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The ARC 02: Talented

Page 18

by Alexandra Moody

  There are no numbers obviously displayed on the buildings. ‘Which one is four?’ Hunter silently points at the building that lies on the far right.

  ‘And how do we get past all the people out there?’

  ‘We blend in. Come on.’ He ignores my look of concern and tugs me towards the crowd.

  Walking through the yard I can feel eyes all over me. My skin tingles as the talented students watch us pass. They know. They have to know. Why else would they be watching us like this?

  I glance up at Hunter to take my cue on how to act. He’s relaxed and at ease as we walk past the many watching eyes. I take deep breaths and try to mimic his cool façade. It’s not as easy as it sounds and I’m quite certain I look as frightened as I feel.

  I grip his hand tighter as a guy struts towards us, looking like he owns the place. ‘Hey man,’ he says to Hunter. ‘You new around here?’

  ‘Yeah,’ Hunter replies. ‘Recently recruited.’

  The guy appraises us both. ‘I’m Nick. I’m like the welcoming committee,’ he says, laughing at his personal joke.

  ‘Great,’ Hunter responds.

  ‘What’s your talent level?’

  ‘Eight,’ Hunter says, instantly.

  ‘And your talent…’

  ‘Mind manipulation.’

  The guy looks impressed. ‘And the girl?’ He nods his head in my direction.

  I grip Hunter’s hand even tighter.

  ‘She’s a six,’ he says.

  ‘What’s her talent?’ Nick looks at me directly for the first time. He tilts his head as he watches me, his eyes searching mine. ‘She doesn’t feel like a six.’

  I lift my chin up and meet his stare. ‘Well I am,’ I say, hating being talked about like I’m not here.

  ‘If you say so.’ He scratches his head and looks away, appearing to have lost interest in me. ‘I guess I’ll see you both around.’ He turns and walks back to a group of people sitting at one of the benches. My shoulders sag with relief as I watch him leave. That had been close.

  Hunter tugs my arm sharply, walking quickly as he leads me away. I glance back at the boy as he sits back down at the bench filled with kids. I’m almost certain he could sense I’m not talented. I shudder and look away. Way too close.

  We walk around the side of building number four. The bright lights of the quad don’t reach this far and it’s a relief to be hidden in the dark shadow of the building. I run my hand through my hair and peer around to check we’re alone. ‘How did they know?’

  Hunter looks over his shoulder before turning back to me. ‘No one recognised our faces. There are a lot of people out there with a lot of different talents. Many were able to pick up on the fact that no one knew us. It magnified the fact we were strangers.’ He shakes his head. ‘I didn’t expect that to happen.’

  He slumps forward suddenly.

  ‘Hunter, are you okay?’ Panic races through me as I try to prop him up.

  ‘Sorry, I’m fine, really.’ With great effort he tries to stand himself upright but falters, collapsing back onto me. I help him over to the wall so he can sit down and lean against the building.

  ‘I had a lot of people probing us out there and it took a lot of energy to make sure they didn’t know we were from the east and you were an untalent. Convincing that guy to lose interest in you was especially hard work. He knew there was something different about you.’

  I look at his body sagging down and the amount of effort he’s expending just trying to sit up against the wall. This was a bad idea. We shouldn’t be here. I’ve put Hunter in too much danger doing this.

  ‘I’ll be fine in a minute,’ he says.

  ‘No. You need to stay here and rest while I go inside.’ We’re right by the entrance to the building now. It shouldn’t be too hard to get to Sebastian from here.

  ‘I’m not staying here. You need me,’ he says, trying to stand back up.

  I place my hand firmly on his shoulder, stopping him from standing, and then lower myself so my face is level with his. ‘No, I need you to try and recover. I’ll be fine. I just need to find room 2D. Easy.’

  ‘If I’m out here I won’t be able to mask the effects the talented are having on you. It’ll be especially bad here where there are so many.’

  ‘Stop it now. I can handle it. I don’t want you draining any more energy.’ He shakes his head, refusing.

  ‘Hunter…’ I command.

