Treasured (Lonestar Love Book 2)

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Treasured (Lonestar Love Book 2) Page 4

by Victoria Phelps

  “It’s all right, Charlotte. Bill and Sally Ann will find their way.” Megan reached over and patted her hand. “Supper looks lovely. Thank you.”

  The men carried Megan upstairs after dinner, and Mike stayed to help her settle in for the night.

  Ethan found Charlotte waiting when he returned downstairs.

  “Thank you for the ride,” she told him.

  “My pleasure. I’ll come again tomorrow if that’s all right with you.” He tried to conceal his eagerness behind manly calm.

  She nodded her head. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She pulled an envelope from her pocket and held it between trembling fingers.

  Ethan tucked it into his vest. “This will be on tomorrow’s stage,” he promised. Leaning down, he placed a light kiss on her cheek and a small swat on her bottom before heading for the barn.

  Back in the sheriff’s office, Ethan withdrew the missive and studied the finely scripted address: Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Frasier, 1895 Beacon Hill, Boston, Massachusetts.

  He was drawn to Charlotte like a moth to a flame. He hoped he didn’t get burned, but it might be worth a scorching. She was innocent, unprepared, naïve. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and keep her safe. He wished he knew what secrets were confined in that envelope.

  He would have to wait. Wait until she was his. Wait until she trusted him. He was a patient man, and a deep ache in the very center of his heart told him she would be worth the trouble.

  Chapter 4


  After a light breakfast of tea and toast, Megan and Charlotte spent the morning cutting and basting their fabric into a split skirt. Charlotte doubted this garment would flatter her round buttocks, but the project kept Megan distracted.

  “Do you think Sally Ann will come today?” The clock stood exactly at eleven o’clock. “If she intended to prepare dinner, wouldn’t she be here?”

  “I hope she does. For her sake if nothing else. Bill won’t cotton to a misbehaving wife. We heard that much yesterday.” Megan shook her head. “Her bottom will pay the price for certain sure.”

  “Cotton to.” Charlotte patted her friend on the knee. “You have become quite the western woman.”

  “When in Rome…” Megan stopped her thought at the sound of a slammed door followed by the banging of pots and pans. “It seems dinner is underway.” They listened to the storm of irritation occurring in the kitchen below them. “Would you ask her to join us for dinner?”

  “You’re sending me into the dragon’s lair? To face the danger alone?” Charlotte’s joking held a bit of truth.

  “Her bark’s worse than her bite, or at least I think it is.” Megan waited for Charlotte to agree, or not.

  “All right. I admit I’m curious to meet this Sally Ann I’ve heard so much about.” With that she laid her sewing on the bed, lifted her hands in mock prayer, and raised her eyes to heaven.

  “Go on now. She’s only an angry woman. Let’s see if we can soothe the savage beast,” Megan encouraged.

  Charlotte walked with purpose down the stairs. Megan was correct. Banging pans, bad feelings, and simmering anger would make the house unpleasant.

  Pasting a smile to her face, Charlotte entered the kitchen. “Hello, Sally Ann. I’m Charlotte, a friend of Megan’s.”

  “What can I do for you, ma’am,” Sally Ann asked.

  A surly reply if she’d ever heard one. There had not been a courteous question mark in sight.

  “Megan and I would enjoy the pleasure of your company for luncheon,” Charlotte replied while managing to hang onto her smile.

  “Pleasure of my company… luncheon.” Sally Ann snorted. “Where you from?”

  “Boston, and our invitation is a sincere one.” Charlotte and Megan waited for Sally Ann’s response.

  “Well, I don’t guess I have much choice, being the hired help and all.” Her neutral face warred with the sneering words. “I’ll bring luncheon at twelve.” The sneer verged toward insult.

  “Thank you.” Charlotte beat a hasty retreat. There was nowhere for that conversation to go but down. Mercy. She had merely tried to be civil. She would make a quick detour to the outhouse before returning upstairs. Guilty twinges accompanied her every time she indulged in the convenience of the little building. Megan hated that chamber pot.

