Sweet Talk Boxed Set (Ten NEW Contemporary Romances by Bestselling Authors to Benefit Diabetes Research plus BONUS Novel)

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Sweet Talk Boxed Set (Ten NEW Contemporary Romances by Bestselling Authors to Benefit Diabetes Research plus BONUS Novel) Page 27

by Novak, Brenda

  Chapter Ten

  “ANGINA. SERIOUSLY, EARL?” Hal teased. “You couldn’t do better than that? And you call me a sissy.”

  Rex knew his father was just trying to lighten the mood. Their entire family and their children, as well as Jade’s mother and brother, were crammed into Earl’s hospital room. They were keeping him overnight to monitor his heart rate, and Jade was a distraught mess. Rex wanted to get a few minutes alone with her, to reassure her that everything would be okay, but there were too many people.

  Shannon was trying to keep the kids entertained with Max and Brianna near the doorway. They were playing with rubber gloves that Ben had made into balloons for them. Steven was eyeing Shannon with a look of lust in his eyes that made Rex want to smack him upside the head, and Treat and Hugh were huddled off to the side, talking with Savannah and Jack.

  “Angina is still better than broken heart syndrome,” Earl teased.

  “I wish you did have broken heart syndrome, Earl. You scared the daylights out of me,” Jane said.

  Jade clung to Rex’s chest and he cocooned her within his arms.

  “What can I do, baby?” Rex asked. “I’m sorry about the wedding.”

  “It’s okay. I should have listened to you in the first place. I don’t even care anymore.”

  “Of course you care. You’re just upset.” Rex pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  He felt his heart crack open. Her pain was his pain. Her sadness became his.

  “He’s going to be okay. You heard Ben.”

  “I shouldn’t have put off planning the wedding for so long. I should have let you plan it.”

  “Don’t be silly. You’ll have your wedding, and it’ll be everything you dreamed of.” Rex’s muscles corded tight, knowing that on top of her father being readmitted to the hospital, Jade’s dream wedding had fallen apart.

  “What you kids don’t understand,” Hal said, “is that none of that wedding crap matters.”

  “Dad,” Rex warned. He didn’t need a lecture or a joke. He wanted to give Jade the perfect wedding she deserved, and right now, he wanted to carry her out of this room and hold her until she felt better.

  “Son, haven’t I taught you anything over the years? Your love for Jade and her love for you is what matters. Love exists in our hearts. It can’t be scheduled or created, and it sure as hell isn’t stronger or better because you promise it will be in our backyard. Love just is, and that girl of yours knows how deep your love runs.”

  Hal set his large hand on Jade’s shoulder. “Jade, your father is one stubborn bastard. He’ll probably be around for another thirty years, but whether he walks you down the aisle or watches from a chair won’t make your marriage to Rex mean any more than it would if you married him at the top of the Taj Mahal or in the middle of the desert. The sooner you kids learn that, the better.”

  Rex wiped tears from Jade’s cheek. “I’m sorry, Jade.”

  “No. He’s right.” Jade covered Hal’s hand with her own. “I know that. I’m just overwhelmed, and I’m sorry about the necklace, Hal. I know how special it was to you.”

  “Necklace?” Hal shifted his eyes to Rex in confusion.

  “I…I lost the Dance of Two Lovers necklace.”

  Treat and Hugh moved between Jade and Hal, as if their presence might somehow protect her from whatever Hal’s reaction might be.

  “You didn’t lose it. That necklace can’t be lost,” Hal said, surprising them all.

  “Dad,” Rex said, “we’ve looked everywhere.” He tightened his grip on Jade.

  Hal waved a hand. “Hear that, Earl? They’ve looked everywhere.”

  “Hey, one day they’ll be old enough to be as smart as we are. Until then, humor them.” Earl bought Jane’s hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to it.

  “It isn’t lost, just like Hope wasn’t sick.” Hal ran a hand through his hair and shook his head.

  She wasn’t about to argue with Hal about something he loved so vehemently—that she knew was lost. Instead she simply apologized. “Well, I am sorry, and I hope I find it someday.” Jade turned to Rex. “I love you.”

