulled some fur off my truck the next morning,” replied Imorean. His heart sank when Gabriel frowned and placed one hand over his eyes.

  “Did you keep the fur or did you drop it?”

  Imorean was starting to feel scared. “I dropped it in the driveway.”

  “I see,” sighed Gabriel.

  “What's wrong?” asked Imorean, his eyes wide.

  “Imorean, I don't want to scare you, but I think tonight I should be blunt. There's no use trying to keep information like this from you. Hellhounds can latch onto people through physical contact and follow them anywhere in the world. Michael has gotten rid of the one that latched onto you, but the problem is that Hellhounds hunt in packs. I'm willing to bet there are a few at your house, waiting for a command or to make a maneuver of some sort.”

  “What?” yelped Imorean, moving to stand. “I have to go home. I can't let my family be at the mercy of those things.”

  “Don't worry. I'll send out a squad of my angels to watch over your family.”

  Imorean bit the inside of his cheek. “Will they be safe?”


  “Why was it hunting me?”

  “Frankly, Imorean, I'm still trying to figure that out. There must be something about you that attracted it. What concerns me the though, is that a hound sneaked past our defenses and actually managed to get on campus. We have wards up all over Gracepointe to keep creatures like that out. My biggest fear is that … Sorry. I shouldn't burden you. You've endured enough tonight.”

  “Your biggest fear is what?” asked Imorean, looking up at the young Archangel.

  Gabriel paused for a moment, then his eyes turned thoughtful.

  “It wasn’t here to kill you tonight, Imorean. If it was, it wouldn’t have singled you out. It would have killed you immediately and all of your friends. Hellhounds do not discriminate in their kills. Like I said, Gracepointe has wards around it that keep it from being found by demons and Hellhounds. Someone let it in. There’s someone here who knows how to take down our security. Someone sent it to look for you.”

  “Someone … there’s someone who’s out to get me?” asked Imorean.

  “It seems that is so. We will double our protective measures. You can rest assured that no more of them will get in. Is there anyone who would wish to harm you?”

  “Only Ryan, but that’s because of a stupid football club. Hardly matters now.”

  “Stupid or not, we will look into it. Do you feel able to go back to the dorm?”Imorean frowned for a moment then nodded. As he stood, he suddenly felt steadier on his feet.


  Imorean studied the man's expression for a moment. The smile was false, not quite real. Once again, Gabriel was hiding something from him and the rest of the students.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Imorean parted ways with Gabriel at the bottom of the steps to the male dormitory. He was grateful to the angel for having sat with him for a few minutes, although their conversation had done little to ease his nerves. If anything, it had doubled them.

  The white-winged boy pushed open the door into the dormitory's lobby and was immediately wrapped in a tight hug. His vision was slightly obscured by a frazzled mess of black and dyed red hair. Roxy.

  “We thought it killed you,” she said, sounding tearful.

  “No,” replied Imorean, putting his arms around her.

  “That dog couldn't have killed Imorean,” said a voice that Imorean recognized as Bethany's. He looked up to see her smiling at him. He was immensely glad she had reappeared unharmed. How she had known to come to the male dormitory he didn’t know and right now, he didn’t care.

  “I'm glad one of us believes that,” said Imorean.

  “It didn't hurt you, did it?” asked Mandy.

  Roxy released Imorean from her embrace and stepped back, allowing his other friends to come closer to him.

  “No. Physically I'm fine.”


  Imorean looked up at the sound of a small, shy voice. Colton stood across the room, his gaze directed down at the floor.

  “Colton,” replied Imorean, smiling. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, thanks to you.”

  “That's what friends are for. Friends protect friends.”

  “Thank you,” said Colton, looking up and smiling.

  Imorean smiled back and nodded.

  “Do you believe now that there's something supernatural going on here?”

  “I don't think I have much choice, do I?” asked Colton. “There's no science in the world that could have made a dog like that.”

  “It wasn't exactly a dog.”

  “What was it then?” asked Mandy.

  “It was a Hellhound.”

  “What did Gabriel talk to you about?” asked Roxy.

  “He told me a bit more about the Hellhounds. He … he said he thinks my family may be at risk. I still might be.”

  “What?” cried Roxy, her eyes widening.

  “He's sending some angels over there to protect them and he’s doubling the safety measures here. I just hope nothing bad happens between now and the time the angels get to my house.”

  Roxy frowned nervously.

  “You sound like there's something you haven't said yet,” said Bethany, sitting down on one of the leather couches. Toddy and Colton followed her lead and a moment later, so did Imorean and Roxy.