  Megan looked up from basting as Charlotte returned and announced, “She’s coming,” and rolled her eyes, reminding herself that her father would have sent her to her room for two days if he’d seen such a look.

  When they heard footsteps on the stairs, Charlotte cleared their sewing from the bed and laid it on the bureau. They fixed their eyes on the door and waited as one might for a nor’easter blowing in from the Atlantic. You knew the house would shake and trees would tremble but prayed for not too much damage.

  Sally Ann plunked a tray of bacon sandwiches and applesauce on the bedside table and waited with arms akimbo.

  “Please join us,” Megan offered and pointed at the chair near the head of the bed where Michael sat when he could find a moment away from the duties of the ranch to keep her company.

  Charlotte passed the food and handed out glasses of sweet tea. They ate with dogged determination, Sally Ann turning chewing into an act of defiance.

  Megan laid her barely touched sandwich on her plate. “Sally Ann, I know we got off to a rocky start. But I’d like to put that behind us and be friends, or at least courteous acquaintances. Our husbands thought this plan was for the best. I need help.” She pointed at her belly rising proud and rounded beneath the light blanket. “You and Bill need a place to live until his ranch is ready. It seemed a practical solution, but they didn’t factor in a woman’s feelings.”

  The truculent expression slipped ever so slightly from Sally Ann’s face. “I’m sorry. I was mad that an outsider…” She paused. “Well, I was mad.”

  “I know. I also know that you are a proud woman and thinking of yourself as hired help doesn’t set well.” Megan closed her eyes and rubbed her pregnant belly. She extended an olive branch. “Could we forget the hired part? I need help, and I can always use another friend.” It would be up to Sally Ann if she took it or held onto her fuming.

  Sally Ann continued to chew, but with a little less force. “Thank you, Megan.” She stood and brushed crumbs from her apron. “If you could bring the tray to the kitchen when you finish,” she asked Charlotte, “ I would appreciate it.”

  “Of course,” Charlotte slumped in relief.

  “Do whatever makes things easy, Sally Ann. I don’t know, maybe wash all the clothes together. Plus, Lupe always took some of the supper she cooked for us over to their house. No need to cook twice. If you have questions or need help, please ask. I hope you will join us for dinner tomorrow.” Megan leaned back on her pillow. Her face was pale, and her eyes bruised.

  Sally Ann gave a brisk nod and hurried from the room.

  “You are very kind, Megan. I think that went well.” Charlotte removed the plate of uneaten food from Charlotte’s hand and helped her slide down onto the bed. “Sleep now.” She tucked the cover under her friend’s chin and brushed the wild red curls from her face before closing the door quietly behind her.

  She glared at her heavy skirts and sighed in resignation before taking a seat on the porch swing. Ethan would arrive soon. Her heart pounded and a strange, new clenching settled low and heavy between her thighs.

  Ethan galloped around the corner and pulled to a stop. Mike’s big dog, Caesar, emerged from beneath the porch to greet the sheriff and have his ears scratched before disappearing back into his shady retreat. “Hello, Charlotte. Ready for a ride?”

  “I am. I don’t have to worry about supper. Sally Ann is here.” She stood on the step to mount the horse like she had the day before.

  “That’s right. Put your left foot on my boot, and up you go.” He laughed as she sailed up and landed with a thump on his muscular legs. “I brought a small pistol. When we get down by the river, I’ll show it to you.”
/>   “Can I shoot today?” She had lived a cloistered, dependent life. Today she might shoot a gun. The idea was exciting, intoxicating.

  “Maybe. I want you to understand how the gun works. How to load it, clean it, care for it. My pa used to say women and weapons will be good to you if you’re good to them.” She felt the quiet rumble through his chest.

  “Where is your family?”

  “Kansas. Pa has a farm. Grows wheat and corn mainly.”

  She waited for him to tell her more.

  “I just took a hankering to see more, and I didn’t want to be a farmer. My brother, Jeb, he’s still nearby. I get a letter every now and then.” He gave Charlie a little kick. “Hold on. We’re going to trot.”

  Charlotte held tightly to his arms while she bounced on his legs. She’d never held hands with a man before, and here she was bobbing up and down like a delirious ball on the lap of one. Her father would be livid. She heaved a sigh of deep satisfaction.