  Rex pressed his cheek to hers. “Baby, I love you more than words can express.” He looked around the room. Treat and Hugh remained an unnecessary protective barrier between them and his father. He didn’t need their protecting, but he took comfort knowing that if something were ever to happen to him, his brothers would step in and protect Jade from everyone and everything in his absence.

  He watched Brianna rubbing noses with Christian while the little boy giggled. Layla and Adriana sat on chairs beside each other, flipping through books Max had magically pulled out of her purse. His sisters-in-law were amazing mothers, just as he knew Savannah and, someday, Jade would be. Jack’s arm circled Savannah as they whispered something to each other. He wished Dane and Lacy were there, but no one had been able to reach them all day. Maybe his father was right and things didn’t have to be perfect. They just had to be.

  His mother’s voice whispered through his mind again—Dress—and it spurred him into action.

  “Hey, Treat. Can you take care of Jade for me for a few minutes? I have to go pick something up.”

  “’Course. Whatever you need.” Treat stepped in beside Jade.

  Rex lifted Jade’s chin and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I forgot to call our cousins. They’re probably wandering around the yard. I’ll be back as fast as I can, okay?”

  As Rex walked out the door, his father’s hand landed on his shoulder. Rex stilled. His father gave him a quick nod of approval, as if he knew what Rex had in mind, which would be a miracle in and of itself, considering Rex wasn’t even sure.

  Chapter Eleven

  “WHERE IS HE?” Jade checked the time again. “It’s been almost two hours since Rex left.”

  “Did you give him your news yet?” Max shifted Dylan to her other hip.

  “What news?” Treat asked.

  “Nothing,” they answered in unison.

  “That’s a whole lot of something in that nothing. Rex texted me a few minutes ago. He should be here any minute,” Treat said. “Hugh, Jack, and I are going to grab something from the car. We’ll be right back.”

  “Treat?” Max held a hand up in question.

  He strode casually across the floor and reached for Dylan. “Want me to take him?”

  “No. I’m just wondering what you guys need from the car.”

  “Oh.” Treat looked at Jack, who looked at Hugh.

  The right side of Hugh’s lips quirked up in a crooked smile. “I have a surprise in the car for Jade and Rex, and I thought it would be a good time to give it to Jade.” Hugh grabbed Treat’s and Jack’s arms and dragged them from the room.

  “What the heck was that all about?” Max asked.

  “Hey, he’s your husband, not mine. Apparently, my future husband thought now was the perfect time to disappear.” Jade checked her phone again. She’d texted Rex twice but hadn’t heard back.

  “I learned a long time ago not to even to try to figure out a man. How much trouble can they get into in a hospital?” Savannah laughed and read a text message that had just vibrated through. “Jade, I have to return a call. I’ll be back in a sec.” Savannah left the room and came back and grabbed Hal. “Dad, I might need you.”

  “I think I’ll take the kids to the bathroom now that there aren’t so many people around.” Brianna reached for Layla’s hand. “Max? Shannon? Why don’t we take them all at once and get it over with. Let’s give Jade’s family a little privacy.”

  With everyone gone except Steve and her parents, the room suddenly seemed too quiet. “Dad, do you want me to get you anything?” Jade asked.

  “No, darlin’. I’m just fine. I’m sorry I messed up your wedding, honey.”

  “You didn’t.” Rex strode into the room and reached for Jade’s hand. He had two garment bags draped over his shoulder. He tossed one across Earl�
��s legs. “Put that on after we get out of here.”

  “What?” Earl grumbled, and snarled at the garment bag strewn across his legs.

  “Where have you been?” Jade asked. “I’ve been texting you.”

  Rex guided her to the other side of the room and pulled the curtain closed separating them from her family.

  “Rex?” she pushed.

  “Take your clothes off, baby.”

  “Hey!” Earl growled from behind the curtain.

  “I’m marrying her, Earl. Knock it off.”

  “Rex, what…?” Jade leaned on his shoulder as he pulled down her shorts and took them off, leaving her cowgirl boots on. Then he took her top off and carefully withdrew her beautiful wedding dress from the garment bag.

  “Oh my God. Rex. What are you doing?”