  ‘Okay,’ he says, quietly giving up. He’s so exhausted he barely has the energy to fight me on this, and I think deep down he knows it’s the right thing to do. ‘Just remember, the energy of all the talents only affects your mind. Your body won’t actually be as worn down as it feels…’

  ‘Hunter, it’s fine.’

  I’m about to repeat myself to him, to make him stop helping me, when I stagger forward. I feel like a brick wall has fallen on top of my shoulders. My body aches and all I want to do is curl up next to Hunter so I can go to sleep. It takes all my willpower to ignore it and stand strong.

  ‘Let’s get you over to those bushes before I go inside. I don’t like the idea of leaving you lying here out in the open,’ I say, my voice sounding steady, despite how weak I feel.

  It takes several minutes to help Hunter to the safety of the bushes. Every step I take feels like I’ve run a mile. When he’s finally propped up against a tree and tucked out of sight I face the building.

  ‘The sooner you’re out of there the better,’ Hunter stresses to me. ‘If anything happens to me, I want you to leave immediately. Don’t let the recruiters find you.’

  ‘Nothing will happen, and I’ll be as quick as I can,’ I respond, my heart fluttering with excitement. The fear and exhaustion are still there, but my body’s adjusting to the feeling and now I also feel the thrill of hope. Sebastian is in the building standing right in front of me—I just know it. It feels like only yesterday that he was taken away from me in the ARC, yet I’ve learnt and grown so much in our time apart, and today I will finally see him again.

  I take one look back to where Hunter is concealed behind the bushes and feel a twinge of guilt at leaving him. I’ve come this far though and he is safely hidden. I can’t go back now. I turn resolutely and push open the large wooden doors to building four.


  My heart thuds loudly in my ears as I climb the narrow, never-ending stairs to the second level of the building. Each step feels heavier than the last and I struggle to keep myself from feeling distracted by the fuzzy hum that vibrates through my mind.

  I remind myself it’s only in my mind and continue up the stairs with the knowledge that each step brings me closer to Sebastian.

  I lean heavily against the doorframe when I reach the second floor and take several deep breaths. I’m surprised at the effort each small movement takes. Hunter had been right in warning me about the effects of other talents. And he doesn’t even know just how untalented I am.

  When I open the door to exit the stairwell I’m confronted with a blast of music coming from the far end of the passage. People spill out of one of the rooms and are milling throughout the corridor.

  I chew down on my bottom lip as I take in the scene. Hunter isn’t here to protect me from anyone who may suspect I’m untalented, but there’s no way I can just turn around now.

  One of the girls in the hallway half-turns and looks at me curiously. I’m standing in the doorway staring down the hall like some weirdo, so of course I’m going to draw attention. I take a few quick steps in and the door slams firmly shut behind me. Decision made.

  On the door closest to me is a gold, metal ‘2V’ that dangles just under the peephole. 2D must be down the other end, on the other side of all the people.

  I nervously edge around the first group of kids who are hanging out down this end of the corridor. They’re all chatting and laughing so loudly they barely even notice me walking by. Not to mention that several of the group are using the occasion to show off their talents. One girl
is doing some weird trick with strange, large bubbles in the air, and another guy looks as though he’s juggling small explosions like fireworks.

  Room 2S, 2R, 2Q, I count as I walk on. A roar of excited claps and cheers erupts from behind me. I quickly glance over my shoulder as ‘Mr. Fireworks’ takes a bow.

  I rub my eyes tiredly and try to focus back on task. It’s not exactly easy though. My mind feels like a ball of thick putty, and it’s near impossible for my thoughts to coherently wade their way through the mess and get to the surface unscathed.

  The music slowly gets louder and the walls almost shake to the beat of the base. As I draw closer to the source of the blaring music my stomach lurches. I’m getting close to Sebastian’s room number now.

  2J, 2I, 2H. My heart beats faster. 2G, 2F. I’m now so close now. 2E…

  I stop before 2D and steady my nerves. This may not turn out as planned. I close my eyes briefly and, taking a deep breath, I step towards the doorway.