  Once at the river, he helped her down before swinging from the saddle. “Tell me about your father. Is he all the family you have?”

  “Until recently, I thought so.” She wasn’t quite ready to tell the whole story. The tale was so new she barely believed it herself. “My father was… My father was very protective. I was educated at home. I had governesses and tutors. One man guarded the front door and one the back. I rarely was allowed out. He said he had to keep his most valuable treasure safe.”

  “Good God. Sounds more like a prison,” Ethan blurted out.

  “Exactly.” Charlotte’s eyes were fixed on the ground. “If I was good, Megan was allowed to visit. My father knew her uncle, and I guess they thought the two of us couldn’t get up to trouble. If I wasn’t good, I was confined to my room. Father wouldn’t talk to me for a week or more. He was my entire world.” Tears quivered unshed. “My other friend was our cook, Mrs. O’Malley. If father was out, I sat with her while she cooked. I read novels aloud about the wild west while she worked. We both loved them, although now I see how unrealistic they were. She felt sorry for me locked away the way I was.”

  “What did you do to be not good?” Ethan’s curious question stopped her speech for a moment.

  “Oh, I might roll my eyes, or speak too loudly, or disagree with him. I wanted to go out of the house. I saw other young ladies walking, escorted, of course. But, I was his treasure.” She gave a ladylike little snort and walked to the river. “Requests to go outside were especially frowned upon and considered disrespectful.”

  “Did he ever spank you?” Ethan enquired. “You seemed upset by Sally Ann’s spanking.”

  “Well, I’ve never been around married people. I don’t know how they behave.” She dipped her hand into the cool water. “Father spanked me once when Megan’s uncle wanted to know where she was. He knew he could confine me to my room for the rest of my life before I’d betray Megan.”

  “That was a beating, Charlotte, not a spanking.” His voice held no question.

  “You knew about it?” Her eyes flew to his face.

  “They came to fetch her. The uncle and that scum O’Reilly who wanted to marry her. He told Megan how he got the information.”

  “She and Mike sent me the money to make the trip from Boston to Texas. It was very kind of them. I am in their debt.” She paused and studied her feet before throwing a brief glance his way. “Megan said most men spank their wives. Is that true?”

  “More true than not, I’d say. A man must keep his wife safe and healthy. Keep their marriage strong. Keep his home stable. But, Charlotte, it’s a spanking. Only that. Your father beat you to force you to give him information.” His hands curled into fists at his side. “A man who beats a woman is no man at all.”

  “Why spanking? Why not a civilized discussion?” Her eyebrows drew together.

  “Spanking works. It makes an impression, but then it’s over. Your father refused to speak to you for weeks you say. That’s plain cruel. A spanking should be given with love and concern. When it’s finished, it’s finished. Life goes on. Hopefully, lesson learned.”

  “Would you spank your wife?” She peeked at him through lowered lashes.

  “Yes, ma’am, if it was necessary, I surely would.” He put his hands on his slim hips and studied her face.

  She straightened and looked at the small pistol in Ethan’s hand. “Show me how to use a gun.”

  The hour passed in instruction. Loading and unloading. Safety rules. Cleaning. Storing. He let her shoot at the opposite bank before taking it from her and securing it in his saddlebag. They rode back to the ranch at a slow pace, Charlotte leaning into Ethan’s warm body.

  Confidences shared. Secrets revealed. Charlotte closed her eyes and let the sun warm her face as the closeness she felt with Ethan warmed her heart. She trembled with feelings unknown, frightening and beckoning, calling her like a siren’s song.

  Life among the living was new. It was wonderful. It was terrifying.

  Chapter 5


  “It’s been a week,” Megan said.

  Charlotte paused in the hemming of her split skirt. “Yes, I think Sally Ann is over her unhappiness. The laundry is on the line and dinner delivered.” She glanced toward the door. “I believe harmony is achieved.”

  “Harmony achieved,” Megan giggled. “I do love you.”

  “I’d like to get to town. I need more clothes than what we can make. Now that Sally Ann is proving dependable, might you spare me one day?” Charlotte cut the thread and laid the scissors within her friend’s reach.