  “Marrying you. We don’t need things to be perfect, Jade. We just need each other. I love you, and if you want to marry me, then put that hot little body of yours in that wedding dress. We don’t have much time.”

  “Earl? You getting up out of that bed yet?” Rex hollered over his shoulder.

  “For crying out loud,” Earl grumbled again.

  “I’ve already talked to Ben and gotten the okay. You’re giving your daughter away. It’ll take all of fifteen minutes, and then you can sit your ass down in that bed again. Capisce?”

  “Get up, Earl. This is for your baby girl.” Jane’s excited voice cut straight to Jade’s heart.

  “Rexy?” Tears streamed down her cheeks as Rex helped her into her gown. “I secretly wanted to be married in my cowgirl boots. Riley will hate it. She went to so much trouble to design the perfect gown.”

  “Riley loves it. Trust me. Jade, if you still want a real wedding, I’ll give you the biggest, best wedding you’ve ever dreamed of. But right here, right now, we’re becoming man and wife.”

  She opened her mouth to tell him that she wouldn’t want it any other way, but a lump had formed in her throat. He zipped up her dress and wiped her tears from her cheeks.

  “There’s only one way you could look more beautiful,” he whispered.

  She bit her lower lip and whispered, “Naked?”

  “That’s my dirty girl,” he teased. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the Dance of Two Lovers necklace.

  Jade sucked in a jagged breath as fresh tears tumbled down her cheeks.

  “How? Where…?”

  “It was stuck inside your dress. It must have gotten caught during your last fitting.” He gathered her hair over one shoulder and hooked the necklace. “But I want you to know that even if we never found it, it wouldn’t have changed a thing.” He pressed his lips to hers.

  Rex drew the curtain open, and Jade’s father stood in his hospital gown with a dress coat over the top and hospital booties on his feet.

  “I pinned the back closed,” Jane said with a smile.

  Jade laughed through her tears. “Daddy, you’ve never looked more handsome.”

  “Darlin’…” For the first time in her life, Jade saw tears running down her father’s cheeks.

  She wrapped her arms around him. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, darlin’. Now, let’s go get you married before this draft gets any colder.”

  “Give me ten seconds,” Rex said, and touched Jade’s arm as he disappeared into the hallway.

  She heard the “Wedding March” playing, and her father smiled down at her.

  “That’s our cue, darlin’.”

  Jade stepped into the hallway, which was now lined with the flowers they’d ordered from the florist. All of Rex’s cousins from Trusty and their significant others were there, lining the hall with wide smiles. Jade’s bridesmaids stood up the hall to the left of Treat, who was officiating the ceremony. He’d been ordained years earlier in order to marry couples at his resorts. To his right were Rex’s brothers, including Dane. Jade’s eyes swept over the bridesmaids again, lingering on Lacy, who was glowing a little brighter than usual despite being sick.

  Lacy splayed her left hand over her belly. She mouthed, Baby! We eloped! and pointed to the ring on her left finger.

  Jade had no hope of stopping the river of tears that blurred the vision of her soon-to-be sister-in-law or the swell in her heart to know they’d be having babies around the same time.

  Steve whispered something to Shannon that made her blush. Then he walked beside Dylan as he toddled down the aisle carrying a red velvet pillow that Jade knew had their rings attached with a safety pin. Shannon nudged Layla and Adriana, who scattered rose petals along the floor as they followed Steve and Dylan down the hall.

  The aisle.

  Our wedding aisle.

  Our perfect wedding aisle.

  “You can still back out,” her father said quietly with a teasing smile.

  “No chance in hell, Daddy.”

  Jade walked down the aisle on her father’s arm, in her cowgirl boots and wedding gown. It didn’t matter that there were a handful of nurses watching from behind a counter, or that her father wore a hospital gown and booties. All that mattered was that the handsome man at the end of the hall, the one who was looking at her like she was the most beautiful creature that walked the earth, with so much love in his eyes she felt her knees weaken, was about to become her husband.

  And a father.

  I’m going to be a mother. Jade faltered.

  “You okay, darlin’?” her father asked.

  “More than okay,” she said honestly.