  The door is open and my stomach sinks. What if he’s not here? I knock on the open door and take uncertain steps into the room.

  ‘Hello?’ I call out. No one hears my entrance though as the room is empty.

  I stand with my feet cemented to the spot, staring at the empty space. He’s meant to be here. My body begins to quiver and my stomach drops as reality sets in. Is he really not here?

  I walk further into the room. Two beds lie unmade and there are clothes tossed indifferently across the floor. Sebastian was always hopeless at keeping his room clean, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s him. I try to find something familiar in the room, but everything is foreign and there’s no way to be certain he lives here.

  I will have to ask one of the kids out in the hallway. I don’t want to draw attention to myself, but I don’t have any other choice. I hear the deep sound of someone clearing their throat from over by the doorway. My head snaps around.

  ‘Sebastian?’ I whisper, barely able to speak his name, barely able to move.

  ‘Elle?’ he says. He looks at me like I’m a ghost. Like he scarcely even recognises me. He doesn’t look happy, or sad. He just looks stunned.

  I watch him nervously and with uncertainty, not knowing how to react. He seems so unsure about me being here.

  ‘Hey Sebastian,’ I say.

  A massive grin spreads across his face and he bounds over, gathering me up in his arms. He squeezes me tightly, like he’ll never let me go.

  ‘It’s so good to see you,’ he says. I relax in his arms as all my doubt and all my worry fades away. I can’t believe he’s here, that I’m actually holding him in my arms.

  When he finally pulls back I can feel wetness on my cheeks. I laugh, embarrassed, and wipe the tears away.

  I stand back to look at him. He’s matured so much in such a short time. His face is different and he almost reminds me of someone. Maybe he just looks more like his dad?

  ‘Have you grown?’ I say the first thing that comes to mind. He laughs and I smile along with him. I can’t believe I’ve finally found him.

  ‘Probably,’ he says. He ruffles the hair on my head. ‘But you obviously haven’t.’ I push his hand away, laughing.

  ‘I can’t believe you’re here!’ he continues, in disbelief. ‘When did this happen? You were taken too?’ he asks.

  ‘Not exactly,’ I admit, not wanting to delve into the whole saga right now. ‘But how about you, I mean, how are you?’

  ‘I’m great. Amazing. Can you believe we were stuck underground for all of our lives when we could’ve been living it up out here?’ he says.

  ‘Yeah some joke eh?’ My response is cautious.

  ‘The biggest. We were always so scared about being found tainted, and then being taken, when really it’s like a dream come true.’ He pauses for a moment while he stares at me. ‘I just can’t believe you’re here,’ he says again. He gathers me up in another hug and I laugh at his exuberance.

  When he lets go of me this time we go and sit at the end of one of the beds.

  ‘I’m so glad you’ve been placed in North Hope with me,’ he says. ‘You must be excited you’re talented. What can you do? I can’t imagine being untalented or talentless up here. How bad would that be?’

  My blood runs cold as he says the words. They are said so flippantly he couldn’t possibly know how bad it really is for people in the west.

  ‘Yeah, the worst,’ I respond, mechanically. He’s looking at me with the boyish enthusiasm I’ve always loved, but it’s different. He’s different somehow.

  ‘Have you looked for your mum or sister since getting up here?’ I ask.

  He shakes his head sadly. ‘No, I haven’t,’ he replies, not quite looking me in the eyes. I reach my hand out to comfort him, but he quickly rushes on. ‘I’ve been in talks to go on Talented. Can you believe it?’ he says, changing the subject.

  ‘Amazing,’ I reply, pulling my hand back from him. Why hasn’t finding his family been his first priority? ‘What’s your talent?’ I ask.

  ‘Sebastian?’ A girl calls his name from out in the hallway.

  He looks uneasily towards the doorway, then back at me.

  ‘What…’ I begin to ask a question, but lose my train of thought as a girl waltzes into the room. She is tall with short, spiky, white blonde hair, and long legs. I can feel my forehead crease with a frown as I look at her. She looks strangely familiar. I try to remember where I know her from and almost do a double take as I realise it’s Chelsea, who was taken from the ARC just before Sebastian. He always said they were just friends, but the way she’s looking at him…

  ‘I was wondering where you—’ She stops mid sentence as she notices me. Her face furrows, and a malicious glint flares in her eyes. If looks could kill, I’d be a goner after the glower she’s just given me.