  “I love your company, but you do need to go shopping. Michael is sending one of the brothers to town tomorrow to pick up supplies. You can ride in with him. Do you have money?”

  “What you sent me in Boston was generous. I have money left over.” Charlotte held her skirt up for inspection and gave it a little snap. “What do you think?”

  “It’s lovely. Ethan will be surprised.” Megan nodded approval.

  “I’ll miss riding on his lap when I’m banished to my own mount.”

  She looked so forlorn that Megan laughed and held her side. “Now I need that darn chamber pot. Don’t make me laugh.” Once safely tucked in bed again, she patted her stomach and sighed. “If you don’t have enough money, put your purchases on the ranch account.” She slid under the blanket. “I’m ready for my nap.”

  Charlotte retreated to her room and tried on the split skirt. She turned this way and that trying to get a good look in the small mirror. “Hmm,” she muttered, “not too bad.”

  Charlotte settled onto the swing. She should get an answer to her letter soon, and then she could make a plan.

  “Hello,” Ethan called as he rode up to the porch. “Ready for a ride and a little shooting?”

  “I am.” She rose from the swing.

  “Lordy. Lordy. Look at you.” Ethan removed his hat and wiped his forehead with the sleeve of his plaid shirt. “You look mighty fine in that riding skirt.”

  Heat radiated from his eyes as they traveled up and down and made a slow return journey. “Mighty fine.” He repeated his assessment. “I’ll saddle Bunny, and we’ll see how you like riding your own mount.” He swung from his saddle in that long-legged motion she loved and strode toward the barn.

  “Mighty fine, indeed.” Charlotte said under her breath.

  Ethan returned with a smaller horse. “Come on down and meet Miss Bunny. Now, just pat her and let her hear your voice. Let her smell you. This horse is as close to a big dog as they come. She wants to be your friend. She wants to behave. You just let her.”

  Charlotte placed her foot in his cupped hands and let him vault her into the saddle.

  She took the reins. “Hold these gentle-like in your hands,” Ethan instructed. “Bunny has a soft mouth, and she’ll respond to a little pressure. Today, I’m going to ride in front. Bunny will follow Charlie just like the big dog I said she was. All you need do is hold the reins and keep your seat.”

  “All right
.” Sweat dripped between her generous breasts.

  “No need to be nervous. Relax and move with the horse. Let’s get going.” He was in his own saddle in moments, giving her a wink, and directing Charlie to the little path that wound its way to the river.

  Once there, Ethan leaped down and hurried to her side. “How did it feel?”

  “I was frightened at first, but Bunny is such a dear.” She leaned forward and scratched between the little horse’s ears.

  She slid into Ethan’s outstretched hands and slithered down his body to the ground.

  “I’m too heavy,” she protested.

  “Nonsense. There’s nothing I don’t like about you.” He gave her hip a proprietary slap. “Nothing.”

  Color flooded Charlotte’s face.

  “I would sure like to kiss you, Charlotte.” Ethan took both of her hands into his own.

  It was a statement, but she took it for the question it was and nodded.

  “You ever been kissed before?” he asked.

  “No. I was the treasure kept in the house. Alone and guarded. Remember?”

  “I’m sorry you were lonely, but I’m not sorry to give you your first kiss. Truth be told, I hope to be your first, well, your first everything.” With her chin clasped between his fingers, he adjusted her head a bit to the side. His other hand slid to the back of her neck and held her quiet and firm. Before their lips touched, fire leapt like a lightning strike through her body. Her nipples hardened; her breath came quick and shallow. Then his firm mouth captured hers, and his tongue slid over her lip, seeking and searching. She let her lips part, and his tongue darted and swept and danced over and around her own. She joined the little celebration.

  “Goodness gracious,” Charlotte gasped. “I didn’t know.”

  “This is only the start, sweetheart, only the beginning, but we can’t have it all right now. We’ll wait, but I would like another kiss.” He dropped his mouth to hers, but this time he didn’t ask. He took, and she gave. Her lips parted, welcoming his invasion.


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