  “Yeah. Gabrie
l said that someone let the hound in. Someone here. He thinks someone sent it after me. Apparently, there’s something about me that attracted it. There's something else he isn't telling us. He's worried about something. Really worried. I don't know what it is that he isn’t saying though.”

  “Looks like we're going to be investigating Michael and Gabriel for a little while longer,” said Bethany, leaning back and smiling.

  “Yeah, it does,” replied Imorean, returning her smile. He looked around the room at his friends, breathing a sigh of relief. He felt much steadier now. He was still alive. His friends were fine and his family would be watched over. There was still a mystery to solve here at Gracepointe, but Imorean decided he would focus on that another day. For now, he was content to sit in the dormitory with his friends. Content to bask in the knowledge that he was safe. Content to forget about the war that they were being trained to fight in. Content to forget about the fact that he was now half angel. For what felt like the first time in a long while, he was content to feel happy.

  Chapter 10

  Imorean sat down on a stone wall near the library. There were many questions coursing around his head. Of course, there was the issue of the Hellhound and Bethany’s secret DenTech Laptop, but it was the question of what Bethany herself had wanted to talk to him about that bothered him the most. Before she left the male dorm the night before, Bethany had asked him to meet her here. There had been something in her voice that had set Imorean’s nerves rattling.

  “Hey,” said a voice next to him, startling Imorean out of his thoughts. Bethany had arrived. She sat down next to him.

  “Hey, you. So, what’s going on?” asked Imorean, nudging her with one of his wings. “You sounded like there was something you needed to say last night.”

  “There is.”

  Imorean smiled and rubbed his hands together. “Well, spill. It’s cold out here.”

  “A lot has changed.”

  “You can say that again,” said Imorean. He gave her a sidelong glance. Her eyes were downcast and her shoulders were hunched. She seemed sad and regretful. “Beth? What is it?”

  “I can’t do this anymore.”

  Imorean put a tentative arm around her shoulders. “Look, I know the wings are a shock … but we’re just going to have to try to get used to them.”

  “I didn’t mean the wings, Imorean,” sighed Bethany, her blonde hair falling past her shoulders as she looked at the ground.


  “I meant us. I can’t try to have a relationship with someone. Not after all that’s happened. I – I just can’t.”

  Imorean paused. His relationship with Bethany had been the last thing he had expected to lose. Were Michael’s actions also taking from him the girl he liked so much?

  “Is it just because of the wings?” He didn’t know what to say.

  “I’m not sure. I – I think you’re not the person I thought you were. You’re not right for me, Imorean.”

  “I’m not the person you thought I was? Who the hell did you think I was then, Bethany?” snapped Imorean, feeling suddenly angry. He felt toyed with. Furious.

  “I don’t know! Or maybe it’s that you’re not the person I hoped you would be,” rambled Bethany, launching to her feet, speaking with her hands now. “All I know is that the problem isn’t me, it’s you, really. And, I mean that. The problem here is you. I don’t want to upset you, but I know I’m not happy and I know you wouldn’t want me to be unhappy.”

  “Bethany,” said Imorean, standing up and calming his anger. He took hold of her hands and took a deep breath. “I know this is a stressful time for all of us. If you want time to be your own person and to settle the way you feel that’s fine, I’ll understand. Maybe when everything’s calmed, we can start again?”

  Bethany pulled her hands away and dropped them to her sides. “I’m sorry, Imorean. That’s not it. It’s not that I need to settle how I feel. The problem is that I’m already settled on how I feel about you. You aren’t someone I want something serious with.”

  “… Okay,” said Imorean. It would have been better if she had slapped him. He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, forced a smile. His blood was boiling.

  “This will be best for everyone,” said Bethany, stepping into a hug and resting her head on Imorean’s shoulder.

  “Maybe so,” said Imorean, fighting to keep his voice even. He nearly recoiled. He didn’t move to return her hug.

  “I know it will. Can we still be friends?”

  “I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine,” replied Imorean, offering her as much of a smile as he could muster.

  “Thank you,” sighed Bethany.

  “Bethany!” shouted someone from the pathway near the library. “Are you coming?”

  Imorean looked up, a sinking feeling in his stomach as he recognized Ryan and Baxter. Ryan was waving Bethany over.

  “Be right there!” replied Bethany, the sadness in her voice vanishing. “Imorean …”

  “Is that what this is about?” said Imorean, his anger back on the surface.

  Bethany shrugged. “Like I said … you’re not the person I hoped you were.”Imorean breathed a humorless laugh and shook his head. “Seeing this, I’m gonna say you’re not the person I thought you were either. That’s cool, Bethany. Thanks.”