  When they reached Rex, her father held her hands, and his eyes turned serious. “I couldn’t be prouder than I am of the woman you’ve become. You’re strong, smart, and stubborn, just like your old man. I adore you, baby girl, and it’s with pleasure and pride that I give your hand in marriage to Rex. He’s a good man.” Earl shifted his eyes to Hal and added, “Like his old man.”

  Hal’s eyes dampened.

  Earl kissed Jade’s cheeks, then lifted his chin to Rex. “Son.”

  How could one word pull more tears from the well she thought she’d run dry?

  Rex took Jade’s hand and he mouthed, I love you.

  Jade mouthed, I’m pregnant.

  Rex’s mouth opened, his eyes widened, and then he swallowed hard. She nodded, and his eyes dropped to her belly. When he lifted them again, his eyes were as damp as hers. He gathered her in his arms and kissed her.

  “Okay,” Treat said with a laugh. “I guess we’re doing things in reverse order.”

  “You’re sure, babe?” Rex splayed his hand over her stomach.

  She nodded.

  “I love you.” He lifted her off her feet and kissed her again.

  Treat cleared his throat.

  “Sorry. Go ahead.” Rex shifted nervously from foot to foot. He’d been smiling since Jade told him she was pregnant, and now, as his eyes shifted from her belly to her face to his father, then back again, she knew he could barely contain his excitement.


  Rex’s arms shot up in the air, interrupting Treat. “We’re pregnant!” He beamed at Jade. “We’re having a baby.” Rex laughed as he scooped Jade into his arms again and kissed her, causing everyone to laugh and cheer.

  “Rex!” Treat said. “Do you take Jade to be your bride?”

  “Damn right I do.” He never took his eyes off of Jade.

  “Jade, do you take Rex to be your husband?” Treat couldn’t have spoken faster if he’d tried.

  “Forever and always.” Jade barely got the words out before Rex sealed their vows with another soul-searing kiss, in a perfect wedding to the love of her life, right there in the hall of Weston Memorial Hospital, surrounded by those who loved them most.

  —The End—

  For more information on the lovable Bradens

  please visit http://www.MelissaFoster.com

  Please enjoy this preview of

  Lovers at Heart (The Bradens, Book One)

  Chapter One

  TREAT BRADEN didn’t usually charter plane
s. It wasn’t his style to flash his wealth, but tonight he needed to be anywhere but his Nassau, Bahamas, resort—and missing his commercial flight had just plain pissed him off. He owned upscale resorts all over the world, and he’d been featured on travel shows so many times that it turned his stomach to have to play those ridiculous media games. Most of the pomp and circumstance surrounding him had begun to irk him in ways that it never had before meeting Max Armstrong. It had been six months since he’d seen her standing in the lobby of his Nassau resort. Six months since his heart first thundered in a way that scared the shit out of him.

  He’d tried to ignore her, but it seemed that everywhere Treat went, she was destined to appear. Treat wasn’t a Neanderthal. He knew he had no claim on her. Hell, he hadn’t even given her any indication that he was attracted to her. But that hadn’t stopped his blood from boiling when he’d seen her with Justin Barr, one of his employees, and it hadn’t stopped him from acting like a prick when he’d seen her the next morning standing in front of the elevators at his resort, wearing the same clothes she’d had on the night before.

  Meeting Max had sent his heart and mind into a wind tunnel of regret. He was thirty-seven, and it was high time that he settled into life and cast away the fears he’d carried around his whole life due to his mother’s untimely death and his father’s grief. I’ll fall in love and she’ll be stolen away. I’ll be as heartbroken as Dad.

  If he’d had to look at the lobby of the Nassau resort for one more second, he might have torn the place down. As the plane landed, Treat knew that getting away from resorts altogether and spending a weekend with his father at his ranch was just what he needed. Being with his family would center him, and Hal Braden had always been a calming influence on Treat. After his mother passed away, it was his father who pulled him and his five siblings through those tumultuous years. His father had constantly pounded a strong work ethic and sense of loyalty into his and his four brothers’ heads, and that had enabled them all to be successful in their careers. His younger sister, Savannah, however, was the most ruthless businessperson of them all. The thought of his gorgeous, albeit cutthroat, sister brought a smile to his lips. He’d have to remember to call her while he was in town.


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