  ‘What’s she doing here?’ she asks Sebastian. She looks me up and down before turning back to him. ‘How about you just come find me when you’re done?’

  They’re definitely not just friends. Sebastian and her are obviously something more. Her eyes flick over to me one last time, daring me to be offended. When I don’t respond, she turns with a ‘huff’ and storms out of the room.

  ‘Chelsea … she’s talented too?’ I ask, turning to look at the far wall. I can’t bring myself to look at him, as everything about our reunion seems to be going wrong. He’s so clearly happy with his place in this new world and I would hate for him to see how disappointed I am.

  ‘Yeah,’ he responds.

  I glance at him out of the corner of my eye and find he’s watching me closely, as though he can tell how disheartened I am. It’s disarming seeing him look at me that way and I quickly avert my eyes back to the far wall.

  ‘Elle, will you please look at me? I’m so happy you’re here. I thought I would never see you again…’ he says. He goes to take a hold of my hand, but I quickly stand.

  ‘I should go. It’s a long way back to my side of the river,’ I say, still unable to look at him.

  ‘Your side?’ I can hear the confusion in his voice, but I don’t respond for fear of saying something I’ll really regret. ‘Elle?’ he whispers. ‘Are you talented?’


  He leaps up, taking hold of my shoulder, and turns me back to look at him. ‘Elle, if you’re untalented, you can’t be here. We have to get you back across the bridge.’

  ‘I’m such an idiot,’ I murmur, decidedly ignoring him. ‘I can’t believe I came all this way to find you and bring you home, when it’s obvious you’re perfectly happy exactly where you are.’

  ‘You want to take me back to your side of the river?’ he asks, with total disbelief.

  ‘No,’ I respond. ‘No, I’m not talking about taking you over the bridge. I’m talking about taking you home. You know, the one where your dad lives, where our friends live. Where we grew up. Remember that place?’

  ‘What are you on about?’ he asks, looking genuinely confused.

  ‘I escaped from the AR
C to come find you, to rescue you. All because I made some stupid promise that if you were ever taken I’d come for you.’ Listening to myself say the words I feel so foolish. They sound like the actions of someone irrational and senseless, someone who doesn’t think about the potential consequences of what they’re doing.

  ‘What did you do?’ he asks me slowly, his tone thick with worry.

  ‘You heard me.’

  ‘Elle, please don’t tell me you’re not tainted.’ His face goes white and he looks positively ill as he says it.

  ‘I’m sorry the fact I’m talentless sickens you so much.’

  ‘No. It’s not that,’ he says. He looks really worried.

  ‘Then what is it?’ I ask, the anger seeping from my voice, concern replacing it. My throat feels dry and I feel slightly nauseas. I have a bad, unpleasant feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  ‘What is it?’ I repeat.

  ‘We have to get you out of here…’ he mumbles to himself. ‘Somewhere where you’ll be safe, where we can get you the help you need.’

  ‘Sebastian, you’re scaring me.’ He continues muttering to himself and I grab his arm, forcing him to look at me when he doesn’t respond. ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘There’s a reason why they keep people in the ARC. Why they don’t bring everyone up to the surface…’

  ‘Yeah, I know, something about the resources…’ My voice trails off as I take in the apprehension on his face. ‘That isn’t the reason is it?’

  ‘No, I wish it was. The truth is, people get really sick if they’re not tainted and are brought to the surface,’ he says.

  ‘I’m fine,’ I tell him.

  His brow furrows and he slowly shakes his head at me. ‘Maybe for now.’

  ‘Sebastian, what are you talking about?’

  He sighs sadly before he continues. ‘People who come to the surface and aren’t tainted they … well they…’ He scratches his head as he tries to think of the right way to explain. ‘They become exposed too quickly and their genes mutate too rapidly.’


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