  “I’m sorry!” snapped Bethany. “But really, what were you expecting? That this would last? Don’t kid yourself.”

  “Just go,” said Imorean, shaking his head. He stood still and watched as she turned away and walked toward Baxter and Ryan. Something dark and ugly reared its head in his chest. Was it jealousy? A pang of hurt quickly followed his jealousy as they walked away and Bethany wrapped her arms around each of the other boys’ shoulders. All of a sudden, Imorean found that he couldn’t stand still any more. Waves of anger and hurt were crashing over him.

  Imorean turned away from Bethany, Baxter and Ryan, and started walking. He had a vague idea in the back of his mind of where he was going and his feet seemed to carry him there automatically.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “Imorean? Well, this is a surprise,” said Roxy, opening the door of her, Mandy’s and Bethany’s shared dorm room.

  “Can I come in?” asked Imorean.

  “Yes, dummy, why wouldn’t I let you in?” said Roxy, moving backwards and allowing him inside.

  “Thanks,” said Imorean, realizing all too late that his sadness was carrying through his voice. He looked up to see Mandy eyeing him in concern.

  “Mandy,” he said, swallowing hard. “Can I have a minute with Roxy please? Alone.”

  “Sure,” nodded Mandy, leaping down off the top bunk and breezing out of the room.

  “What’s wrong?” asked Roxy, putting an arm around his shoulders as soon as the door closed. “I know that voice.”

  Imorean’s eyes dropped to the carpet. “I – I have something to tell you.”

  “What did you do?” asked Roxy.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “So, you mean to tell me that you and one of my roommates have been dating effectively since we got here and you didn’t breathe a word to me, Toddy, Mandy or Colton?” asked Roxy, sitting on her desk.

  “Yeah,” nodded Imorean.


  The scornful yet sympathetic tone of Roxy’s voice made Imorean look up. His friend moved from her desk and sat down on her bed next to him.

  “Bethany is a nasty girl. You already know my opinion of her is low. She’s a brat, she smuggled an illegal computer in here and she thinks she’s the best at everything. If you had wanted to date her, there would have been no one better to ask than me or Mandy about how she really is.”

  “I know,” sighed Imorean, dropping his gaze back to the floor.

  “She’s not a nice girl, Imorean,” said Roxy, putting a hand on his back. “I’ve been putting up with her for your sake because I knew you got along with her. You could do so much better.”

  “Is she seeing Ryan?” asked Imorean,
struggling to keep his voice neutral.

  “No idea,” replied Roxy with a shrug. “Mandy and I don’t really talk to her much to be honest … but Mandy has seen her with Ryan every now and again.”


  “I’m really sorry you’re having to go through this, Imorean,” said Roxy, rubbing his back. “Especially with everything else that’s going on.”

  “It’s –” started Imorean. He couldn’t finish his sentence and shook his head instead, knowing Roxy would be able to just understand the inner turmoil he was feeling. Roxy always understood.

  Chapter 11

  It was strange to Imorean to step back into Dr. Haroel's class a few days later. All of the students' class schedules had been remade and for the most part, they had been grouped together according to their wing classification.

  Imorean was glad he still had classes with Toddy, but he was deeply upset that Roxy no longer had class with him. Her presence would have been more than welcome. Eventually, it seemed that Michael and Gabriel had decided to sort her into the songbird class. It was some comfort, though, that she would be with Colton. Poor Mandy on the other hand, was on her own.

  “Welcome back,” said Dr. Haroel.

  Brown eyes looked up as Dr. Haroel, the professor who had taught them mythology before their transformation, entered the room. For a moment, the professor surveyed them. Imorean stared back. Dr. Haroel hadn’t changed from the last time they had had class with him. His reddish hair, streaked with gray, and his permanently-concerned hazel eyes remained the same. The only difference was the set of dark brown wings adorned with a few black and white streaks.

  Imorean wasn't sure if he would ever get used to seeing wings rise up from people’s shoulders. It just seemed so alien. So much had changed. Too much.

  “I'm glad to see that none of you look too much worse for wear,” said Dr. Haroel, smiling kindly at them.

  Imorean and Toddy glanced at each other. He noticed Bethany sitting just a few seats away and avoided her eyes. Imorean felt somehow more painfully aware of his own white wings arcing up above his shoulders. The familiar bite of anger coiled in his stomach and he shook his head.

  “Well,” Dr. Haroel said, clearing his throat. “Let's get you into the proper curriculum, shall we? This class will, obviously, no longer be a class on classical mythology, much as I wish it were. In this class from here on, you will learn everything you need to know about angels and demons. This is the curriculum Michael wanted you to study from the very beginning. Shall we get started?”


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